Hi i have a dwarf GWF when i transmute my weapon to Axe something strange happen not sure if this is bug or just something that i do wrong ...
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fauust01Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Red Cap GWF helm
Red Cap GreatSword
and GWF Dread SET ?
and Greatsword of Aryvandaar
i would be pleased !
That is, from the look, dragon slayer scale and may be boots. Bracers are not dragon slayer. Helm looks like the hrimnir helm.
GWF redcap helm looks like the redcap helm of the monsters, and also partially covers your eyes.
Dread Legion set can be seen in the previous page, if i recall well. One guy has it dyed winter wolf with some red parts (don't remember the name, but you'll see it). Helm is just a mask covering the Whole face.
Winter sword skin + terror chant ;]
Fallen Dragon Greatsword, in all it's glory.
sorry i cant stop myself lol
this has to be the first and only time i ve said to my self : WOW when i saw a gear pic of any of the topics here...really good man !
speaking of, anyone have the name of that armor?
Really, could they make a longer handle. WHo approves this stuff?
Clearly they're working on balancing it with the Gilded Greatsword of Waukeen which had too much hilt!
Yeah, that is great looking armor!
Armor Transmuted to T1 Thayan Set (original colors, which I think look awesome).
Fallen Dragon Greatsword (which I think I'm going to keep, as well. Love the look).
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Red Cap GWF helm
Red Cap GreatSword
and GWF Dread SET ?
and Greatsword of Aryvandaar
i would be pleased !
Herod the Titan.
Would have preferred to show him off with his old barbarian hammer...But they shrunk it, and it's just too small to wield and take seriously =/
is this Dragon Slayer set ?
Can any one post Picture of
Red Cap GWF helm
Red Cap GreatSword
and GWF Dread SET ?
and Greatsword of Aryvandaar
i would be pleased !
That is, from the look, dragon slayer scale and may be boots. Bracers are not dragon slayer. Helm looks like the hrimnir helm.
GWF redcap helm looks like the redcap helm of the monsters, and also partially covers your eyes.
Dread Legion set can be seen in the previous page, if i recall well. One guy has it dyed winter wolf with some red parts (don't remember the name, but you'll see it). Helm is just a mask covering the Whole face.
wow such a small pic
Correct. Dragonslayer chest piece and boots. The gloves are Shadowfell. The helm is Hrimnir.
I was wondering about getting it :x but I've never seen anyone in it close up, now that I have, I might just have to.
Yep, it's worth getting it imo, looks awesome compared to the other costume sets.