Hey everyone!
We'll be performing a scheduled maintenance tomorrow (Thursday) at 7AM PDT (
when is that in your time zone?). Estimated downtime is 90 minutes.
Patch notes will be available
Thank you!
Updated 7AM Pacific Time: We are still working on the Patch Notes and hope to have them up later this morning. Thanks for your patience!Updated 8:15AM Pacific Time: Maintenance has been delayed slightly and the new ETA is 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (~45 minutes from the time of this edit).Updated 9:15AM Pacific Time: Maintenance complete!
Watch patch will this maintenance be rolling out ? NW.3.20130529z.18 is the latest one I see in the list.
| NeverWinter Meme's | Kevrlet's Guide to Gauntlgrym |
PS: Nice maintenance time, midnight Australian time, love it!
Hmmm, it appears to be down already, and it's only 0700 in the UK!
What janitor did you put in charge of the servers this evening?
I really like your game... and have spent quite a bit to help fund it, but when I cant play it I tend to get kinda pissed.
Be happy im mad about this, as one day i will not be. Alas that will be the day when i and your loyal customers will be done putting up with this HAMSTER and move on to another game.
With Love
PS... bring the god **** servers back online, and stop telling us one thing and while doing something else.
As for those wondering about the patch notes: they've been posted in the Neverwinter Preview Shard subsection of the forums a little while ago (it's where you can always find proposed changes before they are rolled onto live servers). The link is http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?1192-NeverwinterPreview-Announcements-Release-Notes. Just mind that there could be some slight alterations (there was also a bigger topic listing bug fixes and some profession changes, but it seems to have been removed).
Servers were never taken down, there is a problem with the authentication server tonight. It happened 3 hours ago too.
Yeah, at least we get some game time. Most other MMOs are not so considerate of us Aussies :-)
Its nice isn't it
| NeverWinter Meme's | Kevrlet's Guide to Gauntlgrym |
Exact same situation here. Really hope this problem to be solved as soon as possible.
C'mon guys, where's your sense of adventure? The notes will be here when the notes arrive, looka at it as an adventure... Or, let's play a game. Let's not read the notes until after 4h of newly patched gameplay and see how many of the changes we managed to spot?
Thanks for the heads up Som, keep it up!
Personally i don't like this midnight patch cause for those of us that WORK for a living midnight is the time we are playing
Haha, nice.
| NeverWinter Meme's | Kevrlet's Guide to Gauntlgrym |
yeah i heard they got sick of people whinning and b*tching and decided to screw your game up with lame a*s patching. At least it keeps you happy with something to moan about.^^
Was a simple question, not a whine or *****. I guess being a pri ck just comes naturally to people like you.
If I were them I would be pissed reading the FB page comments that are there daily and this forum. Fail production in my opinion... Fail.
Seriously? That puts it at 10 am there time, which is not really acceptable to them I am sure. They are located in California, so they go by their own time zone, there is no real reason for them to feel obligated to go by anyone's time zone but their own. , but their own.
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You just don't get around much I guess.