You seem annoyed with absolutely everything about this game.
Then you haven't read much of my posts, or maybe simple misread some. I love alot about this game, and like quite abit. This is why I bother to talk to their Twitter and FB and here - I believe the game could be great, and without constructive criticism and concerns voiced, that's not likely to happen. However, with every week I grow less hopeful, as the Devs tent to tease more than communicate, and simply go silent mode when stuff comes up.
But cute bait there, tho. Come at me with something real next time.
Maybe you will understand my lack of faith in an attempt at discussion when most of the threads come down to bashing the game.
I am allowed to post my opinions within the guidelines.
My opinion since you didn't ask nor do you care (likewise I assure you) is I am tired of the sniveling kids coming in and crying over everything they perceive is wrong with the game.
You don't like my tone? Why not? My retort to someone else having a coronary over 100AD needing a little dose of STFU was not an invitation to having an adult discussion when the entire thread is a whine fest.
If as you say, most threads come down to bashing the game, I would think about that for a bit. I could understand if a few threads came down to bashing the game, but as you have stated most are this way.....makes a person wonder.
Maybe you will understand my lack of faith in an attempt at discussion when most of the threads come down to bashing the game.
I am allowed to post my opinions within the guidelines.
My opinion since you didn't ask nor do you care (likewise I assure you) is I am tired of the sniveling kids coming in and crying over everything they perceive is wrong with the game.
You don't like my tone? Why not? My retort to someone else having a coronary over 100AD needing a little dose of STFU was not an invitation to having an adult discussion when the entire thread is a whine fest.
A coronary eh? Why don't you go back and ready the original post. All he asked is if it was REALLY necessary, and I agree with the OP. You and a couple other people are the ones who had the child like response. Your rage is with the Neverwinter Community, not with this individual and or thread. I hope you take that into consideration in the future.
Then you haven't read much of my posts, or maybe simple misread some. I love alot about this game, and like quite abit. This is why I bother to talk to their Twitter and FB and here - I believe the game could be great, and without constructive criticism and concerns voiced, that's not likely to happen. However, with every week I grow less hopeful, as the Devs tent to tease more than communicate, and simply go silent mode when stuff comes up.
But cute bait there, tho. Come at me with something real next time.
No bait to it, every post I've seen from you within the last few days you've been slamming Cryptic. So it's no surprise you have issues with the professions, too.
Perhaps if you weren't so on the defense, you would have a better outlook on things.
Maybe you will understand my lack of faith in an attempt at discussion when most of the threads come down to bashing the game.
I am allowed to post my opinions within the guidelines.
My opinion since you didn't ask nor do you care (likewise I assure you) is I am tired of the sniveling kids coming in and crying over everything they perceive is wrong with the game.
You don't like my tone? Why not? My retort to someone else having a coronary over 100AD needing a little dose of STFU was not an invitation to having an adult discussion when the entire thread is a whine fest.
Americans are allowed to carry firearms easier than most countries; does that make it a good idea to use them? (an example, not directed to americans) Having a right, and using it - and how, are a distance during wich one might want to stop and think, before firing, so to speak.
You didn't contribute in anyway before, and now you contribute by whining about youre tired of whiners? Ah, very thoughtworthy, surely something that has more value than people voicing concerns in this thread.
And while you didnt direct this at me; I dont even care about your tone, I just found the hypocracy and lack of afterthought abit funny.
No bait to it, every post I've seen from you within the last few days you've been slamming Cryptic. So it's no surprise you have issues with the professions, too.
Perhaps if you weren't so on the defense, you would have a better outlook on things.
Well I agree to have been involved in the more negativity charged threads as of late, mainly because alot of them has popped, and I had thoughts I felt like adding. Recent events in Neverwinter and its managment has, to me, been ripe with negative things.
Would've done the same if the content added or future planned were more positive and functioning in my opinion, and lines of communication with Devs really existed.
Im not on the defense since you cant really seem to accomplish anything worthy of putting up a defense, and you have no idea of my actual outlook on things, not in general and clearly not here either, it seems (Ive voiced countless constructive ideas, but guess that doesn't count either). But I think it's sweet that you have an opinion of me, and felt like sharing.
I most certainly did contribute to the thread. I said stop complaining about something so trite and trivial. Although I will grant you I said in a very condescending tone. Complaining when dialogue boxes are empty now that is something to complain about and not 100AD on a lvl 5 prof.
I most certainly did contribute to the thread. I said stop complaining about something so trite and trivial. Although I will grant you I said in a very condescending tone. Complaining when dialogue boxes are empty now that is something to complain about and not 100AD on a lvl 5 prof.
So.. what you're saying is.... you contributed to this thread by saying "stop complaining" to people that you felt were? And you did it in a condescending way at that.
That a fair sum up?
Yeah.... insanely contributing contribution there. Brilliant! Should be printed out and hanged on walls everywhere. Thank you for your contribution, as well as acting Judge and Jury on what should be deemed "trite" or "trivial" to everyone. Anything else, while youre in such smashing good form and really looking intelligent and righteous?
So.. what you're saying is.... that im always slamming cryptic (atleast the past days) while you contributed to this thread by saying "stop complaining" to people that you felt were? And you did it in a condescending way at that.
That a fair sum up?
Not really, since the person you quoted didn't say anything about you slamming Cryptic....I did.
So.. what you're saying is.... that im always slamming cryptic (atleast the past days) while you contributed to this thread by saying "stop complaining" to people that you felt were? And you did it in a condescending way at that.
That a fair sum up?
Yeah.... insanely contributing contribution there. Brilliant! Should be printed out and hanged on walls everywhere. Thank you for your contribution, as well as acting Judge and Jury on what should be deemed "trite" or "trivial" to everyone. Anything else, while youre in such smashing good form and really looking intelligent and righteous?
You can either stop posting or you can continue to instigate. I have no problem responding to you and your responses, although I am sure that at some point they will become personal attacks and as such a mod will come and deliver the lock. Everyone heard what you had to say and what I had to say. Either you want to support this game or you want to attack this game. Which is it?
My main issue with this nerf is that I can't really understand the reasoning behind it. I'm sure they have a valid reason, but I just can't see it. Might help players understand and accept it if they filled us in.
The ONLY time botters will stop is when it's no longer profitable.
Without proper preventive measure from Cryptic, the only time it is not profitable for gold seller is when there are less than a handful players left, since they have no one to sell their ill gotten goods to.
By the direction Cryptic is heading, I can see they are heading toward the elimination of players in order to destroy botters. I do hope that they'll notice what they are actually doing.
Not really, since the person you quoted didn't say anything about you slamming Cryptic....I did.
Wich is why I changed it very shortly after posting the original post, honest mistake - you lot seem to blurr together after awhile. But you were cute too and get a lollipop aswell!
You can either stop posting or you can continue to instigate. I have no problem responding to you and your responses, although I am sure that at some point they will become personal attacks and as such a mod will come and deliver the lock. Everyone heard what you had to say and what I had to say. Either you want to support this game or you want to attack this game. Which is it?
I am supporting this game, via Zen (altho no longer since the Founder exclusitivity scam of theirs) and forum/twitter/FB posted suggestions/criticism, but thank you for telling me I "can stop posting or continue to instigate".
And I can claim your defense as well now; I have no problem responding to you and your responses, but Ill add that Ill try my best to not fire off personal attacks.
Wich is it? Thought it was obvious, but ill say it again; I am supporting this game, have since day 1 of open beta, and Ill continue to voice concerns or add to others present when I feel I want to, aswell as giving praise - but if someone derails or tries to come at my posts I will respond to them on the side, while trying to resume to the OPs course.
So Ill say it again; "Anything else?"
(this is where we shake hands and agree to only bash eachother in PMs, and keep the thread on course - wich I often did, except when I got abit derailed).
Because of the ease of leveling in neverwinter, you easily outstrip the ability for your leadership to keep up.
The chest rewards are pretty worthless, the xp only useful whilst you are leveling up and thats plenty easy in neverwinter. The leadership xp is low, so the the only reason to do leadership is for the AD.
There are only two low level tasks that give AD as it is and now its even slower to level up as the hour task has been doubled.
And the only logical reason for the change is to reduce another source of AD generation so you might buy more zen?
Professions in general need to be revamped and rebalanced to make them worthwhile.
Receiving the nerfed reward after the patch is disappointing, but that's not what I'm upset about. I had a character doing ''Raid Supply Cache'' - a task I accepted as often as possible for characters I play with my friend to avoid outleveling his - on 3 slots before downtime and received EVEN MORE of the very thing I was trying to avoid. :mad:
Many have suggested implementing the option to turn off exp gain from Leadership. I don't understand the reasoning behind this change as it only makes it more frustrating for those of us who want to enjoy the game at a slower pace.
with all the new added nerfs and bugs I am headed over to Runes of magic to see if it is fun still. Get your SHT together Cryptic and get that F rating up from BBB.
Professions in general need to be revamped and rebalanced to make them more worthwhile.
Receiving the nerfed reward after the patch is disappointing, but that's not what I'm upset about. I had a character doing ''Raid Supply Cache'' - a task I accepted as often as possible on the characters I play with my friend to avoid outleveling his - on 3 slots before downtime - and received EVEN MORE of the very thing was trying to avoid. :mad:
Many have requested the option to turn off exp gain. I don't understand the reasoning behind this change as it only makes it more frustrating for those of us that want to enjoy the game at a slower pace.
Agreed. The fact that professions dont even let you make gear for your level, as you level up, is kind of... bad design. You simply outlevel the professions available crafts too fast.
In most MMOs crafting is for making gear as you level up - making you more selfsustaining, relying less on AH or quest rewards or RNG dungeon drops, aswell as help you guarantee some tier 1 epics (typically) to help ease the transition into end game - but here I don't really see any point for it? Except maybe Shirt and Pants. The other epics from crafting I havent seen tbh, but do they beat simple pvp epics, considering time spent crafting vs stat differences of both?
Most people just level up Leadership, and by using this profession mission, for the AD/hr vs cost ratio.
To me, this all together means that something is kind of wrong with the way professions are implemented, and I really hope the Devs realise this - god knows people have been talking about it for a long time now.
Honestly? A sign that Protect Caravan warranted some sort of nerf? Plugging the new value into my spreadsheet of Leadership tasks, it's still the best low-level (rank 1 worker) choice. /shrug
Yea I am serious. Why do we have to get AD. Also being we are just out of Beta every consider it was to much AD? I know its hard to except going backwards on a reward. Just it was to much so they cut it in half nothing wrong. Maybe no AD from leadership but professional stuff.
Maybe they could increase the pay out of AD from the upper levels in relation to their time consumed.
That's a good suggestion. However, I see many changes implemented by Cryptic / PWE where the onus is really on them to fix something and, rather than take up the challenge, they prefer to push the pain back onto their own customers.
There's only so many times people will take it.
As a famous man once said - 'fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again'
aerisodMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I can only speak for myself: I can not invest much time into NW atm, just log in about 3 times a day, sometimes a quiet evening for 5 hours, so I carefully have to balance my tasks to end on time and still be of some use. This has been hard enough with leadership and the nerf just added one more task not worth doing to the list.
Not that I care much but sometimes I wonder if PW deliberately tries to drive casual gamers away.
In case you find my grammar or spelling weird ---> native german speaker
Then you haven't read much of my posts, or maybe simple misread some. I love alot about this game, and like quite abit. This is why I bother to talk to their Twitter and FB and here - I believe the game could be great, and without constructive criticism and concerns voiced, that's not likely to happen. However, with every week I grow less hopeful, as the Devs tent to tease more than communicate, and simply go silent mode when stuff comes up.
But cute bait there, tho. Come at me with something real next time.
If as you say, most threads come down to bashing the game, I would think about that for a bit. I could understand if a few threads came down to bashing the game, but as you have stated most are this way.....makes a person wonder.
A coronary eh? Why don't you go back and ready the original post. All he asked is if it was REALLY necessary, and I agree with the OP. You and a couple other people are the ones who had the child like response. Your rage is with the Neverwinter Community, not with this individual and or thread. I hope you take that into consideration in the future.
No bait to it, every post I've seen from you within the last few days you've been slamming Cryptic. So it's no surprise you have issues with the professions, too.
Perhaps if you weren't so on the defense, you would have a better outlook on things.
Americans are allowed to carry firearms easier than most countries; does that make it a good idea to use them? (an example, not directed to americans) Having a right, and using it - and how, are a distance during wich one might want to stop and think, before firing, so to speak.
You didn't contribute in anyway before, and now you contribute by whining about youre tired of whiners? Ah, very thoughtworthy, surely something that has more value than people voicing concerns in this thread.
And while you didnt direct this at me; I dont even care about your tone, I just found the hypocracy and lack of afterthought abit funny.
*back to topic*
Well I agree to have been involved in the more negativity charged threads as of late, mainly because alot of them has popped, and I had thoughts I felt like adding. Recent events in Neverwinter and its managment has, to me, been ripe with negative things.
Would've done the same if the content added or future planned were more positive and functioning in my opinion, and lines of communication with Devs really existed.
Im not on the defense since you cant really seem to accomplish anything worthy of putting up a defense, and you have no idea of my actual outlook on things, not in general and clearly not here either, it seems (Ive voiced countless constructive ideas, but guess that doesn't count either). But I think it's sweet that you have an opinion of me, and felt like sharing.
So.. what you're saying is.... you contributed to this thread by saying "stop complaining" to people that you felt were? And you did it in a condescending way at that.
That a fair sum up?
Yeah.... insanely contributing contribution there. Brilliant! Should be printed out and hanged on walls everywhere. Thank you for your contribution, as well as acting Judge and Jury on what should be deemed "trite" or "trivial" to everyone. Anything else, while youre in such smashing good form and really looking intelligent and righteous?
Not really, since the person you quoted didn't say anything about you slamming Cryptic....I did.
You can either stop posting or you can continue to instigate. I have no problem responding to you and your responses, although I am sure that at some point they will become personal attacks and as such a mod will come and deliver the lock. Everyone heard what you had to say and what I had to say. Either you want to support this game or you want to attack this game. Which is it?
Without proper preventive measure from Cryptic, the only time it is not profitable for gold seller is when there are less than a handful players left, since they have no one to sell their ill gotten goods to.
By the direction Cryptic is heading, I can see they are heading toward the elimination of players in order to destroy botters. I do hope that they'll notice what they are actually doing.
Wich is why I changed it very shortly after posting the original post, honest mistake - you lot seem to blurr together after awhile. But you were cute too and get a lollipop aswell!
I am supporting this game, via Zen (altho no longer since the Founder exclusitivity scam of theirs) and forum/twitter/FB posted suggestions/criticism, but thank you for telling me I "can stop posting or continue to instigate".
And I can claim your defense as well now; I have no problem responding to you and your responses, but Ill add that Ill try my best to not fire off personal attacks.
Wich is it? Thought it was obvious, but ill say it again; I am supporting this game, have since day 1 of open beta, and Ill continue to voice concerns or add to others present when I feel I want to, aswell as giving praise - but if someone derails or tries to come at my posts I will respond to them on the side, while trying to resume to the OPs course.
So Ill say it again; "Anything else?"
(this is where we shake hands and agree to only bash eachother in PMs, and keep the thread on course - wich I often did, except when I got abit derailed).
The chest rewards are pretty worthless, the xp only useful whilst you are leveling up and thats plenty easy in neverwinter. The leadership xp is low, so the the only reason to do leadership is for the AD.
There are only two low level tasks that give AD as it is and now its even slower to level up as the hour task has been doubled.
And the only logical reason for the change is to reduce another source of AD generation so you might buy more zen?
Receiving the nerfed reward after the patch is disappointing, but that's not what I'm upset about. I had a character doing ''Raid Supply Cache'' - a task I accepted as often as possible for characters I play with my friend to avoid outleveling his - on 3 slots before downtime and received EVEN MORE of the very thing I was trying to avoid. :mad:
Many have suggested implementing the option to turn off exp gain from Leadership. I don't understand the reasoning behind this change as it only makes it more frustrating for those of us who want to enjoy the game at a slower pace.
Agreed. The fact that professions dont even let you make gear for your level, as you level up, is kind of... bad design. You simply outlevel the professions available crafts too fast.
In most MMOs crafting is for making gear as you level up - making you more selfsustaining, relying less on AH or quest rewards or RNG dungeon drops, aswell as help you guarantee some tier 1 epics (typically) to help ease the transition into end game - but here I don't really see any point for it? Except maybe Shirt and Pants. The other epics from crafting I havent seen tbh, but do they beat simple pvp epics, considering time spent crafting vs stat differences of both?
Most people just level up Leadership, and by using this profession mission, for the AD/hr vs cost ratio.
To me, this all together means that something is kind of wrong with the way professions are implemented, and I really hope the Devs realise this - god knows people have been talking about it for a long time now.
Yea I am serious. Why do we have to get AD. Also being we are just out of Beta every consider it was to much AD? I know its hard to except going backwards on a reward. Just it was to much so they cut it in half nothing wrong. Maybe no AD from leadership but professional stuff.
Great idea, imo. An increase of note, at the very least. +1
That's a good suggestion. However, I see many changes implemented by Cryptic / PWE where the onus is really on them to fix something and, rather than take up the challenge, they prefer to push the pain back onto their own customers.
There's only so many times people will take it.
As a famous man once said - 'fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again'
That's pretty win right there.
Not that I care much but sometimes I wonder if PW deliberately tries to drive casual gamers away.