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We need an option to Respec our Ability Scores



  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We need an additional token to respec our initial ability scores and also "reborn/race change token" too.
    Dead 🔪
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ejziponken wrote: »
    My problem is that this is my first MMO. I played the same Control Wizard since the beta. I spent a large amount of time into the game and learned how it works. At this point I have learned that my Ability Scores and even my race isn't optimal for the game-style I play.

    But there is no way I will start all over with a new character since during this last year I have been leveling and upgrading 12 companions and two mounts that are all bound. Spent huge amount of time, effort and AD on those. Its just not fair to ask that I start all over again and its ofc not even worth it. If the items like that wouldnt be bound like they are, I wouldnt have any problems starting over.

    Actually I did start over, I have a new CW and I farmed all the gear etc that I want and I also almost completed both Sharandar and Dread Ring. But why would I play this one when I have all companions on my other one?....... Feels so stupid.

    I was hoping that either they fix a re-roll or unbound companions. Prepared for both options.

    Companion cannot be unbounded anymore due to some reasons, once it was, but the devs shut it and this function is disabled permanently. We can only wait for a ability/race reroll token.
  • thraexisthraexis Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    In my opinion, I think they should just completely
    redesign the ability score or just remove it completely
    and give us extra feats points or add a few new feat/powers.
  • xsuzumexsuzume Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Is there an update on this please?

    I fully appreciate it's on the list, but any steps to prioritise / give us an eta would be greatly appreciated by the Neverwinter community.

    Having played a lot since beta (semi-embarrassed to admit the 98 days worth of gameplay time and counting) and also supported the game and developers with the purchase of Zen as well as been highly active within the Neverwinter community I am currently:

    - All rank 10s enchants inc. utility slots with perfects and BiS gear including 3x Orange Artifacts
    - Have the necessary 5x purple companions plus more (for switching load outs)
    - Having read forums avidly & tested multiple builds am confident of being correctly feated
    - Make full use of all in game mechanics including buffs, combat advantage, etc.
    - Have a bit of a mount and outfit collection going on for fun
    - Have spent a lot of time painfully levelling professions.

    I enjoy playing the GWF to it's maximum potential in PvE and have purely focused on pushing the envelope on this since I first picked up the game

    Yet ... having invested all this (time, effort & money) am still restricted by my choice of race and initial ability rolls within the character creation screen in my first 5 minutes of Neverwinter gameplay approx. 6-7 months ago...

    Like many out there I simply want to be on even ground with others I play alongside without having to re-roll (not a viable option given all the above).

    Please help...

    I'm sure there are many others in the same boat, feeling frustrated that they are essentially being 'handicapped' due to initial rolls and cannot play their character to his/her full potential. I agree also with what was said earlier - that the descriptions of stats presented upon character creation are not very specific and may even be considered misleading.

    The disheartening part of all this is knowing that after all of your effort has been spent leveling, gearing up, doing hundreds upon hundreds of runs, and leveling up professions (all of which is EXTREMELY time consuming), starting a fresh toon over again just to get the rolls/race that you want simply is not a viable option. It is frustrating to know just how crucial those first 5 minutes in character creation were and how much of an impact it now has on our toon's potential.

    You can buy tokens to change your appearance - why can you not buy tokens to change your race?
    You can completely respec your powers, your feats, your boons, and how you put points into your abilities - why can you not respec your initial ability score rolls?

    As I understand, this is being looked into by developers but I would like to have some sort of idea of if and when something like this could be implemented. I know many people who would love to have the option of rerolling stats/race. Having options is definitely a good thing! Please consider this, and thanks for reading :)
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    jazzfong wrote: »
    Wait a min... I just suggested a way where we can reroll a character just like what other ppl did when they want a new ability score and race while keeping our own boons and items. I still support implementing a token to reroll. We do the same thing like those who reroll but when we reach level 60, those work we done and treasure from sharandar and dread can be reclaimed from an item box. Fair to those who had reroll their character and not insta-create one at level 60 with full epic isn't it? Even leveling in NW is easy but u still take a week to do so, Not too OP function in comparison to previous insta-reset idea.

    Id argue that the time investment on a character is more after 60 than before 60. I leveled two characters to 60 in a month and I could do it again. If I was worried about what other people got for their money id quit already. With the ability to transfer zen to astral diamonds, worrying about someone having to level up again is not a big issue.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    jazzfong wrote: »
    Wait a min... I just suggested a way where we can reroll a character just like what other ppl did when they want a new ability score and race while keeping our own boons and items. I still support implementing a token to reroll. We do the same thing like those who reroll but when we reach level 60, those work we done and treasure from sharandar and dread can be reclaimed from an item box. Fair to those who had reroll their character and not insta-create one at level 60 with full epic isn't it? Even leveling in NW is easy but u still take a week to do so, Not too OP function in comparison to previous insta-reset idea.

    Here's the problem you're making me buy my own annoyance. There is no benefit to releveling, and releveling is very fast in this game. I've done it in two days before and could probably do it in one if I decided I wanted to. All you've done is add annoyance into something that people want to make their game play better. Annoying irritated customers is good way to lose customers.
  • revovlerjesus1revovlerjesus1 Member Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This is my first MMO aswell, but as soon as i found out that my mainchars roll and race wasnt the best for my playingstyle, i just faced the fact that you cant reroll or change the race so i made a new one. And this is ALOT of time esp sharandar, if this will now come as a token im really gonna feel cheated and i will be pissed off thats for sure.
  • chipsterchipster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    This is my first MMO aswell, but as soon as i found out that my mainchars roll and race wasnt the best for my playingstyle, i just faced the fact that you cant reroll or change the race so i made a new one. And this is ALOT of time esp sharandar, if this will now come as a token im really gonna feel cheated and i will be pissed off thats for sure.

    Yeah, we know this s--k~ It is still good to have the token.

    Who want to re-roll your character, leveling professions, invest in new mount/outfit/companion, diligently do sharander/dread everyday, farm for the same BiS equipment all over again? Not me for sure.
  • luformluform Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Include Ability Score Rolling When Using Respec Tokens plz.

    There is an old topic about half a year more or ago on allowing players to re-roll the character ability score done at the character creation when using respec token but nothing has changed since. I would like to bring it up again and hope that developers can look into this and make the changes plz. Thnx.
  • lupita170lupita170 Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Been waiting for this since the game came out. Please make this a reality!
  • revovlerjesus1revovlerjesus1 Member Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    chipster wrote: »
    Yeah, we know this s--k~ It is still good to have the token.

    Who want to re-roll your character, leveling professions, invest in new mount/outfit/companion, diligently do sharander/dread everyday, farm for the same BiS equipment all over again? Not me for sure.

    Imo if you like the game that much you just do it, otherwise you just stay with your char and dont cry about it. Why keep on playing it if you feel its not optimal? Keeping on lvling professions and spending more AD on it makes no sens. Or did you just kept on and talked yourself into that the devs will fix it for you? If that is the case you can understand how far behind we are that actually rolling a new char. If this token comes out i guess many will be pleased but alot of ppl will also be pissed off since they had to work superhard to do it all over again.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Imo if you like the game that much you just do it, otherwise you just stay with your char and dont cry about it. Why keep on playing it if you feel its not optimal? Keeping on lvling professions and spending more AD on it makes no sens. Or did you just kept on and talked yourself into that the devs will fix it for you? If that is the case you can understand how far behind we are that actually rolling a new char. If this token comes out i guess many will be pleased but alot of ppl will also be pissed off since they had to work superhard to do it all over again.

    I actually keep one of my really old character and rerolled several clerics after so i am in a half-half situation. Yes, ppl who rerolled will be pissed but those who still insist to go with their old, poor, not perfect character take the risk, if they play with their character for a year then they will get a race/ability respec while those who rerolled CAN play with their optimal build. The oldies suffer from not being as competitive as those who rerolled FOR A YEAR!!! So they actually should be given a chance to change their race and ability score after guarding their old character without leaving the game for ONE YEAR.

    I know what you mean by how far behind a new rerolled character with the old character. My Old One has unlocked more boons with full rank 20 mailsmith and leadership while the new one is below rank 10 and only at the second boon. Dev really should gives attention to those who grind their imperfect character for a year. How long is a year? It is much more longer than time u consumed to reroll and get the boons back, a little comparison you wont be mad. The only problem is if dev not giving any true response, ppl dont know whether to dump all their resources to the oldies or new one AND The Elder Scroll Online gonna leech and drag a big community away with the Real PvP features.
  • chipsterchipster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Imo if you like the game that much you just do it, otherwise you just stay with your char and dont cry about it. Why keep on playing it if you feel its not optimal? Keeping on lvling professions and spending more AD on it makes no sens. Or did you just kept on and talked yourself into that the devs will fix it for you? If that is the case you can understand how far behind we are that actually rolling a new char. If this token comes out i guess many will be pleased but alot of ppl will also be pissed off since they had to work superhard to do it all over again.

    Cry? Why would I? I sympathize with you. Your passion for the game is undeniable. Clocking hours and hours to do it all over again. IMO, from the start, the devs should already cater such token. The amount of the time (re-roll) should be well-spent elsewhere, be it for you to fine-tune your character, or participate in more epic dungeon. This improve player experience.
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    This is why you should do a bit of looking around before you jump into making a character. For the majority of people this isn't their first time playing a MMO so they should known to check out the mechanics first so if you started with bad ability scores that's on you for not spending a few minutes on some forums or google.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This is why you should do a bit of looking around before you jump into making a character. For the majority of people this isn't their first time playing a MMO so they should known to check out the mechanics first so if you started with bad ability scores that's on you for not spending a few minutes on some forums or google.

    You are saying something without being responsible to it. We are the players since beta and there are no guide for us. We don't know what will happen, what will change in the future and all mechanics of our skills. What you all read here or google-d is what we found best to play or another option or a new role or path. You say why not we search first? Do you know that our feats, items' internal cooldown? We are the one who tested it for you all, trying all sorts of build for you all and discussing which is the best and most viable option for our class.

    Look at those human clerics with Caturday Survivor Title, human isn't the best class for clerics but most of us used human as our first option when we enter the game in beta (that time someone said best and everyone follows). If you are one of the beta oldies and saying such things i wont care or say anything BUT you took the results after we invested our resources and simply backstab us back. You said the oldies checking and proving the mechanics for you all NOT DESERVED to have a option to change our original race and ability scores. The guides, builds, skill discussion you searched is our product or our gaming experience and feedback. Without us to clear the path before you then you will have a big trouble on your character progression. Kindly appreciate beta players' effort and not stomping us: "Why not u search forums before u roll?"
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Wow way to go off on a tangent that had absolutely nothing to do with what I said. If you can't spend a few minutes before creating a character to figure out what ability scores and stats do what (and anyone with an inkling of common sense can read the skill descriptions and figure out which ones are worth putting points into) then you deserve to make a bad character.
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Wow way to go off on a tangent that had absolutely nothing to do with what I said. If you can't spend a few minutes before creating a character to figure out what ability scores and stats do what (and anyone with an inkling of common sense can read the skill descriptions and figure out which ones are worth putting points into) then you deserve to make a bad character.

    2 things:
    first is that for example dwarf racials arent working so i pay for that, second is that with new paragon paths you may want to invest those points in some other area, like from an initial wiz-int build to go into wiz-cha or from a str-dex to go into a con-dex.
    I tell you this cause in the first months before you;ve joined NwO ap gain was the thing to do while now is all about power and maybe tomorrow it can be all about defense.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can say many of us suffered from big nerfs and unworking features from our race. Dwarf is a good example for oldies and drow clerics is another issue. Either they fix the bug or let us respec our race and ability score. We put points into a ability score to get the maximum effect but when some major changes jumped in, our ability score is broken.

    I play several clerics till now and 3 big impacts i saw since i join beta.
    1. Astral Shield nerf. Clerics with extremely high recharge speed are very welcomed in the party where we can keep AS long enough. BUT after the BIG NERF those using high INT/CHA rolls (sacrificing STR/WIS) suffer a lot.
    2. HoF nerf. Because of the extremely high crit damage potential of HoF + there is a crit-centered/dps build at that time a potion of pvp clerics pick tiefling for extra damage potential and for dps purpose. HoF nerf reduces the potential of spamming HoF every minutes and making some build not viable anymore.
    3. Gctrl's Halflings PvP sentinels. We cleric is food/free-to-kill in pvp before gctrl introduced halfling tank cleric. Many of us grinding as human cleric and half elf, unlocking nearly all boons and profession ARE NOT willing to give up all effort we done and roll a halfling cleric instead. In addition, if we follow his build we got to invest heavily in DEX/CON abilities, both not our primary and secondary ability. We need a race/ability respec token for changing our caturday survivor human/half elf cleric to halfling, not to say we had already stick to them for nearly a year, unlocking even more features and spent more AD or zen on it.
  • meakxmeakx Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would be more than willing to spend real life currency on a race change, probably more than once. Not sure why this feature hasn't been implemented into the game yet.
  • meakxmeakx Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can't even imagine how many people would utilize this feature. PWE would make a huge profit off of it imo.
  • glaknarglaknar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 45
    edited January 2014
    gunbahaha wrote: »
    I don't like how you off handedly roleplayers with this offensive quote. Allowing people to race change would ruin my immersion and most likely kill the game entirely.

    Bringing up money is also confusing - I think Perfect World are more concerned with building the perfect Dungeons and Dragon MMO than their profits.

    Yes because race changes kill MMOs.

    And have you played PWE games?
  • ehraehra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    If PWE wanted a "true to D&D" method of allowing players to change their base stats or race, all they would have to do is call it Reincarnation and the entire issue would be solved. This is exactly how Dungeons and Dragons Online handles their method of allowing characters to be rerolled/changed and I've never seen anyone complain about it ruining their "immersion."

    Sometimes I feel like the people taking issue with this idea forget the system we're talking about. Changing a character's race isn't even on the high end of the power scale when it comes to what you can traditionally do with magic in D&D.

    And for anyone wondering, yes, Reincarnate still exists in 4th edition D&D.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ehra wrote: »
    If PWE wanted a "true to D&D" method of allowing players to change their base stats or race, all they would have to do is call it Reincarnation and the entire issue would be solved. This is exactly how Dungeons and Dragons Online handles their method of allowing characters to be rerolled/changed and I've never seen anyone complain about it ruining their "immersion."

    Sometimes I feel like the people taking issue with this idea forget the system we're talking about. Changing a character's race isn't even on the high end of the power scale when it comes to what you can traditionally do with magic in D&D.

    And for anyone wondering, yes, Reincarnate still exists in 4th edition D&D.
    That's why I'm 100% convinced that anyone against it is doing it for 100% schadenfreude, there is no other explaination.
  • dsolzdsolz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I just want to spec my cw sex to female. Hehe i will pay!!!
  • autechrelp5autechrelp5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hell yea, base reroll is needed. no bs from devs that it may come sooner or later, we need it now.
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I am not against the ability to change your race, attributes, or sex. Just not all of them at one time, and certainly not by just purchasing a token. Between the current Repec token that is available and this proposed token, all you are doing is buying a ready made 60th level character. Earlier in this thread (on pg 7) I posted ways that all of these changes can be done without buying a token, all of them readily acceptable with in the existing lore, should not upset any RPers, and be only mildly annoying to those that rerolled characters already.

    I will say that the way the base attribute roll is done currently needs to be redone. There is a lack of information for those that do not already have an understanding of D&D. The tooltips for each attribute need to be much more informative as to the effect on classes and stats. Also more information needs to be included on how different races effect these numbers. The current pool of RNG rolls is also done poorly. Give each player a pool of 78 points to divide up how ever they want. This makes it their decision what their character is going to strong in and weak in. Make it so the maximum amount of points you can give to any attribute is 18, and the lowest is 3.

    Of course the caveat to my object is that if the Devs go in and make major changes (I mean major, not a 1 or 2 point buff/nerf) then naturally people should be allowed to adjust their race/base stats in order to keep playability. New bugs or bug fixes are not covered by this caveat, as everybody at some point in time suffers from this, and would be doing nothing but changing with every fix.
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Orden, there is no way they design more content that allows people to make sweeping changes to their character for free. If I have to pay 5 dollars just to change my name, I certainly would have to pay way more to change my race/attributes. I'll go ahead and say this again, but no other game seems to be concerned with this idea that buying a race change is like buying a level 60 character. Don't forget that you are already playing a game that allows you to buy direct power increases with money. So why does this particular token have to be interested in what's good for D&D?
  • v1rus89v1rus89 Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2014
    meakx wrote: »
    I can't even imagine how many people would utilize this feature. PWE would make a huge profit off of it imo.
    +1, we need a feature to reroll base stats, an ETA would be really appreciated by a lot of players.
    Virus, Enemy Team.
  • focusmanfocusman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We need this feature because the explanation when rolling a character isnt sufficient. For example, Charisma, when rolling it it doesnt say it gives you +crit (for a CW). And I refuse to roll a new CW, all the Boons / gear etc...thats almost 1 year of farming etc...
    Wizard of Oz

    Black Lotus

  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Orden, there is no way they design more content that allows people to make sweeping changes to their character for free. If I have to pay 5 dollars just to change my name, I certainly would have to pay way more to change my race/attributes. I'll go ahead and say this again, but no other game seems to be concerned with this idea that buying a race change is like buying a level 60 character. Don't forget that you are already playing a game that allows you to buy direct power increases with money. So why does this particular token have to be interested in what's good for D&D?

    Not everything needs to be monetized, but I digress. It is not just the proposed token that would make it seem like you are buying a ready made 60th level character, but everything else you can already buy in addition to this that makes it seem that way. As for why this token needs to be concerned about what is good for D&D, the game sports the D&D logo that in and of itself is enough reason. Think about all of the places that had logos and have then lost them because the owning company decided that the product/person/team no long fit into the image the company was trying to project. Aside from that however it is that logo that has attracted many players, you cannot really afford to disaffect them either.
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