+1 for the summer event model. even with my limited time I did the run I believe based on dye count 35 times across my toons. only got one weapon drop and no mount. I am happy with the number of enchants especially given the new system coming out but you need a predictable model otherwise frankly all you did was cause massive frustration. The event did not cause me to buy anything new and actually provided a negative impact that I could find hardly any teams wanting to play the rest of the game due to this random number model they are using.
Please give tickets/tokens something per run that I can turn in as a consistent model for purchase.
Hey all, we appreciate all of your comments and suggestions here! We'll be looking through them to make future CTAs even better.
I definitely appreciate the events and I would hate to see them stop. That being said, the RNG on chance drops is just too brutal to make this stuff BOP.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
I definitely appreciate the events and I would hate to see them stop. That being said, the RNG on chance drops is just too brutal to make this stuff BOP.
Yea, the event was fun. I would hate to see them stop. And the rewards were fine. If no one wanted them, there would be far less frustration about drop rates.
The real failure here is a pure random system. It simply removes accomplishment from the player. Winning gets reduced to pure luck or simply beating on the RNG long enough that it eventually submits, or the player breaks in frustration. Players need a way to measure progress, a way to know that each and every run counts for something. A way of feeling like each run, might not get you the prize, but you continue to move closer to the goal.
The alternative is to remove BoP. At least then, the option exists to bow out of the system and purchase from the lucky few. It has to be one or the other, not both. BoP and pure random is a horrible combination that punishes the player for simply failing against a faceless algorithm. And that is a hard pill to swallow for anyone.
Yea, the event was fun. I would hate to see them stop. And the rewards were fine. If no one wanted them, there would be far less frustration about drop rates.
The real failure here is a pure random system. It simply removes accomplishment from the player. Winning gets reduced to pure luck or simply beating on the RNG long enough that it eventually submits, or the player breaks in frustration. Players need a way to measure progress, a way to know that each and every run counts for something. A way of feeling like each run, might not get you the prize, but you continue to move closer to the goal.
The alternative is to remove BoP. At least then, the option exists to bow out of the system and purchase from the lucky few. It has to be one or the other, not both. BoP and pure random is a horrible combination that punishes the player for simply failing against a faceless algorithm. And that is a hard pill to swallow for anyone.
I agree. I loved the CTA and would play the next one in a heartbeat. the only problem I had was the loot. I played the CTA 45 times. The items of note I received were 4 level 5 enchantments, 3 axes (rogue) and a bunch of little stuff. My buddy who played 5 times got the wolf on his second run, 2 level 5 cruel enchantments and a barbarian axe. Really does not seem fair for all the rounds I played over the weekend.
I spent Friday through Sunday (I work during the day today) putting in over a hundred runs despite eyestrain and headaches. Lots of enchants. Lots of dyes. Few weapon skins. No wolf.
If you're going to make the drop rate ridiculously low, the least you could do is make it BoE so people still have a chance at getting one after 100+ runs of failure, from the people who get 6 of them after 30 runs.
dmedicMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited November 2013
Here's a thought. Take any of your event ideas and pretend like you don't have instant access to the rewards as a dev/community manager/schill/whatever you are. Then ask yourself: "Is the content we are delivering compelling enough that I would be willing to invest X hours into this event? (X being the average amount of time you expect players [averaged between casual and hardcore] to invest in order to complete the event). If your answer is no, rethink your event or how you dole out rewards.
As a casual player, events that are purely RNG nonsense (with impossibly low odds to boot) like this one are a complete turnoff. And not just to the event, but the game as a whole (the combination of this event and the one immediately prior have essentially assured I will spend no money on this game barring massive changes in how you operate). I understand the opinion some carry that you should "earn" your rewards. Hell, I even believe that there is something (minor) to this sentiment. But as someone with actual obligations outside of poopsocking an MMO it is absurd that you expect a player to run an event that consists of grinding something already in-game and pretty droll 100+ times (>1500 minutes on average by your own estimates, or >25 hours of non-stop play) to even realistically have a chance at seeing the rewards.
You do a good job coming up with interesting reward options, and I appreciate that you try to incorporate existing content in a new manner to your events. That is a great way to have players revisit content and appreciate a lot of the content the game has available. You just have the absolute worst people deciding how to deliver rewards (You literally should fire, without question, whoever thought it would be a good idea to run around and have 600 NPC conversations for your Halloween event). You need to hire someone that can come up with a middle ground rewards system so that both the hardcore and casual players can enjoy your events at their leisure instead of dedicating unrealistic amounts of time (or figure out for yourselves how to).
I ran this event as much as I could with work, family, and sleep. All I wanted was the Maul on my GWF and got that in three runs. I wanted the mount on my TR and ended up with 3 r5 enchants, 9 Barbarian Axes, and 29 Dyes. On two different occasions I went in with a guild mate and they got the wolf. Happy for them but very disappointed I did not get one too.
I was actually stupid enough to run this fail event well over 200 times and not even 1 mount. Got about 5 or 6k enchants and about 30 orb skins. All this aggravation over a slow green mount. :mad:
Queen of Dragon Server
Goddess Uniique, lvl 60 DC.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
I was actually stupid enough to run this fail event well over 200 times and not even 1 mount. Got about 5 or 6k enchants and about 30 orb skins. All this aggravation over a slow green mount. :mad:
Yeah, if it was a T3 mount, it would sting a little less.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well here is my experience with the skirmish: DC
4 runs and mount dropped. CW
78 runs and the mount finally dropped. Along the way also received 7 weapon skins and a bunch of enchants.
Didn't have time to go back and try for a weapon skin, but always next time.
kolbe11Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
The Wolf Mount, just like others are designed to draw attention to the cash shop.. and for good reason.
That said, my take on this was: - The CTA PitFight was enjoyable, but too predicable and gets old quick. Mix/Randomize the sequence of bosses a little (less final), like the mini-bosses in DreadVault?
- The Mount bug (having one mount in Bank while attempting to receive another) was annoying as it denied many of us the chance at additional enchants/dyes. Can a fix be made so we at least get the other items in the box?
- Most of the general player base I spoke with (~60) considered the CW and DC weapon skins to be the worst... With the DC Sceptre resembling a "pleasure toy with spikes" more than a Sceptre. Only ones I cared for were the GWF Hammer and TR Axe... rest being rather too banal for my taste. Think we are all looking for more "outside the box" looking things.
- Drop rate of enchants changed CONSIDERABLY from the first day to the second day with rates dropping 50% or more. Why even bother with Rank 1's?!?!? Really a bummer.
"It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
Unless I still have some dye packs hidden on a character, I have a total of 71. Can't remember if getting a wolf or weapon skin replaced the dye, but if so add 6 to that. I started off running the four characters who didn't do the skirmish while leveling. My TR was the fourth and got a wolf. Then I ran my first CW for awhile and got a weapon skin. Over the course of the next few days, my DC got a wolf, then my second CW got a wolf and then my TR got another wolf (having to discard to first to pick up the second.) I guess I did pretty well, though I would have preferred if my second CW had gotten a weapon skin. She doesn't have any weapon skins from prior events unlike all my other characters who have multiples.
All in all though, I ran the event for fun. Had some really great parties and some really terrible ones. My only real complaint, as I wasn't all that interested in the loot, was the lag/latency through the event. Trying to dodge a red zone often resulting in rubberbanding back into it. If I could just walk out of the red, it still hit me, Stormcaller lightning curving out of the red onto me. On top of that, the final boss's knockdown attack was really messed up. A lot of time, the weapon wouldn't even connect and I still took damage. Connect or not, a few seconds later my character would just fall down, despite not being CC'd in the meantime.
Regardless, this is one more zone completion I have for my characters. Just have to run Gray Wolf Den with my GF to complete it for everyone.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
CW - mount dropped on 46th run; 6 weapon skins
TR - mount dropped on 24th run; 5 weapon skins
GWF - mount dropped on 36th run; 4 weapon skins
GF - mount dropped on 65th run; 5 weapon skins
DC - no mount after 42 runs; 7 weapon skins
Final impressions:
- I enjoyed all the events here in NW so far, including this CTA.
- I do not mind grinding for the things I want, provided if I have the time.
- I agree with other players about RNG and BOP, having one or the other is fine, but not both.
- I love the mount, and would love to upgrade it if I have the AD, but I don't. I am more into cosmetics in this game, so I am fine with it for being slow.
- Favorite weapon skins in order from most to least:
* CW orb
* GF spear
* TR axe (my TR has too much finesse to use these 'crude' weapons )
* GWF hammer
* DC scepter (very underwhelming design)
(Please let us dye our weapons again! )
BTW, does anyone know if Module 2's collector's system includes weapon skins and mounts from events?
That skin for the DC's weapon is not sceptre, rather it is a mace. The mace is a classic weapon for D&D clerics. A sceptre is an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
I would love for there to be some way to get the mount. I realize I did a lot less runs than some out there but I still participated in the event and the only thing I really wanted I didn't get. I only have a 50% mount so the wolf would be a huge upgrade style wise.
obsiddiaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,025Arc User
edited November 2013
Any chance we could get the dyes to stack up in larger amounts?
The last sets didn't have such small stacks.
Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
GWF - 26 ---- A bunch of enchants, 6 hammers
TR - 18 ---- bunch of enchants, 1 axe weapon
GWF#2 - 22
Bunch of enchants, 1 hammer
GF - 30
Bunch of enchants.
No wolf at all after all that.
I stayed and endured through this event as much as I can, missing out on sleep for hours and still didnt get it.
I got the blue weapons more than the actual green mount.
Very dissappointed in this CTA.
In every single one, I at least got ONE of the valuable prizes on one character.
I doubled my total of plays in this through all my characters than I have in every other CTA event and didnt get jack barely.
slambitMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 282Bounty Hunter
edited November 2013
did 20 or so runs over 3 chars, 1 wolf which i didnt really want, but no skins which, of course, is what i wanted lol
I was actually stupid enough to run this fail event well over 200 times and not even 1 mount. Got about 5 or 6k enchants and about 30 orb skins. All this aggravation over a slow green mount. :mad:
o.O You say you didnt get a mount yet i remember you posting about having gotten the mount and how epic it was..
Regardless, the drop RNG for some people was complete bull.
I enjoyed this skirmish but I only played a few times with my only char, a GWF, so it didn't become a grind.
I got lucky; the mount dropped on my 6th run. It goes nicely with soulforged armor but my toon looks rather too large on it so it's not going to replace my warhorse lol
That's his post, which is a really good example of why the 'suggestions' from the forums should be taken lightly.
Fyi, My GWF got the mount my 2nd run and nothing on my cw as you can clearly see I said I got 30 cw orbs from 200+ runs. Sorry for not making it clear for the slow people.;)
Queen of Dragon Server
Goddess Uniique, lvl 60 DC.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
Please give tickets/tokens something per run that I can turn in as a consistent model for purchase.
I definitely appreciate the events and I would hate to see them stop. That being said, the RNG on chance drops is just too brutal to make this stuff BOP.
- JailBreak (in development)
Yea, the event was fun. I would hate to see them stop. And the rewards were fine. If no one wanted them, there would be far less frustration about drop rates.
The real failure here is a pure random system. It simply removes accomplishment from the player. Winning gets reduced to pure luck or simply beating on the RNG long enough that it eventually submits, or the player breaks in frustration. Players need a way to measure progress, a way to know that each and every run counts for something. A way of feeling like each run, might not get you the prize, but you continue to move closer to the goal.
The alternative is to remove BoP. At least then, the option exists to bow out of the system and purchase from the lucky few. It has to be one or the other, not both. BoP and pure random is a horrible combination that punishes the player for simply failing against a faceless algorithm. And that is a hard pill to swallow for anyone.
I agree. I loved the CTA and would play the next one in a heartbeat. the only problem I had was the loot. I played the CTA 45 times. The items of note I received were 4 level 5 enchantments, 3 axes (rogue) and a bunch of little stuff. My buddy who played 5 times got the wolf on his second run, 2 level 5 cruel enchantments and a barbarian axe. Really does not seem fair for all the rounds I played over the weekend.
If you're going to make the drop rate ridiculously low, the least you could do is make it BoE so people still have a chance at getting one after 100+ runs of failure, from the people who get 6 of them after 30 runs.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
As a casual player, events that are purely RNG nonsense (with impossibly low odds to boot) like this one are a complete turnoff. And not just to the event, but the game as a whole (the combination of this event and the one immediately prior have essentially assured I will spend no money on this game barring massive changes in how you operate). I understand the opinion some carry that you should "earn" your rewards. Hell, I even believe that there is something (minor) to this sentiment. But as someone with actual obligations outside of poopsocking an MMO it is absurd that you expect a player to run an event that consists of grinding something already in-game and pretty droll 100+ times (>1500 minutes on average by your own estimates, or >25 hours of non-stop play) to even realistically have a chance at seeing the rewards.
You do a good job coming up with interesting reward options, and I appreciate that you try to incorporate existing content in a new manner to your events. That is a great way to have players revisit content and appreciate a lot of the content the game has available. You just have the absolute worst people deciding how to deliver rewards (You literally should fire, without question, whoever thought it would be a good idea to run around and have 600 NPC conversations for your Halloween event). You need to hire someone that can come up with a middle ground rewards system so that both the hardcore and casual players can enjoy your events at their leisure instead of dedicating unrealistic amounts of time (or figure out for yourselves how to).
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
Yeah, if it was a T3 mount, it would sting a little less.
I'll post my results I suppose.
GF: 6 runs - 2 spears, 2 rank 5 cruel, rest dye.
TR: 12 runs - 1 axe, 2 wolves(at 9 and 11), 2 rank 5 cruel, rest dye
DC: 39 runs - 3 totems, 6 rank 5 cruel, rest dye.
CW: 1 run for achievement.
GWF: 1 run for achievement.
4 runs and mount dropped.
78 runs and the mount finally dropped. Along the way also received 7 weapon skins and a bunch of enchants.
Didn't have time to go back and try for a weapon skin, but always next time.
That said, my take on this was:
- The CTA PitFight was enjoyable, but too predicable and gets old quick. Mix/Randomize the sequence of bosses a little (less final), like the mini-bosses in DreadVault?
- The Mount bug (having one mount in Bank while attempting to receive another) was annoying as it denied many of us the chance at additional enchants/dyes. Can a fix be made so we at least get the other items in the box?
- Most of the general player base I spoke with (~60) considered the CW and DC weapon skins to be the worst... With the DC Sceptre resembling a "pleasure toy with spikes" more than a Sceptre. Only ones I cared for were the GWF Hammer and TR Axe... rest being rather too banal for my taste. Think we are all looking for more "outside the box" looking things.
- Drop rate of enchants changed CONSIDERABLY from the first day to the second day with rates dropping 50% or more. Why even bother with Rank 1's?!?!? Really a bummer.
All in all though, I ran the event for fun. Had some really great parties and some really terrible ones. My only real complaint, as I wasn't all that interested in the loot, was the lag/latency through the event. Trying to dodge a red zone often resulting in rubberbanding back into it. If I could just walk out of the red, it still hit me, Stormcaller lightning curving out of the red onto me. On top of that, the final boss's knockdown attack was really messed up. A lot of time, the weapon wouldn't even connect and I still took damage. Connect or not, a few seconds later my character would just fall down, despite not being CC'd in the meantime.
Regardless, this is one more zone completion I have for my characters. Just have to run Gray Wolf Den with my GF to complete it for everyone.
CW - mount dropped on 46th run; 6 weapon skins
TR - mount dropped on 24th run; 5 weapon skins
GWF - mount dropped on 36th run; 4 weapon skins
GF - mount dropped on 65th run; 5 weapon skins
DC - no mount after 42 runs; 7 weapon skins
Final impressions:
- I enjoyed all the events here in NW so far, including this CTA.
- I do not mind grinding for the things I want, provided if I have the time.
- I agree with other players about RNG and BOP, having one or the other is fine, but not both.
- I love the mount, and would love to upgrade it if I have the AD, but I don't. I am more into cosmetics in this game, so I am fine with it for being slow.
- Favorite weapon skins in order from most to least:
* CW orb
* GF spear
* TR axe (my TR has too much finesse to use these 'crude' weapons
* GWF hammer
* DC scepter (very underwhelming design)
(Please let us dye our weapons again!
BTW, does anyone know if Module 2's collector's system includes weapon skins and mounts from events?
The last sets didn't have such small stacks.
TR - 18 ---- bunch of enchants, 1 axe weapon
GWF#2 - 22
Bunch of enchants, 1 hammer
GF - 30
Bunch of enchants.
No wolf at all after all that.
I stayed and endured through this event as much as I can, missing out on sleep for hours and still didnt get it.
I got the blue weapons more than the actual green mount.
Very dissappointed in this CTA.
In every single one, I at least got ONE of the valuable prizes on one character.
I doubled my total of plays in this through all my characters than I have in every other CTA event and didnt get jack barely.
I agree, it would be really nice to be able to stack to 100, but I would be happy with 40 like one of the other dyes can.
- JailBreak (in development)
o.O You say you didnt get a mount yet i remember you posting about having gotten the mount and how epic it was..
Regardless, the drop RNG for some people was complete bull.
I got lucky; the mount dropped on my 6th run. It goes nicely with soulforged armor but my toon looks rather too large on it so it's not going to replace my warhorse lol
You are correct - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?527511-First-impression-CTA-Pit-Fight&p=6517931&viewfull=1#post6517931
That's his post, which is a really good example of why the 'suggestions' from the forums should be taken lightly.
Fyi, My GWF got the mount my 2nd run and nothing on my cw as you can clearly see I said I got 30 cw orbs from 200+ runs. Sorry for not making it clear for the slow people.;)
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.