Been playing this game for a while now and I must say I really enjoyed leveling and progressing my characters, particularly the Feywild pack boon system and the dailies. With the upcoming release of the new expansion Shadowmantle, I'm very excited about gearing up my ranger too.
As you all know, after hitting level 60, the only way to progress your character is to farm T1/T2 dungeons. I'm sure some of you may also have experienced difficulties in finding like-minded players to group up with, the queue system is not working properly, zone shout is frustrating, tho foundry is a nice feature for soloing but unfortunately it doesn't reward needed epic gear.
Hence, I would like to propose a solo mode/option; if you ever played Diablo 3 you would be familiar with the Monster Power System: basically depending on how many players you have in a certain group (1 ~ 5) and the difficulties of the dungeons (e.g. 0 ~ 10), the loot drop rate is adjusted accordingly.
I think it will provide solo RPG players a chance to be able to enjoy and progress in this game too, wouldn't you agree?

Awhile back I posted an
old thread about it but seems like it failed to get any attention from the DEV/GM team, hopefully this time they might see it. Would love to have this option implemented.
Thx for reading ^^
Cryptic appears to encourage grouping in this game so I doubt if soloers will have a path to upgrade or acquire T2 gear anytime soon. Now that the really good gear is BOP and no longer on the AH, you either group-up or settle for being second class.
The answer is the foundry but a system is not in place to reward difficult and really challenging solo content. Cryptic would also need a way to stop exploiters from abusing the foundry for gear. Soooooo, it will be a while.
Hopefully, the people that enjoy the solo path will not become discouraged and leave this game. Despite the games limitations, it really is a lot of fun.
I've ended up buying some reasonably priced gear with decent stats off the AH. For a while I swore I'd never buy becasue I'd rather earn it, but none of the gear I can earn solo is any good and I can't bring myself to do repetitive dungeons with random groups. A large part of my desire to play RPG style games revolves around progressing my character(s).
PUG'ing for T1 gear really isn't all that bad. I play mostly solo but have been going the 'earn it' route on my latest character. Blew through the first 2 pieces of gear, had a minor speed bump on the 3rd (took 10 runs to get it to drop) and have taken a couple shots at the next piece (which will complete the set). It's possible to get some iffy/poor group members, sure, but I've also gotten some superb group members as well (one run of CC we had *0* knockdowns the entire time).
TL;DR: running dungeons with random groups isn't so bad that it needs to be avoided.
Well said devocut, true to the words. I have played RPG games for 10 years and this is my first MMO. Frankly I really enjoyed the graphics, world, storyline and the combat is just incredible. I guess what I can do now is to spend my remaining AD on char slots and level up a few alts.
I'm more of a farming kind I want to earn up my own sets (for my main and possibly alts) by actually grind at my own pace, unfortunately there's no way to do that here. The truth is I'd love to do teamplay too but in a synergy-oriented game it's important to play with people that are familiar with your play style such as timing, positioning etc, not to mention most PUGs I ended up didn't even bother to communicate, which is why i stopped zone shouts.
Hmm I understand what you mean tinukeda, but I'm not saying it should be avoided completely, I actually enjoyed quite a bit of teamplay when I DID get some friendly/social groups.
What I wanted to pass the message on is, it would be nice for the DEV team to consider making "5-man-required runs" to be an option not an obligation, considering the player base is dropping.
I hear your point but I doubt any such changes will ever happen. The game was designed from the beginning to be group orientated (as is the game it is based on, D&D) and it will most likely stay that way in perpetuity. And, barring any official statistics, doom and gloom about player base size is really just speculation.
I hear ya too. I've had some epically bad groups as well but for me it's not a bother (I have a relaxed and casual play style); bright side of those, in my book, at least you have a good horror story to share later (my favorite so far has been the one about the player who would just watch fights and not join in 75% of the time ... and was playing a DC. #dafuq?!).
We REALLY need solo dungeons, like T1s and T2s, for every player, new or old, but different rewards ofc, mostly I would say a higher drop rate on echantments, scrolls, blue items, marks, runes, etc. (consumables) and maybe and end chest (that can only be opened with the DD Key available on the AD Bazar) that rewards T1/T2 items, 50% chance of BoE, 50% chance of BoP, of every kind, chest, helm, etc. from every class. Sure, you can get lucky, and get the T2 item you need, but you can also be unlucky and get an item you already have, or an item from another class, but at least you'll have something to do, a purpose.
Best Regards,
Couple of weeks ago, I wanted to clear all my acheivemets for dungeons, some dungeons (like epic Dread Vault, epic Gray Wold, epic Mad Dragon) are very hard to find party to go with you... If only there was a system to solo or 2-men them.
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and bosses dont even need scaling, without adds any decent player can solo any t2 boss, on cw i could solo epic fh last boss as it is if it werent for archers
This is an MMO, the quest path gives you solo dungeoneering paths, the harder dungeons itself should be kept for parties. Give new players also the chance to fight them. If every high level player that is bored just farms solo dungeons with decent loot every day several hours even less dungeon parties will pop up.
Some MMO already offer the possibility to play dungeons in solo or group.
I would love to see this implemented. Same loot, just lower drop rates. They could even make everything BOP if you run it with less than 5 people and I would still be happy with it.
Due to some nasty experiences in the past,
I no longer do party stuff.
I play alone and run dungeon delves alone.
Every day I solo Cloak Tower and Cragmire,
for stuff for my alts.
I even attempted Spider Temple, but its too hard for me.
I can kill the mobs sure, but it takes so long,
because they seem to have really high def.
Its still fun though even doing part of the dungeon.
So I also would like to see more single player dungeons and stuff, please.:)
Ultimately it's a dev decision, I'm not particularly concered. I'll make the most of the game as I choose to play it.
The whole concept of MMOs changes over time. I still remember older games where soloing anything outside the starting area was frowned upon. And only possible with certain classes or lots and lots of time between fights. That changed.
The definition of an MMO changes from person to person. Some people don't consider it an MMO unless 40 people are involved in the same fight. Others call something an MMO if a bunch of people play it at once, even if every server only has 10 people. Some loners may want to play alone but still be part of a larger group. Or play in a world that evolves and changes as opposed to most single player games. The point is that the purpose and 'concept' of an MMO varies from person to person.
I'm not advocating either style of play, but the point of a game is to have fun. Some people have fun doing things differently. If enough people feel the same way then eventually game designers will make content for them. Which in turn draws a larger crowd to the game. And means more money for the company to use on all types of gameplay.
Solo dungeons could be challenging, thus stimulating new gearing routes, playstyle diversities, encouraging alt leveling for different races/scores, more roundup builds, solo or 2man world boss killing records etc. Sometimes it's not always about making AD but having fun. At this moment it's about the ability get into a dungeon when you don't have friends/guilds but still enjoy the gaming experience.
I'm not trying to demand anything just to cater my own taste, I respect others' play styles which is why I requested it only as an option or on a separate mode etc. I wanted to share this and see if anyone else are with me too. Just like runebane said, should ever the DEV team read this by any luck and they believe there's enough crowd worth to make some changes, imo it's mutually beneficial.
I read all the replies and thanks guys for your support for the thread so far!
Well said !!.
This post says a lot.
And as a bonus for those folks who go thru the epics, it is another way to get your loot without someone kicking you from the group.