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The community

barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
edited January 2014 in General Discussion (PC)

There's maybe already a thread about it, I quickly searched, almost 4am soon here and I don't want to spend the all night on this so, sorry.

I just wanted to point out that the community in Neverwinter is just not a nice one.
Ask a question on the global chat, you will have 1 nice answer in PM and 30 other on the global mocking you about how a n.oob and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you are etc.

An other thing, when you pug with the group finder, I always (in a skirmish, pvp, dungeon) will say just "Hi" and "Thanks" at the end. 80% of the time, nobody will answer, talk during the dungeon and say anything at the end. That's just very lame !

And you can't blame the group finder for that, it's also in STO or swtor and people are not like that.
How hard is it to respond just "Hi".

So Cryptic, think about it and do something please. It's not nice to be alone and new in this kind of community and you will need new players too to keep this MMO going.

And to other players, I'm not talking about your nice guild and the small circle around it.
I'm talking about the rest of the community, out of your bubble.

thank you
Post edited by barbotineqc on


  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This is normal. Zone chats are horrid in every mmo for new players, and 80% of people don't talk in pugs in any game. This is not a neverwinter issue, this is an mmo issue and you will not find a difference in any of them overall.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You must understand that zone chat, particularly in protector's enclave, is just a mishmash of people - many of which don't have the patience for "newbies" that don't know everything - forgetting the fact that they too were once new to the game.

    I've had much better luck asking for help or seeking answers to my questions in other questing zones.

    I'd also like to shamelessly plug NW_Legit_Community - while its original intent was to provide a place for non-cheaters to find dungeon teams, it's grown into a very positive and helpful community in its own right.

    Regardless, I urge you to take the negativity with a grain of salt, and not as a true reflection of the Neverwinter players as a whole.

    Best wishes!
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    And what, exactly, should they do that they are not doing now?

    They can not stop people from sending PMs, so if someone sends you a nasty one, how is that on Cryptic? Report those people and Cryptic can look into taking action, but otherwise, expect that when given anonymity will act like idiots and jerks.

    As far as the skirmishes and dungeons go, they can't make people talk to you, either. If you want a more social experience in skirmishes and dungeons then you need to find a guild to join and run those with fellow members.

    Oh, and they have a guild section on the forums to make it as easy as possible. Yet another thing that they are doing the best they can with.

    You aren't talking about people in their little 'bubbles'? Maybe you should think about finding a nice little bubble of your own so that you don't have to deal with whatever random people end up in your team or respond to your questions.

    And no, I am not in a guild. But I know that until I join one that it's PUG city for me, and I have no grounds to complain about it.

    What else?
    You say they should do something, but what is it exactly that they can do?

    They have given us ignore lists, reporting ability, guilds to join and forums to find like-minded players.

    They can not make people act nice or talk to each other.
  • stercogburnstercogburn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 214 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I always say hello to groups.

    Unfortunately, I've had to switch off zone, LFG and trade chat because Cryptic aren't really getting a handle on the gold-seller spam. It was damaging my calm. This is the first game in which I've ever done this and I've been playing MMOs a long time. I feel a little sad that I'm missing out potentially on some zone giggles but its worth it just for peace sake. Friday night in Protector's Spamclave was usually quite a giggle.
    charononus wrote: »
    This is normal. Zone chats are horrid in every mmo for new players, and 80% of people don't talk in pugs in any game. This is not a neverwinter issue, this is an mmo issue and you will not find a difference in any of them overall.

    Sadly this is quite true.
    Roo. Cleric. Mad as a bag of badgers, will heal for beer.

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  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    You might be in a pug with all non-native english speakers, too.
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I just wanted to point out that the community in Neverwinter is just not a nice one.
    Ask a question on the global chat, you will have 1 nice answer in PM and 30 other on the global mocking you about how a n.oob and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you are etc.

    Next time you have any questions try to search the forum and if you can't find a matching thread then ask , most of the people on the forum generally tend to be very helpful.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I had been kicking around the idea of a "new-player Q&A hour" in the Driftwood Tavern in PE at a specific time, say three times a week or something. But I have to test if people getting there in the specific instance can do so easily (basically enter the tavern then change to the specific instance and everyone is there).

    There is a groups that does this in STO - always in instance #1 in the bottom floor of the Earth Spacedock, I know role play happens always in Instance #1 in Quark's Bar at DS9. It's pretty easy to get into those instances in STO, but I haven;t tested doing something like this in neverwinter.

    Having such thing in the tavern should eliminate all the zone chatter so it's pseudo-private (this would also need to be tested).

    To the OP: There are a lot of us who want to help newcomers to the game. It's the hooking-up that's difficult, not to mention just getting the word out.

    I'll continue to let the idea percolate for a while, I s'pose.
  • cindarelesnercindarelesner Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The only other MMO I play has a much smaller player base, so over time, everyone gets to know everyone else, and despite the small number of players, they socialise a lot more. I guess a "big cities versus small towns" analogy would not be too far off the mark. Otherwise, I can't add much more than what others have already pointed out.
  • esleffesleff Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    This is normal. Zone chats are horrid in every mmo for new players, and 80% of people don't talk in pugs in any game. This is not a neverwinter issue, this is an mmo issue and you will not find a difference in any of them overall.


    I've played many MMos and people in other games talk a hell of a lot more than this game. I've played with most countries as well over the past 15 years and this Is the only game where the community is filled with horrid people.

    WoW was the only game that I ever came across with "barrens chat" and people scoffing at you but even then with 11 million people you did not run into asshats as much as you do in this game.
  • alexgabriel23alexgabriel23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 276
    edited January 2014

    There's maybe already a thread about it, I quickly searched, almost 4am soon here and I don't want to spend the all night on this so, sorry.

    I just wanted to point out that the community in Neverwinter is just not a nice one.
    Ask a question on the global chat, you will have 1 nice answer in PM and 30 other on the global mocking you about how a n.oob and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you are etc.

    An other thing, when you pug with the group finder, I always (in a skirmish, pvp, dungeon) will say just "Hi" and "Thanks" at the end. 80% of the time, nobody will answer, talk during the dungeon and say anything at the end. That's just very lame !

    And you can't blame the group finder for that, it's also in STO or swtor and people are not like that.
    How hard is it to respond just "Hi".

    So Cryptic, think about it and do something please. It's not nice to be alone and new in this kind of community and you will need new players too to keep this MMO going.

    And to other players, I'm not talking about your nice guild and the small circle around it.
    I'm talking about the rest of the community, out of your bubble.

    thank you

    all "FREE TO PLAY" game are the same on 1 thing community every 10-15 year kid can download it and play acting stupid and trash talking for no reason or just random trolling .. dont expect a grown man to do this ... just ignore the ppl that trash talk they are prob 10 -15 year old or in some cases they hit 18 and they start to live in a different reality teenage and hitting 18 is a **** thing for this kids this days
  • alexgabriel23alexgabriel23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 276
    edited January 2014
    Also you guys if any of you played LoL ul fiind the most toxic community over there i quited that game to much trash talk "mom jokes" and cancer curses etc
  • truvanotruvano Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    esleff wrote: »
    this Is the only game where the community is filled with horrid people.

    That is a hilarious statement and makes me wonder what you've played. I don't find this community 'horrid' at all. Ignore the jerks and move on. As for not talking/typing during a dungeon, I didn't join to have a cup of tea and chat about my day with random people.
  • stopicanhitustopicanhitu Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    my thoughts

    maybe they should have a dedicated official help chat
    also beginners would need to know how to change to the different chats
    also changing chats is not very efficient
    possibly some rules of conduct in zone chats
    and some player moderators
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Your best bet is to join a Guild and just ignore the Zone altogether. You're right, Zone is a cesspool. Join a guild that is supportive, friendly and active and you'll never have any need to turn on Zone again, unless you just need a laugh at the awfulness of it. (*shameless plug*) I suggest the 'Cloaks guilds (see my sig) - Its one of the oldest guilds in Neverwinter and is now comprised of three full guilds because of the guild member limit. Greycloaks, based on the guild ID, was in fact, the 6th guild ever formed in the game and we're over 500 players (not characters, mind you, players based on unique account IDs), and incredibly active. If you're anywhere in the EU or North America time zones, it's rare to see less than 12 players online in Grey or Whitecloaks. Take a look at our guild site and PM someone (or apply online) if you'd like an invite. You can leave the mess of anon pugs and unfriendly Zone trolls behind forever.
  • tornnomartornnomar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Zone chat was the first thing I unticked in the chat settings! I'll turn it on every once in awhile for a good laugh because people can say the craziest things.

    I have the Legit channel active and on some days its been a little off the wall, but for the most part its full of like minded players who just wanna run dungeons and have a fun time playing.

    People also tend to be not as polite or courteous when in an environment of unaccountability and relative anonymity.
    Branch Lead
  • xxmantaraxxxxmantaraxx Member Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I look at it like this: Have you ever been to a bar with a high cover to get in? like 10 to 15$ just to walk through the door? This is done to restrict the type of people that frequent that establishment and to groom the type of clientele that bar attracts. Bars with no cover draw all sorts. good elements, bad elements, and often the mood of the bar changes by the hour depending on the types of people flowing through at any given moment. so equate this to mmos and it translates pretty well. Free to Play games attract a different and much more varied player base than sub mmos. Much like the no cover bar the mood of the zone fluctuates as the players flow in and out. Also, If you stood on the corner of a crowded street and yelled "Where is 39th Ave from here!?" you would be pretty lucky to get one person to respond.

    Ara Atheanes GWF
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    Jerkface McGee HR

  • barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There is truth to what you're all saying.

    But, I'm not new in MMOs and statements like "it's like that in every MMOs" and "what do you want them (cryptic) to do" or "you should find a guild" are not true, sorry.

    First I can't find a guild, I'm playing one week 20h the other 2h , that's not reliable enough.
    Second, STo (this one is a F2P too), TSW, Eve all have a 1 server tech and got a nice community, people are at least saying "HI" in dungeon, even if they're spanish or french (or even Russian for Age Of Conan)

    Ofc there's the usual *character* on the global chat who will bash you for no reason but it's a few guys, not an army !

    Like it was said, cryptic could :

    -moderate more
    -create an official "Help" channel
    -actually do something when you report a player for inappropriate behavior (like being insulted in normal low level dungeons because you don't know the strat - you can't defend that, and it really discourages new players)
    -Make subliminal messages in loading screens saying "Never forget you were a beginner once" or stuff like that.

    And players could/must do something too, I always said in MMOs "you create the community where you want to play", deactivating the zone chat is NOT a solution. Starting to put bad ppl in their place in the chat when they're picking on the new guy, if you're many to do that IS effective.

    You don't build a good community in 2 days by doing nothing.
    Some Swtor servers got a very very nice community, Age of Conan, TSW, STo, Eve Online, PoE, FFXIV, Lotro and other games got a cool one too. (it depends of you server ofc but my point is, it's possible).

    I don't want a fairy tale world, just a nice one.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    esleff wrote: »

    I've played many MMos and people in other games talk a hell of a lot more than this game. I've played with most countries as well over the past 15 years and this Is the only game where the community is filled with horrid people.

    WoW was the only game that I ever came across with "barrens chat" and people scoffing at you but even then with 11 million people you did not run into asshats as much as you do in this game.
    WoW, DDO, Lotro, Rift, and The Secret World all have these issues. Not sure why you haven't experienced them. Eve also had issues but they were slightly different.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Bad manners are common in all MMOs, unfortunately. Doesn't make it okay, but it's far from surprising or unique.

    That said, Winter Festival zone chat was an incredibly toxic example. WTB 1 GM to allocate 15 minutes of his/her shift each day to log in at a random time to publicly issue reprimands and bans for speech that crosses the line ten times over.

    While it's not feasible to expect full-time policing of player chat, people might consider keeping their discriminatory and other highly inflammatory comments to themselves if they knew for a fact that there could be repercussions. It's really sick what people get away with here.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Sorry to hear about this negative experience! We're continually working on making our in-game and out-of-game communities even more welcoming for everyone.

    I'd love to see a grassroots effort to help with this. If you see someone in need of help, please think about lending a hand, and encourage niceness! If someone's been nice to you, please consider paying it forward, and answering a question!

    The more we can all promote respect and friendliness in-game and on the forums, the more positive and welcoming behavior will become the norm.

    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • radiick507radiick507 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I played an MMO a while back that had "mentors" or "veterans" that you could communicate with and ask questions. They had thier own tab in a Player search window. It was their job to answer your "newb" question in very lay terms and even take you on a tour if you asked them. They were not there to Power Level you or kill a higher level mob etc....they were simply there to help you out with general questions and what equipment or stats, skills you should be using. If only I can remember what MMO that was??? Dark Age of Camelot? EveruQuest2? Too many years ago for my simple mind now to remember.

    What gets me is when we see other languages then English spoken and you get some "tard" complain about it in Zone chat. I mean, come on? This is a game for all. I love seeing other languages being spoken/typed, it really shows to me how "worldly" this game is.
  • abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    radiick507 wrote: »
    What gets me is when we see other languages then English spoken and you get some "tard" complain about it in Zone chat. I mean, come on? This is a game for all. I love seeing other languages being spoken/typed, it really shows to me how "worldly" this game is.

    Same here. Heck, back in open beta I had fun questing in the Tower District with a guy (my DC pre-aggro-fix, his companionless GF, we mutually needed help) that, it turned out, had no idea what I was saying nor did I have any idea what he was saying, but we just rolled with it and had fun anyway. You don't need to understand each other's languages in this game, just have to understand each other's humanity. That's part of the fun.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    abell39 wrote: »
    Same here. Heck, back in open beta I had fun questing in the Tower District with a guy (my DC pre-aggro-fix, his companionless GF, we mutually needed help) that, it turned out, had no idea what I was saying nor did I have any idea what he was saying, but we just rolled with it and had fun anyway. You don't need to understand each other's languages in this game, just have to understand each other's humanity. That's part of the fun.
    This is fine till you run harder content where you need to communicate a strategy. At that point having players not understand each other is a major detriment. Not saying that it should be gotten rid of, just saying that playing with those that can't understand you is usually a bad idea.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    This is fine till you run harder content where you need to communicate a strategy. At that point having players not understand each other is a major detriment. Not saying that it should be gotten rid of, just saying that playing with those that can't understand you is usually a bad idea.

    That's a very different complaint from those who see a language that isn't English used in zone chat and immediately launch into a tirade about it. Which happens. Regularly.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    That's a very different complaint from those who see a language that isn't English used in zone chat and immediately launch into a tirade about it. Which happens. Regularly.

    I learned long ago to turn off zone chat or ignore it in all mmo's so I'm not surprised. My one complaint about the language settings at the moment is that when running a skirmish if the party lead is using a non-english client I get the cuts scenes in their language rather than english.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    esleff wrote: »

    I've played many MMos and people in other games talk a hell of a lot more than this game. I've played with most countries as well over the past 15 years and this Is the only game where the community is filled with horrid people.

    WoW was the only game that I ever came across with "barrens chat" and people scoffing at you but even then with 11 million people you did not run into asshats as much as you do in this game.

    See, my experience has been the opposite of this. Most other Games I have tried over the years, From Ultima Online to present, have had absolutely DESPICABLE communities. The general rule of thumb seems to be that "Hey! if I slather human waste all over the Chat Screen, then no-body will want to come near me, everyone else will quit, and then I WIN THE WHOLE GAME!! YAY ME!!!!"
    The only exceptions have been games catering to older audiences such as Champions Online and The Secret World. Sad to say, the level of pure Evil in Neverwinter is well below the levels of, say, Diablo III or Terra.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • ontrix1ontrix1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    One of the main items that has really bothered me about this game is that exact issue. It doesn't matter if you are new or old to the game, it is all the same. This is happens when you have a bunch of immature people playing together. One thing you can do to help this is turn off Zone Chat or ignore the players (right click on their name and choose ignore). If you turn off Zone Chat and have a question, you can turn zone chat on again and just ignore the ones that do not answer your questions.

    Someone mentioned joining a guild. This is a very good way to make "friends" and talk to people. When you are in a dungeon, talking is not the main purpose of the dungeon. It's to survive.. Unless it has to do with the dungeon, you should be too busy to talk. There are some of us who get around that by using voice instead of typing.

    I have been on this game since it was in Beta and have met some very nice people. Give it time and you will meet people. Join a Guild like Assaulters. They have a really great bunch of people, you are not required to participate in events, and they have fun in the game. Plus, someone in the guild can answer just about any question you may have regarding the game, a zone in the game, or general information.

    Good luck and fight on.
  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I agree with previous posters who have suggested a dedicated Help channel. I have Zone turned off, but I would probably keep a Help channel on.
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • ministerofchangeministerofchange Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I have played several games with the "Help" channel - it is a very good idea.
  • radiick507radiick507 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    As much as Zone can be a pain, I ALWAYS keep it on...............1 - I love to right click and ignore the Gold Sellers, but 2 - is because I see what is going on with the general populace. Now and then a good conversation pop ups, sometimes a real good joke comes across the chat lines, and other times I can see the call for help. Sometimes it is a blast calling someone on calling another a Newb......I love interjecting and telling peeps to lay off instead of belittle.

    Again, to each their own, but if you want a viable and strong Community, you must PARTICIPATE in it, if you simply ignore or remove that Zone chat, then you are NOT in the loop, nor are you in the care to keep this game alive and founded for future players. Call me an a** if you want, but a Community of people is only viable if people from all walks of life, all races, all genders, all income brackets, all languages, races, all levels of expertise, sexual orientation, religious beliefs etc...are able to help each other.

    You may say" well it's not my job to help others" then so be it, when the game looses it's vigour for you? You may not to look far to see who to blame. I guess that this is my left wing social agenda justice speaking, but come on peeps, you are either a participater of a great community or an ogre who thinks of "me myself and I" and doesn't care about the consequences....

    Someone needed help in Celadaine Tower last evening and was totally clueless on what to do. I asked a simple question about how new they were and told them no problem, let me show you the ropes.........at the end of the instance, I had given this new player a couple of Idols, new pants, new shirts and some Gold to help them along the way. What do you know, this same player messages me and said that he/she was able to get 4 of their friends today to join the game..........
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