Guys, they are busy making sure we have plenty of useless currency for an event that is going to end in a few days so we can buy garbage that makes no difference in our gameplay whatsoever, stop giving them such a hard time. It cannot be easy to both lift your doughnut AND copy paste clean lines of code.
I am curious if they will ever bother making the cleric a worthwhile character again. My main has been pretty much stagnant since the recent nerfs, because somehow the cleric was OP in 2% of pvp situations and deserved to have their only meaningful offensive skill ground into dust. Thanks for the free respec so I can fix the problems you have hoisted upon me ! Oh wait...
Although I know i'm swinging the other way here, I must say I have enjoyed the game so far! I'm still playing through the problems, and frankly I am glad that there is someone there reading the posts whether you respond or not.
The following issues are just SOME of the issues since the feywild patch.
1) Dracolich and fulminorax targeting bugs
2) Tranquility enchantments
3) Regen time on quest points in malabogs realm
4) Unstoppable bug and stealth bar bug
5) Contstant crashes
These are just FIVE of the really IMPORTANT bugs that are out there, i could go on...but i don't have that kind of time.
While i understand your attempt at MISDIRECTION by doubling rewards and basically giving us stuff we never ASKED for.....these bugs are whats causing ppl to leave and NOT charge zen.
I leave it to you to prioritize, but i also leave you with, if you think u gonna see my usual "donation" of MONTHLY 200+ usd THIS month...nothing of the above fixed....DREAM ON. and i suspect u'll see this trend from alotta OTHERS too.
Good day.
Many issues you may be concerned about are being worked on behind-the-scenes. Issues take time to resolve because they require lots of testing and verifying. Once the developers are confident the issue is fixed, we'll add them to new patch immediately.
to all you aspiring code monkeys that think you could do it better, there are a couple of programming positions open with CRYPTIC, why not put your skills where your mouth is and apply?
good news everyone. devs finaly prioritize all bugfixes. unfortunately though they start from the lowest priority. but hey, someone at cryptic surely is now happy that there is no more "beta" label on the gateway.
an admin has just said that the team is working behind the scene to fix these bugs that everyone has brought up, i am completely new to the game and havent even started yet but the ignorance of the people on this game is already starting to bug me.. just wait and they will have your bugs fixed when they can.. if there job was so easy why not try and fix them yourselves?
ghuleryMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited September 2013
Any word on the missing new potions from the Sharandar campaign?
I bet developers must feel like Clerics getting told they aren't healing with all the "Wah Wah Wah, why aren't you fixing my issue. Now i waaaahnt it now! I don't care if it's a complicated problem and there's only 3 of you in the entire team.... Waah "
So people should just put up bugs instead of letting them know that they're not happy. If they aren't told then they may not have as much incentive to fix anything. For example the GWF unstoppable has has issues for a long time so it's not completely that people are impatient for fixes. Also I'm not sure that dragon bugs would be hard to fix personally, or drop rates on Malabogs, although I can't say for certain that hasn't improved since I haven't bothered playing it much and the last 2 times I did it the drops were actually decent for the most part, but I may have just been lucky, even though I didn't get anything myself. Also I don't see how the AH sorting would be hard either, they already had it working previously. Also with the ugly pillars in CN, personally I think they could've tested to see what it looks like in game first, but I guess it's not too hard to oversee.
I think we should all agree that more testing needed to be done with the first module. There's clearly been a lot of issues since the release, they have fixed some things which is good, but really it should not have been released into such a state. Basically if there's issues with the game then they need to know and shouldn't really be defended unless results show progress. That's not to say that some people don't take it too far.
because somehow the cleric was OP in 2% of pvp situations and deserved to have their only meaningful offensive skill ground into dust. Thanks for the free respec so I can fix the problems you have hoisted upon me ! Oh wait...
1) It did do ridiculous damage. You are a cleric, you're not meant to do insane damage from any skill. However it did get nerfed way too much. No need to be so mad over it though. That's not to say that I think clerics are especially good in pvp.
2) What's with the 'oh wait'? You did get a free respec and should be glad that they gave you one, since they didn't have to. But it is much appreciated since big changes can affect us a lot.
Also to the one complaining about the useless events. Theyre just something for fun, if you don't like them then fine, but some of us appreciate them and the free stuff you get. If you wanted you could make some AD from farming it, although if you were dead set on that, CN may be a better choice or dailies.
As for what I think on the notes. I'm happy to have regular updates, and there's usually good changes made, but I did hope for more fixes.
Thanks for the War Machine fix, though i suppose the rewards it failed to give me yesterday won't be retroactively rewarded? my OCD is going crazy with having only 2 blades!
Yes! I wish two more days had passed so I'd have 6 of them. This is going to drive me insane forever.
where is the draco fix? the red zones are still really bugged
Actually, the problem is not just with the draco. Every single dragon in the game is bugged... but is easy to handle with that (especially if you are a tr, dc or a cw).
I just discovered two bugs in MD, one with 2nd boss and the other with Charti. But... idk if report it because devs priorities looks more important
So people should just put up bugs instead of letting them know that they're not happy. If they aren't told then they may not have as much incentive to fix anything.
Do you think the developers are sitting there with their thumb up their asses? posting bugs is good, Whining about bugs is worse than pointless, it's insulting to people who are doing a job.
zaflartMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 18Arc User
to all you aspiring code monkeys that think you could do it better, there are a couple of programming positions open with CRYPTIC, why not put your skills where your mouth is and apply?
I will say that the Cryptic team has, if anything, become more communicative with the player base, and that deserves recognition.
As players we definitely should be pointing out problems and expressing our concerns, but some people do take it too far and are just plain insulting. The majority of us have no idea what it's like to work on this game and don't have the requisite skills to even attempt it. Am I frustrated with bugs like those affecting Fulminorax and Azharzel? Definitely. But I'm also willing to give some benefit of the doubt that they might be part of a complicated issue.
Although I don't work in programming, I manage a retail business, and there are some similarities in that the customer rarely has any idea of what is really going on behind the scenes and frequently believes that you are out to get them regardless of how little sense that notion makes. Mistakes and poor decisions happen, to be sure, but even in that case the person to whom you are actually speaking usually has nothing to do with what's bothering you :P
And the award for the 1st positve reply to this thread goes to.... ME!
Serious guys... long ago i received a email from CRYPTIC/PWE (cant remember) sayin come Play Neverwinter, its free and a lots of fun.
TBH it is. I have 3 lvl 60 toons with good gear, i participate in all events, have a lot of good items, and.. i had never spent Cash yet (didnt feel the need to do it).
Im not the richest nor the strongest player on the server (not even close), but.. they never promised me that... f2p and fun, yes thats accomplished!
So... cmpinpointerror tyvm for this:
- Earn double the Fireblossom Petals!
- New profession task, Hero's Feast! Give all of your allies extra Health, Power and a location to Invoke.
- Bottomless Waterskins (temporary) are now properly temporary and will expire after 8 hours.
- You may now trade a Favor of Sune for 220 Fireblossom Petals at the Tribute Store.
- The Provisioning profession task Collect a few Fireblossom Petals now awards 150 Petals instead of 15.
- Moved the location of several of the pigs so that they will be less likely to get stuck on terrain.
- Made adjustments to increase CPU performance in areas of high population, player or otherwise.
- Castle Never: The visible collision above the statues is no longer visible and is no longer an eye sore.
- There are now properly achievements and titles for the Artificing and Weaponsmithing professions.
- Sharandar: Donate to the War Effort campaign task incorrectly listed 30 Crescents as its reward. This has been corrected to 15. This is only a description change.
- Sharandar: The War Makers: The War Makers quest now grants proper campaign rewards, it was previously not granting one of the blades.
- Summer Festival: There is now a Mail Courier at the festival grounds.
... About the big fixes and corrections, take your time... and do it good, ill wait for that playing your fun events on your f2p game
i really don't understand what the devs are thinking when doing these patches...its like nothing we say on forums matters to them...nothing important getting fixed...
Is that news...? Nothing we say on the forums will ever matter..
Well, i'm not a dev at all coz i'm still at school, but there is something i don't understand : how a new module can influence a previous one? A big program means normally a lot of little ones who are called at right moment by the general one (ofc it's a bit more complicated). So, it seems developpers just used some general cryptic's program done for creating MMO in general, and they make on this some stuff to create neverwinter.
i understand though guys here, we are waiting for too long, we don't see anything occuring, and there is still no communication about it.
But by the fact, it seems they have completely lost control and structure of their code...
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited September 2013
Nice to see the changes to the summer festival - looks like they mean I will be able to pick up a second pig companion or some sunite garbs.
However, the patch does really nothing to encourage me to play (or to spend money on the game). No fix to the AH, no fix to MC (last boss being basically too buggy to play, no fix to all the old achievement bugs, no fixes to the crafting bugs, and so on.
Ah, well...I'll hang around, do my dailies, and a bit of crafting while hanging around PE, but quite frankly - Cryptic/PWE you need to get your act together and focus on fixing the issues that are really irritating your players.
according to, they are pretty much inline with the rest of Silicon valley on salary... but then that's one reason I would never move to CA.
thiefmacMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited September 2013
I logged into PE and there were only 5 different instances with about 50 people in each. At this rate they won't need to fix the actual game play problems because nobody will be playing the game. Too bad, it was a fun game ruined by a zen hungry company unwilling to make the needed game adjustments to keep players happy.
spadgerMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
edited September 2013
Critical bugs are not fixed, the bug at the alteration wizard when customizing character, it cost zen to buy the token! The auction house bug where you could not sort the prices from low to high, those are crucial game breaking bugs that needed fixing!
krisst0fMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Earn double the Fireblossom Petals! WHO CARES? THIS FESTIVAL IS USELESS...
New profession task, Hero's Feast! Give all of your allies extra Health, Power and a location to Invoke. A GREAT IDEA... MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN FIXING ACTUAL BUGS, EXPLOITS, ...
Foundry Catalog will now properly be able to search on both Title and Description for published quests.
Corrected an issue that could cause two mouse cursors to appear under certain circumstances.
Removed the Beta label to properly reflect its status.
There is now a "Buy Supplies" button on the Professions task list page.
Fixed several minor layout and orientation issues on Auction House and Guild pages.
Updated small text changes for all languages including: Campaign key bind, Inspecting yourself, Deflect Chance, Leprechaun, Feywild Lockbox related items. THANK YOU FOR FIXING THIS CRITICAL BUG!!!
Updated Voice overs for French focusing on the Summer Festival and select Sharandar audio. AND THIS ONE TOO... ^^
Summer Festival
Bottomless Waterskins (temporary) are now properly temporary and will expire after 8 hours. SUCH A CRITICAL BUG...
You may now trade a Favor of Sune for 220 Fireblossom Petals at the Tribute Store. THIS YOU GET NOTHING WORTH IT WITH THESE, IT WAS INDEED CRITICAL TO SPEND TIME ON THAT.
The Provisioning profession task Collect a few Fireblossom Petals now awards 150 Petals instead of 15. YEAH!!!!
Moved the location of several of the pigs so that they will be less likely to get stuck on terrain. HERDING PIGS WAS MY PASTTIME... NOT
Performance and Stability
Made adjustments to increase CPU performance in areas of high population, player or otherwise. OK, this one is actually useful, it is doesn't introduce new bugs as in the past.
Quests and Environment
Castle Never: The visible collision above the statues is no longer visible and is no longer an eye sore. COSMETIC STUFF IS SOOOOO IMPORTANT, BUT THE EXPLOIT IS STILL THERE??? I HEARD IT WAS.
There are now properly achievements and titles for the Artificing and Weaponsmithing professions. WHO IS DOING THESE ANYWAY... THE WEAPON YOU GETS ARE NOT BETTER THAN ANCIENT, OR NOT WORTH THE INVESTMENT.
Sharandar: Donate to the War Effort campaign task incorrectly listed 30 Crescents as its reward. This has been corrected to 15. This is only a description change. YEAH! ANOTHER USELESS FIX, YOU DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO LIST IT.
Sharandar: The War Makers: The War Makers quest now grants proper campaign rewards, it was previously not granting one of the blades. NOW THAT ONE IS IMPORTANT... WHAT ABOUT THE DRYEDER TREE TO BE HEALED BUG... IS THAT QUEST FIXED TOO? PROBABLY NOT... GONNA TAKE ANOTHER WEEK OR TWO I BET.
Summer Festival: There is now a Mail Courier at the festival grounds. I NEVER GO THERE ANYMORE SO WHO CARES... PUTTING ONE IN SHARANDAR WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER
Items and Economy
Coal and Charcoal are now purchasable in quantities up to 100. COAL=PROFESSIONS=USELESS
So instead of fixing critical issues with this game, bugs, exploits, you come up with THIS list of useless fixes that NOONE cares about...
Good job...
A single programmer would probably have fixed all these in a week... How many actually are still on this game? Have all the other moved on to making new companions? I bet they did...
While I can certainly understand the frustration for some players as far as broken skills, dungeons and so forth goes I feel it is only fair to point out that a weekly update can only address issues that could be resolved since the last week's update. Some bugs might even take months to find, kill and test to make sure nothing else broke in the process.
For the general 'haters' population, let's look at what this game does right:
1. It's F2P.
2. Anything that can be bought with real money can be acquired in the game with some effort.
3. Real money currency (ZEN) can be legally traded for game currency and game currency can be traded for ZEN. Very few F2P games do that.
4. Bugs aside, the game content is way better than many other F2P games. And technically the game is still in beta. It's not a 6 month grind fest to get to end game but a rather fast paced quest leveling system. Sure, it's still kill x amount of this and fetch y amount of that but you burn through levels very fast. If I wanted to nitpick I'd say leveling is perhaps too fast. I took me 5 days to get to level 60.
5. It has a functional auction house, professions, queue and mail system. Again, you don't find that in many F2P games.
Yes there are bugs. Cryptic will fix them in time because their income depends on it. I'd like to see some work done on speeding up the queuing process and more solo end game content but I'm happy so far with what I got for the price I paid. Did I mention it's free? You only need to spend money for convenience sake. That's super cool in my books.
seriously, got to hex-rays and down load IDA and find you own bugs and offer fixes... pretty simple for people with spare time. I have a full time job or I would be happy to help out.
an admin has just said that the team is working behind the scene to fix these bugs that everyone has brought up, i am completely new to the game and havent even started yet but the ignorance of the people on this game is already starting to bug me.. just wait and they will have your bugs fixed when they can.. if there job was so easy why not try and fix them yourselves?
Hi and welcome to Neverwinter , but as you say , you are new to the game and haven't even played it yet so you aren't really in a position to comment on people who are complaining , most of the complaints are about bugs and issues that have been in the game since the game was in closed beta several months ago , its natural for players to complain about certain game breaking issues that are taking forever to be fixed , or even worse bugs that they say have been fixed but have either not been fixed or have had a knock on effect that create a whole new bunch of other bugs.
I am curious if they will ever bother making the cleric a worthwhile character again. My main has been pretty much stagnant since the recent nerfs, because somehow the cleric was OP in 2% of pvp situations and deserved to have their only meaningful offensive skill ground into dust. Thanks for the free respec so I can fix the problems you have hoisted upon me
Although I know i'm swinging the other way here, I must say I have enjoyed the game so far! I'm still playing through the problems, and frankly I am glad that there is someone there reading the posts whether you respond or not.
Many issues you may be concerned about are being worked on behind-the-scenes. Issues take time to resolve because they require lots of testing and verifying. Once the developers are confident the issue is fixed, we'll add them to new patch immediately.
I just hope that with this patch does not come out exciting new bugs
I think we should all agree that more testing needed to be done with the first module. There's clearly been a lot of issues since the release, they have fixed some things which is good, but really it should not have been released into such a state. Basically if there's issues with the game then they need to know and shouldn't really be defended unless results show progress. That's not to say that some people don't take it too far.
1) It did do ridiculous damage. You are a cleric, you're not meant to do insane damage from any skill. However it did get nerfed way too much. No need to be so mad over it though. That's not to say that I think clerics are especially good in pvp.
2) What's with the 'oh wait'? You did get a free respec and should be glad that they gave you one, since they didn't have to. But it is much appreciated since big changes can affect us a lot.
Also to the one complaining about the useless events. Theyre just something for fun, if you don't like them then fine, but some of us appreciate them and the free stuff you get. If you wanted you could make some AD from farming it, although if you were dead set on that, CN may be a better choice or dailies.
As for what I think on the notes. I'm happy to have regular updates, and there's usually good changes made, but I did hope for more fixes.
Yes! I wish two more days had passed so I'd have 6 of them. This is going to drive me insane forever.
326 Mb, patched w/o probs here.
I just discovered two bugs in MD, one with 2nd boss and the other with Charti. But... idk if report it because devs priorities looks more important
Do you think the developers are sitting there with their thumb up their asses? posting bugs is good, Whining about bugs is worse than pointless, it's insulting to people who are doing a job.
Low salary & poor senior management.
As players we definitely should be pointing out problems and expressing our concerns, but some people do take it too far and are just plain insulting. The majority of us have no idea what it's like to work on this game and don't have the requisite skills to even attempt it. Am I frustrated with bugs like those affecting Fulminorax and Azharzel? Definitely. But I'm also willing to give some benefit of the doubt that they might be part of a complicated issue.
Although I don't work in programming, I manage a retail business, and there are some similarities in that the customer rarely has any idea of what is really going on behind the scenes and frequently believes that you are out to get them regardless of how little sense that notion makes. Mistakes and poor decisions happen, to be sure, but even in that case the person to whom you are actually speaking usually has nothing to do with what's bothering you :P
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Serious guys... long ago i received a email from CRYPTIC/PWE (cant remember) sayin come Play Neverwinter, its free and a lots of fun.
TBH it is. I have 3 lvl 60 toons with good gear, i participate in all events, have a lot of good items, and.. i had never spent Cash yet (didnt feel the need to do it).
Im not the richest nor the strongest player on the server (not even close), but.. they never promised me that... f2p and fun, yes thats accomplished!
So... cmpinpointerror tyvm for this:
- Earn double the Fireblossom Petals!
- New profession task, Hero's Feast! Give all of your allies extra Health, Power and a location to Invoke.
- Bottomless Waterskins (temporary) are now properly temporary and will expire after 8 hours.
- You may now trade a Favor of Sune for 220 Fireblossom Petals at the Tribute Store.
- The Provisioning profession task Collect a few Fireblossom Petals now awards 150 Petals instead of 15.
- Moved the location of several of the pigs so that they will be less likely to get stuck on terrain.
- Made adjustments to increase CPU performance in areas of high population, player or otherwise.
- Castle Never: The visible collision above the statues is no longer visible and is no longer an eye sore.
- There are now properly achievements and titles for the Artificing and Weaponsmithing professions.
- Sharandar: Donate to the War Effort campaign task incorrectly listed 30 Crescents as its reward. This has been corrected to 15. This is only a description change.
- Sharandar: The War Makers: The War Makers quest now grants proper campaign rewards, it was previously not granting one of the blades.
- Summer Festival: There is now a Mail Courier at the festival grounds.
... About the big fixes and corrections, take your time... and do it good, ill wait for that playing your fun events on your f2p game
Best Regards
Is that news...? Nothing we say on the forums will ever matter..
i understand though guys here, we are waiting for too long, we don't see anything occuring, and there is still no communication about it.
But by the fact, it seems they have completely lost control and structure of their code...
However, the patch does really nothing to encourage me to play (or to spend money on the game). No fix to the AH, no fix to MC (last boss being basically too buggy to play, no fix to all the old achievement bugs, no fixes to the crafting bugs, and so on.
Ah, well...I'll hang around, do my dailies, and a bit of crafting while hanging around PE, but quite frankly - Cryptic/PWE you need to get your act together and focus on fixing the issues that are really irritating your players.
according to, they are pretty much inline with the rest of Silicon valley on salary... but then that's one reason I would never move to CA.
So instead of fixing critical issues with this game, bugs, exploits, you come up with THIS list of useless fixes that NOONE cares about...
Good job...
A single programmer would probably have fixed all these in a week... How many actually are still on this game? Have all the other moved on to making new companions? I bet they did...
Thank you for nothing...
For the general 'haters' population, let's look at what this game does right:
1. It's F2P.
2. Anything that can be bought with real money can be acquired in the game with some effort.
3. Real money currency (ZEN) can be legally traded for game currency and game currency can be traded for ZEN. Very few F2P games do that.
4. Bugs aside, the game content is way better than many other F2P games. And technically the game is still in beta. It's not a 6 month grind fest to get to end game but a rather fast paced quest leveling system. Sure, it's still kill x amount of this and fetch y amount of that but you burn through levels very fast. If I wanted to nitpick I'd say leveling is perhaps too fast. I took me 5 days to get to level 60.
5. It has a functional auction house, professions, queue and mail system. Again, you don't find that in many F2P games.
Yes there are bugs. Cryptic will fix them in time because their income depends on it. I'd like to see some work done on speeding up the queuing process and more solo end game content but I'm happy so far with what I got for the price I paid. Did I mention it's free? You only need to spend money for convenience sake. That's super cool in my books.