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Permanent stealth and pvp-reasonable???



  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    This is not an exaggeration. With the use of the permastealth build rogues are capable of bypassing and ignoring all npc aggro. The only thing they need to worry about (besides their stealth rotation) is the aoe damage and damage directed towards their bait decoy if they're near it. TR's with this build have solo'd the dracolith in CN (a bit time consuming).. They're also being used to bypass trash mobs to move entire parties up to desired check points via exit entrance/return to instance.

    Some sort of nerf is inevitable, but I still started leveling one because with how long it has taken them to do anything about their broken new content, who knows how long til they figure something out with this build. Don't worry I gave it a politically correct name Cheese Ball... :rolleyes:

    Yep its broken badly. Surely they didnt design the class with them being able to solo that much end content. Plus the bypassing of content is crazy bad. Its made CN a joke. Rogues run all the way to end campfire, teams zones directly to end boss.
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »

    You're not thinking rationally. Regardless of how you feel, that's the way the class was designed for this game, and they can't change it without drastically re-working the feat tree. This is an amount of work that is simply unreasonable to expect at this time. You want rogues to only have one ability to use from within stealth before it drops? Fine, but all those feats around gaining combat advantage, attacking from within stealth, etc. would have to replaced with ones that simply increase damage outside of stealth. The rogue is supposed to be the single target DPS class, used to burn down the HP of high priority targets in PvE dungeons; and if you take away stealth, he still needs to do the same amount of overall damage on single targets. That means rogues would become even easier to play and even more "game-breaking" in PvP/PvE. They'd have incredible damage without having to use stealth, and wouldn't need to worry whether they had combat advantage or not.

    It's just unfeasible.

    Why would the feats for combat advantage need to be reworked? You can have combat advantage out of stealth as long as someone is on the other side of the target or certain abilities are used. Why not change some of the stealth talents to also provide the bonus when you have combat advantage? Don't look now I just solved the problems you said were unfeasible to solve. That wouldn't make them game breaking in any way because than they would have to coordinate their attacks with someone else which is what a rogue is suppose to do. They are meant to be the ones that stab in the back as the fighter beats you in the face. Stop acting like stealth is the only thing a TR can do. I have played my girlfriend's TR from time to time and I never had to have stealth to kill things it just helped to get the first hit and to fight battle on my terms.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The arguments are all over the place... remove perma-stealth from PvP because some TR's can solo dungeons.
    Complaints about how stealth should be broken on an attack clearly show more ignorance, TR's stealth is not invisibility, TR's can be spotted while (perma-)stealthed, especially when they attack you.

    CoS works a bit differently though as it doesn't reveal the TR as much...and it scales way too much with enchantments. Now that's something to gripe about.

    Please folks, if you want to continue this whining, get your facts straight first.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shaduos wrote: »
    Stop acting like stealth is the only thing a TR can do. I have played my girlfriend's TR from time to time and I never had to have stealth to kill things it just helped to get the first hit and to fight battle on my terms.

    Right, and GF's shouldn't rely on that shield so much, CW's can do without that magic and the DC's don't need the healing skills.

    Stealth is crucial to the TR, it's the one defining skill. It is however up to the player how he utilizes it, perma-stealth focus on damage while stealthed, other TR's use it to get in the right location and boost their burst.

    Basically your point is this:

    Scissors are fine, but Paper really doesn't need to have that silly little folding thing, they're way OP. Please balance.
    Regards, Rock.
  • hellorcohellorco Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    Stealth is exactly like an immunity. It doesn't matter how much damage you can do, if you don't get out of stealth even doing 30% of enemies hp is too much. I don't think you need to compensate with more damage, rogues can do lot of it anyway. What you need is a short form of anti-cc and +defense once you get out of stealth, but nothig should let you attack AND not being attackable.

    Perma stealth is an unfair advantage, full-stop. In pvp and in pve. It needs to go and balancing it isn't easy so it will take time and probably screw rogues or overcompensate them. It isn't comparable to anything else in the game, not gwf immunity, not gf shield. It's simply a "I can do things to you while you can't do anything to me" and unless the rogue screws up you can't escape, nor attack, nor defend yourself.

    Also, doing dungeons waiting at start for your rogue to get to last boss isn't cool either. And solo tanking is another thing that doesn't really suits a squishy rogue, but currently tanks aren't for bosses, at best they are for adds management.
  • hellorcohellorco Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    Right, and GF's shouldn't rely on that shield so much, CW's can do without that magic and the DC's don't need the healing skills.

    Stealth is crucial to the TR, it's the one defining skill. It is however up to the player how he utilizes it, perma-stealth focus on damage while stealthed, other TR's use it to get in the right location and boost their burst.

    Basically your point is this:

    Scissors are fine, but Paper really doesn't need to have that silly little folding thing, they're way OP. Please balance.
    Regards, Rock.

    The bolded part is the only one that makes sense. Justifying your immunity is much much harder for any non TR. Stealth is about positional advantage, not auto-win.
  • masu84masu84 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    id see a perma stealth TR yesterday, he'd run around, i saw him and hit him with frontline surge, ran closer to him and kicked his *** with bull charge while i was still invisible. Perma Steahlt is not a problem at all in PvP. All you need is a GF with a little bit skill.
    No leaver penality in PvP!

    And here is the reason:
    ghostravyn wrote: »
    If you want people to stay for the match end even when you're sitting on a 600-10 score and you've decided to be ***-hats and spawn-camp, you need to give them a reason. Punishing them is not the answer. That's just pouring salt-acid into an already bleeding wound.
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    Right, and GF's shouldn't rely on that shield so much, CW's can do without that magic and the DC's don't need the healing skills.

    Stealth is crucial to the TR, it's the one defining skill. It is however up to the player how he utilizes it, perma-stealth focus on damage while stealthed, other TR's use it to get in the right location and boost their burst.

    Basically your point is this:

    Scissors are fine, but Paper really doesn't need to have that silly little folding thing, they're way OP. Please balance.
    Regards, Rock.

    Wait do GFs get perma-shield, nope. Trying to compare the only way a CW does dmg to stealth is just funny and cute, same with your DC comparison. A TR out of stealth isn't suddenly useless, they can still dmg, but take magic from a CW and they can just run around. And you know you would be upset if a GF could dmg while using Shield block and have almost perma Shield block, not even going to say perma-shield block. You are just trying to justify your advantage with silly comparisons that make no sense. Instead of responding to my reasonable suggestion to give TRs something while taking out the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> perma-stealth.
  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The stealthy rogue is but one archetype in a myriad of types of rogues.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Seems easy to fix to me. Swap shocking execution and bait and switch. Now B&S is a daily that cannot be used often, and SE is an encounter that represents sneaking in to get a "backstab" type attack. Problem solved, no more perma stealth!
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    Seems easy to fix to me. Swap shocking execution and bait and switch. Now B&S is a daily that cannot be used often, and SE is an encounter that represents sneaking in to get a "backstab" type attack. Problem solved, no more perma stealth!

    And all the TRs that are abusing this will tell you that won't work. It would nerf them to much. lol
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Perma-stealth TR's are "Worthless" in PvP vs. any intelligent player. I face them all the time and if they become annoying, I just add an AOE and poof your stealth rotation is gone and you are dead. Any class that has an AoE Damage attack can pull you out of stealth and break your rotation. So do not use this stupid build as it hurts your team.

    The only good stealth spec is burst with ranged daggers.
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    Perma-stealth TR's are "Worthless" in PvP vs. any intelligent player. I face them all the time and if they become annoying, I just add an AOE and poof your stealth rotation is gone and you are dead. Any class that has an AoE Damage attack can pull you out of stealth and break your rotation. So do not use this stupid build as it hurts your team.

    The only good stealth spec is burst with ranged daggers.

    Exactly. If you're a TR facing a perma-stealth TR, use path of the blades. If they don't have Tenacious slotted or maxed out, they're screwed. Once they're out of stealth, stealth yourself and spam CoS then impact shot x4.

    A burst TR with path of the blades, itc, and impact shot counters perma-stealth builds pretty hard.
  • huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    hellorco wrote: »
    The bolded part is the only one that makes sense. Justifying your immunity is much much harder for any non TR. Stealth is about positional advantage, not auto-win.

    since there isnt any immunity in the stealth mechanic...
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shaduos wrote: »
    Wait do GFs get perma-shield, nope. Trying to compare the only way a CW does dmg to stealth is just funny and cute, same with your DC comparison. A TR out of stealth isn't suddenly useless, they can still dmg, but take magic from a CW and they can just run around. And you know you would be upset if a GF could dmg while using Shield block and have almost perma Shield block, not even going to say perma-shield block. You are just trying to justify your advantage with silly comparisons that make no sense. Instead of responding to my reasonable suggestion to give TRs something while taking out the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> perma-stealth.

    It's not a great comparison (unless I misunderstood your point - in which case I apologize and hope that you will elaborate), as my GF can take a lot of hits without blocking that would turn my TR into goo. My TR is a permastealth build and I constantly find ways that other players are able to negate that advantage, forcing me to play more intelligently, carefully, and strategically.

    More than anything else, this comes down to an issue of gear and player skill. Someone who is geared with 3K armor pen, 3K recovery, and 3K critical is going to be able to stay in stealth for a very long time and do a tremendous amount of damage - particularly against unskilled players. In some instances, such as the Gauntlegrym T2 dungeon, it is just about the only way for my TR to stay alive and take out the ghost king due to the overlapping fields of fire and massive damage of each AoE.

    I don't find anything unreasonable about the permastealth builds, particularly since they have already begun taking things away from rogues. First it was sneak attack, then it was shocking execution. Both involved significant playstyle changes and respeccing for many people. I would love to see options added to all characters that allow them a means of breaking CC attacks, such as a way to get free of a CW's Darth Vader style force choke.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    since there isnt any immunity in the stealth mechanic...

    Yup, people don't understand how stealth works. The problem is that players don't want to take AoE encounters to counter perma-stealth builds. What's funny is I change my encounters all the time during my pvp matches. I cycle between impact shot, shadow strike, lashing blade, and path of the blades. The only encounter I don't change out is ItC.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shaduos wrote: »
    Wait do GFs get perma-shield, nope. Trying to compare the only way a CW does dmg to stealth is just funny and cute, same with your DC comparison. A TR out of stealth isn't suddenly useless, they can still dmg, but take magic from a CW and they can just run around. And you know you would be upset if a GF could dmg while using Shield block and have almost perma Shield block, not even going to say perma-shield block. You are just trying to justify your advantage with silly comparisons that make no sense. Instead of responding to my reasonable suggestion to give TRs something while taking out the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> perma-stealth.

    I don't think you're that reasonable when you you think perma-stealth is retarted after the many, many threads here telling you exactly why it isn't. It isn't invisibility, it isn't invincibility, TR's can be knocked out of stealth and still be seen while in stealth.

    Your whole point of perma-stealth is just moot, based on false premises and biased opinions, and quite frankly, it's just annoying to keep rectifying blatant ignorant statements of people who don't want to read, don't want to learn their's and other's classes, but rather just rage at the forum and cry nerf everytime they got a can of whoopass.

    Of course it's never your fault you got beat to a pulp, right...and as always the 'fix' is a nerf of whatever is bothering you.

    Sorry dude, deliberate ignorance cannot be fixed with a nerf.
  • krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shaduos wrote: »
    Why would the feats for combat advantage need to be reworked? You can have combat advantage out of stealth as long as someone is on the other side of the target or certain abilities are used. Why not change some of the stealth talents to also provide the bonus when you have combat advantage? Don't look now I just solved the problems you said were unfeasible to solve. That wouldn't make them game breaking in any way because than they would have to coordinate their attacks with someone else which is what a rogue is suppose to do. They are meant to be the ones that stab in the back as the fighter beats you in the face. Stop acting like stealth is the only thing a TR can do. I have played my girlfriend's TR from time to time and I never had to have stealth to kill things it just helped to get the first hit and to fight battle on my terms.

    You are still clueless to how many rogue powers actually increase damage while in stealth or refill action points while in stealth. If you just get rid of stealth, over 70% of the rogue abilities would have to be reprogrammed or else the class will be completely useless and unplayable. Why not actually do some research before you act like you "know" what would fix the rogue?
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    My 1st character was a GF. I had issues vs. TRs when I first started to PvP. I rolled a TR and then realized they are not OP and went back to my GF.

    There is NO OP class as each class has a role in PvP/PvE.
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    At this point, it is frankly much easier to play my GF in PvP for two main reasons.

    The first is simple survivability. My GF is a lot tougher and can take more hits than the TR can. This makes sense, since that is how the class is built and specced.

    The second is enemy TR panic. This is the "OMG it's a TR! Quick, kill it before it can go into stealth and murder us all with the laser beams it fires from its eyes and its deadly fire breath!" So while the TR on my team is being targeted by at least three of the opposing team, my GF can take down at least two of them.

    As much as I dislike typing this, it really is a learn to play issue. Some people really love PvP and focus on becoming great at it. If you're one of those people, then clearly you're not starting threads like this. If you're still figuring out high level PvP, I hope that you enjoy it. But please remember that it is as much about skill as it is anything else. Yeah, it sucks to lose a lot of matches. maybe you lost them because your team was terrible, or maybe you lost them because you didn't play well together, or maybe you lost them because you're just not that great at PvP yet. We've all been there, and many of us are still there, but if you want to PvP just keep doing it and trying new things until you're good at it.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • gambitclickgambitclick Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I laugh whenever people cry about perma-stealth. It's not so permanent if you know how to counter it...

    This is a gimmick build for bad Rogues that don't have the resources to properly gear out their Rogue for real damage.

    Baddies on the forums are crying as usual to get another key feature of Rogues nerfed. They're crying again because it worked last time. Cryptic just might be dumb enough to listen to the crybabies again. They already nerfed Shocking Execution to the ground as well as Duelist's Fury / Deadly Momentum so that PvE Rogues' damage is cut by 25% overall. If they listen to the whiners again, they should just delete the Rogue class. I bet that's what a lot of the PvP n00bs that still get owned by Rogues want.
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited June 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    Yes, I'm sure Cryptic intended for rogues to be able to solo end game boss content using perma stealth..


    Coming to a rogue near you! (the one you still can't see yet) :cool:

    You just went full <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> bro, never go full <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
  • sekhmetscorpiosekhmetscorpio Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Its sad how many people don't play rogues and don't understand them, then come on the forums and cry about them. A rogue needs stealth NOT to be nerfed because people cry. It is a key class mechanic and well balanced. 1) If you go for "perma stealth" you sacrifice a lot of damage for a bit of extra mobility and survivability 2) Its actually really easy to pull a rogue out of stealth, CC them, or gods forbid actually have teamwork help you out. Once out of stealth a perma stealth specced rogue is even weaker damage wise and even squishier than an average burst specced rogue. You complain about a rogue specced for burst doing crazy burst damage, but when a rogue specs the opposite way and is super weak but hiding in stealtha lot, you complain about that too. End of the day cry babies always find something to cry about rather than learning to understand another class better, adapting and learning to play their own class better...that's all too much work. So much easier to cry on the forum I guess. I just hope to the gods the devs ignore stupidity like that.
  • nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • mavalonmavalon Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2013
    I see posts about Rogues being op, Gf being op, Gwf being op and CW being op.
    Somehow this sounds like the classes are balanced pretty good.
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    krumple01 wrote: »
    You are still clueless to how many rogue powers actually increase damage while in stealth or refill action points while in stealth. If you just get rid of stealth, over 70% of the rogue abilities would have to be reprogrammed or else the class will be completely useless and unplayable. Why not actually do some research before you act like you "know" what would fix the rogue?
    And yet everyone saying I am crying have yet to give me a reason why my ideas won't work. Instead you guys are just "lol, l2p ****". I gave very viable suggestions and you just keep ignoring them. And I love how someone is like just drop an AOE that will break them out. A CW has Steal Time but that has a long charge time, shield but then leaves you without your dmg reduction, and Storm Pillar which also has a long charge time. Both ST and Shield are one shot and then have to wait for CD. The rest of the non-target spells for CWs are cone effects that are easier to avoid than the ones mentioned above. And never did a suggest getting rid of Stealth for Rogue are offered a work around. You keep saying you can see a stealthed rogue, but that is only if they get close enough. Plenty of perma-stealth rogues are just sitting back as far away as they can get and using cloud of steel. Now, I never said that was very powerful, but it is OP because it allows them to attack without impunity. Now get 2-3 rogues doing the same thing and it just gets stupid. Most matches with perma-stealth rogues on the enemy team we usually win, but that isn't the point.

    rabbinicus wrote: »
    It's not a great comparison (unless I misunderstood your point - in which case I apologize and hope that you will elaborate), as my GF can take a lot of hits without blocking that would turn my TR into goo. My TR is a permastealth build and I constantly find ways that other players are able to negate that advantage, forcing me to play more intelligently, carefully, and strategically.

    I actually agree that isn't a great comparison but I wasn't the one comparing the two. I was just trying to show the guy I quoted in that response how silly it is to compare stealth with GF shield or a CWs magic. I have developed my tactics against Perma-stealth rogues too. I haven't died to one in a long time, but that doesn't mean I don't think being able to damage someone without impunity is right. I don't know how many rogues I have managed to get conduit of ice on and they still run around stealthed. I have played Rogues in many different MMOs and in pnp games, and never have a seen a need for a perma-stealth. I mean how would you feel if CWs got the Improved Invisibility spell, and could basically do the same thing for a short time? There are rules in DnD in place for that, but everyone but CWs would think it isn't right.
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    shaduos wrote: »
    Most matches with sentinel GWFs on the enemy team will usually win, but that isn't the point.

    Fixed it for you.
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    damianess wrote: »
    Fixed it for you.

    good job at changing what someone else said, guess you aren't smart enough to come up with your own replies.
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    shaduos wrote: »
    good job at changing what someone else said, guess you aren't smart enough to come up with your own replies.

    Lol, says the man who cries about perma-stealth rogues and yet doesn't realize the most OP class in pvp right now is the sentinel GWF.
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2013
    damianess wrote: »
    Lol, says the man who cries about perma-stealth rogues and yet doesn't realize the most OP class in pvp right now is the sentinel GWF.
    You keep attacking me personally, but yet won't refute my ideas. That is a sign you have nothing to refute it with, so you are just trying to insult me until I agree with you. That doesn't work very well. In truth I don't think GWFs are that OP, I know if one gets a hold of my CW I am probably dead, but not all the time. The key is to move stay away from him and do damage on the run. And I never said TRs were OP, I said the ability to be able to do damage without impunity was OP. It might not be a massive amount of damage but it does add up in the end.
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