Agree with you post, and its just another list of even more problems to add to the already huge and daily growing problem and bug list, it wont be long before there is more things not working as intended than things that do, lol
The total silence from PW even on twitter is not a very good way to keep good relations with there player base, hence more leaving as every day goes by.
I use to play every day , without fail for quite a number of hours at a time, up to the 20th, since the game as gone 'live' i only now log to check to see if Gauntlgym is up and to do my profesions for 10 mins, there is nothing else to do, i know since launch and the 'balance' patch i also do need to respec 2 of my toons, but with some of the feats still not working as intended or not working at all, thers is no point in even doing that.
How about Cryptic replaces it in the event schedule with another set of dungeon delves as an apology.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
I been curious how long it would take the community become restless, the longer the no updates. The more restless, etc people become. Even if they didn't know what was the problem. Is it better knowing then not knowing in the dark. Maybe they REALLY messed the entire dungeon up and it will be a few weeks.
I been curious how long it would take the community become restless, the longer the no updates. The more restless, etc people become. Even if they didn't know what was the problem. Is it better knowing then not knowing in the dark. Maybe they REALLY messed the entire dungeon up and it will be a few weeks.
GG was in alpha back in March and should have gone live with open beta. As content goes, it's already dangerously outdated and cumbersome.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
" I been curious how long it would take the community become restless"
i think its past that, most have already left. i personly know quite a few who have left , including full guilds, many of whom had already invested quite alot of real money into the game, buying mounts and packs etc
realy sad too as in beta the game looked realy amazing and had the potential to be realy big
now with PW 's total silence and no updates or info at all is only making things worse, to be honest i dont think it is anything to do with Cryptic themselves, they have a amazing team, but are only doing what PW are asking them to do, to me PW's main prio seems to be concentrating on zen and zen shop online sales for more money returns instead of fixing the game in the first place.
i watched a streamer on last night who had built up a huge fan base and following all based on Neverwinter who had to tell his fans that he was leaving the game, for now at least, as he had nothing left to do in the game, his toons still had bugs and basicaly he was just bored stupid with the game and had nothing new to stream and show his viewers, realy sad times for a game that is still less than 1 week into 'live', obviously no info or updates on fix's from PW dont help at all
In fact PW's total lack of updates and news for all of its playebase is a real kick in the face for the many people who have invested real money into the game plus the many players with hours and hours of invested time into it too
i admit i never bough t a pack, i was waiting for live launch, and planned to buy a guardian pack this previous weekend, now the game is 'live', but with things going wrong straight away at launch obviously i decided to wait some more, luckly in my favor, and i would imagine there is quit a large amount of players with the same plan
hobieoneMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
for me i mainly log in for professions now with the ocasional dungeon delve till something new is added or gaunt is fixed. i do agree with others if gaunt is going to be down for an extended period of time. the remove the gaunt events temp as well.
good thing sto is still going strong and it occupies me more than neverwinter lately.
I agree with the posters here that the issue is not that Gauntlgrym is offline but the level of communication.
Like it would hurt to give us some kind of status update, even to say hey Jim is still trying to reproduce it on his local environment, unfortunately without a success. Or similar ...
this is honestly all i look forward to in this game atm lol. i just farm skill nodes every few hours and log out..
fauust01Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Dont worry mates they probably working on new Z$N Store Companions
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
edited June 2013
I would thought since last night, they were able put up a twitch and play on it during beta test. They'd might be able to inform us of something. Its been since the weekend, and Monday. If there was any other MMO. The fans would be ragging. I recall one MMO, a patch wasn't done correctly the same day people flooded the forums.
Not like asking for the world, just a tiny little update. Take five minutes to simply explain the problem. Since some of us put down 200 dollars plus zen for this investment. Not too much to ask, perhaps.
i will post this every time there is event in game for the closed dungeon till there is some sort of update on the matter.
deathsreachMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
All I can say is that this is very disappointing on many levels. 1st being no new news makes people feel like a mushroom (put in the dark fed HAMSTER and expected to grow)! 2nd I also have not been playing as much if at all over the last few days. I hope on run a DD here or there and craft from the gateway. Oh so much fun and such a great use of my founders pack and other stuff I have spent money on. 3rd what the heck is with bind on pick up HAMSTER on stuff looted from a DD chest? Lets just make it impossible to make AD so that people have to spend money, or do do they want people using credit farmers (that I hate). Lastly I see they have no problem getting stuff into the zen market for us to buy yet still no fixes, news or content. This is a game I love to play but cant see myself staying with it if this trend continues. I have a ticket for the same problem that was deleted by them and never resolved re-posted and still not even 1 email saying anything.
All I can say is that this is very disappointing on many levels. 1st being no new news makes people feel like a mushroom (put in the dark fed HAMSTER and expected to grow)! 2nd I also have not been playing as much if at all over the last few days. I hope on run a DD here or there and craft from the gateway. Oh so much fun and such a great use of my founders pack and other stuff I have spent money on. 3rd what the heck is with bind on pick up HAMSTER on stuff looted from a DD chest? Lets just make it impossible to make AD so that people have to spend money, or do do they want people using credit farmers (that I hate). Lastly I see they have no problem getting stuff into the zen market for us to buy yet still no fixes, news or content. This is a game I love to play but cant see myself staying with it if this trend continues. I have a ticket for the same problem that was deleted by them and never resolved re-posted and still not even 1 curtsy email saying anything.
It doesn't look like the same people who made the game are doing the fixes. They're probably working on module 1 while the interns try to position invisible bricks in front of cracks in map walls.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
If all you complainers would actually read the info that was released about the problem you would know that it was only effecting the Dragon shard. Therefore they had to take it down to figure out why only one shard was being effected and what was the cause of it. Thats thousands of lines of coding that they have to sort through to figure out why only one shard would be effected with the problems. Give them some time to figure it out, if they went ahead and activated it again without it working correctly it would make matters worse. Keep up the hard work Devs and dont let PWE influence to much of the decision making.
nukeyooBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If all you complainers would actually read the info that was released about the problem you would know that it was only effecting the Dragon shard. Therefore they had to take it down to figure out why only one shard was being effected and what was the cause of it. Thats thousands of lines of coding that they have to sort through to figure out why only one shard would be effected with the problems. Give them some time to figure it out, if they went ahead and activated it again without it working correctly it would make matters worse. Keep up the hard work Devs and dont let PWE influence to much of the decision making.
Yes, I'm sure they are working so diligently scouring the thousands of lines of code that they can not take <5 minutes to update us on the situation. I'm sure that's it. :rolleyes:
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
If all you complainers would actually read the info that was released about the problem you would know that it was only effecting the Dragon shard. Therefore they had to take it down to figure out why only one shard was being effected and what was the cause of it. Thats thousands of lines of coding that they have to sort through to figure out why only one shard would be effected with the problems. Give them some time to figure it out, if they went ahead and activated it again without it working correctly it would make matters worse. Keep up the hard work Devs and dont let PWE influence to much of the decision making.
You say, complainers. I say Customers.
We assumed, there was some problem that's why to take it down and we're perfectly understanding that working on gaming is coding. What we don't understand, why as the other person said, can't jump online for five minutes to detail what's going on and an estimated time.
I want give them as much time as they need. As a Hero of the North. I put a ton of money into this game and I am deeply enjoying the result. That said. A little communication would be nice. It is Tuesday, and it went down I believe Friday I think.
Not to be rude or anything Cryptic.. but we went LIVE and all BETA players had high hopes of it.. hopes of new area's/dungeon/class/race and some even more.. it was a let-down not getting a new class and/or race but hey.. its a new game in a new stage so I wasnt to bothered having to wait for the Ranger class.
GG was released with live and was taken down the day after it was released.. dafuq guys...
so we went live and got.... nothing...
I'm a programmer myself and I know how difficult it can be to solve bugs but this is kinda HAMSTER... to go live with nothing except an end of beta event...
I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come. If all the updates are like this one, we will never see an update to this game.
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Posted two hours ago on Facebook.
Our last Gauntlgrym play session with devs was such a success that we're doing it again! Join us tomorrow on NeverwinterPreview at 3pm PDT for another exciting round of PvE and PvP combat.
Someone asked, "Will the be fixed, and up and running tomorrow? It has been down for almost a week already."
Neverwinter responded, " We hope to have it up very soon. That's why we need as many players on NeverwinterPreview as possible playing Gauntlgrym. We hope to see you there!"
Sounds like it is going to be down for awhile. At least you can watch it on twitch. /sarcasim
11k+ GS CW | Langor@shadedkin | Dragon Server
fusedmassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 252Bounty Hunter
Someone asked, "Will the be fixed, and up and running tomorrow? It has been down for almost a week already."
Neverwinter responded, " We hope to have it up very soon. That's why we need as many players on NeverwinterPreview as possible playing Gauntlgrym. We hope to see you there!"
Sounds like it is going to be down for awhile. At least you can watch it on twitch. /sarcasim
If that is accurate. That's all they had to say, and respond with that message in this thread. They held two separate twitch on GG, its been six days since it shut down and no communication. Would it be really that bad to say "I don't know what problem is, but we're trying to figure it out"
even a very small gesture, has hope that maybe you might figure it out.
Someone asked, "Will the be fixed, and up and running tomorrow? It has been down for almost a week already."
Neverwinter responded, " We hope to have it up very soon. That's why we need as many players on NeverwinterPreview as possible playing Gauntlgrym. We hope to see you there!"
... You serious? thats just a fcking spit in the face... they have allready RELEASED GG, got it down and now ask us to watch the DEVS play it ?! and ask us to play it on the preview shard ?! u fcking kidding me Cryptic... if it was such a fcking success throw it back online!!
Maybe its just me guys (plus bad temper in the morning) but this is just stupid... as Fusedmass said... almost a week its been shut down and havent let us hear a thing..
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I guess I should of just screenshot it from the beginning. Yes, I am very serious.
The total silence from PW even on twitter is not a very good way to keep good relations with there player base, hence more leaving as every day goes by.
I use to play every day , without fail for quite a number of hours at a time, up to the 20th, since the game as gone 'live' i only now log to check to see if Gauntlgym is up and to do my profesions for 10 mins, there is nothing else to do, i know since launch and the 'balance' patch i also do need to respec 2 of my toons, but with some of the feats still not working as intended or not working at all, thers is no point in even doing that.
GG was in alpha back in March and should have gone live with open beta. As content goes, it's already dangerously outdated and cumbersome.
i think its past that, most have already left. i personly know quite a few who have left , including full guilds, many of whom had already invested quite alot of real money into the game, buying mounts and packs etc
realy sad too as in beta the game looked realy amazing and had the potential to be realy big
now with PW 's total silence and no updates or info at all is only making things worse, to be honest i dont think it is anything to do with Cryptic themselves, they have a amazing team, but are only doing what PW are asking them to do, to me PW's main prio seems to be concentrating on zen and zen shop online sales for more money returns instead of fixing the game in the first place.
i watched a streamer on last night who had built up a huge fan base and following all based on Neverwinter who had to tell his fans that he was leaving the game, for now at least, as he had nothing left to do in the game, his toons still had bugs and basicaly he was just bored stupid with the game and had nothing new to stream and show his viewers, realy sad times for a game that is still less than 1 week into 'live', obviously no info or updates on fix's from PW dont help at all
In fact PW's total lack of updates and news for all of its playebase is a real kick in the face for the many people who have invested real money into the game plus the many players with hours and hours of invested time into it too
i admit i never bough t a pack, i was waiting for live launch, and planned to buy a guardian pack this previous weekend, now the game is 'live', but with things going wrong straight away at launch obviously i decided to wait some more, luckly in my favor, and i would imagine there is quit a large amount of players with the same plan
good thing sto is still going strong and it occupies me more than neverwinter lately.
Ive been doing that since I hit level 60
P.S. The quote isn't exact, I fixed the spelling. Sry
Like it would hurt to give us some kind of status update, even to say hey Jim is still trying to reproduce it on his local environment, unfortunately without a success. Or similar ...
Not like asking for the world, just a tiny little update. Take five minutes to simply explain the problem. Since some of us put down 200 dollars plus zen for this investment. Not too much to ask, perhaps.
It doesn't look like the same people who made the game are doing the fixes. They're probably working on module 1 while the interns try to position invisible bricks in front of cracks in map walls.
Yes, I'm sure they are working so diligently scouring the thousands of lines of code that they can not take <5 minutes to update us on the situation. I'm sure that's it. :rolleyes:
You say, complainers. I say Customers.
We assumed, there was some problem that's why to take it down and we're perfectly understanding that working on gaming is coding. What we don't understand, why as the other person said, can't jump online for five minutes to detail what's going on and an estimated time.
I want give them as much time as they need. As a Hero of the North. I put a ton of money into this game and I am deeply enjoying the result. That said. A little communication would be nice. It is Tuesday, and it went down I believe Friday I think.
Nope Dude they are makeing new Z$N store companions
Iron Tebernacle incoming
GG was released with live and was taken down the day after it was released.. dafuq guys...
so we went live and got.... nothing...
I'm a programmer myself and I know how difficult it can be to solve bugs but this is kinda HAMSTER... to go live with nothing except an end of beta event...
Someone asked, "Will the be fixed, and up and running tomorrow? It has been down for almost a week already."
Neverwinter responded, " We hope to have it up very soon. That's why we need as many players on NeverwinterPreview as possible playing Gauntlgrym. We hope to see you there!"
Sounds like it is going to be down for awhile. At least you can watch it on twitch. /sarcasim
If that is accurate. That's all they had to say, and respond with that message in this thread. They held two separate twitch on GG, its been six days since it shut down and no communication. Would it be really that bad to say "I don't know what problem is, but we're trying to figure it out"
even a very small gesture, has hope that maybe you might figure it out.
... You serious? thats just a fcking spit in the face... they have allready RELEASED GG, got it down and now ask us to watch the DEVS play it ?! and ask us to play it on the preview shard ?! u fcking kidding me Cryptic... if it was such a fcking success throw it back online!!
Maybe its just me guys (plus bad temper in the morning) but this is just stupid... as Fusedmass said... almost a week its been shut down and havent let us hear a thing..