I don't know about anybody else but I'm pretty fed up of GWF owning everyone in PvP. Seriously, it takes a full group of 5 players just to take a single GWF down. How can such an unbalance go unnoticed in testing? Seriously.
I have a GWF so I could just play him but I am trying to get gear for my new ranger and its infuriating to go against a God Mode class like GWF.
Today, I had a GWF sit on my flag while I pelted him with arrows and he didn't even bother attack me because he knew I couldnt hurt him. He just sat there laughing at me.
If an entire team cannot kill a single GWF, the team either is undergeared or plain bad at what they're doing. One TR can kill a GWF within seconds, for reference.
Take care.
P.S. don't expect to kill 15k+ GS GWF's with a 6k GS toon.
I've playing over 30 matches since my ranger dinged 60 and every match is the same. GWF totally rule in PvP right now. From your signature I see you play one. I play one too and I KNOW they are overpowered. My ranger has a gear score of 10k if that matters. I guess I suck? According to you, everyone I grouped with in PvP for the last week just sucked?
I don't know about anybody else but I'm pretty fed up of GWF owning everyone in PvP. Seriously, it takes a full group of 5 players just to take a single GWF down. How can such an inbalance go unnoticed in testing? Seriously.
I have a GWF so I could just play him but I am trying to get gear for my new ranger and its infuriating to go against a God Mode class like GWF.
Today, I had a GWF sit on my flag while I pelted him with arrows and he didn't even bother attack me because he knew I couldnt hurt him. He just sat there laughing at me.
It's not GWF's.
It's GEAR.
Expensive, expensive gear that allows a small minority of players to Buff and Leach themselves into Immortality.
They tried Nerfing the class before. It made them unplayable for everyone. They lost the revenue from everyone who would want to play that class. The don't DARE Nerf the Whales. These are the people who inject vast amounts of RL cash into the game, in one way or another, either personally or by supplying the stuff rich players want to buy by turning their Zen into huge quantities of A.D. So, it's just down to what will cost them the most money, loosing the GWF as a playable class, loosing the Whales, or pissing of a few PvP players who can't kill an over-geared GWF.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
reagenlionel1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
If an entire team is trying to take down a GWF. Then your REALLY doing something wrong.
An entire team should focus on one person for anything more than a few seconds. More than that, and time is working against you.
The point is that a GWF can defend a flag entirely by himself and that is unbalanced.
If you say my group sucks b/c we can't beat a single overgeared GWF. Let me turn the table on you, any overgeared GWF that cannot hold off an entire group sucks.
The point is that a GWF can defend a flag entirely by himself and that is unbalanced.
If you say my group sucks b/c we can't beat a single overgeared GWF. Let me turn the table on you, any overgeared GWF that cannot hold off an entire group sucks.
I agree whole heartedly, anyone running a GWF (or for that matter ANY class) with 100,000,000 A.D. worth of gear and an 8hr. a day PvP habit SHOULD be wiping the floor with any given PuG that does not contain a similar player. And keep in mind that that WAS what you were getting creamed by. Not your average GWF that just happened to walk into a PvP match. Those don't fair well at all. My GWF, for instance, is a PvE toon played for AoE Dps. He would get slaughtered if I even brought him NEAR a PvP match. Just from the Halo effect. He would keel over dead before he even reached the first Marker. My Lvl60 Ranger would hand him his head on a platter. So would my Lvl60 CW, and either of my Rouges. Even the one that hasn't hit 60 yet. He would die of heart failure at the mere THOUGHT of facing my Lvl60 GF. I'll grant you he would pulp my DC (mostly because she is only Lvl25'ish).
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
ixiondlfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
oh com eon guys, stop standing up for GWFs.
They ARE OP. yes I can kill one with my lvl 60 rogue who is barely 10k GS. i use alot of armorbreaking skills. but the fact that is most annoying is that it used to be THEE class demanding most skill. In closed and open Beta, GWFs were very hard to play, but if u wree skilled, they were awesome. then everyone started qqing that they suck etc etc...skillless idiots...
so PWI buffed the class to an amout of ridiculousness. I mean I've seen GWFs who were more tanky than any GF. and that's simply BS.
But a fact that is annoying me even more atm is, that it seems like prettty much every f*****g person has become immune to cc. -.-
which puts me to another thing about the GWFs. being immune to cc for a short periode of time, i say fine by me, but having some of the toughest CC urself at the same time, is just play trolling...
And now before others start crying...u're only jealous or badly skilled...
I do own a GWF and I stoppped playing him, cos it was just simply boring to be OP in PvP!
your all missing the point an iron vanguard sentinel Gwf with 11% regen feated restoring strike ferocious reaction and bravery + lets say lesser soulfourge + unstoppable heal is god mode. your all saying these people have spent 100 millions of ad and no all the gear to make this possible could just be gotten simple by farming a couple of months lesser soulforge is not that hard to get with the new system. then you just need a bunch of radiants and a decent weapon enchanthell even a lesser vorpal should be easy if you score a coal ward should have enough shards from trying to get gear.
Why is there new one of "These" posts every 20mins, in almost every subgroup of these forums about every current class in NW?
Were I a mod, I would be going mad just moving all these posts to their correct places, then closing them once the inevitable flame wars start.
Could't we just have a generic "GWF haters/lovers" and 'TR haters/lovers" etc. threads? Sort of like a PvP arena of words, for people to just vent this vomi ... stuff, and leave the rest of the forums free for intelligent discussion?
Me half-orc me gwf me kill weaklings hitting me... Me just tougher from a hard childhood where my father beat me all day long harden me for you weaklings........
Me hate tough halfing gwf:s small puny hard to hit ....
Me go now me tired and confused reading is hard....
I personally talked with one of the best rogues in the game that is running a lv 60 HR melee build. He says his build allows him to permanently stalemate tank GWFs IF he cannot kill them.
Either way I am sure you get responses like this but it is the truth. The GWF that can do this are extremely well geared, and if it takes more than 2 people to kill one, than those people are way too poorly geared in comparison. In more advanced matches against advanced opponents, it never takes more than two and shouldn't because the rest need to be holding the rest of the points.
Also, look at the price for gwf gear. Last I checked just the chest piece alone was 700k AD for titan, and you need two piece titan to make this effective. Another piece would be a similar price, but slightly less. Also, you need to have at least full rank 7 radiants for it to start being pretty effective, and that is not cheap in addition to being better rank than the average person who ques for PvP. The standard for rings for tank GWF is Greater Ring of Health. These are also well over 100k each. (I believe 200k last I checked).
It is not easy or cheap to make a good GWF, and most aren't able to do what you described.
My GWF has a GS of 14.2k, but an HR beat me 1v1 three times in a row mostly using melee.
They're not impossible.
yes, some HR in my guild can melt down tank sentinels using meele skills only. there is a meele build very strong for HRs
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
I personally do not shoot your reason. If you notice the non epic levels gwf is not anything special in pvp. the only thing changing in epic levels, with some expensive equipment + sentinel.
of course, does not make sense to eliminate the expensive equipment, then left for the class as a whole ... this is the problem.
Here's a proposed change in the system was taken gwf not only to stop the sentinel, as giving the opportunity destroyer / instigator.
lol love QQ posts about GWF's on Forums. a good TR can kill a Fully geared GWF (Partial Stealth/Bilethorn). a good Hunter ranger can kill a Fully geared Sent GWF (Binds), a good CW can kill a fully geared Sentinel GWF(Defensive Jewlery, Meatball Spec), a good GF can counter a Fully geared Sentinel GWF(Bulls Charge, Frontline, Block.
Just like a Sentinel GWF can spec a certain way, and choose to be cookie cutter Unstoppable build, and be immortal, EVERY other class can also do the same thing. So this post is not about GWF's, in reality its the Choice of Path that you are making with the character you are playing which puts YOU at a disadvantage.
And like the original response in this Thread, Dont expect to kill a 16k GWF with a 6k toon. Thank you have a good day.
yes, some HR in my guild can melt down tank sentinels using meele skills only. there is a meele build very strong for HRs
Pretty much because one of HR at will melee makes them untargetable (At all), a feat makes their encounters proc twice and the infamous bugged vine that they can pull out whenever things get sour.
You say 4v5 is impossible? Cool story bro.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
a good CW can kill a fully geared Sentinel GWF(Defensive Jewlery, Meatball Spec)
Show me that, on video, 1 vs 1 (fully geared PvP GWF=tenes). Or it NEVER happened. I've tested a whole hour after PvP ended with BiS GWF, and there is no way to kill him, only if he stands there and does nothing. Also there is no specific Meatball spec Only a dumb GWF will stay to be proned by shard when the spell cast and effects are so **** obvious. If he is half good he will takedown the CW as he tried to cast the sluggish shard.
I don't know about anybody else but I'm pretty fed up of GWF owning everyone in PvP. Seriously, it takes a full group of 5 players just to take a single GWF down. How can such an unbalance go unnoticed in testing? Seriously.
I have a GWF so I could just play him but I am trying to get gear for my new ranger and its infuriating to go against a God Mode class like GWF.
Today, I had a GWF sit on my flag while I pelted him with arrows and he didn't even bother attack me because he knew I couldnt hurt him. He just sat there laughing at me.
You edited and removed parts of your initial post.
Get better gear, then come back and complain. Not the other way around. 10k GS on a HR can be done with green items and prooves/means zero to nothing. The GWF's you are losing to, either spent a lot of money on their toons OR dedicated an immense amount of time/effort. The problem you are witnessing is easily explained: A new toon is facing and losing to veteran gamers. Do NOT expect to do equally well, without actually putting effort into your toon yourself.
Show me that, on video, 1 vs 1 (fully geared PvP GWF=tenes). Or it NEVER happened. I've tested a whole hour after PvP ended with BiS GWF, and there is no way to kill him, only if he stands there and does nothing. Also there is no specific Meatball spec Only a dumb GWF will stay to be proned by shard when the spell cast and effects are so **** obvious. If he is half good he will takedown the CW as he tried to cast the sluggish shard.
Also I thought your GWF is "immortal"?!?
more i would like to defend gwf on this one I can't. there is only one way to CWs kill GWF now, is zering or playing 2 x 1, that if the CW has really really nice dps tho.
but I am talking about myself. dont know about gwf with a little bit less gear.
some new HR build my guild mates found out showed to be very good on gwfs 1 x 1.
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
Almost all of the HR use the bugged skill that proc " combat mastery " that proc the damage x time until you die, whitout a cooldown. As a GWF sentinel, 1 HR whit that bugged skill can melt my hp in 3 sec. So, don't go all the time on rage whit the GWF, but ask to nerf the class heavy bugged ( Tr, Cw, HR ). All the time is the same story, a GWF kicked my little *** Q,Q let's ask for a nerf. C'mon, stop do pvp whit green gear, come on pvp when you have serious gear and equip.
The thread you posted can easily be taken as a troll attempt. (makes me wodner why it hasn't been locked, by now) On the other side, your constant crying about the same thing (GWF's) makes you rather look like a pretty inexperienced type of gamer who prefers to fight on the forums, instead of trying to learn more about certain game mechanics.
Why should anybody believe or actually listen to what an inexperienced/ignorant maybe even selfish type of person has to say, at all? Check your own post history, every post in there is a QQ or troll thread/post about very irellevant things.
For example, in the thread you have just posted, you're crying about that GWF's have higher hp than other classes and higher defensive capabilities... WITHOUT aknowledging/realizing that the class doesn't have a dodge/immune/god mode every 2 seconds, unlike every other class.
Now take a deep breath, think first, THEN tell me/us what a GWF would be without higher hp/defences.
The answer is easy: "Cannon fodder." This fact alone, renders anything GWF related that you are crying about as entirely made up, bogus because you cannot seem to understand basic game mechanics and why these certain things are working as they are.
I've playing over 30 matches since my ranger dinged 60 and every match is the same. GWF totally rule in PvP right now. From your signature I see you play one. I play one too and I KNOW they are overpowered. My ranger has a gear score of 10k if that matters. I guess I suck? According to you, everyone I grouped with in PvP for the last week just sucked?
if is like this why then in few games i played tr and hr are always in first 2 places while gwfs were in last 5 by score?if anything is op in pvp it is hr and tr atm they dominate by score evey pvp match i played
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
more i would like to defend gwf on this one I can't. there is only one way to CWs kill GWF now, is zering or playing 2 x 1, that if the CW has really really nice dps tho.
but I am talking about myself. dont know about gwf with a little bit less gear.
some new HR build my guild mates found out showed to be very good on gwfs 1 x 1.
Well there's no need to defend GWF I'm not asking for nerfs of any sort :P People always tend to think that if somebody posts something that presents a situation that is not favorable to their char (as in me posting that CWs are at disadvantage vs TRs or GWFs), that certain person asks for nerfs.
I personally never did so.
I think the right way to balance things is that devs would offer new abilities to choose from for certain situation to help problematic classes. CWs and GFs for example don't have any escape or immunity mechanics besides some daily and 3 dodges that you need to use to create distance (or die...), or that block that gimps your movement and is eaten so fast by simple at wills such as freeze ray. DCs cannot escape stuff either (dunno about new paragon). You choke one, he has to survive through your full encounter rotation and hope to still be alive. These classes have very limited escape&immunity mechanics and it shows as the only viable PvP specs require you to build as tanky as possible.
Give such classes proper escapes and immunities, and things will be balanced once again. I was never a fighter-class, but I am sure Invisibility or Mirror Images exist for wizards in D&D. So why not give them these defensive spells?
We need something that compares to unstoppable, ITC and stealth for other classes as well. Not similar, but working in the same principles.
I really dont have any trouble with GWFs, in fact, lately i've had alot of practice agaist GWFs so im happy to meet them because they think they can kill me.
There will allways be a few GWFs you would have big trouble killing, even after countless of duels, just because their timing is too good on Unstoppable and encounters etc.
So all in all, a good GWF that times his unstoppable perfect for your ice knife, etc, can be really hard to kill, and it takes alot of effort, but how easy do you want things to be?
Also, for you people saying that GWFs are imba point holders and stuff, well they are, but you can send a perma rogue, GF, CW, or a tanky DC to that point and distract him aswell so nobody gets points off that node. If 5 people go for 1 GWF in a pvp battle, im sure you will lose
It's not GWF's.
It's GEAR.
Expensive, expensive gear that allows a small minority of players to Buff and Leach themselves into Immortality.
They tried Nerfing the class before. It made them unplayable for everyone. They lost the revenue from everyone who would want to play that class. The don't DARE Nerf the Whales. These are the people who inject vast amounts of RL cash into the game, in one way or another, either personally or by supplying the stuff rich players want to buy by turning their Zen into huge quantities of A.D. So, it's just down to what will cost them the most money, loosing the GWF as a playable class, loosing the Whales, or pissing of a few PvP players who can't kill an over-geared GWF.
the problem is that cryt nerf some class and overpower other, on the end the pvp get ruined for one and wonderful for others, for HR's the last update make crit build useless so, u'll have a hard time killing hight defence mobs/chars.
So the thing is, creat all classes and play the overpowered one at moment, on actual case ply as TR or GWF or even GF.
if is like this why then in few games i played tr and hr are always in first 2 places while gwfs were in last 5 by score?if anything is op in pvp it is hr and tr atm they dominate by score evey pvp match i played
they have low score because they backcap
if u really think whoever has the highest score means he is doing well then u are fool
Take care.
P.S. don't expect to kill 15k+ GS GWF's with a 6k GS toon.
It's not GWF's.
It's GEAR.
Expensive, expensive gear that allows a small minority of players to Buff and Leach themselves into Immortality.
They tried Nerfing the class before. It made them unplayable for everyone. They lost the revenue from everyone who would want to play that class. The don't DARE Nerf the Whales. These are the people who inject vast amounts of RL cash into the game, in one way or another, either personally or by supplying the stuff rich players want to buy by turning their Zen into huge quantities of A.D. So, it's just down to what will cost them the most money, loosing the GWF as a playable class, loosing the Whales, or pissing of a few PvP players who can't kill an over-geared GWF.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
An entire team should focus on one person for anything more than a few seconds. More than that, and time is working against you.
If you say my group sucks b/c we can't beat a single overgeared GWF. Let me turn the table on you, any overgeared GWF that cannot hold off an entire group sucks.
I agree whole heartedly, anyone running a GWF (or for that matter ANY class) with 100,000,000 A.D. worth of gear and an 8hr. a day PvP habit SHOULD be wiping the floor with any given PuG that does not contain a similar player. And keep in mind that that WAS what you were getting creamed by. Not your average GWF that just happened to walk into a PvP match. Those don't fair well at all. My GWF, for instance, is a PvE toon played for AoE Dps. He would get slaughtered if I even brought him NEAR a PvP match. Just from the Halo effect. He would keel over dead before he even reached the first Marker. My Lvl60 Ranger would hand him his head on a platter. So would my Lvl60 CW, and either of my Rouges. Even the one that hasn't hit 60 yet. He would die of heart failure at the mere THOUGHT of facing my Lvl60 GF. I'll grant you he would pulp my DC (mostly because she is only Lvl25'ish).
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
They ARE OP. yes I can kill one with my lvl 60 rogue who is barely 10k GS. i use alot of armorbreaking skills. but the fact that is most annoying is that it used to be THEE class demanding most skill. In closed and open Beta, GWFs were very hard to play, but if u wree skilled, they were awesome. then everyone started qqing that they suck etc etc...skillless idiots...
so PWI buffed the class to an amout of ridiculousness. I mean I've seen GWFs who were more tanky than any GF. and that's simply BS.
But a fact that is annoying me even more atm is, that it seems like prettty much every f*****g person has become immune to cc. -.-
which puts me to another thing about the GWFs. being immune to cc for a short periode of time, i say fine by me, but having some of the toughest CC urself at the same time, is just play trolling...
And now before others start crying...u're only jealous or badly skilled...
I do own a GWF and I stoppped playing him, cos it was just simply boring to be OP in PvP!
My GWF has a GS of 14.2k, but an HR beat me 1v1 three times in a row mostly using melee.
They're not impossible.
Were I a mod, I would be going mad just moving all these posts to their correct places, then closing them once the inevitable flame wars start.
Could't we just have a generic "GWF haters/lovers" and 'TR haters/lovers" etc. threads? Sort of like a PvP arena of words, for people to just vent this vomi ... stuff, and leave the rest of the forums free for intelligent discussion?
Results: 1 module, the gwf lost half offensive potential in pve - unlike cw doubled their effectiveness - and the game was to moths.
I hope no one else to hear these feedbacks ... or discover a clever way to stop the sentinel without touching the whole.
Me hate tough halfing gwf:s small puny hard to hit ....
Me go now me tired and confused reading is hard....
Either way I am sure you get responses like this but it is the truth. The GWF that can do this are extremely well geared, and if it takes more than 2 people to kill one, than those people are way too poorly geared in comparison. In more advanced matches against advanced opponents, it never takes more than two and shouldn't because the rest need to be holding the rest of the points.
Also, look at the price for gwf gear. Last I checked just the chest piece alone was 700k AD for titan, and you need two piece titan to make this effective. Another piece would be a similar price, but slightly less. Also, you need to have at least full rank 7 radiants for it to start being pretty effective, and that is not cheap in addition to being better rank than the average person who ques for PvP. The standard for rings for tank GWF is Greater Ring of Health. These are also well over 100k each. (I believe 200k last I checked).
It is not easy or cheap to make a good GWF, and most aren't able to do what you described.
yes, some HR in my guild can melt down tank sentinels using meele skills only. there is a meele build very strong for HRs
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
of course, does not make sense to eliminate the expensive equipment, then left for the class as a whole ... this is the problem.
Here's a proposed change in the system was taken gwf not only to stop the sentinel, as giving the opportunity destroyer / instigator.
I hope that those interested pass forward, discussing the class in a constructive way instead of asking nerfs without discretion.
Just like a Sentinel GWF can spec a certain way, and choose to be cookie cutter Unstoppable build, and be immortal, EVERY other class can also do the same thing. So this post is not about GWF's, in reality its the Choice of Path that you are making with the character you are playing which puts YOU at a disadvantage.
And like the original response in this Thread, Dont expect to kill a 16k GWF with a 6k toon. Thank you have a good day.
Pretty much because one of HR at will melee makes them untargetable (At all), a feat makes their encounters proc twice and the infamous bugged vine that they can pull out whenever things get sour.
Show me that, on video, 1 vs 1 (fully geared PvP GWF=tenes). Or it NEVER happened. I've tested a whole hour after PvP ended with BiS GWF, and there is no way to kill him, only if he stands there and does nothing. Also there is no specific Meatball spec
Also I thought your GWF is "immortal"?!?
You edited and removed parts of your initial post.
Get better gear, then come back and complain. Not the other way around. 10k GS on a HR can be done with green items and prooves/means zero to nothing. The GWF's you are losing to, either spent a lot of money on their toons OR dedicated an immense amount of time/effort. The problem you are witnessing is easily explained: A new toon is facing and losing to veteran gamers. Do NOT expect to do equally well, without actually putting effort into your toon yourself.
Take care.
but I am talking about myself. dont know about gwf with a little bit less gear.
some new HR build my guild mates found out showed to be very good on gwfs 1 x 1.
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
The thread you posted can easily be taken as a troll attempt. (makes me wodner why it hasn't been locked, by now) On the other side, your constant crying about the same thing (GWF's) makes you rather look like a pretty inexperienced type of gamer who prefers to fight on the forums, instead of trying to learn more about certain game mechanics.
Why should anybody believe or actually listen to what an inexperienced/ignorant maybe even selfish type of person has to say, at all? Check your own post history, every post in there is a QQ or troll thread/post about very irellevant things.
For example, in the thread you have just posted, you're crying about that GWF's have higher hp than other classes and higher defensive capabilities... WITHOUT aknowledging/realizing that the class doesn't have a dodge/immune/god mode every 2 seconds, unlike every other class.
Now take a deep breath, think first, THEN tell me/us what a GWF would be without higher hp/defences.
The answer is easy: "Cannon fodder." This fact alone, renders anything GWF related that you are crying about as entirely made up, bogus because you cannot seem to understand basic game mechanics and why these certain things are working as they are.
Take... care.
if is like this why then in few games i played tr and hr are always in first 2 places while gwfs were in last 5 by score?if anything is op in pvp it is hr and tr atm they dominate by score evey pvp match i played
Well there's no need to defend GWF I'm not asking for nerfs of any sort :P People always tend to think that if somebody posts something that presents a situation that is not favorable to their char (as in me posting that CWs are at disadvantage vs TRs or GWFs), that certain person asks for nerfs.
I personally never did so.
I think the right way to balance things is that devs would offer new abilities to choose from for certain situation to help problematic classes. CWs and GFs for example don't have any escape or immunity mechanics besides some daily and 3 dodges that you need to use to create distance (or die...), or that block that gimps your movement and is eaten so fast by simple at wills such as freeze ray. DCs cannot escape stuff either (dunno about new paragon). You choke one, he has to survive through your full encounter rotation and hope to still be alive. These classes have very limited escape&immunity mechanics and it shows as the only viable PvP specs require you to build as tanky as possible.
Give such classes proper escapes and immunities, and things will be balanced once again. I was never a fighter-class, but I am sure Invisibility or Mirror Images exist for wizards in D&D. So why not give them these defensive spells?
We need something that compares to unstoppable, ITC and stealth for other classes as well. Not similar, but working in the same principles.
I really dont have any trouble with GWFs, in fact, lately i've had alot of practice agaist GWFs so im happy to meet them because they think they can kill me.
There will allways be a few GWFs you would have big trouble killing, even after countless of duels, just because their timing is too good on Unstoppable and encounters etc.
This guy knows Hey steam.
So all in all, a good GWF that times his unstoppable perfect for your ice knife, etc, can be really hard to kill, and it takes alot of effort, but how easy do you want things to be?
Also, for you people saying that GWFs are imba point holders and stuff, well they are, but you can send a perma rogue, GF, CW, or a tanky DC to that point and distract him aswell so nobody gets points off that node. If 5 people go for 1 GWF in a pvp battle, im sure you will lose
the problem is that cryt nerf some class and overpower other, on the end the pvp get ruined for one and wonderful for others, for HR's the last update make crit build useless so, u'll have a hard time killing hight defence mobs/chars.
So the thing is, creat all classes and play the overpowered one at moment, on actual case ply as TR or GWF or even GF.
they have low score because they backcap
if u really think whoever has the highest score means he is doing well then u are fool