5 toons and not one single ward or mark since MOD2 went live!
Peridots? got 3 them, and they are reasonable handy for upgrading, the rest, Silvery Enchantment rank 4 and the like! Not even a Blue Enchantment!
Seriously? Coffer of Wondrous Augmentation? Be honest, it's a joke from the devs at Cryptic, either change the icon for it to the meme Troll Face, or call it what it is the "Coffer all but useless AH/Vendor Trash"
So it's not just me.... :P
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
yep not a fan of cryptic making just about everything in game BoP. Some of us use to use pvp gear + the 7 day boxes to make some spare AD...But I guess Cryptic wants to limit as much as possible that option...
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bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
And pre-mod unbound coffers are still pre-mod unbound coffers that don't drop refining stones.
zero is one of the folks who really does have an invocation army.
Not that I support the change, but that may be why things were changed in the first place - perhaps the devs saw the coffer rewards as something that should be used/directly benefit the character that got them, not a source of income.
Now, mind you, I personally preferred being able to do whatever I wished w/ the contents of the coffer, but I can see why they made the change...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
obsiddiaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,025Arc User
edited December 2013
I've never gotten a Coal ward. Only preservation. I must have bad luck.
Doesn't sound like it's going to improve with the new module.
Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
BELIEVE ME, you are not the only one! Apparently we are all guilty of walking under ladders, whilst breaking a mirror after throwing it a black cat that ran in front of us!
I normally refrain from castigating the devs, because well, TBH, they have to make a living, and generally I like what they've done and I've bought every "Pack" so far and do spend RW money on the game regularly, but the new loot roll on these coffers is, just ... wrong!
There were replies above about being able to buy them off AH before the bound on pickup change.
That's completely irrelevant, because the old coffers are the old ones and the new ones are the new ones. You cannot learn anything about the new coffers by opening the old ones (anymore... there was a bug on preview where they actually were replaced briefly, which is how we got the 1100+ coffers opened comparison test data).
The only way for a person to have that many of the new coffers is to have invoked their own way there with multiple characters, or to import multiple copies to preview and open them all there (I did a mini-test with 10+ new coffers that way myself... it's just tedious).
Anybody else think that the recent changes to the 7 day invoking box suck? half the chance of getting a ward and make them bound items... or pay 1,000 zen in the shop for a coalescent ward .... a complete rip off.. the changes to the fusing enchantments are clearly designed to burn up your ADs and bleed you for more cash... not impressed.
Sorry to say, but buying a Coalescent Ward for 1,000 is dumb...
Why dont you change your 1000 zen in the exchange for 470,000 AD, then go buy 4 of them in the AH???
krisst0fMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
I might add, unless you are upgrading Armor or Weapon enchants, you'd better off buying 10 Preservation Wards for 50k and try your luck... That'll save a lot of AD...
My 2 cents.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited December 2013
The chance for coalescent wards seems to have gone from around 15% to around 5% or so.
To a degree that is balanced by fewer wards being needed for some things, but still....
And pre-mod unbound coffers are still pre-mod unbound coffers that don't drop refining stones.
zero is one of the folks who really does have an invocation army.
on the preview server you can make as many copies of the same character as you want, then just send over the coffers to one character and open them all (yes there are people who do this to test drop rates, myself included)
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
on the preview server you can make as many copies of the same character as you want, then just send over the coffers to one character and open them all (yes there are people who do this to test drop rates, myself included)
Yeah, I realized that later, and made a follow-up post mentioning it. I did it myself right after the changed coffer went live, but only about 20 times (10 chars and then another 10 copies of the same one).
I wasn't really thinking along those lines because the repeated copying is so tedious, but it's entirely doable if you can stand it. :P
well, got my first coal ward on one toon this am - this is from invoking every day on 7 toons since pre-patch... so we know it is possible, but since launch, i have had 7 preserve wards drop and 1 coal... 7 toons.
I've noticed a significant drop rate as well for coal ward. Out of 8 characters, doing 7/7 with no failed invocation, it took 5 weeks to get my first coal ward since Module 2 release. I got a second one just recently. so 8(chars)*7(weeks) 2 coal wards out of 56 coffers. Previous to Module 2 I was able to obtain at least 1 coal ward per week (most of the time). From friends I asked in game about their experiences, each of them seem to have similar experiences, some of them have yet to get a coal ward since Module 2 release.
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I think this box, since it already takes 7 days to get it, should 100% give coal ward (and that's NOT a high rate)!
Since the new patch I haven't received a single coal ward from the Invocation box. Honestly I am now stuck for upgrading any weapon enchants to higher level. I do not have time to play an hour every day, I am glad that currently I can do the daily DR to get a chance on the last artifact. Besides I am glad I can do a few pvp/epics in the weekend to get some extra AD/Glory.
I don't mind spending a few $$ on getting a nice item, but to spend (at current rate) 2.000 Zen to get 5 coal wards is crazy (what I need to make greater enchant for weap).
I have learned to be patience in online games, since those who spend the big $$ always end up disappointed somehow, but the current rate of some things are just starting to look like a real MMO GREED GAME!
"Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."
So it's not just me.... :P
And pre-mod unbound coffers are still pre-mod unbound coffers that don't drop refining stones.
zero is one of the folks who really does have an invocation army.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Add more AD sinks
Remove options of obtaining AD
Spend money in cash shop to profit
No thanks
Not that I support the change, but that may be why things were changed in the first place - perhaps the devs saw the coffer rewards as something that should be used/directly benefit the character that got them, not a source of income.
Now, mind you, I personally preferred being able to do whatever I wished w/ the contents of the coffer, but I can see why they made the change...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Doesn't sound like it's going to improve with the new module.
BELIEVE ME, you are not the only one! Apparently we are all guilty of walking under ladders, whilst breaking a mirror after throwing it a black cat that ran in front of us!
I normally refrain from castigating the devs, because well, TBH, they have to make a living, and generally I like what they've done and I've bought every "Pack" so far and do spend RW money on the game regularly, but the new loot roll on these coffers is, just ... wrong!
Preview server has been down for a day or so so I'd be interested to know too.
There were replies above about being able to buy them off AH before the bound on pickup change.
That's completely irrelevant, because the old coffers are the old ones and the new ones are the new ones. You cannot learn anything about the new coffers by opening the old ones (anymore... there was a bug on preview where they actually were replaced briefly, which is how we got the 1100+ coffers opened comparison test data).
The only way for a person to have that many of the new coffers is to have invoked their own way there with multiple characters, or to import multiple copies to preview and open them all there (I did a mini-test with 10+ new coffers that way myself... it's just tedious).
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Sorry to say, but buying a Coalescent Ward for 1,000 is dumb...
Why dont you change your 1000 zen in the exchange for 470,000 AD, then go buy 4 of them in the AH???
My 2 cents.
To a degree that is balanced by fewer wards being needed for some things, but still....
on the preview server you can make as many copies of the same character as you want, then just send over the coffers to one character and open them all (yes there are people who do this to test drop rates, myself included)
Yeah, I realized that later, and made a follow-up post mentioning it. I did it myself right after the changed coffer went live, but only about 20 times (10 chars and then another 10 copies of the same one).
I wasn't really thinking along those lines because the repeated copying is so tedious, but it's entirely doable if you can stand it. :P
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Creator and maintainer of TR's Epic Gear Comparison Spreadsheet
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Since the new patch I haven't received a single coal ward from the Invocation box. Honestly I am now stuck for upgrading any weapon enchants to higher level. I do not have time to play an hour every day, I am glad that currently I can do the daily DR to get a chance on the last artifact. Besides I am glad I can do a few pvp/epics in the weekend to get some extra AD/Glory.
I don't mind spending a few $$ on getting a nice item, but to spend (at current rate) 2.000 Zen to get 5 coal wards is crazy (what I need to make greater enchant for weap).
I have learned to be patience in online games, since those who spend the big $$ always end up disappointed somehow, but the current rate of some things are just starting to look like a real MMO GREED GAME!