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End of Delve loot?!?

viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
edited September 2013 in PvE Discussion
Alright so I ran a delve today with my guildies and after spending about an hour running this dungeon we kill the boss and loot the chest to find out nearly All of us were rewarded with Blue items?!? This is such a huge disappointment, and with the changes to end of dungeon loot being BoP I just had to voice my opinion and desire to see a change made to the loot. No it isn't to make everything BoE again, why ask cause it ain't happening.

I propose that every chest for the delve event always have a purple gear item ie; armor, weapon, off-hand, jewelry, ect. and Never a blue gear item. It was such a let down to run a pretty fun dungeon that was harder than I remember it being last time, I swear some mechanics were changed which was good, only to get slapped in the face with a crappy blue item! I'm talking about a blue item that wasn't even worth the effort to place it on the AH, it was straight up vendor trash. I was so let down and disheartened by that I logged out for a while. I am seriously thinking that I now have to weigh time spent vs. potential reward running delves now.

If we can only get certain items from the delve event chests and we spend the time running the dungeon at least give a purple item! It would be great to always get a piece that you want such as getting a choice between armor or jewelry, then from there if you choose armor you pick between the three sets. Jewelry can be the same too we can choose which piece we want, one with a defense slot, offense slot, or one that has certain stats you need.

For this game being a casual player friendly game it certainly makes you grind alot of things, which I can appreciate. Some things though we shouldn't have to grind endlessly for because by the time we finally get the item we want the dungeon is not fun anymore. I want to run the dungeon get the loot I need to Progress my character and still want to run it again later to help out a guildie, Not make it feel like a job and un-fun.

So dev's if you are reading this please consider making this a reality or something similar!
Post edited by viledeeds77#8676 on


  • tancred300tancred300 Member Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    I agree completely, running 1-2 dungeons a day during dungeon delves and going through finding a decent group and then spending an hour in the dungeon just to get a measely blue item you cant even salvage is just frustrating.

    (Why create salvage system in the first place if not give those 6k ad for 1hour spent doing the dungeon?)

    I dont understand. Concerning the progression feeling it went from a Ferrari to a wheelchair, seriously.
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know it is a huge change to go from being able to buy some tier 1 gear to help yourself out not feeling like a paperwrapped pillow slinger to making a difference, to then have to run delves to get gear needed to run other dungeons only to get the "slap in the face" blue vendor trash items.
  • altreg01altreg01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have got to admit I was very disappointed at the end of that run. Due to real life I don't get to play much and believe it or not that was my first real delve in a long while. After finishing the run and opening up the chest and getting that awesome blue ring I asked a guildie where there real loot chest was.

    Im still learning the game mechanics here, apparently you can only get a loot chest during those silly little one hour time slots which are oddly spaced and terribly inconvenient , then if you are lucky to have time and the right people on you can get one dungeon in and get a handful of blues. Im all far mechanics to prevent massive farming and protecting the economy but this is a head scratcher to me.

    I used to hate the locks that Warner Bro$/Turdbine put in Lotro, but now they seem to be the best thing since sliced bread after seeing the system in place here.
    I've had amnesia for as long as I can remember.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    +1 to this entire thread. I've stopped running DDs because of it. CN and MC will be my only exceptions, but even MC drops blue items so much more than Epics.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Yeah with the new changes regular T2's are wothless if you are already geared. I can meet my refining cap in a lot less time (and more fun) just pvping. Maybe put more good items on the minibosses, I went to buy a pyrotechnic band yesterday and to my surprise they're almost 100k now, I paid 40k for one a week ago. I suppose with this though players will just farm 1st boss of karru as even with dd running to the end is a waste of time and nets you ~4k AD. And only rough AD at that heh.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • slayorianslayorian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Blue items? So, you're not running epic dungeons? I would expect blue items, then.
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    slayorian wrote: »
    Blue items? So, you're not running epic dungeons? I would expect blue items, then.

    Yes we ran an epic dungeon and all but one of us bagged some crappy blue items! This was a huge disappointment not just for me but everyone involved. As a result it has effected our want and desire to run epic delves only to be un-rewarded with items that I can buy on the Auction House for a few hundred AD. :(

    I would love to hear a Dev weigh in on this for us with some response to our concerns...please?
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Maybe that was a bug because epic dungeons DD chests gives epic loot, T1 and T2 sets are now BoP but the rest are still BoE (rings, necks and belts). Also all bosses always give epic drops, the first 2 bosses gives 1 epic and 1 shard and last boss always drop 1 epic and 1 shard OR 2 epics.

    I dont run T1 dungeons for sometime so im not 100% sure if the is the same loot rule for T1 and T2 dungeons.

    If u dont mind me to ask u which dungeon were u running ??
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We ran epic cragmire crypts, for some guildies who just got some of their characters to lvl 60. We got purple drops off the mini bosses but when we completed the dungeon and opened the chest we all, with the exception of one guildie, got blue items and not even decent blue items but crappy blue items. We shouldn't have gotten blue items period on an Epic Delve.
  • mbllanes199mbllanes199 Member, Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 429
    edited August 2013
    Well look at the bright side, since everything is BoP and some drops are blue, it will take you some time to get what you want and it will keep you coming back for more which means more ppl online to keep the game alive. just saying.
  • whistlingdixiewhistlingdixie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Most top-geared TR's have a blue 133/243 Piercing Beserker's Belt than any of the purple junk with a defense slot.

    I agree with your points, but thought I'd throw that out there.
  • furion192furion192 Member Posts: 187 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Agree, main reason why I've temporarily quit for a while, is because of doing the same old dungeons over and over, yet 1hr. and several pots didn't give any purple item that I need...Completely boring now, the more I repeat the dungeon the more the torture is. Games are meant to make u happy not do the same long boring job.
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Most top-geared TR's have a blue 133/243 Piercing Beserker's Belt than any of the purple junk with a defense slot.

    I agree with your points, but thought I'd throw that out there.
    If it were a ring with desirable stats or something I could place on the auction house and get around the amount of AD that salvaging something would bring then yeah I would have been alright with it, but it wasn't it was a ring that gave 100 power 100 crit and 100 movement, I placed it in the window to check prices on the AH and was rewarded with an average price of around 200 AD. That really hit a sore spot, to spend the time and get a couple hundred AD at best. It just felt wrong and I felt cheated.
    Well look at the bright side, since everything is BoP and some drops are blue, it will take you some time to get what you want and it will keep you coming back for more which means more ppl online to keep the game alive. just saying.

    The blue that I got was not BoP. I will continue to play this game because I do have fun but I have quit several MMO's due to a long arduous and bone wrenching grind being introduced into them. I Love D&D games, and D&D in general, I will continue to try my hand at delves but if I start seeing a pattern coming about that I feel like I'm jumping on a hamster wheel chasing a carrot I'll never reach, I will stop running delves altogether. I leveled my character to have fun, enjoy the game and the experience but at the end of that leveling arc, there should be balanced and fair endgame content and to have to endlessly grind for what I see as nessessary items to reach the actual endgame which is the challenging delves Tier 2 and CN is not fair and balanced. The entire design of the end game is to progress through the easier delves into the midrange difficulty, then the hard difficulty, but to progress we need to achieve something in each delve, not oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I didn't get it this time now I have to wait 4-5 hours before I can run it again to maybe get that item I need. That isn't progression that is gambling on if you get something useful or profitable. I just feel we should get purple items minimum.

    items should be restricted to heroic level delves, and Epic delves should drop Epic loot!
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    they just need to add more drop colours. they are probably triing to tone down old dugeons so that sharendar feels like an improvement. Its probably cause people have been complaining the game is to easy.

    as it was people who didn't have a full suit of purples felt obligated to buy them and all other loot felt lame in comparison. so the idea is make blue the general loot type and make people have to do a whole insane campaign/grinding to get purpled up rather than just buy the outfit. the problem is
    the loot is already out there and people aren't going to want to give their stuff up.
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My guild does not run dungeons based on the latest greatest short cut, we actually run the dungeons. So these calls of the game is too easy are not true when you play the game as intended, or take the scenic route through a dungeon. IMHO if certain players find the game too easy, try three manning a T2 and stop making the game to hard for the 80-90% of the player base that doesn't take a short cut.

    As for making Sharandar feel like an improvement, I see your point but to be able to acquire the gear needed to run T2's, CN, and MC we still need that purple gear so in my opinion they are gimping those of us who didn't spam one of each class to 60 in the first few days of open beta or live launch. It now not only feels challenging to run dungeons geared out with purples but near to impossible to get the required gear to run them now.
  • valetudo78valetudo78 Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I love doing t2 dungeons and getting t1 gear.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I really think Cryptic is going to learn the hard way. I've been watching the numbers in Protector's Enclave and other areas, and it seems people are leaving or at least not showing up.

    Devs are going to need to give players some actual incentive to run these DDs. A 5% chance or so of getting any time of Epic items is just not worth the time.

    Most likely new 60's are PVPing or doing Gauntlgrym because it's the only worthwhile way to get T1 and T2 gear.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Another way they can get more people to run delves, is eliminate the blues dropping in Epic Delves, and let the end chest be open all the time, then during delve hour there should be a guarantee of getting an armor piece for your class complete with the choose 1 of 3 option.
  • fallout1111fallout1111 Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2013
    Blue (rare) <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> should NEVER drop in an EPIC dungeon. That's the definition of Epic. What is the point of doing the dungeon (again) for junk I can get off witherers?
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Blue (rare) <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> should NEVER drop in an EPIC dungeon. That's the definition of Epic. What is the point of doing the dungeon (again) for junk I can get off witherers?

    Exactly my point! Epic Dungeons should give/ drop Epic Loot ALWAYS!
  • pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Just to add my two cents because like many posters here I no longer see any point in Dungeon Delves. I took a few friends in my guild to try and get their helmets from spellplague, one a GWF and one a DC each aiming for their T2 Helmet. The dungeon was far tougher then before with less AP gain, and the boss fight was bugged as hell where the minions you usually cant push off in phase 4 began at the very beginning of the fight. So after all is said and done, half my party wipes and I save the day kiting all mobs/repelling/arcaning and shielding everything off the ledge as much as possible. Now, here is where the frustrating part begins, the boss dies and the shard pops up to drop his loot. First off, he drops the worst boots ive ever seen (Boots of Soverinity ) however you spell that junk loot.. isnt Spellplague supposed to be HELMET?! Alright, now the next frustrating part, well the team assembles to all open their shiny dungeon delve chest at the end of a very long run and to my surprise? RANDOM ITEM, Yes it was an epic so I was still able to salvage it, but aren't you supposed to PICK your set? The GWF got a random epic as well which was absolute junk and only the DC got what he was looking for ( LUCK OF THE DRAW BECAUSE HE WASNT ABLE TO PICK ) and the other mage who wiped wasnt even able to get his chest! Before you start harming the average players you need to think about the people who only have an hour or two a day instead of non-stop grinding to achieve their gear, honestly the old BOE system was better then this if your still not able to "choose your piece of gear" or what was all this update for, so people aren't able to make Astral Diamonds themselves so you have to PAY RL money for them? Because this is surely what it is turning into..

    MY 2 CENTS,

    Foundry Missions ;
    By ; @pestilence149
    Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
    Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
    NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
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    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    aren't you supposed to PICK your set? The GWF got a random epic as well which was absolute junk and only the DC got what he was looking for
    MY 2 CENTS,


    I never got any T2 set items in DD chests after changes. Only random epics/blues. However, I did get to choose as per patch notes a set item from 2 T1 dungeons, forgot which. So it seems that the system sometimes work, and sometimes is broken, intentionally or not, I have no idea. Considering how much pain in the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> the T2 final boss fights are without exploiting, I'd say random <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for 3000 AD salvage/blue for 40 silvers it's a mockery.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Here's what I see happening: Most people will settle for GG or PVP gear. It's the only guaranteed way to get Epics now. I imagine DDing now is pretty dead.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • pestilence149pestilence149 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Yeah.. so took another few guildmates today to try and get there stuff from Karrundax.. the Boss' beam is also invisible and bugged just like the Dracholich, our cleric took an invis beam to the knee and died lucky I was paying attention I ressed him and we had no problem with the rest of the fight. BUT This is where I am a little steamed.. the GWF I am trying to help out is a good friend and I helped him through TWO more Karrundax runs and he got TWO random junk epics worth 6k ad salvage approx and wasn't able to pick any T2 set of his choice ( avatar of war is what he is aiming for ) .. Didn't you say it was going to be EASIER to get our sets? Like someone said, this just seems to be a god **** mockery.. ON Topic, the boss ended up dropping Miracle Healer guantlets so the DC who I was also helping was very happy that he got loot but only to find his chest was bugged and unable to open. LOL At least the runs I have been doing are not in vain and one person is at least getting some form of horseshoe up his ..you know but my I am starting to feel the pain for my GWF friend and it is not even my god !@#$ character, but I am inclined to help friends get their gear/weps being the good guy I am so, how bout you fix your chests/drop rates before I flip my own keyboard over how bad you designed Dungeon Delves.

    Biggest waste of time IMO,

    Foundry Missions ;
    By ; @pestilence149
    Gladiators of Dhara (Easy) & (Hard)
    Search by Best : Name/Summary/Short-Code ; Gladiators
    NW-DJJS7OWZI (For easy)
    NW-DPT9I8RKF (For hard)

    Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My understanding of the purpose of the changes:

    People were able to buy rather cheaply whole sets of PvE gear, many times without ever setting foot in the dungeons and immediately as they reached 60 - this being a bad thing.

    To fix this, the devs introduced the changes we all know, and I thought their meaning was to make people run dungeons and earn their stuff the old MMO way, through drops/rewards. To make things even better, the devs even let us select the tier version we were after - great, yes? Reward people that finish the dungeon, no more selling and flooding the AH since they're BoP, so it's all cool.

    Well yes, it's great, when tier actually drops, which rarely (if ever) happens for T2. Other than that, we still have all the tier items on the AH, with the exception that only the rich guys can buy now, and the items stay there and rot from what I saw, at their 750K+ AD posting prices.
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    PWE needs money , the more you give them the better the game will be I guess lol .
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    PWE needs money , the more you give them the better the game will be I guess lol .

    Yeah, and the best way to make money is to run off the majority of your player base.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • viledeeds77#8676 viledeeds77 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please keep on topic in this thread, I never had any intention of this being a hate/ flame thread towards Cryptic/ PWE.
    pers3phone wrote: »
    My understanding of the purpose of the changes:

    People were able to buy rather cheaply whole sets of PvE gear, many times without ever setting foot in the dungeons and immediately as they reached 60 - this being a bad thing.

    To fix this, the devs introduced the changes we all know, and I thought their meaning was to make people run dungeons and earn their stuff the old MMO way, through drops/rewards. To make things even better, the devs even let us select the tier version we were after - great, yes? Reward people that finish the dungeon, no more selling and flooding the AH since they're BoP, so it's all cool.

    Well yes, it's great, when tier actually drops, which rarely (if ever) happens for T2. Other than that, we still have all the tier items on the AH, with the exception that only the rich guys can buy now, and the items stay there and rot from what I saw, at their 750K+ AD posting prices.

    I am really wondering if the new loot mechanic is working as intended or if there are some issues with it, as far as I understood it we would have our choice of loot and I have yet to actually have this choice be given to me in an Epic Delve.
  • spittlezspittlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If the chest drops set items you get to choose from the 3 available sets. Delve chests in T2 dungeons have a 10% chance to drop a T2 set so you still have rng to deal with. The only change is that when it drops you'll get the set you wanted.
  • aaronjfaaronjf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think out of all the times I have run crag crypts, I have gotten 1 epic, blues every other run (at least 12) from the delve chest. I used to run it because it listed an epic ring but I always got blue rings.. Then some Epic t1 piece.. Crag is Cr**
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