so this past week i been reading all these post and topics about how bad cleric is in every which way and every form of content... well today i hit 60. put on some pieces that i farmed on my main 2 piece miracle and 2 piece beacon of faith. along with some cheap t2 MH and off hand paid about 10k total for both pieces. Some jewelry that i had some minor grand stuff from the drake vendor. A 5k Smiting blessed belt and then 100k total for devoted shirt and pants. so all in all i spent 115k plus some odds and ends i had farmed on my main. Granted i have a stone of allure with some minor grand stuff on it and icon of the grand templar. This all drake seal stuff again that i farmed from my main. The point of this was so you have an idea of what my current gear is like. I'm not all uber gear with best in slot stuff.
So here is my point... wth are you clerics crying about..... first time healing any dungeon was T2 spellplague... got through it very easy no deaths... then we did Temple of Spider again no deaths and finally for the last dungeon for the DD was CN. Cleared it with only 1 wipe on last boss. So from a pve stand point DC's are just fine. I think alot of issues people have are spec and stat choices. I went with the critical cleric build that is found here.
So then i was like ok pvp i see a lot of complaints about DC in pvp. So i pvped for about 2 hours after the DD. In 2 hours i died 3 times and only lost 1 match. I cannot see what people are crying about when it comes to DC's being crappy or not being able to pvp or being able to heal t2s easy.
To sum all this up. The people having issues i suggest doing some research on the class, mechanics of healing and to find a good guild that will work with you while you learn these things. Overall i feel that clerics are in a very good place. If they increase our healing any more we will be unkillable in pvp at all. I hope this didnt come across as elites thats not my purpose of this.
yeah yeah... we get it... you so good, we so ****... thanks... two thumbs up...
so hardcore !!!
PVP: How to make your life less miserable as a Devoted Clerics -- Still in it's Unfinished Glory
most likely and running with his butt buddies
Died 3 times in 2 hours ? In 60 pvp ? That's impossible. Good people will always focus the cleric, and in 2 hours you must have faced some good people. I often end up with 3-4 opponents trying to get me down together as soon as I show up and heal my team effectively. If any of them manage to CC me, then it's most likely an instant death unless they all have 7k GS.
The only possible reason for you to stay alive for 2 hours without dying, would be that you don't heal and then the opponents ignore you.
And if you do heal, then it means you are so bad that they ignore you aswel.
Anyway, looks like some kind of trolling.
- DRAGON - ( Mehrea DC 13.1k ) - ( Volsung TR 11.7k )
Going from "level 59 nublet" to "60 in full epics" is probably not the best way to assess the class viability at endgame. Earning your way from "60 in level 59 nublet gear" to "60 in full epics" might give you a better appreciation for the classes' flaws.
Plus there's the fact that 115k + 10k + 5k apparently equals 110k. MATH AM GUD
Anyway, fun post.
So, what is your gear score when you hit 60? Already around 11K I asume. And what would be if your cleric would not have the option of 100K ADs and already 2 parts of the MH set?
Maybe there are clerics who don't start > 50% T2 equipped when hit 60? And they want to play too? Or it is a cleric prequisite that you must have already a char on 60 to farm your equip to be on par with people with lower gear score?
Please try to start with a mix of PvP/T1 equip to make some statement.
Just rofl.
My gear is along the same lines more or less than this. I'm killed usually at least 2 or 3 times per PvP, and I can also be one hit killed by those who are OP. I don't run in premade groups... hence my butt buddy comment as that's the only thing that would support such claims (ya, its going to be easy as a cleric if you are running with an OP premade group though being a cleric makes no difference in such a group)
Wow SP,TS, and CN during a DD now that is some speed runs.
I also run the Deistik build and don't have to much problems, true its do-able but not the cake walk you make it seem.
My GS is just under 9k atm. As for only dieing twice in PvP, you must be running with a pre-made OP 1shot TR,GWF,GF for that kind of survivability.
True we are not useless but we are not the most fun or class with working powers/feats to play.
haha dem reputation!
People just don't get what the complaints are about.
It's about the math not checking out with equal gear and skill, and the mechanics not being fun. That's it in a nutshell.
I blame the education system.
So, allegedly 2 deaths in 2 hours as a DC, and you actually think people will believe this about the class most heavily focused in PvP matches????
Might (just) be possible with access to god tier items and being in a pre-made team, while playing against newly minted 60 PUGs in greens. More likely though, this is complete bovine excrement.
Yes i was running with my guild mates. That is also why i suggested the clerics that are complaining to find a good guild to run stuff with.
i spent 100k on pants 10k on weapons and 5k smiting belt for 115k total. and im not geared out in top teir stuff im geared in very cheap pieces of gear. Drake rings and necks are super cheap if somone was to want to buy them. And if someone wanted to not buy anything they would be starting then in t1s and we know how easy t1s are(besides mad dragon) to earn their way into t2s. But my post was about is i hear TOP gear'ed clerics complaning clerics with 12k GS that cleric is broken and useless..... this is not the case from what ive seen.
im at 9.4k gs but my point is even with 2 piece t1 stuff of 2 different sets for pure stats would be just fine. I am mostly in very cheap drake seal vendor stuff both on me and my stone.
wasnt very fast actually we precleared Spellplague, then ran Spider during DD started CN with some time left on DD.
Now i understand bugs needing to be fixed feats needing to be fixed and gear set bonus needing to be fixed. That said clerics perform very well still and are not complete dog **** that people try to make them out to be. There is a difference between complaining about bugs being fixed and complaining the class is "worthless fix it or i leave" QQs we see on the forums.
Um, so all that you shown is that with AH bought gear and in a organized team a DC wont die as much against PUGs in greens than if they don't have the gear and are in a PUG themselves.
Pro-Tip: Any class with AH gear and in an organized team will do better.
And you wonder why people aren't taking your 'argument' seriously....
The one thing I will say is that I have the BEST time running with guildies, because attempting pick up groups in this game is more painful than any other game I've ever played. You end up in bad groups with people who expect you to babysit them as they hang out in red circles, people who tell you how to play your class, and then there's the person who dc's after the first boss has been killed, making any attempts on the last boss more futile than they already were.
But the fact that pick up groups suck is universal for all classes, it's not just cleric specific. I've been following Mewbrey's build, and I've been very successful with it. I'm really not sure what all the complaints about pve cleric healing are. Pvp I can't speak to and frankly, I think anyone who pvps as a healer is out of his or her mind anyway :P
One final note - I've read a bunch of these threads, and anytime someone has an opinion that isn't "clerics are horrible fix them or die" people get ragged on and ridiculed - it happened in this thread! Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and if it doesn't match yours, it doesn't mean it's stupid.
True. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't mean their opinion ISN'T stupid either.
An 'argument' that basically boils down to: my DC doesn't die very much if I have AH bought gear and am in an organized team against PUGs in greens, isn't going to be taken very seriously.....
Why not? I haven't seen many posts that say "my cleric sucks! Except for when I'm in decent gear and in an organized team, then it's the bomb!"
From what I've seen, the biggest complaints are from people who ARE geared and guilded and have been trying the harder T2 stuff. Otherwise, don't all those complaints become somewhat insignificant? If you're not in okay gear and are putting your success in the hands of pick up groups, you're going to struggle.
EDIT: people keep saying he's in the best gear and he's NOT. My gear is better than his.
Because what the OP did was buy gear off the AH, then play in an organized team against PUGs. He then used the fact hat he barely died as an 'argument' that DCs are fine.
See whether you can spot the reasons why this is a joke of an argument.
Again - so what if he bought gear? It doesn't mean his argument isn't valid.
Not sure if srious? It is invalid because he said he ran an organized group against pugs. Buying cheap gear is something everyone can do. PvPing in a organized group is not always an option for everyone. There is a reason they have tried to seperate premades from pugs in PvP in other games.
Wow, you are kidding right?
Are you actually trying to argue that having the massive advantages of vastly superior gear and teamwork makes for a fair test?
I think you should reread my post. I said that the majority of the complaints about clerics are coming from clerics who ARE geared and guilded. I'm not arguing that having better gear doesn't affect the way a group will run. PUGs suck. Having poor gear sucks. Both of those situations will make for a bad experience, regardless of what class you play. The OP is wondering, as am I, why GEARED clerics are complaining about the class. Why clerics who have good groups to run with are complaining about the class.
Obviously if you don't have good gear and you are running with idiots you are going to have issues. I just don't think it's class related.
This makes sense now that you have explained it properly.
Perhaps this is because there are serious issues with the class?
Whoopity doo.
I call B.S. as I think you've not gotten the picture. Clerics need some attention as a class. Period. Just because you run T2 instances with experienced players doesn't mean your Cleric isn't in need of attention.
How about you go run those T2 dungeons with **** PuGs and then come back here and talk smack.
That's just it though. I'm well geared and in a good guild and have experienced zero problems related to my class. So I'm not sure why they're complaining. I understand complaints coming from people who aren't geared and have to deal with awful PUGs - that sucks. I can appreciate that they don't have big clutch heals, and that they can't heal stupid.
What, out of genuine curiosity, is wrong with the class in your opinion? I've heard a lot of people say that AS is the only good spell we've got, but personally, I really like healing word and bastion of health.