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GWF Threat Issues: Sentinel Paragon Feats



  • saruunsaruun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Somewhat of a bump/showing interest post.

    I'm also a Sentinel focus GWF ~ currently Level 58 (bah to maintenance) so will be trying out 60+ content soon.

    At current level damage/survivability seems to be coming into its own.

    Been following this thread and will continue to ~ loving see how everyone is utilizing Sentinel.

    My current standard setup is:

    [L] Sure Strike, [R] Weapons Master Strike
    Restoring Strike, Flourish, Indomitable Battle Strike
    [1] Slam, [2] Crescendo

    (I also have Not so Fast, Come Get It, Daring Shout, and all the "Steel" Passives at 3/3 because situational they are all handy.)
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have Sentinal Specced GWF lv60, Dipped into Destroy path for +10% at Will Damage, ANd 15% Power bleed on Crits, Still Sure strike cannot draw the threat. And there is no way to make it more powerful than what my power/crit build does.
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Sure Strike does not seem to scale well for me at 60, when I compare it to what WMS is doing (even to single targets) on my epic dungeon runs. Has anyone had any success getting it to scale well in damage? The current state of this ability makes me feel a bit sad. I almost feel forced to use WMS even in single target situations since it seems to scale better. I think that Cryptic did over-nerf this ability in BW4, so hopefully their new data will lead them to take another look at this again.

    As for Come and Get It, I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from groups when I swap it in for use. I still feel that this would be a better ability if it maybe lasted a little longer or had an improved CC element like a temp root. I suppose this wouldn't be as much of an issue if it generated more threat either. The other minor issue with the skill is that mobs will sometimes slide back away as soon as the animation ends, or even slide in at a slower speed than others which causes them to be somewhat more spread out.

    Daring Shout is a bit of an odd ability. It seems that the buff applied is based on the number of mobs hit, up to a max stack of 5 and not based on the challenge of the encounter hit like the tooltip describes. You'll get 1 stack for a goblin with 100 hp or an epic dungeon boss that can 1 shot your rogue. The buff is decent along with the mark, although mobs will often ignore you despite being marked. Again, this will hopefully be tweaked to pull some kind of threat in the future.

    Indomitable Battle Strike, Flourish, and Restoring Strike are all great encounters for a quick single target burst of damage. They aren't amazing, but a good crit can make any of them viable if you need to drop a weaker mob quickly or throw some single target DPS onto a boss.

    Not so Fast has some use if you're looking to augment your aoe dps or apply a temp slow to a pack of mobs. I'm not certain how often we'll slot this if Sentinel threat issues are resolved. It should still be a viable option I imagine, but it has some use currently.

    Slam, well that goes without saying. If there's a bunch of mobs around, it is the ideal daily for any GWF build. Crescendo is always nice for those situations when you need to spike or interrupt a target quickly, so I have it slotted as well. It gets more limited use than slam, but there are times where it can be the better choice if flourish is on cd.

    Just some of my thoughts... :p
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • darkhandsdarkhands Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Color me curious, but has anyone tried, at a higher level, to use gear with power+lifesteal+deflect to fix the threat issue with pure damage?
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    darkhands wrote: »
    Color me curious, but has anyone tried, at a higher level, to use gear with power+lifesteal+deflect to fix the threat issue with pure damage?

    With the current mechanics, that essentially changes nothing. I've had some life steal and played around with it, but it certainly is not a decent means of pulling threat if that's what you are getting at. As for power, defense, deflect, I have that in abundance along with crit.

    There is an obvious scaling and balance issue at play here, which hopefully Cryptic has come to the realization of by now.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • vagrantzerovagrantzero Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darkhands wrote: »
    Color me curious, but has anyone tried, at a higher level, to use gear with power+lifesteal+deflect to fix the threat issue with pure damage?

    Life Steal and Deflect are horrible "tank" stats though. Defense is better (before it starts running into diminishing returns) than Deflect by a nearly 4.5:1 ratio. I'm not sure if the healing from life steal generates threat, but if it doesn't Regeneration will heal you for a lot more with a lot less stat required.

    Also keep in mind 20% of your Defense is converted to Power.

    Ideally a tanking GWF's stat spread should be something like Defense > Deflect/Crit > Regeneration > Life Steal.
  • cococakecococake Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saviorgun wrote: »
    I think people should just try things out more before saying things are broken or not right. Maybe there was a mistake in how you played it.

    That EXTREME ignorance.

    Maybe you're not playing right yourself either.
  • cococakecococake Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It feels like they haven't even programmed a proper THREAT system into the game, and only uses the word in fine letters to make it look like there is a THREAT system to begin with.

    Currently I don't even use Ubiquitous Shield for example, since really, you'd have to be stupid if you've played any decent MMO's where letting a mob flank you is stupid even there.

    It's like during the Beta weekend where playing a Cleric had no use, and the IGNORANCE of stupid people saying that the tanks needed to 'learn to play' and even went so far as to witch hunt it and even threw insults for no reason. Woop, I throw 1 heal and suddenly it's the tanks fault that I generate "threa"t that lasts for 50% of a bosses HP.

    And 25% more threat on stuff that doesn't even generate threat? that's kinda horrid.
  • cococakecococake Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Ideally a tanking GWF's stat spread should be something like Defense > Deflect/Crit > Regeneration > Life Steal.

    Which reminds me.

    I've been thinking about going 20 Con and 20 Dex and been considering if it's worth adding any Dex to begin with. Mostly for the innate 5% deflect and 10% crit, then you have a 20% HP increase which should be enough really.

    At one point I considered a full out Con on all levels, but that would only give me more EHP.

    What would you reccon to be the idea stat distribution?
  • anythingwhocaresanythingwhocares Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wonder how groups are handling threat in this game. In Vanilla WOW, it was common practice for DPS to give the tank time to build up threat before doing any damage. If the DPS did not give the tank time to build up threat, they would take aggro instantly and it would be hell for the tank trying to get the mobs off of them.

    Also, during the fight, it was expected that DPS would not go all out. Each person assigned to a DPS role had to hold back and be careful not to steal aggro from the tank.

    I understand that in subsequent years, Blizzard dumbed down the system considerably, so that any idiot could play DPS and not pull aggro. Is it possible that Neverwinter has more in common with Vanilla WOW than the current dumbed-down version? That would explain why GF and GWF both complain about aggro.

    Are DPS in Neverwinter going balls to the wall from the first moment of each encounter?
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    cococake wrote: »
    Which reminds me.

    I've been thinking about going 20 Con and 20 Dex and been considering if it's worth adding any Dex to begin with. Mostly for the innate 5% deflect and 10% crit, then you have a 20% HP increase which should be enough really.

    At one point I considered a full out Con on all levels, but that would only give me more EHP.

    What would you reccon to be the idea stat distribution?

    STR - Damage Increase and DoT resistance - mainly an offensive stat with a defensive side benefit which is not as great a concern in the current state of the game.

    CON - Increases HP by a set % - great at increasing your threshold for taking direct damage and is augmented incredibly well by all other defensive stats, while scaling very well with regen.

    DEX - .5% deflect a point, 1% crit per point, and AOE damage resist - What's not to like here in any GWF build? :o

    As far as the base stats go, it really depends on how you plan to build your Sentinel GWF. I'm going to go ahead and pretend for a moment that threat will one day be resolved for Sentinels. If this were the case, a pure tank would benefit from a larger HP pool via CON if in fact they invested into regen. This would give you more staying power as a fight dragged on and also the potential to recover from chains of massive spike damage taken, in case it ever does happen.

    What you sacrifice is DPS, outright. This wouldn't be an issue at all if we could simply hold threat, but a logical trade off.

    STR/DEX would certainly be the combo for any aspiring off-tank. A strong balance of DPS and Survival, and likely even better at bursting threat generation if it is absolutely needed. That is again, if threat made even the slightest bit of sense in this game. Right now the scaling on many of our encounters and Sure Strike, primarily, is laughable at 60, so it's hard to gauge the overall effectiveness at this time.

    In a perfect world - no pun intended..., a CON/DEX Sentinel would be a damage sponge with reasonable threat generation. A STR/DEX Sentinel would be an ideal off-tank that could quickly pull threat off of light targets, picking up stragglers that the GF can't grab while still putting out reasonable single target DPS but lighter AOE DPS than that of DPS specs.

    The current situation would lend itself more toward STR/DEX builds, since we can't pull threat well at all - so may as well do a bit more damage. Is this how it should be? No, it should just be an option. Is this even useful in it's current state? No, but if you're a decent player you'll always be the last to die in any encounter. Is that something to be proud of? No, because threat for Sentinels is broken and Cryptic won't even comment on the issue even though our group utility is a joke.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I wonder how groups are handling threat in this game. In Vanilla WOW, it was common practice for DPS to give the tank time to build up threat before doing any damage. If the DPS did not give the tank time to build up threat, they would take aggro instantly and it would be hell for the tank trying to get the mobs off of them.

    Also, during the fight, it was expected that DPS would not go all out. Each person assigned to a DPS role had to hold back and be careful not to steal aggro from the tank.

    I understand that in subsequent years, Blizzard dumbed down the system considerably, so that any idiot could play DPS and not pull aggro. Is it possible that Neverwinter has more in common with Vanilla WOW than the current dumbed-down version? That would explain why GF and GWF both complain about aggro.

    Are DPS in Neverwinter going balls to the wall from the first moment of each encounter?

    This logic just doesn't apply to Neverwinter in its current state and can't be applied to T2 epic dungeon encounters. Most people with comments on this problem either don't know or are simply looking at things from their own class perspective. Sentinel specs are effectively useless with the current state of threat generation.

    I spend a good deal of time talking about this issue with all classes, to better determine where the problems are so that I can attempt to curve the poor threat situation for my own spec and class. The problem is that, the situation is so bad there is little or nothing that can be done on the player end to alleviate it.

    This would fall under the category of a developer issue, not a player problem.

    I've already used my 2 free respecs and purchased 2 more. I'm just about done rewarding Cryptic with my money due to their lack of balancing effort. This is clearly a problem they have allowed to exist since closed beta, without any additional concern.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Bringing this up to the top again, still an issue even though most players don't care. :confused:
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • npcnwonpcnwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bringing this up to the top again, still an issue even though most players don't care. :confused:

    I'm glad that you're fighting this fight. I'd love to be able to play a Sentinel GWF - it's the playstyle I want. But, for now, I'm in the Ravager tree, hoping that the tree that I'd prefer to be in will eventually be fixed.

    As you've said, until it's fixed, I might as well at least do some damage.
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    npcnwo wrote: »
    I'm glad that you're fighting this fight. I'd love to be able to play a Sentinel GWF - it's the playstyle I want. But, for now, I'm in the Ravager tree, hoping that the tree that I'd prefer to be in will eventually be fixed.

    As you've said, until it's fixed, I might as well at least do some damage.

    Thanks for the support. :D I just hope the devs figure it out sooner than later.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'm still keeping this up, in the hope that it gets the attention of a dev.

    As far as I am concerned, I see the all of the threat generating feats within the Sentinel tree as being poorly tuned and effectively broken. They simply do not do what they say, which will lead to many players investing points only to respec later. It's not really a matter of debate if you seriously try to play a Sentinel.

    The tree itself is described in the following way:
    The Sentinel uses innate strength to entice the aggression of monsters and mitigate blows that would otherwise devastate allies.

    I don't really see what there is to debate here. All of the threat generating feats should be marked as broken or it will simply be swept under the rug time and time again. The tree does not fulfill the role that it describes in it's current state, apart from mitigating blows. But what's the point when mobs simply ignore you?
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • nawdlenawdle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    Ok I'm gonna be really unhelpful and say that, as my gear's progressed and I've found myself playing with better (geared? skilled? I'm not sure exactly, although I like to think skilled) tanks, I've found playing cleric to be a lot less interesting. Edge of seat kite-heal-run-pot-scream-heal-hope for Chartillifax (and more recently, the final boss of Epic Cragmire) was a lot more interesting than the more standard MMO-style healing I find myself doing lately.

    That said, I don't see why my fun should get in the way of you having fun and actually being of use... carry on thread.

    *I can say we had a GWF tank that Cragmire run, and he was absolutely incapable of keeping anything off me. I'd have to agree they seem very underwhelming in the threat department.
    **Teamfinder made it happen.
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Epic Cragmire doesn't really even require a tank as far I could tell. :o I will say that the mechanics you describe as fun may be fun for some clerics, but do not present any more of a significant challenge or depth to combat overall. Maybe to some pugs but certainly not to an organized group. The boss encounters themselves need to be more difficult imo, and not simply a zerg of adds. That's entirely a different issue however.

    The real issue here is that the developers presented players with a class tree that is incapable of living up to its description. I do understand what you are saying, but this needs to be fixed.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • akostisakostis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    Sadly i fear devs do not visit these forums :(

  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    akostis wrote: »
    Sadly i fear devs do not visit these forums :(


    I do know that some devs check these forums and they don't have the time to respond to every topic, but I'm going to keep this convo going until Sentinel threat or viability is addressed in some way.

    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • anicocia88anicocia88 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sounds like GWF needs some type of aura to go along with Sentinel tree that would pulse +threat. Sentinel by definition is ever-watchful, a guard if you will, and the guard's duty should be to quickly respond to possible aggression.

    Does not feel like that is possible in the intended build for tanking.

    But is it worth mentioning that the idea behind GWF "tank" is a hybrid of DPS and tank? Perhaps the lack of DPS is why threat from GWF suffers? Gear scaling may address this?

    Either way, it's very demotivating to not hear anything new about this. I believe a well played GWF is instrumental to high-end PvE encouters, for their ability to quickly navigate the battle & peel for squishies.. but at this time, not possible :(
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the feedback, anicocia88.

    I can confirm that gear scaling does not resolve the Sentinel threat issues, sadly. Keep in mind, just as your gear scales so does that of your other party members. ;) I had thought about that possibility myself, in the past.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Still an issue... so giving this another nudge...
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • bigtank10kbigtank10k Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    freehugs9 wrote: »
    Probably there's not enough people tanking with their Great Weapon Fighters to make a fuss.

    Thats because GWF arent tanks they are DPS.
    freehugs9 wrote: »
    GWF's can't have extra threat built in because they need to be able to DPS without pulling agro.

    Exactly the point. Yet again they are DPS
    freehugs9 wrote: »
    If the class is to be a serious tank it needs a feat or optional passive that increases threat based on your defensive stats so that stacking increasingly defensive gear improves your threat at least as much as if you'd stacked DPS gear.

    makes perfect sense that will need to work for GF as well.
    freehugs9 wrote: »
    The Guardian Fighter will have the same issue eventually (as do most tank classes in MMO's I've played). As tanks gear up they will get tougher but fall further and further behind in damage and their percentage threat boosts don't keep up. The developers then go and increase the % threat boosts but that just delays the problem at the end game and makes low level tanking too easy.
    Basing threat on the defensive stats of tank gear is the obvious solution.

    I like this one as well!! The GF is pretty much useless due to the fact you have to spec as DPS instead of Defensive which in turn allows us to pull aggro but at the same time we cant take a hit...

    Please fix this its frustrating playing a class you love and watch it be useless in dungeons...
  • elspethtirelnwelspethtirelnw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I don't even know why I bother still... Without any feedback from the devs since BW3 on Sentinel issues, it almost seems hopeless at this point. They either need to fix the threat issues or entirely re-design the feats so that points are not blatantly wasted.
    | Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
    | Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
  • booyquakebooyquake Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    In end-game play (geared / non brain-dead players)...

    GWFs cannot hold aggro.

    Sentinel is for PVP I guess...

    Please fix GWF sentinel PVE tanking. PLEASE DEVS! PLEASE!
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Just read on the barracks that some Fighter players have officially called in an all fighter strike.

    They have given up on these threads on talking about GWF issues, and have thrown in the towel.

    I suggest you do the same, I gave up along time ago but I'd like to see things come to an official end, just so I can relate one of my original posts about the GWF and tell cryptic I called it so long ago.

    I told you so.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    First my eng is bad. I hope y understand me.

    I can help you to see clear path.

    Threat come from mark !
    Mark come from daring shout and Indomitable Battle Strike.
    Mark mechanic : marked target's hit you mark disapear, GF mark works same way (expect 1 thing if you hold guard as long as shild is up mark stay) but GWF have no shild . So mark mechanic is s... the same way for GF or GWF .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    Just read on the barracks that some Fighter players have officially called in an all fighter strike.

    They have given up on these threads on talking about GWF issues, and have thrown in the towel.

    I suggest you do the same, I gave up along time ago but I'd like to see things come to an official end, just so I can relate one of my original posts about the GWF and tell cryptic I called it so long ago.

    I told you so.

    Below are my sentiments... Enjoy! ;)

  • koragashiiiikoragashiiii Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    i've sat in the shadows long enough , heres a quick fix for Sentinels who'd like to tank or gain aggro...
    give us 5% base aggro increase to all attacks for every 5 points invested into the Sentinel feats and cap it add +50% all the while allowing us to also utilize the other feats that increase aggro to specific encounters , make it a passive and i'll return to my shadows ... i'm sure that can be done with little effort on behalf of the devs.

    I personally have wanted to main tank as my GWF since the beginning and to even get remotely close to being able to do such is beyond silly due to insufficient aggro generation... or wait i guess i could try to stock up on perfect enchants and rank8-9's and ask my groups to let me build threat for a good 15seconds during each pull =/
This discussion has been closed.