Not too long ago I made a thread pointing out that it was possible to dye your weapons using a by-pass (which I think SHOULD be allowed even if i didn't use it myself). But ever since the latest patch it seems like this isn't possible at all anymore. So those with dyed weapons can't do anything about them or change it, being stuck with that until they get an upgrade or just buy something new to get rid of the dye.
Now, how come nothing of this kind has been mentioned in patch-notes anywhere? Yes, I've searched around. I believe that if it was intentionally "fixed" then it should have been announced. Otherwise is it a side-effect from something that made the change button grayed out instead of getting that red error message from before?
Would be cool with some form of response to this.. and i understand I might be posting in the wrong sub-board, but please move the thread if thats the case.
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they never post full patch notes, they never show up to explain wtf are they doing, and probably even they dont know wtf they are doing most of the time
That is rather beside the point, isn't it. I don't know the rationale either, if indeed there is any, but that is neither here nor there. It was known weapons weren't supposed to be dyed, but one could work around it. Now one can't, so the bug has been fixed.
Perhaps players can gather together and campaign for them to allow weapons to be dyed, but I don't really see the point in complaining about a fix finally being implemented to prevent what was not intended to be allowed.
If a bug is fixed it should be mentioned in the updates, sloppy work from sloppy devs.
While weapon dying wasn't much of an exploit, it still was. And as a rule they purposefully don't mention exploit fixes. Whether you like the policy or not, its not sloppy for them to follow it.
Is weapon dyeing an exploit in the first place? Did the Devs officially said somewhere that weapons are not supposed to be dyed? If they did, then as some have mentioned, that is a weird decision on their part for not allowing it. Shields can be dyed so why not swords?
Besides, more people will spend Zen/AD to buy dyes if they can change the colors of their weapons, which is good for business. And players like me who like to color coordinate will definitely spend that money.
I don't remember seeing patch notes for it. That said, it was pretty obvious. The ability to dye weapons was removed. A bug let us continue to dye them. When we told others how to do this the threads were moved into the bug forum. And now they've removed the workaround.
I'm not saying it was a good decision. I agree it seems 'less than smart' that they removed the ability to dye weapons. It is what it is. Seems bluntly intentional to me. What we don't know is the reasoning. For all we know it could have caused technical issues. Or perhaps they have something better planned for the future.
But some players would love to be able to dye weapons.
So for the Devs, any idea about why this isn't a possibility?
The default weapon colors are so ugly...
For example, compare this baby:
To this "thing":
I don't understand what went through the dev's minds... It doesn't make sense. I have dyed every weapon, from lvl 10 to 60 along with my armors, i always thought it is an actual feature of the game, since it didn't cause me any troubles dying, unlike it does now... (greyed out button
From a RP perspective, looking different than other toons is a very important thing. This is one step back, instead of forward.
Exactly. I port my GF to the preview server to "test dye " all his gear, including his weapon and I waited a few days to get more dyes to do it in the live server. When i dyed everything in the live server, I realized the weapon cannot be dyed anymore. Now he is stuck with the transmuted golden sword shown above.
I know. Thats why it baffles me to why they set the system up to be against it in the first place.
Depending on how you went about it, you could have had difficulty. For instance, you could only dye one weapon at a time. After the first you had to log all the way out and back in to dye the second. Freaked some TRs out thinking they could only dye one of their weapons. Another thing was that they took off the ability select the dyes from the menu. People that would drag the dye to the slot wouldn't even notice, but others did.
The simple fact that there was a specific message telling us that weapons can't be dyed clearly showed that we weren't supposed to dye our weapons. That being said, why can't we dye weapons? Everybody loves customization and more dyes bought means more money for the company, so why aren't we allowed to dye weapons?
Still hoping for some official input about this.
I know for a fact people like to dye their gear, and weapons is a part of the gear, isn't it? There is no harm in allowing us to do this, it'd make more players happy and allow those who RP and such to take things a step further. What they could atleast do for people who spent money to pimp out their weapons is to enable dye removers to work on them.
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Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
- One of the 5 core founders.
There is absolutely no good reason why weapons should not be dye-able. It's as rational as saying you can't dye your armour or fashion clothing.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
My point exactly.
(I will also note, I haven't actually used a dye on a weapon in some time, only previewed them. Somebody's notes on how to achieve dyed weapons suggested that he was only able to do so successfully once per patch cycle.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
the first time i saw this thread, i tried it in game and i could drag and drop dyes to the change appearance window... and they would preview... and i thought the same thing, that it would work. that is, until i saw that the change button was grayed out. so... unless it's a persistence thing that i didn't try... anyone have any other experiences recently?
i'm not sure why they would disable this or even if this wasn't supposed to work this way. being able to fully color coordinate your look is very important to some people.
My prior experience was that if you couldn't use a dye, you wouldn't even be able to drag it onto the window.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Yes, I've tried it in a few different ways which non has worked.
Oh how I wish some dev input could be given on this to clarify things. Some people claim to have done it recently, and others can't.
Spoon? There is no spoon.
Old member of Team Fencebane (R.I.P)
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BTW, you can add me to the Group of ppl who would love to know why we can't dye weapons in the first place.
I mean, they want to increase customization, but all the weapons must look the same?