Its a timing thing. You have to shift slightly ahead of the attack animation getting halfway through. I posted a video on how to ghost step somewhere in one of these threads which demonstrates it.
Practice makes perfect
It is also possible that they were using Fox's Cunning in addition to shifting at the right time.
demonicangel318Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited December 2013
1. Some of you seriously need to learn to use punctuation.
2. Rangers already have a lot of very good, high DPS tools (Split Shot, Aimed Shot). CW Needing rebalancing is a thing and of itself. For all you know, the feat may be getting changed again very shortly. And based on the way Thorn Ward and RoA work with this feat now, your DPS will likely be higher, if not comparable.
3. Fox's Cunning in its current iteration was NOT INTENDED. They said so. If they actually did manage to exclude the CC immunity, there would be no complaints. No one would be saying, "Hey, you know what this ability REALLY needs? CC Immunity." We would all live with it. It is already a very, very good ability as-is (giving your entire party a dodge).
If you wanted something to work perfectly when you played it, don't play it as soon as it comes out. Just have fun with it. I can top DPS charts without spamming Split Shot or having this feat, so can you.
It was not the same dear Hoturi-fan. EotS is a proc, while Master Archer just asks for a crit coming from a class with a almost 50% crit chance. It's actually really awkwardly worded.
So someone would just wait for an initial Crit, and then keep critting forever. Not good
No its not working even if it did its a bad feat imho any way:
New Master Of archery Makes Thorn Ward crit every single time its also a perma Buff so if you dont use a encounter it never goes away Until you crit with a encounter Power. Also It dose not consider Thorn ward/Split The sky encounter Powers But it dose not effect Split the sky like it effects Thorn ward though.
What is so bad about aspect of the lone wolf? It works on my low level ranger who has 2 power points in it, so maybe it is only bugged at max rank. Was getting hit for 129 without it, and 103 with it at melee range (almost exactly 20% which against one target at clsoe range is what one would expect)
It seems pretty good for solo pve, especially as melee since most minions are dead by close range and even 2 elites still gives 15% damage reduction. I suspect, but have not tested it, that this mitigation is not counterable by ArPen. I suspect that it is multiplicative with standard Damage Reduction instead of additive. That isn't as good as additive, but even so against 1 target, you could have in the vicinty of 44% damage reduction if you have 2000 armor for 30% DR. That is closing in on GF and GWF base DR. If it is additive, that number would be 50%, which is almost a GF/Sentinel GWF feated DR.
Seems like it could be pretty good, given the class's elusivness, for a melee HR or skirmisher who would find themselves in melee often enough. In pvp, most combats break down into 1-3 people. Wondering what I am missing that would make it so bad, given my lack of experience with the class?
Mindflayer - Exodus
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
Obs its a one time perma buff when it proc it stays on you forever until you use a encounter power with it and as long as you have not used up the buff it will not go on its CD But it will not proc until the buff it gives has ben used. It simultaniusly Considers and dosent consider Thorn ward a encounter power Thorn ward will not use up the buff But it will gain the benifit of the buff and crit every single time.
yay now i can crit my jump back and use up my now useless capstone... it was most useful for your at will powers considering that HR uses them 200% more than their encounter powers... the encounters do hardly ANY damage at all and was used for SURVIVAL not damage so critting a survival power like jump back or fox does NOTHING the only power it can be used with now is thorn and thats so easily avoided its not funny... so yes its completely worthless now.
What is so bad about aspect of the lone wolf? It works on my low level ranger who has 2 power points in it, so maybe it is only bugged at max rank. Was getting hit for 129 without it, and 103 with it at melee range (almost exactly 20% which against one target at clsoe range is what one would expect)
It seems pretty good for solo pve, especially as melee since most minions are dead by close range and even 2 elites still gives 15% damage reduction. I suspect, but have not tested it, that this mitigation is not counterable by ArPen. I suspect that it is multiplicative with standard Damage Reduction instead of additive. That isn't as good as additive, but even so against 1 target, you could have in the vicinty of 44% damage reduction if you have 2000 armor for 30% DR. That is closing in on GF and GWF base DR. If it is additive, that number would be 50%, which is almost a GF/Sentinel GWF feated DR.
Seems like it could be pretty good, given the class's elusivness, for a melee HR or skirmisher who would find themselves in melee often enough. In pvp, most combats break down into 1-3 people. Wondering what I am missing that would make it so bad, given my lack of experience with the class?
It is a good skill I have it maxed, I use it in Pvp + the Range feat, though I use Pack+twin blade for dmg/combat advantage in groups
This change really really sucks.. I don't use any high damaging encounter powers I use thorns / split the sky for pve and thorns/constricting arrow for pvp.. so no the last tier archery talent to totally worthless to me... man.. I came back to play this one class.. now its making want to just quit again...
it is a prety big nerf because you basicaly had 100% crit the whole time. but when i think about it that feat was so OP that no one really wanted or could run the other 2 trees. now with it being almost useless maybe we will see more combat hrs. personaly i dont see it as that big of a deal because corecting aim is still 5% crit + each time u dont crit which in itself is a great crit feat. as long as they dont nerf the roots everything is fine
U R 2 E Z- SENT IV GWF undefeated 16k GS
FaceRoller- regen recovery TR (put on the shelf for now) 14k GS
Supreme CHAOS - IV GF (put on the shelf for now) 16k GS
White Khalifa- tene/hp/regen CW (retired) 11k GS (tene)
Death From Above- TANK ranger 16kGS
(all halfling everything)
it is a prety big nerf because you basicaly had 100% crit the whole time. but when i think about it that feat was so OP that no one really wanted or could run the other 2 trees. now with it being almost useless maybe we will see more combat hrs. personaly i dont see it as that big of a deal because corecting aim is still 5% crit + each time u dont crit which in itself is a great crit feat. as long as they dont nerf the roots everything is fine
Great, I guess we have to pay to change feats in order for that to happen?
This change really really sucks.. I don't use any high damaging encounter powers I use thorns / split the sky for pve and thorns/constricting arrow for pvp.. so no the last tier archery talent to totally worthless to me... man.. I came back to play this one class.. now its making want to just quit again...
the legacy of PWE... come for the new, leave for the pew.
I couldn't really care less about Master of Archery being adjusted because let's face it, it was really OP to begin with. 100% crit after critting once is too good to be true. But yes, I do agree that the nerf made it somewhat less desirable, but it still has its uses. If an archer wants his Aimed Shot to crit for a sure kill, set it up with this feat and strike. Though it'll be hard, it's still something.
Melee Ranger anyone? Your time to shine. Melees aren't as underpowered as people think they are IMO.
I couldn't really care less about Master of Archery being adjusted because let's face it, it was really OP to begin with. 100% crit after critting once is too good to be true. But yes, I do agree that the nerf made it somewhat less desirable, but it still has its uses. If an archer wants his Aimed Shot to crit for a sure kill, set it up with this feat and strike. Though it'll be hard, it's still something.
That's the problem, you can't even do that. Encounters only:
"Master of Archery: When you crit with a ranged attack, guarantee that your next Encounter power will crit."
So. Someone explain to me the logic behind such a huge change/nerf to the class where people may have SPECIFICALLY gone down the Archery tree for this feat only to have it absolutely destroyed and NOT offer a free Feat respec? The logic. It's missing.
bladenite81Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited December 2013
The logic is that they thought it was OP so they removed it. Its pretty simple, the bug is that they saw it exploited to the n'th degree, most likely in PvP and so they had it removed.
The logic is that they thought it was OP so they removed it. Its pretty simple, the bug is that they saw it exploited to the n'th degree, most likely in PvP and so they had it removed.
Bug? no, no, no... there was no "bug". That would mean it was not working as it was listed.. It was working just fine.. this was a nerf, no ifs, ands or butts.
There is a difference to adjusting a power to making out right worthless. HR encounter powers are HAMSTER poor weak as is. The class is very glass cannon... There were better ways to adjust this.. then this idiotic knee jerk reaction by the devs.
That's the problem, you can't even do that. Encounters only:
"Master of Archery: When you crit with a ranged attack, guarantee that your next Encounter power will crit."
You mean the entire mechanic changed as well? Well hot ****, that's appalling and renders the feat next to useless if not entirely useless.
It'd be understandable if it crits on all types of attacks, but having it proc just for encounters... IDK, devs. I usually do not say things like these but that's too much.
Ok so now I've checked things out, this change to Master Archer bothers me.
With Eye of the Storm a CW can have 100% crits on every attack for 8s, but a HR cannot have it on 1 attack after achieving a crit on the prior one for 20s?
Seems odd to me.
A 10s cooldown and leaving it to work on any attack seems more in line with other options.
Not sure this will stop me running Archery tree, but it does make it weaker than before the patch.
I stopped playing this game many months ago for different reasons...
Came back because I wanted to be a pure HR range dps and saw the Archery tree very appealing.
Funny part is that I didn't apply all feats points because I knew that Dev will mess up after few days.
It didn't take long to upset plenty of players and on top of that not even propose a "free token"
as a "commercial gesture" for nerfing the most wanted feat of this Archery tree.
Good job guys !! it's by doing such action that you just confirmed me I should move to another mmo
in few months.
My next mmo will be one with a subcription, F2P end up to be more expensive than any other mmo.
(just my opinion, I don't ask you to agree)
It is also possible that they were using Fox's Cunning in addition to shifting at the right time.
2. Rangers already have a lot of very good, high DPS tools (Split Shot, Aimed Shot). CW Needing rebalancing is a thing and of itself. For all you know, the feat may be getting changed again very shortly. And based on the way Thorn Ward and RoA work with this feat now, your DPS will likely be higher, if not comparable.
3. Fox's Cunning in its current iteration was NOT INTENDED. They said so. If they actually did manage to exclude the CC immunity, there would be no complaints. No one would be saying, "Hey, you know what this ability REALLY needs? CC Immunity." We would all live with it. It is already a very, very good ability as-is (giving your entire party a dodge).
If you wanted something to work perfectly when you played it, don't play it as soon as it comes out. Just have fun with it. I can top DPS charts without spamming Split Shot or having this feat, so can you.
That is definitely not how it worked...
What is so bad about aspect of the lone wolf? It works on my low level ranger who has 2 power points in it, so maybe it is only bugged at max rank. Was getting hit for 129 without it, and 103 with it at melee range (almost exactly 20% which against one target at clsoe range is what one would expect)
It seems pretty good for solo pve, especially as melee since most minions are dead by close range and even 2 elites still gives 15% damage reduction. I suspect, but have not tested it, that this mitigation is not counterable by ArPen. I suspect that it is multiplicative with standard Damage Reduction instead of additive. That isn't as good as additive, but even so against 1 target, you could have in the vicinty of 44% damage reduction if you have 2000 armor for 30% DR. That is closing in on GF and GWF base DR. If it is additive, that number would be 50%, which is almost a GF/Sentinel GWF feated DR.
Seems like it could be pretty good, given the class's elusivness, for a melee HR or skirmisher who would find themselves in melee often enough. In pvp, most combats break down into 1-3 people. Wondering what I am missing that would make it so bad, given my lack of experience with the class?
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
yay now i can crit my jump back and use up my now useless capstone... it was most useful for your at will powers considering that HR uses them 200% more than their encounter powers... the encounters do hardly ANY damage at all and was used for SURVIVAL not damage so critting a survival power like jump back or fox does NOTHING the only power it can be used with now is thorn and thats so easily avoided its not funny... so yes its completely worthless now.
It is a good skill I have it maxed, I use it in Pvp + the Range feat, though I use Pack+twin blade for dmg/combat advantage in groups
All about what you need it for and when
it must only go off in pvp now because running a full 25 min foundry it never proc'd
FaceRoller- regen recovery TR (put on the shelf for now) 14k GS
Supreme CHAOS - IV GF (put on the shelf for now) 16k GS
White Khalifa- tene/hp/regen CW (retired) 11k GS (tene)
Death From Above- TANK ranger 16kGS
(all halfling everything)
Proud rank 6 of: <Enemy Team>
Great, I guess we have to pay to change feats in order for that to happen?
the legacy of PWE... come for the new, leave for the pew.
Melee Ranger anyone? Your time to shine.
That's the problem, you can't even do that. Encounters only:
"Master of Archery: When you crit with a ranged attack, guarantee that your next Encounter power will crit."
Bug? no, no, no... there was no "bug". That would mean it was not working as it was listed.. It was working just fine.. this was a nerf, no ifs, ands or butts.
There is a difference to adjusting a power to making out right worthless. HR encounter powers are HAMSTER poor weak as is. The class is very glass cannon... There were better ways to adjust this.. then this idiotic knee jerk reaction by the devs.
You mean the entire mechanic changed as well? Well hot ****, that's appalling and renders the feat next to useless if not entirely useless.
It'd be understandable if it crits on all types of attacks, but having it proc just for encounters... IDK, devs. I usually do not say things like these but that's too much.
Dont compare class features with feats!
that **** is just op.
Came back because I wanted to be a pure HR range dps and saw the Archery tree very appealing.
Funny part is that I didn't apply all feats points because I knew that Dev will mess up after few days.
It didn't take long to upset plenty of players and on top of that not even propose a "free token"
as a "commercial gesture" for nerfing the most wanted feat of this Archery tree.
Good job guys !! it's by doing such action that you just confirmed me I should move to another mmo
in few months.
My next mmo will be one with a subcription, F2P end up to be more expensive than any other mmo.
(just my opinion, I don't ask you to agree)