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Epic Fail - 5 digits in AD to "Change Appearance..." of items

eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
edited September 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Really? No wonder I've heard soooo little RP around.

Way to alienate and chase off the very people most likely to buy/spend actual Zen for costume and vanity pets and items.

Tens of thousands in AD ... and it apparently consumes the item used to change appearance?

Amazing. EPIC marketing fail.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Because changing the appearance of an item is a necessary component of role-play.

    That suggestion is ridiculous.

    There is absolutely no need to change the look of an item to role-play. Regardless, 50k isn't a huge amount of AD for someone who plays the game for any length of time.
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    AD is easy to come by. Do a few dailies, a dungeon now and again and sell the loot you might win, and loe and behold, you've got 300k ad in a weeks time.

    Plenty enough to dress your character. I know, because I do it on all of mine just fine.

    It's an AD sink. As in removing Astral Diamonds from the economy, so that players don't keep getting more wealthy (and items don't continue being less and less valuable). They set up many things for you to *waste* your AD on, including vanity items, feat respecs, and new Sharandar zone requirements. Why? To keep the economy healthy, and players wanting to continue playing.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Funny how easy it is to get 300K in AD...

    Maybe at level 60 you can do that, but its hardly routine for lower level characters to be able to get a lot of AD. 50k in a week seems far more realistic unless all you're doing is playing NWN.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Funny how easy it is to get 300K in AD...

    Maybe at level 60 you can do that, but its hardly routine for lower level characters to be able to get a lot of AD. 50k in a week seems far more realistic unless all you're doing is playing NWN.

    It's hardly routine in this game for any character, playing an hour or two a night, to take more than a month to reach level 60. And that's going slow and just doing missions. I hit 60 on my first character in two weeks, mostly from professions. Had to skip entire zones.

    Why? Because this game has the easiest level grind I have ever witnessed. A dedicated player can reach 60 in two days.

    So with 60 being in such easy reach, it seems to me that Cryptic has designed the games currency and reward systems more around max-rank players than low-level players. By the time you convert that item over, you'll have outranked it.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Funny how easy it is to get 300K in AD...

    Maybe at level 60 you can do that, but its hardly routine for lower level characters to be able to get a lot of AD. 50k in a week seems far more realistic unless all you're doing is playing NWN.

    When you're leveling you only wear a piece of gear for a very short period of time before you're swapping out to the next bit. Nobody with any sense is going to spend AD customizing anything with such a short life span. The only time it might happen is if the low level character is an alt of an established character, and they will have the AD to do it... if they want to throw it away on something so short term.
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    vikingbradvikingbrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Expect it to cost a fair bit for vanity changes.

    Weird thing is I can buy my Relic of Fey for 14.4K AD but to change the appearance of current main hand is 55K.

    50K isn't a huge amount but strange that the item itself costs far less to purchase than transmute.
    Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
    Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
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    eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm a pretty casual player - maybe 5-10 hours a week (a lot more in Foundry) since beta and I'm currently at level 52 and have less than 5,000 AD.

    So, for people like me, 50k in AD is just ridiculous.
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    tickdofftickdoff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    And there is almost no good reason to change the look of any gear that you currently have. You are going to out level it very soon. Wait till 60 to change the look of your gear. And I would suggest that you wait a bit longer as well, untill you have gear that you plan on keeping for a while, like a T2 set.
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    endocinendocin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Maybe a solo player like me..makes it tough.
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    schulz87schulz87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    yeah I find it odd the way customization of character costs much for an average player, On other mmorpg you get to customize your character the way you want without spending tons of AD, like dye stuffs dropping on mobs diff shades of green blue red etc.

    Guess this game has poor customization output even when creating character, I mean alot of people or most players enjoy having their character unique feel than other characters, but this game doesnt really do it
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    jaxlee79jaxlee79 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    knightfalz wrote: »
    Because changing the appearance of an item is a necessary component of role-play.

    That suggestion is ridiculous.

    There is absolutely no need to change the look of an item to role-play. Regardless, 50k isn't a huge amount of AD for someone who plays the game for any length of time.

    I find that you do not understand some peoples ability to role play.
    For example:

    Someone make a GF who's family member had passed down a magical (good, or evil) sword and you wish to keep a sword model from day 1 though to the end, maybe you are role playing a cursed item that your soul is bound to, your goal might be to eventually find some way to remove the curse, till then you are forever held to the blade and that blade had a thirst for blood.

    so maybe you make a sword look like the sword of tyranny, every 10 or so levels you will NEED to upgrade your weapon, but keeping with the Role Play you need to have that sword on your person.

    This is just an example, maybe its armor, who knows, my point is some people in this game really love to role play, that is what D&D is all about. By now though we all should know this game is not about D&D, it is not about letting people have freedom to enjoy the the core principals that we all have heard or experienced in D&D growing up. this game is about having a "Free" MMO with few real freedoms, and being so restricted that the users have to pay out real money per month to unlock the things that come standard with other MMO's (ie more than 2 character slots, or a decent size bank and not 12? slots)

    I love the game because I am a fantasy nut, I enjoy most of the class mechanics, but I am done giving money to this company until they start realizing that they need to fix their product, and stop bleeding their player base for money when they themselves are not proving their worth to us, their constumers and supporters, with out us, there would be no game, and frankly I am tired of their lack of
    1) Communication about how they are fixing things

    2) Future knowledge of when a server is coming down for a patch, and what those patchs are "fixing" until it is to late

    3) Complete lack of allowing us to "become" our characters (as what D&D is supposed to be all about), to much zen / ad / money grabs at every turn.

    4) Utterly failing at imagination when it comes to boss fights and dungeons, it is more of a test to see how many swarms of "adds" a group can handle and not about figuring out that you need to solve a puzzle or mechanic on the fly.

    5) Little Feed back, I understand they must be busy, but telling the community that they are working to fix something and need some time / help and or patience from us would go a long way, that at least tells us something is going on and they are aware of it. the silent treatment or lack of information is terrible.
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    eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    jaxlee79 wrote: »

    So much ALL of this. The only thing keeping me here is the Foundry. Barely.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Yeah, at 60 it's 50k each item. It's kinda sad that as a free player you have to work for a month to be able to simply change the appearance of all your gear lol. #dyinggame

    And dyes... zen store only.
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    bpskibbenheimsbpskibbenheims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Yeah, at 60 it's 50k each item. It's kinda sad that as a free player you have to work for a month to be able to simply change the appearance of all your gear lol. #dyinggame

    And dyes... zen store only.

    Why would anyone with any sense worry about changing the appearance of an item they will replace in a couple hours of play? #dyingbrain

    And dyes ... Auction house, alchemy, events, or zen store.
    "Confusion is the T-Rex of tire faucets."
    -Sir Bartholomew P. Skibbenheims III, Esquire, Twice Removed

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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Why would anyone with any sense worry about changing the appearance of an item they will replace in a couple hours of play? #dyingbrain

    And dyes ... Auction house, alchemy, events, or zen store.

    Replace in a couple of hours? I was talking about 60 :S No need to be so freaking rude... And yes, the game is dying if you haven't noticed. Games with this kind of business model usually don't last long. Countless guilds have gone deserted and DD event is a ghost town...
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    bpskibbenheimsbpskibbenheims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Replace in a couple of hours? I was talking about 60 :S No need to be so freaking rude... And yes, the game is dying if you haven't noticed. Games with this kind of business model usually don't last long. Countless guilds have gone deserted and DD event is a ghost town...

    Eh, you are a doomsayer, quite rude in and of itself ...

    50k to a 60 is chump change.
    You state it would take a month to gain. Refine rate is 25k a day. 25k is easily hit in a day, if we are talking about 60s. 2 days vs. 28 - 31?

    In summation, you post nonsense as if it were facts and are a doomsayer. How do you expect people enjoying the game to react? Lol

    BTW,it isn't dieing. Incase you haven't noticed or played many games they all lose population after the new is gone. The locusts move on to the next fotm title. Also school started and football season. Of course the population is down. Doesn't spell death.

    Some guilds, like mine, continue to grow and are having a blast.
    "Confusion is the T-Rex of tire faucets."
    -Sir Bartholomew P. Skibbenheims III, Esquire, Twice Removed

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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    My level 60 is almost hitting his refining cap every day from Leadership and invoking. The invoking takes seconds. The Leadership tasks take seconds to set up and hours of my doing absolutely nothing to them until they complete and I reap the rewards. If I actually did any of his daily quests at all, he'd be carrying a balance, but I haven't been doing dailies because I've been busy with other stuff. Level 20 Leadership is no joke as far as unrefined ADs goes.

    That said, I think transmutation costs are too high, as are the AD costs of a lot of things that are trivial compared to stuff that might actually affect your performance in combat, which cost even more.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    At least the dyes in here are permanent, right? I'm also playing Tera where the dyes last from 1 hour to 1 day or so... XD
    And I was planning on changin the appearance of my equip as I lv up, but soon realized it was too expensive to maintain it, probably will start doing it once I reach 60 and not changing armors every hour or so.
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    bpskibbenheimsbpskibbenheims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    reiwulf wrote: »
    At least the dyes in here are permanent, right? I'm also playing Tera where the dyes last from 1 hour to 1 day or so... XD
    And I was planning on changin the appearance of my equip as I lv up, but soon realized it was too expensive to maintain it, probably will start doing it once I reach 60 and not changing armors every hour or so.

    Wow I used to play that ... They use to last at least a week ...
    "Confusion is the T-Rex of tire faucets."
    -Sir Bartholomew P. Skibbenheims III, Esquire, Twice Removed

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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    50k to a 60 is chump change.

    I've got a 60, I've earned a few mil AD (2-3? More?) I love customizing character appearance in games.

    And I've never been able to bring myself to waste 50k+ AD on a single appearance change here. There's too many important things that take AD (especially since you can turn it into zen) for me to even consider it. It's kinda sad.

    You state it would take a month to gain. Refine rate is 25k a day. 25k is easily hit in a day, if we are talking about 60s.

    I'll take you word for it. My 60 has only capped the refine during the double AD event. /shrug
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    endocinendocin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Hows a solo player with say 1 1/2 hr a night make AD? Invoke 2,000 max, still workin on leadership but its not tons. Level 60 solo stuff doesn't sell or its peanuts.. Best I can hope for is a purple or blue to sell from invoking pack. Unless I have a medical issue and miss a day. I'm having fun but miss a subscription. That would be tight on my budget. I try to be F2P to help with our med bills. I think to get the benefits of a $15 sub game would cost you a fortune in Zen.
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    endocin wrote: »
    Hows a solo player with say 1 1/2 hr a night make AD? Invoke 2,000 max, still workin on leadership but its not tons. Level 60 solo stuff doesn't sell or its peanuts.. Best I can hope for is a purple or blue to sell from invoking pack. Unless I have a medical issue and miss a day. I'm having fun but miss a subscription. That would be tight on my budget. I try to be F2P to help with our med bills. I think to get the benefits of a $15 sub game would cost you a fortune in Zen.

    A possible projected AD gain rate:

    - Invokation, 2000 a day (I'll take your word for it).
    - Professions, leadership, five slots, three fight the spellplague at 400 each or 1200 total. Two Battle Undead at 400 each for 800 total. Roughly completed three times a day, due to hours lost at work and whatnot. Total is 3600 + 2400 equaling 6000 a day.
    - Daily Foundry, 15 minutes a mission, usually around 2000.
    - Daily PvE GG, 30 mins (though I only catch the last five and kill one mob), around 2000.
    - Daily PvP GG, 30 minutes, around 2000.
    - Daily Dungeon GG, 1 hour, but t1 Fardelver takes 15 minutes at most to complete, around 2000.
    - If I'm feeling up for it, PvP, usually 10-15 minutes, another 2000 or so.

    I generally skip the Daily Dungeon, and this isn't counting Lord Protectors bonuses, either. Estimates are low. This is roughly three hours of total play, so more than the 1 1/2 casual your explaining. Since queue is straightforward for solo players who at least have a guild by their name, this is a simple 18000 a day. Half that if your wanting a real casual estimation, so 9000 a day. Roughly under six days per item.

    It would take a very casual 60 under two months to change their appearance. Longer, I might argue, than it took them to level to 60 (unless like our other poster, they spent more time in foundry and sitting in PE than actual leveling).

    Two months work, and this doesn't count the occasional loot drop or good night of play, etc.

    Two months is not very long. It isn't like your paying a subscription here. And by that point, your armor looks exactly as you want it.

    Again, I'm wearing a complete set of Orc attire, complete with an axe, all based off of T2 gear and done in the two months I've been in game. I do not actually play three hours a night, since most nights I'm only on 10 minutes. But there you go.

    It's not impossible to have your character look like you want them to. It's not even impractical, since T2 gear is relatively a simple investment. It's just not handed to you. It does require a little bit of time and energy, making a well dressed and customized roleplayer someone to have a little respect for, which I do.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Replace in a couple of hours? I was talking about 60 :S No need to be so freaking rude... And yes, the game is dying if you haven't noticed. Games with this kind of business model usually don't last long. Countless guilds have gone deserted and DD event is a ghost town...

    The people that left, are the ones we do not want to have around anyway. The ones, who shall not be named.

    endocin wrote: »
    Hows a solo player with say 1 1/2 hr a night make AD? Invoke 2,000 max, still workin on leadership but its not tons. Level 60 solo stuff doesn't sell or its peanuts.. Best I can hope for is a purple or blue to sell from invoking pack. Unless I have a medical issue and miss a day. I'm having fun but miss a subscription. That would be tight on my budget. I try to be F2P to help with our med bills. I think to get the benefits of a $15 sub game would cost you a fortune in Zen.

    1.5 hours let's you finish my foundry mission which is designed for farming, 3-1x times. It is one of my alt's ways, to earn AD. Best played at lvl 60 because of the loot scaling. The highest amount of AD i have gotten off of a single run was around 15k. The highest amount of gold i have gotten out of it was around 10g, in one run.

    However, the droprate also depends on how lucky you get.

    Give it a shot.

    Description, lookie.

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    xhritxhrit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1.5 hours let's you finish my foundry mission which is designed for farming, 3-1x times.

    My foundry campaign has hours of intense character interaction with complex emotional dialog, and was designed for me to speedrun through in under 10 minutes.
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    bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    There is another option - if RP is the prime motivator for wanting a specific appearance, then set those pieces aside for when you do RP, and simply equip them while doing so. When it's time to actually go out adventuring, you can don your "work gear", which is the stuff w/ the stats you actually want/need while running dungeons, skirmishes, and so forth.

    It's not a perfect solution, and it does eat up some valuable bank space, but going that route may be cheaper for you - heck, you could put the AD toward the extra bank space or an extra bag, if it came right down to it...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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    knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    jaxlee79 wrote: »
    I find that you do not understand some peoples ability to role play.
    For example:

    Someone make a GF who's family member had passed down a magical (good, or evil) sword and you wish to keep a sword model from day 1 though to the end, maybe you are role playing a cursed item that your soul is bound to, your goal might be to eventually find some way to remove the curse, till then you are forever held to the blade and that blade had a thirst for blood.

    so maybe you make a sword look like the sword of tyranny, every 10 or so levels you will NEED to upgrade your weapon, but keeping with the Role Play you need to have that sword on your person.

    You are confusing choice with need. One can choose to make a storyline for their character that will be extremely costly given the way changing the look of items is in this game, or you can choose to make a storyline that won't be costly as you level.

    If a player chooses to have an expensive story for their character while leveling that is an issue of the player, not the game, and something the player will have to deal with, not the game.
    ... my point is some people in this game really love to role play, that is what D&D is all about. By now though we all should know this game is not about D&D, it is not about letting people have freedom to enjoy the the core principals that we all have heard or experienced in D&D growing up. this game is about having a "Free" MMO with few real freedoms, and being so restricted that the users have to pay out real money per month to unlock the things that come standard with other MMO's (ie more than 2 character slots, or a decent size bank and not 12? slots)

    Actually, it provides plenty of a D&D experience, at least so far as the medium of an online MMO allows. A person can play the game with no cost whatsoever if they are so inclined. If you want optional extras, like cosmetic gear changes, you're going to have to pay extra, one way or another, either with optional cash payments... or with time. That is the cost of f2p games.
    I love the game because I am a fantasy nut, I enjoy most of the class mechanics, but I am done giving money to this company until they start realizing that they need to fix their product, and stop bleeding their player base for money when they themselves are not proving their worth to us, their constumers and supporters, with out us, there would be no game, and frankly I am tired of their lack of
    1) Communication about how they are fixing things

    We don't need to know how they fix things. All we need to know is when they are fixed.
    2) Future knowledge of when a server is coming down for a patch, and what those patchs are "fixing" until it is to late

    There hasn't been a single downtime lately where I haven't seen ample notice in game or on the launcher, so I'm going to call this one a bit of baloney. You get to see what patches have done in the patch notes.
    3) Complete lack of allowing us to "become" our characters (as what D&D is supposed to be all about), to much zen / ad / money grabs at every turn.

    They allow it. They just want you to pony up for optional extras. If you don't want to do that, come up with a character concept that doesn't require optional extras. Then you can have it for free.
    4) Utterly failing at imagination when it comes to boss fights and dungeons, it is more of a test to see how many swarms of "adds" a group can handle and not about figuring out that you need to solve a puzzle or mechanic on the fly.

    I suppose one could look at it that way. Many do. But what is a puzzle or new set of mechanics really going to do in the long run. Once it is solved or experienced, it is no longer a puzzle or new set of mechanics, and then really does nothing but stretch out things by repetitively having to go through the same tedious puzzle, or rehash the same now old mechanics, each and every time you want to run the dungeon... Zzzzzzzzz... So, it would be different, for sure, but not necessarily better.
    5) Little Feed back, I understand they must be busy, but telling the community that they are working to fix something and need some time / help and or patience from us would go a long way, that at least tells us something is going on and they are aware of it. the silent treatment or lack of information is terrible.

    I suppose it would go some way. But, then again, it is to be assumed. When games are live they are always working on them to fix something, or to get new content out, so the players already know this without being told. It would be good though to have perhaps weekly reports on the status of long standing bugs that have gone on for months and the like.
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    g4tt0g4tt0 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    While 50k for transmuting is a lot, I really don't like the fact that you can't go back to your previous "skin" which you used (and paid for) in past for free. When we pay 50k for transmutation, It should be permament so we could switch between the appereances.

    For example, I have ancient dagger weapon which I have transmuted to a sword-type weapon. After a few weeks, I transmuted it to again to orc axe from the event. Now, when I finally have greater vorpal, I keep thinking how it would look like on the sword again - and it is kind of silly that I must pay another 50k just to see it.

    So my opinion is that if we transmute an item for 50k, it should be saved as "skin" and we should be able to use it for free as we like for the given piece of armor/weapon.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    jaxlee79 wrote: »
    4) Utterly failing at imagination when it comes to boss fights and dungeons, it is more of a test to see how many swarms of "adds" a group can handle and not about figuring out that you need to solve a puzzle or mechanic on the fly.

    First time you run a dungeon with a new puzzle or mechanic - Oh, different, interesting.

    Second time - Now how does this go again?

    Third time - Oh that's easier.

    Fourth time - Boring now

    Fifth time + - Yawn... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
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    knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    g4tt0 wrote: »
    While 50k for transmuting is a lot, I really don't like the fact that you can't go back to your previous "skin" which you used (and paid for) in past for free. When we pay 50k for transmutation, It should be permament so we could switch between the appereances.

    For example, I have ancient dagger weapon which I have transmuted to a sword-type weapon. After a few weeks, I transmuted it to again to orc axe from the event. Now, when I finally have greater vorpal, I keep thinking how it would look like on the sword again - and it is kind of silly that I must pay another 50k just to see it.

    So my opinion is that if we transmute an item for 50k, it should be saved as "skin" and we should be able to use it for free as we like for the given piece of armor/weapon.

    You didn't have a problem paying the more than 50k (as it was at the old price) just to switch it to an axe for a very short term event. You shouldn't have a problem paying less now to transmute it again. If you don't want to pay the cost the reverse a transmutation you should avoid transmuting your weapon for short term events.
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