Hello all:
I tried my first Foundry Quest tonight. The short of it is, I was to use a key to open a door, very early in the quest. I got the key, had it in my inventory, but the door would not open. It kept telling me I needed the key.
Needless to say, I had to quit the quest, then found out I could not comment or review the quest, since I had quit instead of finishing it. I tried to look up the maker via the search for player thing, but as all I have is the
@name, that was a no go. So how do I get in touch with the maker to let them know there is a problem?
Thanks for any help folks!
Or, you can also PM (Private Message) them in the forums -- also using their "@name"
The PM might be a better option 'cause you can leave them more descriptive details and they could cut-n-paste your remarks, suggestions into any "to do" list they might have for the quest.
Edit: Red stars and gold stars? If you mean two different "listings" for the same quest -- I think the red stars are probably the "featured" "copy" of the quests (probably says "featured" and might have a little ribbon somewhere as well).
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Not everyone's forum name is the same as their in-game @handle though. If you can't clearly identify the author on the forum through posts, would be better to send a message in-game i think. My forum and in-game names do not match.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
Does this really work?
The stupid dumbassery way Cryptic/PWE has the system set-up I have three ( count 'em THREE) freaking "names" to keep track of: my account handle with password (obviously not allowed to state that one here), my FORUM handle (which you can see is "Angry Sprite" and my in-game @Handle, which is @Skytzyc.
Please test it: try to PM me in these forums addressed to @Skytzyc.
Not everyone has the same @Handle and Forum name. Those of us who were playing Cryptic games long before PWE acquired them will often have very different Forum names and @Handles.
Just an FYI.
to the OP: In-game mail to their @HANDLE works BEST and is most reliable because that user will get that email on all their alts. - INCLUDING their Star Trek Online and Champions Online alts (I get mixed email all the time and it's an awesome feature). i.e. I get Neverwinter mail while I'm leveling-up my new Romulan in STO. Just address the email only to the @Handle - without character names.
. . . . . . You can sync your @handle to match your forum nickname using the option in the Cryptic Main Menu site. The only reason you'd be unable to do this is if someone already has your forum nickname as an @handle. You'd then need to ask that person to sync theirs, freeing up your forum nickname for syncing. My handle used to be @Captain Zebular until I synced it, now it is just @zebular.
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Heh, hard to do if you don't know the person with your handle. If they even still play. If they don't LOL when you ask them to change their name so you can take it.
As said by others in game mail works best.
And the system won't tell you this.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Yeah, if you forgot or just didn't know... They combined the servers a while back. We are all on the same server now.
*I think one thing that is missed in this is that players shouldn't have to figure out how to do this. Whenever you cancel a quest you get a pop-up stating that you can't review it. Would be nice if this pop-up had an option to leave hidden & unrated feedback for the author.
Put such feedback in a list attached to the quest that the author can scroll through. Then the author could see what problems other players are having that are stopping them from finishing their quests.*