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State of PVP in this Game:

donnythdonnyth Member Posts: 122 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
As CW let me just thank the devs for making me pvp in a never ending tirade of frustration to get my AD. Why do all games fall into the cliche of Rogues beat Mages?

Some balance issues which are so blatant, it makes me wonder who this company had for beta testers.

As CW why are GWF and TR immune to most of my attacks? GF can block most of my attacks. Why doesn't CW have any kind of negating ability?

It's obvious they want TR to dominate because they gave them all around good attacks. Melee, ranged, cc (it's still cc if we can't do anything except walk around like a chicken with it's head cut off)
As CW I think, "oh wait! TR are melee so I'll just put some distance between us. That's when TR just attacks me with his range (it attacks faster and does more damage than most of my attacks) By faster I mean there's no casting animation.
CW turns out to be very clumsy compared to TR

Wait a minute! Can't CW CC? Yes for 1 second. Tr can daze for longer and do more damage. GF can perma-knock down.

Then they nerf CW in the last patch. Reaper's Touch was reduced by half??? What, were they winning too many pvp matches?

If you're wondering about the sarcastic tone of this post, that's how I feel about the pvp. I don't take it seriously anymore as CW. I assume the devs don't either because they put the pvp threads in with the gameplay and combat threads lol. I just capture flags and hope for a team of TR.
Secrets of the Ring ID: nw-dt25qalqy
Post edited by donnyth on


  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    donnyth wrote: »
    As CW let me just thank the devs for making me pvp in a never ending tirade of frustration to get my AD.

    Some balance issues which is so blatant, it makes me wonder who this company had for beta testers.

    As CW why are GWF and TR immune to most of my attacks? GF can block most of my attacks. Why doesn't CW have any kind of negating ability?

    It's obvious they want TR to dominate because they gave them all around good attacks. Melee, ranged, cc (it's still cc if we can't do anything except walk around like a chicken with it's head cut off) As CW I think, "oh wait! TR are melee so I'll just put some distance between us. That's when TR just attacks me with his range (it attacks faster and does more damage than most of my attacks) By faster I mean there's no casting animation. CW turns out to be very clumsy compared to TR

    Wait a minute! Can't CW CC? Yes for 1 second. Tr can daze for longer and do more damage. GF can perma-knock down.

    Then they nerf CW in the last patch. Reaper's Touch was reduced by half??? What, were they winning too many pvp matches?

    If you're wondering about the sarcastic tone of this post, that's how I feel about the pvp. I don't take it seriously anymore as CW. I assume the devs don't either because they put the pvp threads in with the gameplay and combat threads lol. I just capture flags and hope for a team of TR.

    This is hilarious.
    INB4, INB4
  • linusgorplinusgorp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 47
    edited June 2013
    Just because you can't play your class properly, doesn't mean other classes are broken.
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Only PVP balance issue I can see anymore is Tenebrous.

    Might as well make 2 leagues at this point. Gauntlgrym is going to be ****ing amazing.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    Only PVP balance issue I can see anymore is Tenebrous.

    Might as well make 2 leagues at this point. Gauntlgrym is going to be ****ing amazing.

    in order for Gauntlgrym to be successful every character class should get about the same amount of kills as any other character class, in an everyone vs everyone fight you need things to be fair not dominated by specific classes and owned... as a cleric I've never averaged well over 20 kills per match, I am lucky to average a forth of that
  • linusgorplinusgorp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 47
    edited June 2013
    in order for Gauntlgrym to be successful every character class should get about the same amount of kills as any other character class, in an everyone vs everyone fight you need things to be fair not dominated by specific classes and owned... as a cleric I've never averaged well over 20 kills per match, I am lucky to average a forth of that

    Clerics aren't meant to be killing machines.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    linusgorp wrote: »
    Clerics aren't meant to be killing machines.

    doesn't matter, everyone vs everyone should be fair for everyone, so should anything that is end game

    evidently you are afraid of fair playing fields...

    I have already written up my fix for the cleric which was to give them, and only them, reflection which would allow them around 35% less damage which would be reflected back to the attacker and not reduced as damage (the only damage reduction on the 35% reflection would be from the cleric's own armor reduction and reflection would not be blockable)... this way the cleric isn't directly dealing the damage but the damage that is being reflected would bring their kill amounts up and they are in need of much more defense than they have now (others get high blocking from dodge, whereas clerics who draw just as much of a mob against them in both PvE and PvP get virtually no blocking)
  • donnythdonnyth Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    linusgorp wrote: »
    Just because you can't play your class properly, doesn't mean other classes are broken.

    I haven't played all classes at lvl 60 as of yet, but have you? But I can say this; in most of the matches I've seen, there was only 1 game where a CW was the top player. So tell me how that's not broken?
    Secrets of the Ring ID: nw-dt25qalqy
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    linusgorp wrote: »
    Clerics aren't meant to be killing machines.

    Apparently they aren't meant to be healing machines either.
    Unless you expect me to keep you up with 700hp/2sec for 10 sec.
  • shrewguyshrewguy Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm sorry but I'm going to have to tear this post apart...
    donnyth wrote: »
    As CW let me just thank the devs for making me pvp in a never ending tirade of frustration to get my AD. Why do all games fall into the cliche of Rogues beat Mages?

    Some balance issues which are so blatant, it makes me wonder who this company had for beta testers.

    As CW why are GWF and TR immune to most of my attacks? GF can block most of my attacks. Why doesn't CW have any kind of negating ability?

    It's obvious they want TR to dominate because they gave them all around good attacks. Melee, ranged, cc (it's still cc if we can't do anything except walk around like a chicken with it's head cut off)

    First off, as someone who plays both a CW and a Rogue.. CWs beat rogues, unless the CW is really bad. The only defence a rogue has against a CW is impossible to catch, and with three teleport-dashes, you can kite them for those vital five seconds to waste it, then CC the hell out of them till they are dead.

    Secondly, Daze is the worst CC, you can still move freely and get out of harms way, not only that, but rogue's 2 main daze abilities... one has a 1 second start up time, which you can dodge with so much ease, that I feel embarrassed on the rare occasions they hit me. The other daze, smoke bomb, ends as soon as you walk out of it. Try not standing in it?
    donnyth wrote: »
    As CW I think, "oh wait! TR are melee so I'll just put some distance between us. That's when TR just attacks me with his range (it attacks faster and does more damage than most of my attacks) By faster I mean there's no casting animation.
    CW turns out to be very clumsy compared to TR

    If a rogue is out damaging your magic missiles with his cloud of steel, they he obviously out gears you heavily. Magic missile is a far more damaging ranged ability, its also not dependant on stacks, cloud of steel only has 12 shots then the rogue has to wait, dash a few times to dodge half of it. You should not be loosing to a ranged battle with mage vs rogue.. That alone speaks volumes of how the issue is your skill, not the game.
    donnyth wrote: »
    Wait a minute! Can't CW CC? Yes for 1 second. Tr can daze for longer and do more damage. GF can perma-knock down.

    Again, daze is a bad CC, rogues really are the worst class for CC abilities.. mages are outright the best, we get so much disables its a joke, you can stun, choke, push, pull and even suck someone into a black hole. (I love arcane singularity) On top of all of that, if they do somehow manage to get in range of you, you get 3 dashes, more than any other class, to get out of trouble.
    donnyth wrote: »
    Then they nerf CW in the last patch. Reaper's Touch was reduced by half??? What, were they winning too many pvp matches?

    Actually, yes. Mages were dominating PvP hard. the only other class that was worth having other than a mage, was two clerics to stack astral shield... which was also nerfed.

    Oh, and mages still dominate PvP, just now its not quite as overwhelmingly obvious.
    donnyth wrote: »
    If you're wondering about the sarcastic tone of this post, that's how I feel about the pvp. I don't take it seriously anymore as CW. I assume the devs don't either because they put the pvp threads in with the gameplay and combat threads lol. I just capture flags and hope for a team of TR.

    I've been on a team full of TRs before.. its awful, none of them have any staying power and just can't hold a point because of it.

    Clerics + mages still win PvP. though since the balance patch, other classes at least stand a chance now.

    Honestly, if you can't handle a TR as a CW, then your doing something very wrong.
  • trnltrnl Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have 2 rogues at lvl 60 and 2 wizards at lvl 60.

    And I have to say that a wizard with a brain can defeat any class ingame if its about PvP.

    As a wizard you can easly dodge their lashing blade...
    Their immuun is for a couple of seconds then you can stunlock them...
    You can avoid 3 encounter skills!!
    list goes on and onnnn...................
  • dethcorddethcord Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    I'm sorry but I'm going to have to tear this post apart...
    First off, as someone who plays both a CW and a Rogue.. CWs beat rogues, unless the CW is really bad. The only defence a rogue has against a CW is impossible to catch, and with three teleport-dashes, you can kite them for those vital five seconds to waste it, then CC the hell out of them till they are dead.

    With permastealth build there is no way a competent rogue can lose to a CW. The only defence a rogue has against a CW is ItC, Stealth, Dodges and daze, which is not needed most of the time. Well, your default build with DS/LB/ItC does fine, too.

    And you can't actually kite invisible ranged damage dealer with a deft strike (if slotted).

    Secondly, Daze is the worst CC, you can still move freely and get out of harms way, not only that, but rogue's 2 main daze abilities... one has a 1 second start up time, which you can dodge with so much ease, that I feel embarrassed on the rare occasions they hit me. The other daze, smoke bomb, ends as soon as you walk out of it. Try not standing in it?

    No one casts this lovely daze without stealth anyway, and it's activation time is faster when you're stealthed. Smoke bomb is easy to dodge. Yeah rogues don't have much CC.
    If a rogue is out damaging your magic missiles with his cloud of steel, they he obviously out gears you heavily. Magic missile is a far more damaging ranged ability, its also not dependant on stacks, cloud of steel only has 12 shots then the rogue has to wait, dash a few times to dodge half of it. You should not be loosing to a ranged battle with mage vs rogue.. That alone speaks volumes of how the issue is your skill, not the game.

    Rogues' cloud of steel deals too much damage for a melee character. It's not about outdamaging, it's about the fact that it forces you to waste dodges which may result in catching DS+LB and an instant death in the end.
    Again, daze is a bad CC, rogues really are the worst class for CC abilities.. mages are outright the best, we get so much disables its a joke, you can stun, choke, push, pull and even suck someone into a black hole. (I love arcane singularity) On top of all of that, if they do somehow manage to get in range of you, you get 3 dashes, more than any other class, to get out of trouble.

    Only idiots can get sucked in the AS. It's completely useless in PvP. And mages are the best in CC if they focus for it, dealing considerably less damage.

    And CW is the most CC-vulnerable/squishy class ingame.
    Actually, yes. Mages were dominating PvP hard. the only other class that was worth having other than a mage, was two clerics to stack astral shield... which was also nerfed.

    No they weren't. Best class was a cleric hands down - team with a cleric wins. Second place goes to rogues with more damage and more ways to avoid damage, and third comes to CW.
    Oh, and mages still dominate PvP, just now its not quite as overwhelmingly obvious.

    I've been on a team full of TRs before.. its awful, none of them have any staying power and just can't hold a point because of it.

    You need very good coordination to make this team work, and it's still not that good.
    Clerics + mages still win PvP. though since the balance patch, other classes at least stand a chance now.

    It's a good combo, but a competent rogue will kill either of those pretty easily. Infact, any class can kill a cleric now, he's not immortal as he used to be. My GF mate crits for 18k, and cleric now don't have 100% shield uptime, so...
    Honestly, if you can't handle a TR as a CW, then your doing something very wrong.

    You just suck as a rogue.

    I have 2 rogues at lvl 60 and 2 wizards at lvl 60.

    And I have to say that a wizard with a brain can defeat any class ingame if its about PvP.

    As a wizard you can easly dodge their lashing blade...
    Their immuun is for a couple of seconds then you can stunlock them...
    You can avoid 3 encounter skills!!
    list goes on and onnnn...................

    Can defeat 1v1 any class ingame except rogues. Most casual tactic is spam cloud of steel to force him to dodge, then DS+LB and finish him off if still alive. ItC won't let you get CCd.

    If you have your daily up - 18-22k crit impact shots work just fine. aswell as 48k LB crits.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    donnyth wrote: »
    I haven't played all classes at lvl 60 as of yet, but have you? But I can say this; in most of the matches I've seen, there was only 1 game where a CW was the top player. So tell me how that's not broken?

    Honestly pvp before 60 as CW who cares. At cap they are a power class.

    Most games i play i get most kills as CW and the same with other CWs in matches. Sometimes its the rogues up there or number one.

    Overall CW played reasonably well own rogues.

    Dont forget there isnt much 1v1 and gear can vary a lot.

    Tabbed enfeeb (not as strong as it was but two sprays can hit two targets to debuff to help the team). Chillstrike. Entangling force and i prefer shield.(i find shield works for bouncing the melee away to give u the time to regen teleport.)

    Others prefer icey rays in tab rather than chillstrike. I have seriously seen CWs using shard in pvp sigh. Maintain your range. See a rogue stealth mount up and waste his stealth.

    I have my headhunter title and works well for me.
  • evilmagick73evilmagick73 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    See a rogue stealth mount up and waste his stealth.

    I have my headhunter title and works well for me.

    It's pretty easy to cancel stealth with a quick mount/dismount.
    With permastealth build there is no way a competent rogue can lose to a CW. The only defence a rogue has against a CW is ItC, Stealth, Dodges and daze, which is not needed most of the time. Well, your default build with DS/LB/ItC does fine, too.

    And you can't actually kite invisible ranged damage dealer with a deft strike (if slotted).

    ^ this
  • ujavcadujavcad Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2013
    I'm a newbie, I tried all classes except DC up until lvl 10, currently playing a 11 lvl CW and a 12 lvl GWF.

    First time when I entered domination PVP with my GWF I got owned by CWs and TRs, I couldn't deal any real damaged because they were all over the place and I was just running around trying to catch them, plus the CW was keeping me up in the air or frozen 75% of the time.. at one point I cornered a CW with low health and even then, 1vs1, he on low HP, he just kept me in the air and frozen, enough to take a potion and fill his HP while he was killing me :D I figured he must have had better gear..

    After a few lost matches, I started playing with my CW.. I must say.. even in PVE the CW feels OP :D and when I got to PVP, I was winning and I only died once during a match..

    I did just 2 matches yesterday but it was a close fight.. the other team had TR, GWF, GF and CW.. the GF was good, we were fighting him 2vs1 or 3vs1 even the GWF was good.. so I guess I was very bad with the GWF if I got owned like that... I think we won because they did not have a DC..

    bottom line: I don't know how it was before the patch, I don't know how it is at lvl 60.. but people say that work has been made to balance the game..
    maybe the problem is the matching system? putting together low lvl players against high lvl players and giving everybody lvl 19 but they have different gear.. and maybe the matching system should not allow more than 2 players of the same class in one team? this way it's a higher chance you will get a tank, healer and dps.. because it seems to me the DC make a difference
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    donnyth wrote: »
    I haven't played all classes at lvl 60 as of yet, but have you? But I can say this; in most of the matches I've seen, there was only 1 game where a CW was the top player. So tell me how that's not broken?

    every class should have approximately the same number of wins, this is why leader boards are needed in this game so they can be monitored by both classes and build trees and then classes adjusted and made fair so that PvP is always a fair playing field for everyone, when this occurs a game is in balance is fun to play and garnishes player support
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ujavcad wrote: »
    I'm a newbie, I tried all classes except DC up until lvl 10, currently playing a 11 lvl CW and a 12 lvl GWF.

    First time when I entered domination PVP with my GWF I got owned by CWs and TRs, I couldn't deal any real damaged because they were all over the place and I was just running around trying to catch them, plus the CW was keeping me up in the air or frozen 75% of the time.. at one point I cornered a CW with low health and even then, 1vs1, he on low HP, he just kept me in the air and frozen, enough to take a potion and fill his HP while he was killing me :D I figured he must have had better gear..

    After a few lost matches, I started playing with my CW.. I must say.. even in PVE the CW feels OP :D and when I got to PVP, I was winning and I only died once during a match..

    I did just 2 matches yesterday but it was a close fight.. the other team had TR, GWF, GF and CW.. the GF was good, we were fighting him 2vs1 or 3vs1 even the GWF was good.. so I guess I was very bad with the GWF if I got owned like that... I think we won because they did not have a DC..

    bottom line: I don't know how it was before the patch, I don't know how it is at lvl 60.. but people say that work has been made to balance the game..
    maybe the problem is the matching system? putting together low lvl players against high lvl players and giving everybody lvl 19 but they have different gear.. and maybe the matching system should not allow more than 2 players of the same class in one team? this way it's a higher chance you will get a tank, healer and dps.. because it seems to me the DC make a difference

    low level PvP will not play anything like high level PvP play, domnating classes at lower levels can be at the bottom of the PvP listings at higher levels... at level 40 to 59 a noticeable change in PvP order starts occurring, at level 60 everything changes in a big way
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have read most of this thread and here is the problem about most of the people that post here.... Maybe this will come as a revelation to everybody...

    PVP is a TEAM ORIENTED GAME... Ill say it again... a TEAM ORIENTED game...

    When playing in a 5 man do you hear complaints from a rogue saying "CW can CC everything AND throw things of a cliff?! I cant do that wtf?!" No because its not the job of their class to do that...

    Same goes in PVP, rogues SHOULD be the best damage dealers in a 1v1 scenario, now there are thing that each person can do to avoid/win versus any class and there really is not a hands down easy WIN button that everyone thinks every other class except theres has... Its a TEAM game meaning what:

    GFs are the best point holders... they need to stand and fight ON/IN the cap area... DCs are the best what? Ill give you a hint, not damage dealers thats forsure! So guess what, they are NOT going to get 20+ kills. a CW is short for what? CONTROL wizard... its not called a DAMAGE wizard... is a CONTROL wizard so play your class right and CONTROL a player while you have a rogue come up and 2 shot someone...

    Classes are OP with teamwork, there will be many situations where a single class can shine 1 on 1 (this is coming from my GF perspective) but I will tell you that no matter how good you are or how beast your gear is, you will not be able to 2v1 a decent geared well syncronized team... I have over 30k hp and godly gear as a tank with over 5k defense... if I get CCd by a CONTROL wizard and a rogue comes up and nails me, I cant do much to prevent that... Meanwhile my CW on my team is thinking "im uber leet dps! MAGIC MISSLE SPAM!!!" While me (with greater tenes) get choked out and killed via rogue dailies... Can I 2 shot any class? Pretty much under the right conditions, can I do ANYTHING if being controlled properly? Nope... You can even do the same GF/TR, GF can spam knock downs while rogue damages...

    If you have a team of 1 of each class who plays there roles respectively... you will dominate... a GF is only good when he is not CCd, a rogue is only good if he doesnt have people focusing him (I can easily 2 shot rogues 1v1)... a Cleric is only good when he has other classes to heal, a CW is only beast when they focus on their class in tandem with another class...

    See how it works? Dont complain to me that you are a cleric and cant get most kills in game... and Dont complain to me rogues are too squishy cause you cant hold a point its not your classes job!... Dont complain to me your a CW and your trying to out damage a rogue in a 1v1... Can you CONTROL him? Sure... but I doubt youll get more kills than a rogue who can 2 shot from stealth...

    I think there are tweaks that need to be done about PVP but in general people think this is a FFA game. I cant tell you how many times I will pug and have out geared the other team with our 5 man team (I often inspect people on entering and can GENERALLY tell the other teams gear) and we still lose, why? Everyone wants to be top K/D ratio and thats not what each class was meant for... Who is ON AVERAGE going to AWLAYS be top K/D ratio? Either a TR or a GF (1st class can 2 shot and stay in stealth, second class is hardest to kill and outputs good damage specced right)...

    And dont post here saying your the exception to the rule, I have seen and played with some of the best players in the game and this is all general info, will there be games that a GWF can go beast mode? sure, what about a CW? sure... but on average... its gonna be a godly geared GF or a godly geared skilled rogue...
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    capgarnas wrote: »
    Honestly pvp before 60 as CW who cares. At cap they are a power class.

    Most games i play i get most kills as CW and the same with other CWs in matches. Sometimes its the rogues up there or number one.

    Overall CW played reasonably well own rogues.

    Dont forget there isnt much 1v1 and gear can vary a lot.

    Tabbed enfeeb (not as strong as it was but two sprays can hit two targets to debuff to help the team). Chillstrike. Entangling force and i prefer shield.(i find shield works for bouncing the melee away to give u the time to regen teleport.)

    Others prefer icey rays in tab rather than chillstrike. I have seriously seen CWs using shard in pvp sigh. Maintain your range. See a rogue stealth mount up and waste his stealth.

    I have my headhunter title and works well for me.

    I guess you never met a perma-stealth rogue that can 100-0 just from CoS spam in stealth. Get hit from a TR with greater/perfect vorpal spamming CoS and you'll know what I mean. And this is not including tenebrous procs.

    If you happen to survive that they can spam impact shots x3 or hit you with DS+LB or hit path of the blades and ITC and just walk towards you and you'll die.

    You have headhunter title, that's good. Almost every hardcore pvper on Dragon has Bloodthirsty = 5000 kills.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    donnyth wrote: »

    Why doesn't CW have any kind of negating ability?

    CW have this spell called "shield". It may not be as good as some of the others, but you are supposed to mess up the other classes so they are slowed, spinning in the air, frozen, stunned, or something. That is not always easy to accomplish, but in theory, if you can control your opponent and shield, they should not be doing all that much damage to you.

    Tr are only immune for short periods of time. During that time, they can kill you fast. Solution: run away until it wears off. You should be able to teleport away from me 2 or 3 times, and then immunity is over. If you can't win after that, its YOU. The TR still has an advantage in dps but its not a for sure win at all.
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    CW have this spell called "shield". It may not be as good as some of the others, but you are supposed to mess up the other classes so they are slowed, spinning in the air, frozen, stunned, or something. That is not always easy to accomplish, but in theory, if you can control your opponent and shield, they should not be doing all that much damage to you.

    Tr are only immune for short periods of time. During that time, they can kill you fast. Solution: run away until it wears off. You should be able to teleport away from me 2 or 3 times, and then immunity is over. If you can't win after that, its YOU.

    That's the thing though, pvp is not about 1v1 it is about points. If you were capping and you teleported away, the TR did his job. By the time you come back his stealth meter will be up again.
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The problem with clerics is that without astral shield, they are garbage. This is true in both pve and pvp. Why don't they have a dps option that is inline with the other classes? I figure if GF has that option, cleric should as well.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    damianess wrote: »
    That's the thing though, pvp is not about 1v1 it is about points. If you were capping and you teleported away, the TR did his job. By the time you come back his stealth meter will be up again.

    Its a circular logic though. If you are being attacked at a point, then the game becomes about the 1v1. A CW can knock a TR off a node to prevent a cap as well. Any class can stop another class from taking a node --- and then its about the winner of the 1v1 who will end up holding the point for a time.
  • eyevan01eyevan01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    damianess wrote: »
    I guess you never met a perma-stealth rogue that can 100-0 just from CoS spam in stealth. Get hit from a TR with greater/perfect vorpal spamming CoS and you'll know what I mean. And this is not including tenebrous procs.

    If you happen to survive that they can spam impact shots x3 or hit you with DS+LB or hit path of the blades and ITC and just walk towards you and you'll die.

    You have headhunter title, that's good. Almost every hardcore pvper on Dragon has Bloodthirsty = 5000 kills.

    ^This is what needs to be fixed. I've ran into this a few times. Rogue stealthed and downs you quickly. You try to run away but you have no idea where the damage is coming from. There is no counter for this. Also, I don't think any class should be able to oneshot any other class. Rogues can currently do this.
  • saidencloudsaidencloud Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The biggest thing that you are looking over, and I don't know if you played DND 4th (even though its roughly based on 4th rules) is that each class has a sub class within, yours is "control" your job as a CW is to control the battlefield not 1v1 a rogue or Gf. Your a support class, and that is what your best at. Not out doing damage. The only class you should out damage as a control wizard is a cleric and maybe a gf. Until they put out an actual DPS mage, you might be playing the wrong class. Because your not DPs, your control. If you want damage play a rogue or GWF until the Sorcerer comes out. Which should be dps
    <SHADRA> Guild House currently open: NW-DBSTUHWLT
  • dgfdsdgsgh3dgfdsdgsgh3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The biggest thing that you are looking over, and I don't know if you played DND 4th (even though its roughly based on 4th rules) is that each class has a sub class within, yours is "control" your job as a CW is to control the battlefield not 1v1 a rogue or Gf. Your a support class, and that is what your best at. Not out doing damage. The only class you should out damage as a control wizard is a cleric and maybe a gf. Until they put out an actual DPS mage, you might be playing the wrong class. Because your not DPs, your control. If you want damage play a rogue or GWF until the Sorcerer comes out. Which should be dps

    The problem is you really cannot control anyone/thing for more than split second and then all hell breaks loose. CC breaks so fast and can be countered/avoided so easily you just might be better spamming those magic missiles or sitting in spawn.
    Trying to help your team with controlling enemies gets you incredible frustrated (and backstabbed) extremely fast with the state of PvP atm, especially the insanely short time to kill. Only way to feel useful is to spam RoE and ice knife hoping it might oneshot someone, if you have time to cast even that.
  • assassin83assassin83 Member, Banned Users Posts: 276 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    As I CW i'm constantly CC'd to death in less than 5 sec in pvp

    This class is dead
  • xatriuxatriu Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This game is about gear advantage first and foremost. Someone who is better geared than u are more likely to wipe the floor with u. I play GWF, CW, and TR.. And i gotta say TR is by far the most OP class there is out there. Us TR's have the highest base damage outta all classes, we still deal more single target damage than any other class irregardless.. Were made that way. Which opens up for a whole lot of diversity in how we can build, cause our damage will still b top notch no matter what we can spend our ability score points however we want.

    Combine that with our disable skills, our broken (perma) stealth mechanic and a skill that makes us immune to all CC effects, we have counters for every single thing. We may depend on these things in PvE but for PvP we are broken as **** and we will never b balanced unless we are completely reworked.

    Of course youre gonna come across TR's that arent that great of players, but for the ones that are and plays smart, they will always kick ur butt. So u might wanna get used to getting owned by TR irregardless of what class u play.

    Its the brutal truth but there it is!
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    xatriu wrote: »
    This game is about gear advantage first and foremost. Someone who is better geared than u are more likely to wipe the floor with u. I play GWF, CW, and TR.. And i gotta say TR is by far the most OP class there is out there. Us TR's have the highest base damage outta all classes, we still deal more single target damage than any other class irregardless.. Were made that way. Which opens up for a whole lot of diversity in how we can build, cause our damage will still b top notch no matter what we can spend our ability score points however we want.

    Combine that with our disable skills, our broken (perma) stealth mechanic and a skill that makes us immune to all CC effects, we have counters for every single thing. We may depend on these things in PvE but for PvP we are broken as **** and we will never b balanced unless we are completely reworked.

    Of course youre gonna come across TR's that arent that great of players, but for the ones that are and plays smart, they will always kick ur butt. So u might wanna get used to getting owned by TR irregardless of what class u play.

    Its the brutal truth but there it is!

    Class defenses just need to be increased. They however decided to decrease them this last patch for some bizarre reason.
  • therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The problem is you really cannot control anyone/thing for more than split second and then all hell breaks loose. CC breaks so fast and can be countered/avoided so easily you just might be better spamming those magic missiles or sitting in spawn.
    Trying to help your team with controlling enemies gets you incredible frustrated (and backstabbed) extremely fast with the state of PvP atm, especially the insanely short time to kill. Only way to feel useful is to spam RoE and ice knife hoping it might oneshot someone, if you have time to cast even that.

    Maybe understand how squishy your class is, and run back to your team? As a GF, I die a lot to CW's that know how to bait me into harms way.

    Slot your push encounter and stay out of range. The good CW's I've played know they can't stand their ground against a GF that has them pegged.
    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
  • llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    assassin83 wrote: »
    As I CW i'm constantly CC'd to death in less than 5 sec in pvp

    This class is dead

    I'm not gonna deny CWs weren't nerfed to the ground with this patch, but with the right strat and tactics you can pretty much tip the scale for the winning team.
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