PvP is worthless it means nothing. a good player with no lag in green gear 10 levels lower can beat a player in better gear 10 levels higher that has lag just because the player sucks at pvp...
if you can't level up or quest solo... that's where the class is broken. honestly my HR is level 53 and no matter what method I try I still die like 5 to 8 times questing outdoors and in the solo dungeons because of the enemies that you can not dodge and have huge aoe hit areas. I mean how do you take them down when your basically tickling them to death.
It's a bit like trying to kill someone in real life with a feather and they have a knife... you get close your going to get stabbed just for the opportunity of tickling them.
the class needs to have the ability to hit hard from ranged and weak up close, melee shouldn't do much damage it should be the way to slow the enemies down or stun them so you can get ranged again... that's a balanced way to play... that way your not strong up close so the melee classes have a chance to win in pvp but it lets us keep leveling in pve to survive if we can slow and stun up close but hit hard from a distance...
think about the other classes in pvp... a TR can stealth right up to us and lay into us up close. a Shield warrior can block and walk up to you taking no damage then lay into you with knockbacks and stuns, a GWF can rush you and then cut you to ribbons, a CW can freeze you then choke you and stun you until you die, then a Cleric can dot you up knock you down and heal themselves draining you and channeling their devine damage into you while they get health back. what can a ranger do to survive or damage? drop their area attacks and run away after slowing the enemies
what kind of way is that to fight? run.
try to get up close most all the classes will own you, try to get ranged they can still own you even rogues can own you with their ranged which does 4 times the damage of a HR ranged attacks. HR just have no place in this game they are out of place and can not survive outside a group which they only way they can contribute to a group is to boost their damage which is worthless because HR can't do the damage... they are better off getting a CW and having extra damage from them instead. Right now a HR is more like a companion to a party, they give a buff but are worthless doing damage.
I dont believe he was talking about PvP
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
even not he was talking a group setting... where its not about surviving its about team work and contributing they could freely do damage because there was someone to heal them and hold the enemies... solo all you have is a companion and potions... which is weak.
thus the word HUNTER ranger... hunters do use ranged weapons... what hunter do you know of that wonders through the woods with a knife trying to kill a deer with it? can you name hunters that hunt with swords and knives? what hunter do you know of that has a bow uses a knife to kill its prey ignoring its bow completely? what other game in fact has a hunter that doesn't use a bow?
in the true keeping with all D&D games including the most recent a ranger should be able to be built either way... ranged or melee. currently a range build still has melee more powerful even with the feats and boost to all ranged attacks... which is stupid.
I quoted this in a different thread, which is being cleaned up. But here is your answer:
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
So... now that you "fixed" dungeon progression, and put yet another obstacle for new players trying to gear up, I'm waiting for improved boss loot, good loot from trash mobs, real boss mechanics besides red AoEs and spawning an enormous amount of trash.
I'm sure these will be implemented in the next patch, or your new dungeon changes are the worst thing in NWO since BoP introduction and blue drops in MC.
So... now that you "fixed" dungeon progression, and put yet another obstacle for new players trying to gear up, I'm waiting for improved boss loot, good loot from trash mobs, real boss mechanics besides red AoEs and spawning an enormous amount of trash.
I'm sure these will be implemented in the next patch, or your new dungeon changes are the worst thing in NWO since BoP introduction and blue drops in MC.
I can imagin that it will be frustrating for a new player to gear up when u dont have the connections to players that can carry u in dungeons.
To make up for that, i would love to see something like equal t2 sets that u can buy for seals but with lower overall stats and maybe make seals tradeable.
For example 2unicorn seals = 1 drake seal, 4 pegasus seals = 1unicorn seal ect. Not sure about these numbers but i'm pretty sure something like that wont kill the value of the remaining boe t2 pieces and make it easier for new ppl to gear up and enjoy the game.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I can imagin that it will be frustrating for a new player to gear up when u dont have the connections to players that can carry u in dungeons.
To make up for that, i would love to see something like equal t2 sets that u can buy for seals but with lower overall stats and maybe make seals tradeable.
For example 2unicorn seals = 1 drake seal, 4 pegasus seals = 1unicorn seal ect. Not sure about these numbers but i'm pretty sure something like that wont kill the value of the remaining boe t2 pieces and make it easier for new ppl to gear up and enjoy the game.
The issue is very serious. I personally came in the game while things were still BoE and before Feywild, and everything was so much easier, without doing much, this allowed me to but a T1 Archmage set immediately as I reached 60 and in 2-3 weeks I had my T2 as well. These things allowed me to farm more and dungeons to get AD so I can buy enchants and so on. Sure, I didn't enjoyed this period for a long while, others have been doing this for MONTHS, generating many millions of AD and BiS on many chars, because the dungeons were easily exploitable and adequate for farming.
Now, their moves of making the dungeons more and more inaccessible to the normal casual guy will just make people that already have the gear to be the only ones capable of running things properly, since we all know many bosses are impossible at proposed gear score. So this will create a bigger and bigger rift between the "elites" and the casuals.
This rift should never be accentuated, they should instead work to close the gap, i.e. make things harder for the geared people and easier for the casuals.
But all in all, it comes down to the fact that newbies have it unfair compared to the guys that were here from early on.
xwanguuMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
I can imagin that it will be frustrating for a new player to gear up when u dont have the connections to players that can carry u in dungeons.
To make up for that, i would love to see something like equal t2 sets that u can buy for seals but with lower overall stats and maybe make seals tradeable.
For example 2unicorn seals = 1 drake seal, 4 pegasus seals = 1unicorn seal ect. Not sure about these numbers but i'm pretty sure something like that wont kill the value of the remaining boe t2 pieces and make it easier for new ppl to gear up and enjoy the game.
They're called Ardent coins. You get them daily for praying. Unless you want to save them for the AoP or something. You can convert them to Drake seals on a 1 to 1 ratio. Not exactly your proposal, but yes, there's something out there for it.
I reimported my GWF today. The first time, I just had to respec the 10 points from Student of the Sword and Unstoppable Recovery. This time, I had to respec my entire feat tree. so basically by forced, they mean that all of your points are reset. Slightly annoying in that I went over there to test out new specs, but wasn't able to write down what I already had first, the feats were already gone.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
They're called Ardent coins. You get them daily for praying. Unless you want to save them for the AoP or something. You can convert them to Drake seals on a 1 to 1 ratio. Not exactly your proposal, but yes, there's something out there for it.
So and u want to tell me that this is a good solution for new players to get their gear together? Getting 1 extra seal a day?
I hope ur kidding.
So and u want to tell me that this is a good solution for new players to get their gear together? Getting 1 extra seal a day?
I hope ur kidding.
That was a pitiful justification indeed
It's better to just farm simple first bosses like in ToS and later CN over and over again if Seals is what one want. Hope we will never reach this situation though, since seals gear doesn't have any 4-piece bonus and it's hardly meaningful outside salvage for AD or sell for gold.
Does this means that any boss that can be pulled out of its arena can be fought elsewhere in a legit way?
In my understanding, it means exactly the opposite - that each boss has strict limits in which he will fight and if you attempt to draw it off (from the spawning adds, presumably ) the fight might reset. This is already implemented in most places.
A number of changes have been applied to several dungeons across the game:
Dungeon quests have been updated to clarify current quest objectives and progression on the dungeon maps, including defeat of each of the dungeon bosses.
Respawn campfires now unlock after players defeat minibosses, complete quest objectives, or achieve appropriate progression points on dungeon maps.
Holes in terrain have been fixed; additionally, warps have added beneath the maps to transport players to the starting safe area so players don't get stuck in bad places.
Bosses have been adjusted so they either have their own locked-in arenas or will return to their arenas so they don't get stuck in bad places.
If this works as it's stated, then I am very happy.
i hate what they did with hawk shot.. also if they expect us to be melee.. at least make our melee equal to that of a tr since our ranged is now about equal to a girl scout throwing cookies.. n now i want cookies
The more that the t2 dungeons get fixed the less worthwhile it will be for people to play them. The rewards for putting up with infinite spawns of uncontrollable adds and floors painted red by aoe zones so that there is nowhere to move are minimal at best and worse unlikely to happen anyway.
I guess I'll just stop bothering with t2 content.
You have been steadily reducing the power of characters without adjusting the content, except to fix the exploits people used to get their super characters that made you make the content impossible for the supposed target characters.
GS requirements are well below the reality of what is needed for a t2 dungeon, and yet the only way to really gear up is via PvP or being carried through a t2 by a team that got geared up before all the exploits were fixed and powers were nerfed.
The Sharandar module in no way improves the situation; endless quests that are essentially pointless for limited rewards...yay.
Leveling is fun and interesting. The end game is just becoming frustrating and repetitive. That seems to be an issue.
[*]A number of changes have been applied to several dungeons across the game:
Dungeon quests have been updated to clarify current quest objectives and progression on the dungeon maps, including defeat of each of the dungeon bosses.
Respawn campfires now unlock after players defeat minibosses, complete quest objectives, or achieve appropriate progression points on dungeon maps.
Holes in terrain have been fixed; additionally, warps have added beneath the maps to transport players to the starting safe area so players don't get stuck in bad places.
Bosses have been adjusted so they either have their own locked-in arenas or will return to their arenas so they don't get stuck in bad places.
Good work!
I was waiting for this fix since the end of beta testing.
Words are like arrows. Once loosed, you cannot call them back
they change the Stone of Allure Active bonus, im lost for words here, this Companion are Zen Store, we bought it with real money and we have been screwed by PWI, not very funny.... if i could only say words here that will not be censored or deleted this whole **** pages will be filled with them..
they change the Stone of Allure Active bonus, im lost for words here, this Companion are Zen Store, we bought it with real money and we have been screwed by PWI, not very funny.... if i could only say words here that will not be censored or deleted this whole **** pages will be filled with them..
active bonus is on top all other bonus's so its not bad
I like the anti-cheat fixes very much so and hope there will be also more fixes from another kind. The huge amount of exploits make the dungeons a joke.
Well, that's one thing, the other thing is the insane amount of adds in many dungeons. This is just utterly annoying.
The Hand of Maegera is a good example. A very limited area to fight on and then full with adds. If I even walk up the small bridge, the adds I was kiting reset and I lose all the aggro. The last boss from this dungeon was easy to defeat the legit way, no sweat at all.
Or take Frozen Heart as another example. What's the purpose of so many adds?
Please don't get me wrong, but it seems like when the boss is too weakly/unchallengingly designed, there's always the option to pump more adds into the room. Having a tank kite the adds while others dps the boss, after the boss is dead, forget the adds, wipe and let them de-spawn. Killing them is just a waste of time. Suicide in this game seems always a good option. This is boring and defies my play style.
A good example is Spellplague Caverns. There are many things to kill, but with smarts and some effort it's good to manage.
Or Castle Never which I like very much even that I've never seen the end of the last boss.
Temple of Spider wasn't working for me as I was unable to perform the necessary moves needed to exploit it, thus never got invited to it in the first place.
On queuing I gave up as I hate people quitting on us and losing my precious time and wasting yet another Dungeon Delve. Or being kicked out of the run for no obvious reasons. There should be a penalty for quitters. Like a one hour Dungeon Ban, so their Dungeon Delve get's wasted, too. If the vote-kick will be enough, only time will show.
Dungeons are supposed to be hard, especially with the "Epic" prefix, but please don't drown us in adds, kill us with bosses
Leadership: This profession now has a chance to drop Refining Stones in the various boxes given as rewards for some tasks for use in Item Refinement.
Will this retroactively apply to those allr eady saved when the changes go live ? (i.e Blue green chests in my inventory now)
Leadership: This profession now has a chance to drop Refining Stones in the various boxes given as rewards for some tasks for use in Item Refinement.
Will this retroactively apply to those allr eady saved when the changes go live ? (i.e Blue green chests in my inventory now)
I am now saving purple and blue boxes from leadership, i think i have 10 epic and 34 blues, lol, but after PWE read this, they will definitely make some changes like new boxes. lmao.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Leadership: This profession now has a chance to drop Refining Stones in the various boxes given as rewards for some tasks for use in Item Refinement.
Will this retroactively apply to those allr eady saved when the changes go live ? (i.e Blue green chests in my inventory now)
Yes, it will. I had been saving up mine in case they made a change like this and when I copied over a character with them I was able to get refining stones out of them.
Yes, it will. I had been saving up mine in case they made a change like this and when I copied over a character with them I was able to get refining stones out of them.
I dont believe he was talking about PvP
even not he was talking a group setting... where its not about surviving its about team work and contributing they could freely do damage because there was someone to heal them and hold the enemies... solo all you have is a companion and potions... which is weak.
I quoted this in a different thread, which is being cleaned up. But here is your answer:
Aleksander Emelianenko hunted & killed a bear with a knife
I'm sure these will be implemented in the next patch, or your new dungeon changes are the worst thing in NWO since BoP introduction and blue drops in MC.
I can imagin that it will be frustrating for a new player to gear up when u dont have the connections to players that can carry u in dungeons.
To make up for that, i would love to see something like equal t2 sets that u can buy for seals but with lower overall stats and maybe make seals tradeable.
For example 2unicorn seals = 1 drake seal, 4 pegasus seals = 1unicorn seal ect. Not sure about these numbers but i'm pretty sure something like that wont kill the value of the remaining boe t2 pieces and make it easier for new ppl to gear up and enjoy the game.
The issue is very serious. I personally came in the game while things were still BoE and before Feywild, and everything was so much easier, without doing much, this allowed me to but a T1 Archmage set immediately as I reached 60 and in 2-3 weeks I had my T2 as well. These things allowed me to farm more and dungeons to get AD so I can buy enchants and so on. Sure, I didn't enjoyed this period for a long while, others have been doing this for MONTHS, generating many millions of AD and BiS on many chars, because the dungeons were easily exploitable and adequate for farming.
Now, their moves of making the dungeons more and more inaccessible to the normal casual guy will just make people that already have the gear to be the only ones capable of running things properly, since we all know many bosses are impossible at proposed gear score. So this will create a bigger and bigger rift between the "elites" and the casuals.
This rift should never be accentuated, they should instead work to close the gap, i.e. make things harder for the geared people and easier for the casuals.
But all in all, it comes down to the fact that newbies have it unfair compared to the guys that were here from early on.
What is a forced full respec?
They're called Ardent coins. You get them daily for praying. Unless you want to save them for the AoP or something. You can convert them to Drake seals on a 1 to 1 ratio. Not exactly your proposal, but yes, there's something out there for it.
So and u want to tell me that this is a good solution for new players to get their gear together? Getting 1 extra seal a day?
I hope ur kidding.
Hakuna Matata
That was a pitiful justification indeed
It's better to just farm simple first bosses like in ToS and later CN over and over again if Seals is what one want. Hope we will never reach this situation though, since seals gear doesn't have any 4-piece bonus and it's hardly meaningful outside salvage for AD or sell for gold.
In my understanding, it means exactly the opposite - that each boss has strict limits in which he will fight and if you attempt to draw it off (from the spawning adds, presumably
If this works as it's stated, then I am very happy.
Sounds to me like you need practice.
Good work!
I was waiting for this fix since the end of beta testing.
active bonus is on top all other bonus's so its not bad
Dear Devs,
I like the anti-cheat fixes very much so and hope there will be also more fixes from another kind. The huge amount of exploits make the dungeons a joke.
Well, that's one thing, the other thing is the insane amount of adds in many dungeons. This is just utterly annoying.
The Hand of Maegera is a good example. A very limited area to fight on and then full with adds. If I even walk up the small bridge, the adds I was kiting reset and I lose all the aggro. The last boss from this dungeon was easy to defeat the legit way, no sweat at all.
Or take Frozen Heart as another example. What's the purpose of so many adds?
Please don't get me wrong, but it seems like when the boss is too weakly/unchallengingly designed, there's always the option to pump more adds into the room. Having a tank kite the adds while others dps the boss, after the boss is dead, forget the adds, wipe and let them de-spawn. Killing them is just a waste of time. Suicide in this game seems always a good option. This is boring and defies my play style.
A good example is Spellplague Caverns. There are many things to kill, but with smarts and some effort it's good to manage.
Or Castle Never which I like very much even that I've never seen the end of the last boss.
Temple of Spider wasn't working for me as I was unable to perform the necessary moves needed to exploit it, thus never got invited to it in the first place.
On queuing I gave up as I hate people quitting on us and losing my precious time and wasting yet another Dungeon Delve. Or being kicked out of the run for no obvious reasons. There should be a penalty for quitters. Like a one hour Dungeon Ban, so their Dungeon Delve get's wasted, too. If the vote-kick will be enough, only time will show.
Dungeons are supposed to be hard, especially with the "Epic" prefix, but please don't drown us in adds, kill us with bosses
Leadership: This profession now has a chance to drop Refining Stones in the various boxes given as rewards for some tasks for use in Item Refinement.
Will this retroactively apply to those allr eady saved when the changes go live ? (i.e Blue green chests in my inventory now)
I am now saving purple and blue boxes from leadership, i think i have 10 epic and 34 blues, lol, but after PWE read this, they will definitely make some changes like new boxes. lmao.
Yes, it will. I had been saving up mine in case they made a change like this and when I copied over a character with them I was able to get refining stones out of them.
refining stone and marks of potency ?
You still get the augmentation stat bonus...:)
Havent seen or read that they change the price for the training mount.
Nope, same prices. ~2.8M from 1 to 3.
Iyon the Dark