So, everyone probably has their ideal companion, reguardless of what it is they do, what would you like them to be?
Top for me would probably be, in no particular order:
1. A white tiger or snow leapard..or white cat in general.
2. A polar Bear.
3. Id like to say a Nymph-type-thing, that has an animation of erupting into a bunch of flowers and leaves and then reformalizing. But, im not sure if a nymph would be to...'provocative' or anything.
4. A ferret.
5. A Barnowl, i want a bubo
So fellow neverwinter players, what companions would you like to see? Would they fit your backstory, would you like them purely for cosmetics? Id like to know

I personally cant wait for a new lockbox!
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
1. A Dryad companion that heals you, (maybe causes some sort of flower to sprout which heals allies near it), and which can perhaps entangle enemies.
2. I believe I once saw one of those Gloomwrought animated armors that had a sword and shield - that'd make an awesome defender companion.
3. We have an Alchemy profession - how about an alchemist companion that throws potions at enemies that deal damage or debuff/control them, and ones at us that heal and buff.
4. Add a selection of horse companions that coincide w/ the horse mounts - give them a basic attack where they rear up on their back legs, and come down hard with their front ones, and another where they turn away from their target and kick hard with their back legs. The 1st attack could have a small chance to knock the enemy down, and the 2nd could have a slightly higher chance to knock the enemy back.
5. A rogue companion that could go into stealth and do things like drop smoke bombs or maybe event set traps would be awesome.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Mimic companion.
I would also like to see:
-Faerie Dragon: would make a good controller companion with it's euphoric gas breath weapon.
-Wyrmling/hatchling dragons of various colours (this isn't weird, good dragons will often foster young, and even evil ones will encourage this to promote evil/chaos)
-Nymph wouldn't be bad, we already got some 'interesting' animations with the sylph. On that note, succubus companions would be neat, and would make a nice controller companion (charms).
These would all be great sellers in the zen market.
I'd like to see the current companions become more customized. By that I mean I'd like to see a way to change fighting companions into augment companions.
I'd also like to see mount & companions combined. Imagine mounts that transform into fighting companions when you dismount. (If they were also equipped as a companion.)
If it's still running, I highly recommend the IGN promotion - for like $7 you get an account-wide green-quality cleric companion.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Thanks Bioshrike... i already got that one in addition to the assassin and founder pack wolf... trying to get my hands on the Logitech wizard. It's just that single purchase companions seem to be a bit of a waste for the asking price.
This thread^
WTB Class Reroll please
Serious now, I want an eagle and a gryphon companion
But really, a companion that summons other things to battle for it with some actual controller function would be nice. A rogue that can actually disarm traps as part of its rather minor functionality. More leaders with decent healing abilities and defenders. - Cryptic Studios Review
While the enemy is standing there trying to figure out what the mime is doing, you kill the enemy.
"Young people....." - Erik Lehnsherr
some actual controller types would be great, have a minor control attack and a more powerful aoe control attack for them to make them actually able to live up to their role.
I also would like to see companions be able to upgrade their weapons and armor with enchantments much like players can, i know we have runestones to augment their abilities, but they only go so far before even at lvl 10 (which is a huge investment) the runestones aren't enough to keep the companion alive for very long
but i digress, the companions i'd like to see in the game are
1. any Shardmind companion, maybe a psion or some other psionic based class
2. lots more animals, i personally want a cat companion like in this picture:
3. a Bulette companion
4. a Harpy
5. any Drake
i could go on, but the collected D&D monster manuals has so many candidates i could list dozens maybe even hundreds
I would love to have an Owl for my CW.
Think it would be the ideal companion for a wizz. :cool:
I can wait...
I draw as Masamundane.
id like to see more augment pets, since no one respects normal pets at level 60. small animals, tiny creatures, chatty skulls
id love to see pets from winning gold in certain zone events (x number of times).
spy catcher could get you a spy, also...Memphit, will o wisp, spirit wolf...
I loved the arenae but the box was just out to short of a time for the AH prices to drop.
id love to see more shifters.. maybe a changeling that randomly looks like pets you have in your idle list or like your alts...or you.
it would be awesome if you could get your alts as pets ...for a price.
more flyers, doves, parrots, wasps, butterflies,
specific pets I looking forward to, Fox, . umber-hulk, baby unicorn, walking plant
If not I settle with a Beholder :cool:
Also would totally empty my pockets if all companions/mounts where account bound. Yes I'm a hoarder lol - Cryptic Studios Review
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
Righteous Troll Paladin
Description: This very uncommon troll agreed to help you in your journey to "give good" and "inflict justice" in the name of Tempus!
1) Inflict justice - The Righteous Troll charges at your enemies generating extra threat.
2) Give good - Stikes a target in a cone dealing damage
3) Unstoppable (hehe, Righteous actually) Trolling - "Inflict Justice" now knocks the target prone and Righteous Troll's regeneration stat is increased by 50%. (this one unlocks at lvl 30)
And it's look made by khimera906 :P
WTB Class Reroll please