There is no way the success rate is 75 percent chance for these kits. I am in Rothe Valley and these kits are breaking all the time. It is not out of the ordinary for me to break 3 to 4 in a row. I would say the success rate is 40 percent. I am fine with that. If that is what the kit percent really was. Just really annoying when you are trying to use one and somebody right behind you gets it instead because the it broke. Another thing Perfect World rigged!!!!
Just like fusing Enchantments. Consistently having 85 and 60 percent breaks. More then work!!!
Stop buying low quality kits, I only buy the best .....I several hundred that i would be glad to sell you.....they are about 5x more expensive as the low quality ones but will at lease not break sitting in your pouch.
These kits are 100% warranted just bring the broken kit back and i will give your money back.
You are absolutely correct that there is no way the kits work 75% of the time (most of the time).
Playing around with different pets, I can't help but wonder if pets bumping into you, or simply moving your mouse off of the item while you are opening it aren't affecting success rates.
Normally I get much better success rates when using Ioun Stone...or so it seems. Haven't done any actual number counts for more than a few hours at a time anyway.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited December 2013
Nobody ever remembers all the times they were successful on the first try.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited December 2013
. . . . . I succeed all the time. I've gotten several failures in a row... I think my record is 16 broken religion kits before the gods were good on a node. That's RNG for you. I'm fine with the way it is and I do A LOT of profession runs, even out of Professions 1/2 hour event. Seriously... I hit my "anti-bot limit" fairly often.
. . . . . I succeed all the time. I've gotten several failures in a row... I think my record is 16 broken religion kits before the gods were good on a node. That's RNG for you. I'm fine with the way it is and I do A LOT of profession runs, even out of Professions 1/2 hour event. Seriously... I hit my "anti-bot limit" fairly often.
I've hit 20 broken kits before which is close to a on-in-a-million chance. The average number of kits seems right but the system feels 'streaky'.
Thank you for all the replies. I do not feel alone!!!! The reason I know this to be true. Is that I have been farming the valley for about two weeks now. Gathering up enchantments. Trying to sell as many Rank fives as possible. Then buy as many ranks eights as I can. After I get at least four rank eights and a good Weapon Enchantment. I will finish the game. I refuse to spend anymore money in Zen. This game soaked me for 120 dollars. I thought I would never spend that much money!!!!! Happy Hunting!!!
Oh yeah. Are there really higher quality kits? I have never heard that before. Are you pulling my Groin!!!!
indolo238Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
edited December 2013
I think part of it is latency and desync between where your character is on your client and where the server thinks your character is. On your client, you're standing next to the node using your kit, but the server might have you in a spot that doesn't have line of sight or is out of range, so it lets you use your kit but then fails you because you don't qualify to use the node. I've been trying to move around the node a little or run up to it and jump up and down once to try to confirm my position server side and it seems like my failure rate has dropped down to tooltip levels.
Noticed the character position desynchronization during the midsummer event herding chickens/pigs. I have a low latency connection to the game, but the server would still think I was in a different position than where I was at on my client.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Thank you for all the replies. I do not feel alone!!!! The reason I know this to be true. Is that I have been farming the valley for about two weeks now. Gathering up enchantments. Trying to sell as many Rank fives as possible. Then buy as many ranks eights as I can. After I get at least four rank eights and a good Weapon Enchantment. I will finish the game.
Being an MMO with character progression milestones added over time, the game doesn't really have an end where you're done because you beat it. If you mean "finish playing the content", then you don't really need those enchantments to do it and your rank 5s would have been more than fine. And if you mean that's a goal you set to complete prior to stopping playing, I'm not sure why you'd invest all that time and effort into gearing up just to stop afterwards. Like, you'd never actually get a chance to enjoy using any of your phat lewts.
Hey Idolo238. That is some good info. Did not think in that direction.
Yeah, I am soloing the game with a Companion. Will not be playing the game really after the original content. Not really a MMO fan. I am really more into to old school RPG's. Like to take my time playing a game. Playing the remake of Realm of Arcania right now. Just for a change in pace. Boy is it a change!!!!. Had to play Neverwinter. Played all other RPG's related to this game. Its been fun.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited December 2013
You really, really did not need to put all that time into farming for exclusively solo play.
I don't believe any of the percentages this game tells you. 60% to fuse an enchant and it fails 4 times in a row? Erm, that my dear friend is not 60%. Breaking 3 kits in a row at 75%? Nope, still not.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
The most annoying thing is when you open such a node then you see that you inventory is full and you accidently close the loot window because then - although you already have opened it - can try your luck again with your kits.
I don't believe any of the percentages this game tells you. 60% to fuse an enchant and it fails 4 times in a row? Erm, that my dear friend is not 60%. Breaking 3 kits in a row at 75%? Nope, still not.
Breaking 3 times at a row at 75% isn't that unusual - it should happen every 64 or so nodes. Now the time I had over 20 failures in a row seems much more worrying (that is close to a one in a million chance)....
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited December 2013
I thought the success rate was 65% for some reason.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Breaking 3 times at a row at 75% isn't that unusual - it should happen every 64 or so nodes. Now the time I had over 20 failures in a row seems much more worrying (that is close to a one in a million chance)....
I don't know, at 75% two successive failures is reasonable, three is pushing it and anything over is getting ridiculous.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
indolo238Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
I thought the success rate was 65% for some reason.
Nodes in some of the areas are at 65%, while most nodes throughout the game are 75%. Not sure if that's a bug or intended. I think the 65% nodes started in the level 40 or 50ish areas, then they go back to 75% near max level.
These kits are 100% warranted just bring the broken kit back and i will give your money back.
Thanks your trusted servant Getripedoff
Playing around with different pets, I can't help but wonder if pets bumping into you, or simply moving your mouse off of the item while you are opening it aren't affecting success rates.
Normally I get much better success rates when using Ioun Stone...or so it seems. Haven't done any actual number counts for more than a few hours at a time anyway.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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I've hit 20 broken kits before which is close to a on-in-a-million chance. The average number of kits seems right but the system feels 'streaky'.
Oh yeah. Are there really higher quality kits? I have never heard that before. Are you pulling my Groin!!!!
Noticed the character position desynchronization during the midsummer event herding chickens/pigs. I have a low latency connection to the game, but the server would still think I was in a different position than where I was at on my client.
Being an MMO with character progression milestones added over time, the game doesn't really have an end where you're done because you beat it. If you mean "finish playing the content", then you don't really need those enchantments to do it and your rank 5s would have been more than fine. And if you mean that's a goal you set to complete prior to stopping playing, I'm not sure why you'd invest all that time and effort into gearing up just to stop afterwards. Like, you'd never actually get a chance to enjoy using any of your phat lewts.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Yeah, I am soloing the game with a Companion. Will not be playing the game really after the original content. Not really a MMO fan. I am really more into to old school RPG's. Like to take my time playing a game. Playing the remake of Realm of Arcania right now. Just for a change in pace. Boy is it a change!!!!. Had to play Neverwinter. Played all other RPG's related to this game. Its been fun.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
So, can I have your stuff?
Breaking 3 times at a row at 75% isn't that unusual - it should happen every 64 or so nodes. Now the time I had over 20 failures in a row seems much more worrying (that is close to a one in a million chance)....
There are other skill interacts where it is 65%, like using arcana to quell a magical fire blocking a chest.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Thanks, maybe those are the ones I noticed and it stuck for some reason.
I don't know, at 75% two successive failures is reasonable, three is pushing it and anything over is getting ridiculous.
Nodes in some of the areas are at 65%, while most nodes throughout the game are 75%. Not sure if that's a bug or intended. I think the 65% nodes started in the level 40 or 50ish areas, then they go back to 75% near max level.