Please punish people who quit a PVP game.... and go AFK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have just played about 15 PVP matches in a row, and NONE finished above 5v2....
In most matchies the other team Quits within 5minutes to leave it 5v0
The "fullist" a game has been is me and 1 other Vs 5 enemy.....
Do something like ban them from PVP for 2 hrs if they quit....
If they disconnect then can rejoin within 3-5minutes (upto you... you can do test to see) if they dont rejoin in that time then give a 2hr ban.... (or actualy if they rejoin same PVP by the end of the game there is no ban)...
Now i know some of you will say thats not fair, if you disconnect its not your fault.... but if this becomes such a problem that you are disconnecting everyday 1+ times, then you shouldnt be playing in team games as its not fair on the others....
I have been dissconnected by the internet 2 times in 3 months.... and i would HAPPILY take a 2 hr ban from PVP (cause i can still do other stuff) for the great good of the game because i have just wasted 1hr 30mins to get 1 desent match
I'm so p*ssed off right now at these lazy
HAMSTER, cowereds that obviously have no skill so quit!!!!
Since the game allows you to reconnect in a short period of time, player that do not return to a match should be penalized as follows:
Quit/DC a match: 15 minutes unable to queue for a new Domination PVP match
Quit/DC 2 matches in a row: 60 minutes unable to queue for a new Domination PVP match
Lots of threads about this already with as many against penalties as there are for.
Does sound to me like you're ticked you haven't gotten your quota of pugstomping today though - maybe you should queue against premades if you want a proper match?
I'm sure the Devs are looking into it - whether they do anything is another matter (strangely, STO has a leavers penalty for PvE but *not* PvP).
But to be honest, if I queue up with a a bunch of no-hopers that all rush our base leaving no-one to cap 2, I'm still going to quit - I don't care what the penalties are - I don't see why I should stick around in a game that's quite clearly a waste of my time.
However, if people can't quit, they will just stay at spawn.. Doesn't help anyone then either.
Because thats LIFE!!! you should live with it...
also im sure there are hundreds of posts about PVP already.... but the more there are the more they will see theres a problem... Right??
Uh - no. Why? Because I play this game to have fun - getting roflstomped because my team-mates are all sub-9k GS and have no clue how to PvP isn't fun for me - if you enjoy it then great but so long as there's an option for me to quit pointless matches then I will.
Nobody's saying you shouldn't add your voice to the others, but why not reply to one of those threads rather than create a new one? Not that it matters, this'll get merged into another thread soon enough...
So funny that all you morons think that a leaving penalty of 2 hours is going to reduce quitters. No, not even if you put in a 2 day ban from pvp que would it reduce quitting. The reason there are so many quitters is because a huge majority of players simply suck at pvp and they don't want to face being on a losing team so they bail. Placing a ban will do nothing at all. Instead of quitting they will just stop helping their team which is worse than quitting because you assume that a player in the party is actually doing something to help the team. So if they were to implement this feature all you dumb****s will be back here the very next day complaining about players who don't do anything in pvp and stay in the party because they don't want a 2 hour ban. Think about it. Face a two hour ban or find a place to hide and go afk for 10 minutes? There are a lot of places to hide where the enemy can't get you.
reinforcing the stereotype is all that is happening here.
1. Gear score Range matching (at least as a priority) and if there are not enough players of similar range, then fill the spots with next highest gear score.
2. Replace the players that leave with others from the queue system, even if the match is 1/2 way through. Could make the difference and turn that game around.
3. Punish people that leave PvP games with a 15-30min CD on entering another game.
Please listen Cryptic and do something about it!
Essence of Aggression
i dont really think they will care.
all a cooldown will do is to make anyone with a slight interest just avoid pvp altogether....hence even a 'smaller' population than it has now.
Essence of Aggression
great plan for fixing pvp
Essence of Aggression
Having PVP Quitters "Fixed" would solve MUCH.
Not just in Game, but all through the World.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
go ahead, get a job at southpark and make an episode of it and i`ll laugh.
putting those lines in here is actualy not so smart ;p
Now imagine you pug with a group of bots/afkers against a full party. You cannot do anything because it is 5 vs 1. Why stay there to get nothing. So you just leave very disappointed and then you would get punished even more... this is not the way to go rly. And you cannot kick the bots now can you... :c
foundry Call of the Blood - NW-DTAK6CXZ2
campaign Heart of Nature - NWS-DUKNH9PPZ
1. Make Idle Counter as 5 minutes with penalty reducing Personal Glory and Time Ban to reduce AFKers
2. Make Penalty also reducing Personal Glory and Time Ban for "Clicking Leave Team"
My personal wish: Make 1 vs 1 PVP/Duel to death with 3/3 Wins Count for same class build
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis - RIFT
and they leave because they dont want to play, they want to be carried by the team..
This is not a ****ing single player game, if you queue for a match you are not garanteed to win 100% of the time, deal with it...
Every MMO out there has some sort of leavers penalty, and it works well for them, why not for NW???
The "i want to play it for fun" excuse is also ****.... you are not playing a single player game, by leaving you are ruining other peoples experience, but in this ****ty and selfish generation of Yolo and swag morons, what can we expect?instead of trying to get better or trying to actually TALK to the team they are in, they quit because they have no skill and queue again hoping that the next team has players that can carry them ....
Who are the harcores? the ones that quit? are they hardcore at what?? leaving matches?
What makes this so funny, is there were two rogues camping my spawn site. I was the only one left on my team, and got slaughtered right there by the camp fire.
I got absolutely nothing for my troubles. What a load of ****.
PVP can go suck a HAMSTER.
The issue is:
Why do people quit?
How do I penalize those that do!
Look hard at what is wrong with PvP at present
Once these are sorted maybe, just maybe it will be time to penalize players but at present why should someone waste time in this?
What Class Are You?
+1 /10char
Blabla bla bla.... have you played any other MMO?
Every game have bots even big names like WoW.... and guess what, they still have deserter debuffs that doesnt let you queue for 15minutes after you quit a match...
people love to blame bots, when the majority of quitters doesnt lave because of bots....and i must be lucky because i dont get that many bots in pvp, but i get many many quitters and they leave because they want insta-wins without trying, to the ridiculous point when if the enemy team goes 30 points in front 2 or 3 players always leave the match...
Like i said a pvp match is not 100% garanteed win.... but i guess that all those leavers and the ones that dont want penaltys can have fun when they wait 5 hours in a queue for pvp when there is noone to carry them to a win because ppl got tired of playing a game that favours quiters
I quit playing this games PvP when it never managed to put me in a party of more than 4!
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