Was a simple question, not a whine or *****. I guess being a pri ck just comes naturally to people like you.
a simple question? No... Trying to be a smart a*s?... Yes. So i call you on it and you're upset? How about you try on those big boy pants granny bought you at christmas.
flame me if you want but i swear, this game has some of the biggest whiners i have ever seen. For crying out loud, they are fixing something, give them a break. I'm a programmer by day and i would kick yall out of my office and extend the downtime if i had to put up with this.
the paiiiin
kimberixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Flame me if you want but I swear, this game has some of the biggest whiners I have ever seen. For crying out loud, they are fixing something, give them a break. I'm a programmer by day and I would kick yall out of my office and extend the downtime if I had to put up with this.
As a programmer, would you be expected to turn up for work and have your boss say "servers are coming down, just patch something"?
I doubt you would - I suggest you would ask to know what it is you are expecting to patch.
All people are doing here is asking what those notes are - they SHOULD be readily available prior to the patch.
Whilst I agree that PWE don't HAVE to share them with us; they generally do, and have stated that they'll be available prior to the patch taking place, so I think people have a legitmate cause to request them.
I think these are more interesting than normal patch notes, due to what was posted in the test shard forums. They might be patching gauntgrym and not the leadership nerfs. So people are probably a bit more interested in seeing them before hand
I think these are more interesting than normal patch notes, due to what was posted in the test shard forums. They might be patching gauntgrym and not the leadership nerfs. So people are probably a bit more interested in seeing them before hand
Seems like true because the patch version on the test shard was .20 and the one launcher downloaded today during the update was .25. So it's seems like it's not exactly the one that was publicly tested on the preview shard.
the02thiefMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
Thought I'd share a little perspective here:
- This game is a LOT less buggy and a LOT more fun to play than Guild Wars 2, which cost me close to $50 whereas this game is f2p.
- The developers are a lot more open and communicative than GW2's
- This community is a lot friendlier and happier than GW2's community, every community whines about stuff they'd like fixed, sometimes reasonable and other times not
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Seems like true because the patch version on the test shard was .20 and the one launcher downloaded today during the update was .25. So it's seems like it's not exactly the one that was publicly tested on the preview shard.
Well, there has been .19,.20, and .22 on the preview server at various times since last Friday. .22 was what was up yesterday and included the stuff from .20 as well as .19 (which was the Gauntgrym fixes). I know there was some issues with keybinds with .22 so they might have gone through a couple builds fixing that to end up with .25.
a simple question? No... Trying to be a smart a*s?... Yes. So i call you on it and you're upset? How about you try on those big boy pants granny bought you at christmas.
It was a simple question and I'm not upset in the least bit. You are trying far to hard to be a troll which you are failing miserably at.
Hey Joe, yeah you standing around by the coffee maker BSing with your buddies. The patch notes were mailed to you last night by the programmers and have been sitting in your in-box. You forgot to post them so get your cup of coffee and then go do your job.
Personally i don't like this midnight patch cause for those of us that WORK for a living midnight is the time we are playing i think a 3am patch would work in with most Australian's play time. but due to time zones i understand how that may not be feasible.
Hey All - A couple updates. Patch notes are still in-progress. Additionally, maintenance has been delayed and the new ETA is 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (~45 minutes from the time of this post).
Hey All - A couple updates. Patch notes are still in-progress. Additionally, maintenance has been delayed and the new ETA is 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (~45 minutes from the time of this post).
So either the upcoming patch has some really nice and need improvements and the Dev's are just being cautious, so not to feed the trolls OR there is some last minute coding of a Zen store shiny to keep the devoted (and I don't mean those who still foolish player that broken class!) contented. Only time will tell . . . . . . .
Definitely not an Arc User.
orodalfMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Question: Is Gauntlgrym being reopened with this patch? All the Patch Notes say is that stability has been improved.
Please patch earlier next time, this is the time of the day most Europeans get home from work or school. This is the time we really want to be playing. But oh well, a bit disappointed by the delay, but I guess you're doing your best.
They already start at a comparatively ungodly hour for american IT workers: 7am their local time. So likely a 6am start of the work day for the operations team, getting up even earlier than that.
In a world wide single IT service operations, downtimes will always be at an inconvenient time for someone, in this case some europeans. (EvE online has a regularly downtime every day at the same time, about mid day EU TZ I believe. Some players get that every single day in their prime time. And it used to be a full hour too)
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You guys seriously need to start padding your estimates more. o.o
Why not just go ahead and assume it will take all day and keep anything less as a pleasant surprise?
lorddethsothMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited June 2013
this be a good time to clean up those food boxes and cans u got laying around your computer, take shower * even i can smell it from florida* change ur litterbox *looks at Red, yeah i smelled it when i came over lastnight change iit gurl!* Call ur mom tell her ur stil alive in her basement cuz tymora knows u cant find the steps anymore
"What's use living life, if your afraid of a little death?"
You guys seriously need to start padding your estimates more. o.o
Why not just go ahead and assume it will take all day and keep anything less as a pleasant surprise?
Eh, in EvE there used to be the saying: "slot a long term training skill for patchday" like in at least 5 days xD just to be safe.
I was around for one expansion patch where they managed to corrupt the database. They recovered without losses from a backup, but rebuilding the DB ended up in a 36h downtime instead of the estimated 3h.
Even when I mess around on my home system I dread the occasions where I think to myself "let's just quickly do this..."
a simple question? No... Trying to be a smart a*s?... Yes. So i call you on it and you're upset? How about you try on those big boy pants granny bought you at christmas.
the paiiiin
As a programmer, would you be expected to turn up for work and have your boss say "servers are coming down, just patch something"?
I doubt you would - I suggest you would ask to know what it is you are expecting to patch.
All people are doing here is asking what those notes are - they SHOULD be readily available prior to the patch.
Whilst I agree that PWE don't HAVE to share them with us; they generally do, and have stated that they'll be available prior to the patch taking place, so I think people have a legitmate cause to request them.
Seems like true because the patch version on the test shard was .20 and the one launcher downloaded today during the update was .25. So it's seems like it's not exactly the one that was publicly tested on the preview shard.
- This game is a LOT less buggy and a LOT more fun to play than Guild Wars 2, which cost me close to $50 whereas this game is f2p.
- The developers are a lot more open and communicative than GW2's
- This community is a lot friendlier and happier than GW2's community, every community whines about stuff they'd like fixed, sometimes reasonable and other times not
Well, there has been .19,.20, and .22 on the preview server at various times since last Friday. .22 was what was up yesterday and included the stuff from .20 as well as .19 (which was the Gauntgrym fixes). I know there was some issues with keybinds with .22 so they might have gone through a couple builds fixing that to end up with .25.
It was a simple question and I'm not upset in the least bit. You are trying far to hard to be a troll which you are failing miserably at.
And yet you keep biting. very puzzling
heehee, they are already at work by 7AM lol
| NeverWinter Meme's | Kevrlet's Guide to Gauntlgrym |
So either the upcoming patch has some really nice and need improvements and the Dev's are just being cautious, so not to feed the trolls
In a world wide single IT service operations, downtimes will always be at an inconvenient time for someone, in this case some europeans. (EvE online has a regularly downtime every day at the same time, about mid day EU TZ I believe. Some players get that every single day in their prime time. And it used to be a full hour too)
According to the Neverwinter twitter account, yes.
Why not just go ahead and assume it will take all day and keep anything less as a pleasant surprise?
Eh, in EvE there used to be the saying: "slot a long term training skill for patchday" like in at least 5 days xD just to be safe.
I was around for one expansion patch where they managed to corrupt the database. They recovered without losses from a backup, but rebuilding the DB ended up in a 36h downtime instead of the estimated 3h.
Even when I mess around on my home system I dread the occasions where I think to myself "let's just quickly do this..."
The last twitter post said they will have an update regarding maintenance soon.
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