I've just been reading through the patch notes, and this sentence caught my eye:
Minibosses should have improved leashing behavior if lured away from their respective lairs
I'm not quite sure what it means, but it sounds ominous. As a solo player, the only way I can kill bosses is to lure them away from their lairs and their add spawns.
Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it sounds like we won't be able to do that anymore, if 'improved leashing behavior' means all the adds will follow the boss.
Can anyone clarify what this actually means?
It sounds like when they are pulled too far from their lair they will just turn and go back. But remember 55-60 content was toned down for solo play.
It means that all the tricks people were using to lure a boss away to kill it without worring about add spawns, no longer works, meaning that PuGing just got sent to Hell.
It also means the CN farming is fixed as well.
But I feel, this should be fixed. Too many exploits done by luring bosses out. One could finish CN's 1st boss under 5 minutes right now.
Which also means there is going to be a huge inflation on "Ancient Weapons, Rings, and Necklaces" and an increases on other dungeon item drops.
Sadly, the dailys are not enough to match the need or demand of Astral Diamonds, so once again for unlucky players that don't spend money, what became a couple weeks of farming AD, now has become a reality of taking months to farm AD to meet the demand on Auction House.
Yay, no more irritating ring farm spamming! (If it works, that is)
You shouldn't say that. Without sounding sarcastic, I am advising you that you are implying indirectly that you support such action, which a lot of legit players see it as "exploiting" (I see it as clever tactic).
LOL your ignorance is showing! This change has no affect on CN farming.
As I've stated many times and will continue to say this.
"The more they patch dungeons the harder it is for PUGs to complete them. End Game guilds will continue to farm the dungeons as we are already BiS / Rank 8+ geared. The changes just means more profit for us and less profit for new players."
No one can say give you a correct answer, even the devs, until you experiment the game after the patch. So don't get yourself too work up, relax
I suppose this is the true intention of the game developers. Lets hope the toning down of the raid mobs does have some impact...
I've come to hate patch days! Every new patch seems to make the game more and more unfriendly to solo and casual players.
I have never considered 'luring a boss from his lair' as exploitative in any way, shape or form. It was a smart strategy! How the devil are solo players supposed to deal with bosses now?
Cryptic you are killing this game for me, one nail at a time!
The fix is meant to fix all the "ez-mode" exploits in the game. Why are people mad ?
Still an exploit not clever use of mechanics. I was watching a video and luring a spider down to its death and then jump down a specific area to not die and get the loots, is still cheating.
However, I can't judge, the game set up was meant to fail in the first place.
You mad bro?
I had advised in one of your threads about soloing, and maybe here again.
At highest level regen really helps in soloing. At 2000 points, regen can easily heal 1000+ hit points when dip below 50%, and still in the hundreds after that. Hope it helps.
Clearly not failing you are still here and spouting nonsense with no clue.
You mean my previous threads. I made it bold and clear, there are no other MMOs to play at the moment. This one is fun to hang around on forums and watch people QQ about the changes in the game that makes "Pay To Win" customers, look like fools.
I mean, I have an open ear, if you have any ideas that I can't think of.
Better to not speak and be thought a fool rather then speak and remove all doubt.
That is the best suggestion I can think of for you.
Oh to late you already removed all doubt.
In a mere opinion on your thoughts I suppose. Or... I could say to back fire on you "Takes one to know one" but meh, what keeps you happy at night.
>_> Heard that before?
People QQing that Whispering caverns are too hard will have fun with Red Wizards :P
I never understood how ANYBODY thinks this game is hard. I solo'd a cleric to 60 just to see what everybody was complaining about. Now I have to say I did it pre-patch. That's how bad I am >:D Also, while I'm bragging-- I foundry on the hard mode of the slider! GRrrrrrRRrr.
Man! You are too hardcore for me! I bows to ur skillz!
Rapticor you give me hope! I really, really hope you're right! I still think it's a miserable thing to do though, no matter if it's dungeon bosses or quest bosses. People shouldn't be punished for using strategy in a game.
Pre-patch with continuous AS coverage was trivial as you could have 100% up-time on your other attacks. Post-patch was much harder - you have less incoming healing, less damage mitigation and now have to be very careful about dodging attacks while Righteousness is ridiculous.
I still managed to solo to 60 doing every instance, but as I hit cap before reaching it i never got to try Whispering Caverns.