My opinion is that IS is relatively in a good place... maybe a bit of toning it down would be good for more balance, something like "Can only stun after connecting 3 consecutive shots"...
It is a good skill, nessesary to their skill set. BUT point is: They dont need to do anything else then 4 times press one button to bring you to like 20% HP. I say, let them have it, but it should be a bit harder to deal 80% of targets HP then press one button!
Internal cooldown of stun or longer animation would be nice(it would be dodgeable and so harder to land)
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It is a good skill, nessesary to their skill set. BUT point is: They dont need to do anything else then 4 times press one button to bring you to like 20% HP. I say, let them have it, but it should be a bit harder to deal 80% of targets HP then press one button!
Internal cooldown of stun or longer animation would be nice(it would be dodgeable and so harder to land)
Well, a Thaum Spec PVP CW can hit a button twice (Icy Rays) and get a TR to 20% health. It crits near 19k or higher and cannot be dodged at all. *shrug* It's just high end gear, that's all. Again, I don't have any problem with IS. CWs simply need to stack HP or use other suggestions previously mentioned.
The only thing i can derive from most of posts here is :
"I'm too lazy to spec my gear for PvP, i don't want to get proper PvP gear to fight a certain class. I will also ignore any suggestions that would make me counter that class, because YOLO, and i will also assume that anyone who confirmed that tactic and/or said that he doesn't have issues vs that certain class as a ****/troll, so please nerf that certain class ability due to my laziness and lack of common sense. Thanks."
Before you say i'm defending my class, i have specced for PvE as TR since 1 month now. So i don't even care if they nerf or remove TR from PvP entirely im just allergic to bullsht (:.
I could agree with making it 3 charges whether used in stealth or not but it certainly isn't OP. This would stop them from having 5 impact shots with lurkers heh, that's a little much if they have a P vorpal.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Well, I started to farm GG on my rogue a few days ago, I'm 10,7gs, nothing special. But impact shot is ridiculous, I can kill almost any target within 3 seconds while using Lashing Blade-Impact Shot-Impact Shot. Not even 3 charges. Sometimes CWs and TRs die from 1 LB and 1 Impact Shot combo, they go for 10-12k + 7-9k, I don't even have vorpal or a lot of Arm Pen. But the only actual OP thing I find about this skill is a push effect. It prevents casting, moving and dodging. And if you have ping like 150-200 you also CAN'T DO A THING in between casts. Remove push effect, leave the damage as it is.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
The forums are full of people crying for nerfs......I might have been one at one time. I have played all toons and it has more to do with build than anything else. In the last day I could HAMSTER about DC's being invincible....Seriously! I fought this one and me and a GWF could not kill him....just healed faster than we could damage him. 2 GWF....what the fk, how do they constantly regenerate their HP!! Lastly, if your gonna nerf TR how are some people invisible 24/7.....only time you can see this fker is when he is immune. The point to this is that the game will never be 100 % balanced.....Impact shot is a good skill yes...but it does not have the range of CW attacks and you only have 3 charges. All it takes is someone making a solid build and over half the population will cry nerf, I see this now after playing multiple toons. If the developers read this I hope they read it because they nerf GF out of their job in PvE because people complained in PvP. On a side note I think the TR really was cheating:) but that is another topic:) lol
Stealth -> shadow strike (target is dazed from range, cant dodge/block +restealth and cant dodge it because its ranged skill so u dont see rogue) ->lashing blade-> 3x impact shot.
Here u got recipe for non-counterable almost 100% kill chance TR combo.
Im killing ppl like that with my half blue geared 26% arp with t1 weapons without enchants 8.5k gs TR unless they got hp build (senti gwfs or tank gfs) or soulforge. Throw there some greater vorpal and better epic eq then u can kill gfs and gwfs if they are not fast enough to pop unstopable or lucky to deflect half of the attacks.
Yes TR is totally OP in pvp. Hovewer in pve they are OK or might get slight buff, i didnt see TR outdpsing my GWF even on boss(on boss it goes the same or TR doing lower dmg, from my observation pure DPS spec TR should do around 10% more dmg on boss than pure dps gwf) and im running t2s/CN all the time.
I'm a PvP TR specced for it and love it, and I also sport a 13K+ GS on my power set up
Sicarius@dersidius 13k TR
Dersidius@Dersidius 11K CW
Reked@Dersidius 12K Senti GWF
As much as I love impact shot, it certainly needs a nerf, I 2 shot people with it in lurks (Lol I can still 1 shot people in lurks)
and if I get 1 impact shot off on another tr or a CW my other 2-3 are going to follow and will kill them, my normal impacts hit 8-11k with that stun ability
it's TR's most OP ability, more damage capabilities then SE and Lashing blade with a stun, and during lurks if your smart (which most people seem to be dumb) you have 6 charges of it with a higher damage range
safe to say, if I hit you with one impact and I have full charges. unless your A senti, a GF or a def spec DC, your going to die.
That being said, i think the maximum damage output 1 impact shot should have is 5k (which mixed with a lashing blade is still about 35K damage for me with all 3 charges sooo lol)
Edit: read earlier posts, someone mentioned Ping played a part with this ability and thats a legitimate statement, if your connection is slow, its immediately a stun lock ability, if you have a super computer you can break out of the stuns affects HOWEVER this is a personal issue, not a class one, go fix your lousy connection before complaining about the game
It's a very good mechanism to counter Perm Stealth TR's though, once you land one shot you can either seal the deal, or it leaves a dagger trail you can follow once they restealth
As much as I love Impact, OP is OP, and a legitimate nerf (unlike the nerf they did on CoS throwing momentum) should be handed out accordingly
Alll of this being said
GF (even though I'm currently making one) is still by far the most OP class in the game, even more so then a Senti/tene Gwf (I would know, I have one)
3/4 prones with 2 shot capabilites? pretty laughable man...Oh yea i forgot about their 30k average hp and their shield... wait I forgot to mention their dailies recharge the fastest of all classes and they have an unlimited range closer with the ability to wipe people off nodes which in general already changes the course of a game.
if you nerf TR, well, GF is going to run rampage everywhere, because 1v1, theirs only a few things that can mess with a GF when everyone has max gear
No, im not crying because I can't kill them, my TR actually HAMSTER GF's when I run my PoB set, its like having a can of Shield be gone!
Having played PvP at a high tier level on 3 classes now, one of which is supposed to be immortal 1v1, I can safely say that GF has given all of these classes the most issues
@ the OP:
Rogues are one of the best PvP classes, but I think that seeing them from a CW perspective makes it even worse for the end user All classes have trouble facing rogues, especially the good geared ones, but it really gets bad against CWs. Personally I don't think that a nerf needs to be called for them, since it's how the class plays. They have the troubles of their own with other classes, but in general I would agree that they have all the cool toys in their disposal.
"All classes have trouble facing rogues." LOL don't make me laugh. I eat rogues for breakfast.
"All classes have trouble facing rogues." LOL don't make me laugh. I eat rogues for breakfast.
I guess from your signature that you're a gf? It's funny that the cw's complain the most about rogues but actually if I face a skilled cw in 1v1 it is the most troublesome opponent for me. Maybe because I don't have one myself but i doubt that. Gf's are probably the easiest class for me to 1v1 against (although facing a dc in 1v1 the end result depends completely on what spec they are running).
I guess from your signature that you're a gf? It's funny that the cw's complain the most about rogues but actually if I face a skilled cw in 1v1 it is the most troublesome opponent for me. Maybe because I don't have one myself but i doubt that. Gf's are probably the easiest class for me to 1v1 against (although facing a dc in 1v1 the end result depends completely on what spec they are running).
I'm actually a sentinel GWF, and it makes no difference. The only thing that gives me trouble are crit based GF's, because they can crit me for 10k on every hit and keep me prone long enough to not be able to do much.
I'm actually a sentinel GWF, and it makes no difference. The only thing that gives me trouble are crit based GF's, because they can crit me for 10k on every hit and keep me prone long enough to not be able to do much.
Thus is a sentinel's weakness that you'd have to accept.
*Looks at you with disgust*
Oh yes, then nerf our stealth and the lashing blade you're so much complaining about.
I literally never mentioned LB or even stealth. Stealth is a core mechanic for the class, something I greatly appreciate about Neverwinter. In a genre where many developers are worried about balance, class identity is often sacrificed. Each class having a totally unique mechanic helps shield against that. I think rogues need stealth, it is what a rogue is. But you know what they need stealth for? Getting into melee range . I think all the people that commented on this forgot to read the part where I actually have a rogue... and a CW.. and a DC.. and a GWF. All geared for pvp and pve. I didn't come here and HAMSTER because I got owned by impact shot I came here because frankly slotting impact shot on my rogue makes pvp not even fun, which is probably a good indication that the ability is imbalanced/OP.
Unfortunately it seems that most people on the TR forums would rather be completely asinine or offensive rather than simply talk about something, lending more credence to my belief that the vast majority of rogues are terrible. It's gotten to the point where I take GWFs instead of rogues for boss duty in dungeons... that's pretty bad.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
PvP today...IS..IS..IS..IS..IS...I hate IS. Spammable, high damage and CC/interrupt. Ridiculous. Pug PvP seems to be more about what side has more IS spammers than fighting now. It was alright before IS's recharge was affected by recovery, now it's just...everywhere.
Its even more HAMSTER with the lurkers assault + improved cunning sneak bug as encounters dont break stealth with it while in La mode, so its basically 6 charges ( 3 of them from stealth) if u have the daily up, could be even 7 with shadow strike slotted.
The only annoying thing about impact shot is when 2 tr's spam it on u : /
malphaeousMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited November 2013
wait, are you really going to complain that an at will " Chill Strike" isnt as good as an encounter "Impact shot" WTF ? I generally dont say this but L2P
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Did I mention, I do not have good intentions?
Does anyone actually realize that you can CTRL lock on to a TR when they're in stealth? Technically I'd say that's an exploit. I play every class well geared. Yes IS is a great skill, and no, it's not OP. All I see here is "Help please, there's a high damaging class that can kill me in a few hits!!" Every class can do that in PvP (minus the DC, sorry guys). It depends on the play style and your gear, just like everything in this game. If you see a problem, learn to counter it, readjust. I can't tell you how many times I get stunlocked by a CW or a GF to the point where I can't do anything and die within 2 hits. I know I do the same. Believe it or not, there is a balance. No class should be able to withstand everything. TRs are meant to do high burst damage, but have very little defense. CWs are meant to control's in the name, people. GWFs are a hybrid class meant to defend and/or deal some sizable damage. GFs are supposed to be defenders, but have an insane ability to deal loads of damage (a little broken if you ask me, but that's not what this thread is about). You know what the issue is, respec or gear up to counter it. That's what makes you good at PvP: adapting to counter an enemy. Change up your play style, try something new. I bet when the HR comes to live, people are gonna complain about "Oh know, the ranger was 80' away from me pelting me with his encounters, and then in an instant he switched to melee, lunged at me and finished me off." The builds that people come up with are based around how the skills work and how the classes were designed...
Dragon Server
Ragnos Fireborn - 18.7k GWF Half-Elf Eva Darkblood - 13.8k TR Elf Venger Force of Evil - 13.7k CW Tiefling Azaghal Belegost - 16.5k GF Dwarf Drak'ar - 13.3k HR Drow Roghthar Darkspawn - 11.5k SW Human
wait, are you really going to complain that an at will " Chill Strike" isnt as good as an encounter "Impact shot" WTF ? I generally dont say this but L2P
Really? If you are going to claim superiority over others, better know your facts before you speak...
Does anyone actually realize that you can CTRL lock on to a TR when they're in stealth?
Yes, everyone does. It has been in the game since the beginning and does not work if a TR uses Stealth (goes from unstealthed to stealthed) while you are locked, nor does it help you find a stealthed TR in the first place in order to lock on to them!
Nice thread derail attempts but please guys, if you are going to comment in a thread about a specific skill, use relevant arguments. Otherwise, you are just bumping up a thread that you think should never exist and inviting others to bump it by correcting you...
malphaeousMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 88
edited November 2013
I stand corrected I was looking @ Chilling cloud much apology but you are still whining
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Did I mention, I do not have good intentions?
Yep, you certainly dismantled his arguments there. It was like watching Columbo at work.
ok lets try this again, I wasn't going to do this but...
1. I WAS in fact mistaken, it happens to all of us
2. most importantly whining about a game irritates me to no end
especially when all classes have powers that make it hard for other classes. if you are a CW and any good I have one to take you out from range, you have better range than me and more ranged attacks. if I get in close to you and you are paying attention you can push me to a kiteable range you have far better crowd control than me. it seems that some CWS think they should have more all the way around than TRs they want easy mode, Every class has at least one ability that makes it rough to PvP them if they are played correctly and all classes have ways to counter the abilities of other classes, its not that hard. When someone comes out crying for a nerf that only works for a little while, then eventually your class gets targeted because they nerfed everyone you couldn't beat. The nerf bat continues to make the rounds until you are playing WoW... the reason I mentioned WoW is, the same thing happened there. bad players whined rather than learning to play classes got nerfed the game gained in suck factor until it lost most of the players who enjoy any sort of challenge, last I played it was geared towards the dora the explorer crowd IMO. if that's not what you want here post in your own class forum and ask someone with more skill than you what they do about it. you might actually find that you can beat a rogue with impact shot, some of the time.
3. I really don't like whining, its something little kids do when they don't get their way. so while apologizing for my mistake with the CW talent tree I still felt the need to point out the fact that the OP was in fact whining, like a child. and maybe he is a child, in which case I am truly sorry for ruining his childhood by playing a class he personally is unable to beat.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Did I mention, I do not have good intentions?
Never! I actually agree with most of what malphaeous said. PvP is mostly about trying to maximise your strengths and avoiding letting your opponent get the best out of theirs. These days I think it's pretty well balanced in that every class provides something genuinely useful to a 5 sided PvP team. He lets himself down with the ad hominems though.
Tele Savalas, Dwarf Thaumaturge CW
Putting the Buff into Debuff since 2013 \o/ (Does that even make sense)?
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Had some duels with good TRs these days, the IS spam type. My CW is rather squishy with just 20% DR and 24K life to be honest, but even tankier CW could not survive such assaults. I got hit for consecutive 15K-19K IS crits in 1 vs 1 situations, that happening before I got to see the TR. Tried Shield on Tab, absorbed an IS, TR entered stealth, hit me for 15K IS, stun, LB 25K. Maybe a P Barkshield would have been way better than SF here.
I wish I could cast my Icy Rays or whatever else from stealth. Why not give CW "stealth"? We have Invisibility in D&D I think.
Thing is, these skills are OK and almost balanced, but with G/P Vorpal they are not at all. I get killed lots of times by lots of classes, including 1 rotation kills from other CWs, permaCCproned by GFs, rawred&flourished+7 GTE proccced by GWFs, and... wait DCs mostly can't do **** against the CWs, sorry guys, maybe next expac.
And I am fully OK with all of these kills and can't see anything OP in neither. I can keep that monster GF or GWF at bay with correct skills and enough space to kite, and even kill them after a while maybe. I have my chance against other CWs if I start my rotation first and have 1-2 crits, which happen quite often.
But the geared TRs... permastealth or not, IS/LB or not... man they are frustrating. Permastealth+tene? Nah, won't bother. No tenes? OK I can try, but slotting steal time/icy terrain/shield will gimp my damage and CC badly. If the TR gets help, I'm fried.
As for IS/LB/ITC TRs, my only chance is a fast IK crit somewhere along the way. Surviving a P Vorpal IS TR is nearly impossible many times.
Had some duels with good TRs these days, the IS spam type. My CW is rather squishy with just 20% DR and 24K life to be honest, but even tankier CW could not survive such assaults. I got hit for consecutive 15K-19K IS crits in 1 vs 1 situations, that happening before I got to see the TR. Tried Shield on Tab, absorbed an IS, TR entered stealth, hit me for 15K IS, stun, LB 25K. Maybe a P Barkshield would have been way better than SF here.
I wish I could cast my Icy Rays or whatever else from stealth. Why not give CW "stealth"? We have Invisibility in D&D I think.
Thing is, these skills are OK and almost balanced, but with G/P Vorpal they are not at all. I get killed lots of times by lots of classes, including 1 rotation kills from other CWs, permaCCproned by GFs, rawred&flourished+7 GTE proccced by GWFs, and... wait DCs mostly can't do **** against the CWs, sorry guys, maybe next expac.
And I am fully OK with all of these kills and can't see anything OP in neither. I can keep that monster GF or GWF at bay with correct skills and enough space to kite, and even kill them after a while maybe. I have my chance against other CWs if I start my rotation first and have 1-2 crits, which happen quite often.
But the geared TRs... permastealth or not, IS/LB or not... man they are frustrating. Permastealth+tene? Nah, won't bother. No tenes? OK I can try, but slotting steal time/icy terrain/shield will gimp my damage and CC badly. If the TR gets help, I'm fried.
As for IS/LB/ITC TRs, my only chance is a fast IK crit somewhere along the way. Surviving a P Vorpal IS TR is nearly impossible many times.
But in the end, it is what it is, whatever...
Cw's with P-Vorpal and High Viz-set can also do immense burst dmg. I see nothing wrong with this, every class has their counterclass. Wait until Ranger gets released, we will see some interesting stuff in endgame pvp...
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Cw's with P-Vorpal and High Viz-set can also do immense burst dmg. I see nothing wrong with this, every class has their counterclass. Wait until Ranger gets released, we will see some interesting stuff in endgame pvp...
True, true... not equaling TRs with similar gear tho', but not very far either. Ranger is already OP on test shard and kinda confusing to fight against, suppose things will level after I learn what their abilities do and so on. They also hit super hard.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
True, true... not equaling TRs with similar gear tho', but not very far either. Ranger is already OP on test shard and kinda confusing to fight against, suppose things will level after I learn what their abilities do and so on. They also hit super hard.
Are you attacking while under that rainstorm animation? If so...don't.
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It is a good skill, nessesary to their skill set. BUT point is:
They dont need to do anything else then 4 times press one button to bring you to like 20% HP.
I say, let them have it, but it should be a bit harder to deal 80% of targets HP then press one button!
Internal cooldown of stun or longer animation would be nice(it would be dodgeable and so harder to land)
Well, a Thaum Spec PVP CW can hit a button twice (Icy Rays) and get a TR to 20% health. It crits near 19k or higher and cannot be dodged at all. *shrug* It's just high end gear, that's all. Again, I don't have any problem with IS. CWs simply need to stack HP or use other suggestions previously mentioned.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
"I'm too lazy to spec my gear for PvP, i don't want to get proper PvP gear to fight a certain class. I will also ignore any suggestions that would make me counter that class, because YOLO, and i will also assume that anyone who confirmed that tactic and/or said that he doesn't have issues vs that certain class as a ****/troll, so please nerf that certain class ability due to my laziness and lack of common sense. Thanks."
Before you say i'm defending my class, i have specced for PvE as TR since 1 month now. So i don't even care if they nerf or remove TR from PvP entirely im just allergic to bullsht (:.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Here u got recipe for non-counterable almost 100% kill chance TR combo.
Im killing ppl like that with my half blue geared 26% arp with t1 weapons without enchants 8.5k gs TR unless they got hp build (senti gwfs or tank gfs) or soulforge. Throw there some greater vorpal and better epic eq then u can kill gfs and gwfs if they are not fast enough to pop unstopable or lucky to deflect half of the attacks.
Yes TR is totally OP in pvp. Hovewer in pve they are OK or might get slight buff, i didnt see TR outdpsing my GWF even on boss(on boss it goes the same or TR doing lower dmg, from my observation pure DPS spec TR should do around 10% more dmg on boss than pure dps gwf) and im running t2s/CN all the time.
Sicarius@dersidius 13k TR
Dersidius@Dersidius 11K CW
Reked@Dersidius 12K Senti GWF
As much as I love impact shot, it certainly needs a nerf, I 2 shot people with it in lurks (Lol I can still 1 shot people in lurks)
and if I get 1 impact shot off on another tr or a CW my other 2-3 are going to follow and will kill them, my normal impacts hit 8-11k with that stun ability
it's TR's most OP ability, more damage capabilities then SE and Lashing blade with a stun, and during lurks if your smart (which most people seem to be dumb) you have 6 charges of it with a higher damage range
safe to say, if I hit you with one impact and I have full charges. unless your A senti, a GF or a def spec DC, your going to die.
That being said, i think the maximum damage output 1 impact shot should have is 5k (which mixed with a lashing blade is still about 35K damage for me with all 3 charges sooo lol)
Edit: read earlier posts, someone mentioned Ping played a part with this ability and thats a legitimate statement, if your connection is slow, its immediately a stun lock ability, if you have a super computer you can break out of the stuns affects HOWEVER this is a personal issue, not a class one, go fix your lousy connection before complaining about the game
It's a very good mechanism to counter Perm Stealth TR's though, once you land one shot you can either seal the deal, or it leaves a dagger trail you can follow once they restealth
As much as I love Impact, OP is OP, and a legitimate nerf (unlike the nerf they did on CoS throwing momentum) should be handed out accordingly
Alll of this being said
GF (even though I'm currently making one) is still by far the most OP class in the game, even more so then a Senti/tene Gwf (I would know, I have one)
3/4 prones with 2 shot capabilites? pretty laughable man...Oh yea i forgot about their 30k average hp and their shield... wait I forgot to mention their dailies recharge the fastest of all classes and they have an unlimited range closer with the ability to wipe people off nodes which in general already changes the course of a game.
if you nerf TR, well, GF is going to run rampage everywhere, because 1v1, theirs only a few things that can mess with a GF when everyone has max gear
No, im not crying because I can't kill them, my TR actually HAMSTER GF's when I run my PoB set, its like having a can of Shield be gone!
Having played PvP at a high tier level on 3 classes now, one of which is supposed to be immortal 1v1, I can safely say that GF has given all of these classes the most issues
go ahead, call me out~
"All classes have trouble facing rogues." LOL don't make me laugh. I eat rogues for breakfast.
I guess from your signature that you're a gf? It's funny that the cw's complain the most about rogues but actually if I face a skilled cw in 1v1 it is the most troublesome opponent for me. Maybe because I don't have one myself but i doubt that. Gf's are probably the easiest class for me to 1v1 against (although facing a dc in 1v1 the end result depends completely on what spec they are running).
I'm actually a sentinel GWF, and it makes no difference. The only thing that gives me trouble are crit based GF's, because they can crit me for 10k on every hit and keep me prone long enough to not be able to do much.
Thus is a sentinel's weakness that you'd have to accept.
Oh yes, then nerf our stealth and the lashing blade you're so much complaining about.
Pff, pathetic mage, get lost! Until I cut your throat of your head and threw it to sewers for the rats feast!
WTB Class Reroll please
I literally never mentioned LB or even stealth. Stealth is a core mechanic for the class, something I greatly appreciate about Neverwinter. In a genre where many developers are worried about balance, class identity is often sacrificed. Each class having a totally unique mechanic helps shield against that. I think rogues need stealth, it is what a rogue is. But you know what they need stealth for? Getting into melee range
Unfortunately it seems that most people on the TR forums would rather be completely asinine or offensive rather than simply talk about something, lending more credence to my belief that the vast majority of rogues are terrible. It's gotten to the point where I take GWFs instead of rogues for boss duty in dungeons... that's pretty bad.
Dragon Server
Ragnos Fireborn - 18.7k GWF Half-Elf
Eva Darkblood - 13.8k TR Elf
Venger Force of Evil - 13.7k CW Tiefling
Azaghal Belegost - 16.5k GF Dwarf
Drak'ar - 13.3k HR Drow
Roghthar Darkspawn - 11.5k SW Human
Really? If you are going to claim superiority over others, better know your facts before you speak...
On what planet is Chill Strike an At-Will?
Yes, everyone does. It has been in the game since the beginning and does not work if a TR uses Stealth (goes from unstealthed to stealthed) while you are locked, nor does it help you find a stealthed TR in the first place in order to lock on to them!
Nice thread derail attempts but please guys, if you are going to comment in a thread about a specific skill, use relevant arguments. Otherwise, you are just bumping up a thread that you think should never exist and inviting others to bump it by correcting you...
Yep, you certainly dismantled his arguments there. It was like watching Columbo at work.
1. I WAS in fact mistaken, it happens to all of us
2. most importantly whining about a game irritates me to no end
especially when all classes have powers that make it hard for other classes. if you are a CW and any good I have one to take you out from range, you have better range than me and more ranged attacks. if I get in close to you and you are paying attention you can push me to a kiteable range you have far better crowd control than me. it seems that some CWS think they should have more all the way around than TRs they want easy mode, Every class has at least one ability that makes it rough to PvP them if they are played correctly and all classes have ways to counter the abilities of other classes, its not that hard. When someone comes out crying for a nerf that only works for a little while, then eventually your class gets targeted because they nerfed everyone you couldn't beat. The nerf bat continues to make the rounds until you are playing WoW... the reason I mentioned WoW is, the same thing happened there. bad players whined rather than learning to play classes got nerfed the game gained in suck factor until it lost most of the players who enjoy any sort of challenge, last I played it was geared towards the dora the explorer crowd IMO. if that's not what you want here post in your own class forum and ask someone with more skill than you what they do about it. you might actually find that you can beat a rogue with impact shot, some of the time.
3. I really don't like whining, its something little kids do when they don't get their way. so while apologizing for my mistake with the CW talent tree I still felt the need to point out the fact that the OP was in fact whining, like a child. and maybe he is a child, in which case I am truly sorry for ruining his childhood by playing a class he personally is unable to beat.
Never! I actually agree with most of what malphaeous said. PvP is mostly about trying to maximise your strengths and avoiding letting your opponent get the best out of theirs. These days I think it's pretty well balanced in that every class provides something genuinely useful to a 5 sided PvP team. He lets himself down with the ad hominems though.
I wish I could cast my Icy Rays or whatever else from stealth. Why not give CW "stealth"? We have Invisibility in D&D I think.
Thing is, these skills are OK and almost balanced, but with G/P Vorpal they are not at all. I get killed lots of times by lots of classes, including 1 rotation kills from other CWs, permaCCproned by GFs, rawred&flourished+7 GTE proccced by GWFs, and... wait DCs mostly can't do **** against the CWs, sorry guys, maybe next expac.
And I am fully OK with all of these kills and can't see anything OP in neither. I can keep that monster GF or GWF at bay with correct skills and enough space to kite, and even kill them after a while maybe. I have my chance against other CWs if I start my rotation first and have 1-2 crits, which happen quite often.
But the geared TRs... permastealth or not, IS/LB or not... man they are frustrating. Permastealth+tene? Nah, won't bother. No tenes? OK I can try, but slotting steal time/icy terrain/shield will gimp my damage and CC badly. If the TR gets help, I'm fried.
As for IS/LB/ITC TRs, my only chance is a fast IK crit somewhere along the way. Surviving a P Vorpal IS TR is nearly impossible many times.
But in the end, it is what it is, whatever...
Cw's with P-Vorpal and High Viz-set can also do immense burst dmg. I see nothing wrong with this, every class has their counterclass. Wait until Ranger gets released, we will see some interesting stuff in endgame pvp...
True, true... not equaling TRs with similar gear tho', but not very far either. Ranger is already OP on test shard and kinda confusing to fight against, suppose things will level after I learn what their abilities do and so on. They also hit super hard.
Maybe :P I'm sure sometimes I did