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Vote Kick system



  • benzchiibenzchii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7
    edited February 2014
    me it happens all the time........ive been kicked everyday without any reason...... they could just say "HEY LEAVE WE DONT NEED YOU"
  • benzchiibenzchii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7
    edited February 2014
    my TR is Stealth BUILD i could solo 1st boss in CN like the SPIDER/ 2nd Boss TALGATh/ 3rd boss XIvros and on temple of Spider on so on
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Please remove the kick function from party...

    Please make it auto kick players that are afk or disconnected for more than 5 minutes.

    I am tired of people kicking me just for laughs or to prevent me from getting DD chest.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • lucidproph3cylucidproph3cy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So I see these threads a lot and I don't know what people are talking about really. I have never been kicked for no reason ever. But here some of the reasons I have kicked people. Reflect on these and if your the one doing them then that's why your getting kicked.

    1. Your not contributing anything to the party, or playing your role. Your a dps class and the cleric is out dpsing you. Your a tank and your running around like a chicken that got his head cut off..

    2. Your making a mess of mobs. Examples: gwf and his roar ability; cw and his repel, ice storm, shield pop; cleric with his sunburst; hr pulling agro and running in circles.

    3. You joined the party during the dungeon. If I had a bad player and kicked him and it's after the 2nd boss I kick everyone else that enters. If you did no work you shouldn't get the rewards.

    4. Not knowing an exploit. This was the actual only time I have ever been kicked from a party.

    5. Agro machine/ picking fights when not needed. New players especially have problems with this and gwf are just like argghhhh I see a thing I can go crush I am gonna do it. Don't pull packs unless instructed to do so. Don't just run in arms a swinging. DV is a larger example of where you can bite of more than you can chew when you pull to many mobs.

    If you avoid these contribute to the team you should have no fear of being kicked. I have only been kicked once and that was because of the reason above. So basically be a good player, know your class/ role, communicate, and team friendly and you should be fine to avoid this.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So I see these threads a lot and I don't know what people are talking about really. I have never been kicked for no reason ever. But here some of the reasons I have kicked people. Reflect on these and if your the one doing them then that's why your getting kicked.

    1. Your not contributing anything to the party, or playing your role. Your a dps class and the cleric is out dpsing you. Your a tank and your running around like a chicken that got his head cut off..

    2. Your making a mess of mobs. Examples: gwf and his roar ability; cw and his repel, ice storm, shield pop; cleric with his sunburst; hr pulling agro and running in circles.

    3. You joined the party during the dungeon. If I had a bad player and kicked him and it's after the 2nd boss I kick everyone else that enters. If you did no work you shouldn't get the rewards.

    4. Not knowing an exploit. This was the actual only time I have ever been kicked from a party.

    5. Agro machine/ picking fights when not needed. New players especially have problems with this and gwf are just like argghhhh I see a thing I can go crush I am gonna do it. Don't pull packs unless instructed to do so. Don't just run in arms a swinging. DV is a larger example of where you can bite of more than you can chew when you pull to many mobs.

    If you avoid these contribute to the team you should have no fear of being kicked. I have only been kicked once and that was because of the reason above. So basically be a good player, know your class/ role, communicate, and team friendly and you should be fine to avoid this.
    Just to add a reason to this,

    If you rolled need when someone has said it's a greed run.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i've never been kicked from a dungeon but i don't usually pug. if i do, i will pug through a group from NW_Legit_Community or another public custom channel. i will rarely use the dungeon queue to solo pug.
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    nap1985 wrote: »
    Wait a minute....you boot people for filling in? Do you have them help you down the boss then kick them before they're able to loot, or just roll with 4 people for the rest of the dungeon?

    Most likely they continue 4 people. I would agree in some cases where, if someone joins right at and/or during the final boss they should be kicked. They did nothing to get to the boss and if they joined while the boss fight is in progress, they have no business getting a reward for the queue adding them in when the party most likely didn't want anyone to join. The queue needs to be fixed/modified so that the party can choose to block the queue adding people in. Not everyone wants a full party for a dungeon for the challenge.
  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    So I see these threads a lot and I don't know what people are talking about really. I have never been kicked for no reason ever. But here some of the reasons I have kicked people. Reflect on these and if your the one doing them then that's why your getting kicked.

    1. Your not contributing anything to the party, or playing your role. Your a dps class and the cleric is out dpsing you. Your a tank and your running around like a chicken that got his head cut off..

    2. Your making a mess of mobs. Examples: gwf and his roar ability; cw and his repel, ice storm, shield pop; cleric with his sunburst; hr pulling agro and running in circles.

    3. You joined the party during the dungeon. If I had a bad player and kicked him and it's after the 2nd boss I kick everyone else that enters. If you did no work you shouldn't get the rewards.

    4. Not knowing an exploit. This was the actual only time I have ever been kicked from a party.

    5. Agro machine/ picking fights when not needed. New players especially have problems with this and gwf are just like argghhhh I see a thing I can go crush I am gonna do it. Don't pull packs unless instructed to do so. Don't just run in arms a swinging. DV is a larger example of where you can bite of more than you can chew when you pull to many mobs.

    If you avoid these contribute to the team you should have no fear of being kicked. I have only been kicked once and that was because of the reason above. So basically be a good player, know your class/ role, communicate, and team friendly and you should be fine to avoid this.

    Omg lol....this reads like it was taken straight from the giant placard on the wall of some gold-spammer forced labor sweatshop. Those of us that are not coerced into playing this game actually do it to relax and have "fun". I can understand if conditions were set and agreed on prior to the start of the run, and if a person repeatedly fails to meet his end of the agreement, but aside from that...no way I am kicking someone. What an anal pile of nonsense.
    melodywhr wrote: »
    i've never been kicked from a dungeon but i don't usually pug. if i do, i will pug through a group from NW_Legit_Community or another public custom channel. i will rarely use the dungeon queue to solo pug.

    ^^^This x a million. If you actually want to fight the mobs or at least not get kicked for doing so, if you don't know all of the exploits or just don't want to use them, use the legit channel. In my experience runs starting from there rarely kick anyone for stupid reasons. It should almost be the "have fun playing the game" channel because it is the most laid back 'community' in Neverwinter. There is a level of tolerance, almost permissiveness that just isn't there in most of the rest of NWO. Which is odd because it really is the legit channel lol.
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
  • lucidproph3cylucidproph3cy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Seems like a lot of people that have posted haven't read my I initial post properly. Please read carefully I was only explaining some reasons why I have seen people kicked or I have kicked people for. Yes I will kick you if your dps sucks and by that I mean I was doing karrundex with a 14k HR and continuously watched him stand around while we killed mobs. We were approaching the 2nd boss and his dps was 200k which was less that the cleric at 392k. We decided to kick him and 4 man it from then on. Like I said if your not contributing to the party or attempting to help I will kick you because you did not do the work to achieve the loot.

    Getting kick after a boss you helped defeat is wrong. I also don't kick people if they are new I will explain things to them and ask if it's their first time. But if they say they are experienced and start acting a fool I will warn you once then I will kick you if you do it again. Actually most new players are good since they follow directions very well.

    Do I need speed farming sweat shop runs no I don't. Nor do I expect it. I do expect you to communicate, and contribute to the party and if you don't why should I keep you around. Why not kick you let someone else that deserves to be there come in.
  • foundanameformefoundanameforme Banned Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Simply stop doing party in PuG. Join guild group, channel group. Don't use the queque system.
  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Seems like a lot of people that have posted haven't read my I initial post properly. Please read carefully I was only explaining some reasons why I have seen people kicked or I have kicked people for. Yes I will kick you if your dps sucks and by that I mean I was doing karrundex with a 14k HR and continuously watched him stand around while we killed mobs. We were approaching the 2nd boss and his dps was 200k which was less that the cleric at 392k. We decided to kick him and 4 man it from then on. Like I said if your not contributing to the party or attempting to help I will kick you because you did not do the work to achieve the loot.

    Getting kick after a boss you helped defeat is wrong. I also don't kick people if they are new I will explain things to them and ask if it's their first time. But if they say they are experienced and start acting a fool I will warn you once then I will kick you if you do it again. Actually most new players are good since they follow directions very well.

    Do I need speed farming sweat shop runs no I don't. Nor do I expect it. I do expect you to communicate, and contribute to the party and if you don't why should I keep you around. Why not kick you let someone else that deserves to be there come in.

    That is much more reasonable sounding than your first post lol. I can see watching someone make mistakes and then trying to advise them constantly and they just keep ignoring the advice and doing the wrong thing over and over, that might warrant a kick because it can be worse even than an afk or dc'd toon.

    I think it is reasonable to state at the start of the run that anyone who becomes a liability will be kicked- those who aren't sure will just drop party right away and those who are sure won't be shocked if they get the boot. But then we have a problem with what constitutes class roles and contribution and liability and differing playstyles.

    Really so much safer for all parties involved to join a guild and avoid pugs as much as possible.
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
  • killzoneexkillzoneex Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    They did nothing to get to the boss and if they joined while the boss fight is in progress, they have no business getting a reward for the queue adding them in when the party most likely didn't want anyone to join. The queue needs to be fixed/modified so that the party can choose to block the queue adding people in. Not everyone wants a full party for a dungeon for the challenge.

    Well sorry, but that is how the queue works. It's not like they "chose" to join at the last boss and not do the other part of the dungeon. But YOU do have a choice and kicking them most likely messes up their place in the queue and denies them their shot at a DD. As far as I'm concerned, I report anyone kicking right at the end boss or instantly after you join a group. That's clearly against the ToS for denying folks from content of the game. The queue whether you like it or not is "public" and you don't get to chain kick people from the group for your own pleasure.
  • lucidproph3cylucidproph3cy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The vote kick system is much better than it used to be. Does still need minor improvements. The only improvement I can see is 1 let GWF's que as tanks. And 2 is don't allow any players to add into the dungeon at the end 2nd boss and don't allow kicks after the end of the 2nd boss this will prevent people from kicking because of loot and stop players from kicking other players that didn't do over half the dungeon. I would say you could do it at the initiation of the fight on the final boss but I feel people would just kick prior to that still not fixing the problem. Or an ability to lock the players in that is voted on for no kicking and no adding. Although this won't help at all with greed runs which I think you should be able to change the loot to greed only for a party and vote on it.
  • nap1985nap1985 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I cant say I agree with kicking someone at the last boss, at all. I'm sure many of you have at one time or another spent most of the hour of DD in the que, waiting for it to pop. Then it finally does, it's not your fault the group is on the final boss. Much of the time, people like myself have a hard time getting in on DD during its timeframe, so I basically don't get to run dungeons at all, because there's virtually zero reason to run anything when it's not DD. Sure some of the end game dungeons are worth running outside of that hour, but most everything else isn't. You're punishing people for using the que system instead of finding a full group in PE.

    I think DD needs to go. Should be replaced with a daily quest that gives you a key to access the chest once a day.

    I do agree though, that adding a feature that allows the party to block further invites is a good solution, even if I don't agree with your reasoning.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The real problem in my mind is the naming system. Let's say you get kicked upon load into the dungeon. You might see a toon name but not the @handle. This gives a layer of anonymity which lets people kick for any reason. If there was an easier way to find the toons full name including @handle to make a report for genuine abuse cases such as people being booted after the last boss is down and something nice dropped, it would be a better system as people would be less likely to abuse it.

    As it is now however your best solution on a personal level is to not use the queue. It already has myriad other problems that make it the worst way to do a dungeon. Use lfg, guild, and channel. If you are not an exploiter the legit channel has many good people to run with.

    It'd be nice to have a robust queue system but with dungeon design in neverwinter being what it is, I don't see it ever happening.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Open Friendslist when you enter a dungeon, select My Party, screenshot.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    nwnghost wrote: »
    Open Friendslist when you enter a dungeon, select My Party, screenshot.

    And that is a decent workaround. But very few people know how to do it. The problem is that the people that encounter this problem are new players that don't know about various things like this as evidenced by the fact that they still try to use the queue system. I've said it before but the best fix for the queue system because of all the problems is to close it to parties that aren't full at this point. Solo queue for people is horribly irrepairably broken.
  • lucidproph3cylucidproph3cy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have done that to a ninja looter and I doubt anything was done to said person. We reported the characters name and handle with the item that was dropped.. With cryptic being so short manned and so pressed for content you really think they will have the time to look into every situation and fix it. I just recently lost an artifact to a bug and they basically said oh well. I don't find reporting people to be a viable solution at all with their track history. Only solution now is LFG, guild, and community. Still wish I could change the loot roles to only greed just to be sure.
  • dllindsey12dllindsey12 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So I see these threads a lot and I don't know what people are talking about really. I have never been kicked for no reason ever. But here some of the reasons I have kicked people. Reflect on these and if your the one doing them then that's why your getting kicked.

    1. Your not contributing anything to the party, or playing your role. Your a dps class and the cleric is out dpsing you. Your a tank and your running around like a chicken that got his head cut off..

    2. Your making a mess of mobs. Examples: gwf and his roar ability; cw and his repel, ice storm, shield pop; cleric with his sunburst; hr pulling agro and running in circles.

    3. You joined the party during the dungeon. If I had a bad player and kicked him and it's after the 2nd boss I kick everyone else that enters. If you did no work you shouldn't get the rewards.

    4. Not knowing an exploit. This was the actual only time I have ever been kicked from a party.

    5. Agro machine/ picking fights when not needed. New players especially have problems with this and gwf are just like argghhhh I see a thing I can go crush I am gonna do it. Don't pull packs unless instructed to do so. Don't just run in arms a swinging. DV is a larger example of where you can bite of more than you can chew when you pull to many mobs.

    If you avoid these contribute to the team you should have no fear of being kicked. I have only been kicked once and that was because of the reason above. So basically be a good player, know your class/ role, communicate, and team friendly and you should be fine to avoid this.

    yeah HR cant help number 2 at all. their damage is so high that their threat meter is off the scale. you shouldnt kick an HR bc they are drawing too much aggro. HR has really low defense and once the adds surround them....combat advantage kicks in and they take more damage than they should. so please consider this before you go kicking HRs from the group bc they are kiting adds to keep themself alive. maybe you should make an HR ranger and see for yourself how much aggro you pull.
  • dllindsey12dllindsey12 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    and honestly what is the point of kicking people during/before the last boss fight? we are all there for one reason...gear. you should be ashamed of yourself for the selfish reasons you kick people. i dont care if you came in during the boss fight. if you help down it then you get your share of the loot. plain and simple.
  • dllindsey12dllindsey12 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    nap1985 wrote: »
    I cant say I agree with kicking someone at the last boss, at all. I'm sure many of you have at one time or another spent most of the hour of DD in the que, waiting for it to pop. Then it finally does, it's not your fault the group is on the final boss. Much of the time, people like myself have a hard time getting in on DD during its timeframe, so I basically don't get to run dungeons at all, because there's virtually zero reason to run anything when it's not DD. Sure some of the end game dungeons are worth running outside of that hour, but most everything else isn't. You're punishing people for using the que system instead of finding a full group in PE.

    I think DD needs to go. Should be replaced with a daily quest that gives you a key to access the chest once a day.

    I do agree though, that adding a feature that allows the party to block further invites is a good solution, even if I don't agree with your reasoning.
    and adding to this....ive entered a dungeon during DD only to not be able to complete it because EVERYONE has left it.
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    and honestly what is the point of kicking people during/before the last boss fight? we are all there for one reason...gear. you should be ashamed of yourself for the selfish reasons you kick people. i dont care if you came in during the boss fight. if you help down it then you get your share of the loot. plain and simple.

    Question: How can you help down a boss when you can't enter the fight unless the party wipes?
  • dllindsey12dllindsey12 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Question: How can you help down a boss when you can't enter the fight unless the party wipes?

    if they come in during the last boss fight...i wouldnt care...they still waited in the queue for heaven knows how long and deserve something even if its nothing. if they win the loot roll...oh well better luck next time. i didnt go there for the loot rolls. i went in there for whats in the chest at the end.
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    if they come in during the last boss fight...i wouldnt care...they still waited in the queue for heaven knows how long and deserve something even if its nothing. if they win the loot roll...oh well better luck next time. i didnt go there for the loot rolls. i went in there for whats in the chest at the end.

    That's the difference. A lot people go in there for the rare off-chance of a good epic to sell from the final boss since they already have their T2, hence the greed runs so everyone gets a fair chance at it (when there aren't ninjas...). This is, in my opinion, the most common method for people to make extra AD outside of the 24k per day refining cap and is safer to do during DD for that security item at the end. Now, you just kill the boss and a swashbuckler or Avatar of War T2 set piece drops (both are easily 400k+ for any piece) and some random is sent in from the queue at the last minute before the boss dies and they win the loot that you just ran the entire dungeon for. How is that fair? That is one of the only times I ever vote to kick people from the parties I am in simply because its not fair in the slightest. Now, if they pass the loot then they are free to stay and get the DD chest for all I care, but most people roll on loot just because its in their face and they see a nice item listed.

    Again, add to the party system an option to block the queue from adding anyone to it as well as block kicking during/after the final boss. That would solve just about all of the issues right there. Although, it would open up an easier opportunity to ninja. For example, during a DK greed run (that was agreed upon before we even entered the dungeon) a few days ago a High Vizier set piece dropped. One of the CW in the party waited until ~5s before the loot is given to press need to try and ninja it (they already had full High Vizier, so they didn't even actually need it as justification) and got vote kicked out not even a second later, thus blocking the attempt. That is one good reason to be able to kick after a boss, but its still, for the most part, a bad idea to be able to kick after the final boss as it gets abused more often than not.

    As for your comment about waiting in the queue for a long time, any luck with just try the /lfg channel or even the NW_Legit_Community? I've not personally used the NW_Legit_Community, but I haven't heard anything bad about it at all and it has enough people joined from the looks of it to be able to form a party pretty easily. As for the /lfg channel, it can be annoying to get a party since most people in there will simply stack 2-3 CW, 1 DC, and 1-2 dps (usually a GWF or TR/HR) for just about every dungeon, which is honestly silly (the stacking that many CW part), but its not impossible to form a group.
  • lucidproph3cylucidproph3cy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    yeah HR cant help number 2 at all. their damage is so high that their threat meter is off the scale. you shouldnt kick an HR bc they are drawing too much aggro. HR has really low defense and once the adds surround them....combat advantage kicks in and they take more damage than they should. so please consider this before you go kicking HRs from the group bc they are kiting adds to keep themself alive. maybe you should make an HR ranger and see for yourself how much aggro you pull.

    I have every class Lvl 60 and 2 of some so yes I have rolled an HR and yes it is easy to avoid this if you know how to play and what your are doing. You just need to figure how to Lvl your dps out and not spike. I never had problems with my HR I actually got compliments from parties I ran with because that very fact I wasn't pulling Ads running around in a circle dieing.

    So yes they can help it. Also their damage isn't so high I never get out dps by an HR not even in the same ballpark when I am on my CW. So technically when a HR runs with me the number two rarely ever happens they may pull 1 mob or 2 at most. Just mentioning it as an example of why you may get kicked. For more information about why people don't like HR's there is a 7 page thread about why they are so bad and it's mostly because people don't know how to play the class.

    Now to be honest I have never waited an hour in a que that is just stupid. I make parties immediately from the LFG channel and maximum it takes ten minutes and I run a full dungeon. For no reason people should be allow to join a que and do nothing and get loot. That makes no sense at all. Plus the reason they can ninja the loot. If you don't like the que don't use it. As of right now it's completely optional. Form your own group and farm I have always done that and have only been kicked once.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited February 2014
    General Notice:
    . . . .
    If you feel you've been unjustly kicked from a group, please report the player(s) through the GM Help menu in-game and choose the Behavior selection. To get there, press H (by default) or press Escape, then Help and choose GM Help. Just as a reminder, it is not okay to post the names of players kicking others on the forums. Thanks!
  • iamdoctordeathiamdoctordeath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ah Neverwinter, I was almost considering coming back- but after reading this and realizing how little you've changed in a year...

    How does a game based on one of the most community based role playing systems ever made, manage to be one of the most toxic when it comes to in game support for community building?

    Leader only kicks, ability to spam votekicks, ability to instant kick during a boss or right after before looting. No votekick system is perfect or prevents abuse- but at least other games TRY to prevent some of the worst of it.
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