From now until August 7, you can purchase a Professions Asset Pack or a Professions Booster Pack from the Zen Market and have a chance to receive Lillend, the first purple quality companion healer!
During this promotional period, if you don't receive a Lillend Companion in your Professions Pack, you will find Tarmalune Trade Bars instead!
See all the details here:
another companion? really? Some say that the next class will be avaiable before the end of the year, so why since I started the game there is an icon saying, soon, on a new class? I was really expecting it to be released soon. =/
Only my self to blame for spending silly money for a chance to get a companion. Live and learn, wont be buying any "random" chance things from the game again in the future as its just to expensive to attempt.
too bad will get killed like all the others once you get to level 60
*Maybe companions should auto-revive when killed in combat? like potion cooldown?
Also giving tarmalune bars in professions pack seems a nice bonus, maybe some incentive, since it's already hard to get the asset you actually want because of the large amount of options.
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
I would also like to try for this but i'am not trying without knowing what chances are.
Why don't they just put the new companion available to buy, or do they think they might make more money doing it this way ?
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But, as many reviews state, one of Neverwinter's flaws is disconcertingly-high prices for what is offered for in micro-transaction. I'd be happy to help promote the game further, but I generally feel I don't get the value for my money. This makes me reticent to spend, and on the thing I buy I generally go through a "Do I really really want this for this much?"
I really want the Lillend... but I'm going to have to vote with my wallet here. I don't especially approve of gambling/lockboxes. If she were at a fixed price, I'd probably indulge, but not like this. It doesn't help that I'm utterly uninterested in Profession Packs too.
I am going to wait, and indulge in the hope that the promotion is a chance to "get a bonus Lillend free when you buy a profession pack" before anyone else whilst buying profession packs, and that later on we'll be able to obtain her directly through the Zen store.
I beg you to not disappoint me, Cryptic. Thanks.
I think it's that because you always get something it doesn't count as gambling, it's not a perfect example but think of it as a Happy Meal toy or the prize in the bottom of a cereal box, you're gonna get something it just isn't necessarily the one you wanted, or something like that.
Now if you bought some kinda Companion Chance box that either had the companion or nothing but a Sorry Try again message or something like that it might count as gambling.
I might indulge in a couple packs if I had some idea of the odds between the two different packs, and if I knew that it would be made available later regardless.
I am one of the casual collectors. I don't go nuts getting everything immediately, but I like to work towards it. I'll buy into the expansion packs because I know what I'm getting into. Here, there's a lot of uncertainty.
I've seen plenty of times before where a semi-collectable hobby introduces very restricted items you can only get by attending a convention or winning a contest. As soon as it's introduced, it knocks out a large portion of hobbyists because that one item to complete the collection is beyond their means to acquire. I've been there myself more times than I like to admit. I sell off my collection to the masochists and sadly watch the whole thing fade away.
This is the kind of thing that will even break me, one who generally shrugs at the exclamations of "Cash grab!"
Guild Medieval Recruitment Topic
And this is how intelligent people get items like these in Star Trek Online. Unless you enjoy the risk of gambling, then you buy it through the Auction House. $142 is a lot cheaper than what people will pay to get it through buying Profession packs. People in Star Trek Online have paid over $500 to get a ship that was in a lockbox.
And this is how intelligent people get items like these in Star Trek Online, but it is probably more intelligent to just ignore it unless you have the cash to spend and willing to support Cryptic. Unless you enjoy the risk of gambling, then you buy it through the Auction House. $142 is a lot cheaper than what people will pay to get it through buying Profession packs. People in Star Trek Online have paid over $500 to get a ship that was in a lockbox.
*or: another purple healer companion, or upgrade tomes for existing companions.
Grace, Tiefling Devoted Cleric
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman."
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I bet the drop rate is about the same as that of the Nightmare mount from the lockboxes. 95% chance to get man at arms and .0000000001% chance to get a mount
Thanks Star.. that's what I needed to know, since 200 tarmalune bars = a coalescent ward = 100,000 AD, which is just about enough to get another, one free play for every 13 tries. I've spent about 3,000,000 ADs on boxes and booster packs ...mostly boxes... and after auctioning off junk there seems to be about a 70% return. This infusion of tarmalune bars into the packs is too small to matter. I did get one nightmare but it took me 150 boxes over several days (allowing for auction time) to do this. For what its worth, this is about twice my observed return for boxes in Champions Online, though I haven't done any there in over 2 I wised up fast there too.
The problem is, the REALLY good stuff almost never drops. For example, you won't get a tier 3 crafting result - for enchantment slots or the extra job slot it gives without purple crafting asset tools. And YEAH... you can build them from pieces if you get enough.. but I'm not gonna throw that kind of money at this. I sold the nightmare.. didn't want it, but it got me 20 more keys.
I'll speculate here, and say that the professional packs got this critter just to boost their sales, since buying them as is was a losing proposition. What I don't understand is why they don't just make them more cost effective by giving you more stuff. This way more people could get more tools, craft more stuff and the game would be much happier.
This. I'm on hold right now, waiting for companion packs to come out (just working leadership) because though I don't mind buying stuff, I don't like feeling like a sponge that's being squeezed for every drop. I won't spend money on gambling, I want a defined return. This sort of strategy is frankly lousy. For me to say that is something, as (if anyone bothered to look at my posts, you'd see) I pretty much love this game.