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End-Game Loot System Changes Ready for Testing Soon!



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    skittlebit1skittlebit1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    God awful change.

    People this change screws:

    1. Players who have terrible luck and have run the same dungeon 30 times during devels and never seen a good drop. They could go to a dungeon they enjoy more, get the best item from there, sell it, and then buy the item they need from the other dungeon. I know I hated spellplague, I've ran it 25+ times and never seen a drop. So i went to FH, a dungeon I enjoyed, got some shadow weavers from it, sold them, and then got my helm.

    2. Players like me, who have BIS items and just want to get AD for alts or random stuff from the zen shop. I grinded my way through all of the dungeons, got all of my gear (besides my helm which i bought), then did CN and got my MH and OH, and now I just farm CN and devles for AD which is actually fun. If this patch comes the only content I can do is ladderless pvp or farm nodes...THATS IT. So contrary to popular belief, this patch screws harcore players. IF this comes through, a ton of the regulars will quit.

    3. It screws cryptic. Why? Because a ton of the zen is only bought in order to convert it to AD for people to buy T2 and T3 items. Now those people can't do that and therefore stop buying zen. This casual playerebase now has to run basic dungeons to get any gear inorder to run the dungeons they want to run. Many people buy start up gear and then grind there way up, no more for them.

    4. Players who want pets. Yeah 24k ad a day, have fun getting that cat. lol.

    Who does this bennefit

    1. People who bought all their gear with real money then realize they were bored. Yeah... so you're best customers benefit in way that adversely affects you. Now they are protected from their own ignorance.

    2. People who go through content slowly and never reach the end.

    Releasing this method of loot drop after the loot has been in the game is going to destroy this game. The only way this implementation would work is if they made T3 drop in raids, and that gear alone was BOP. Allowing players to farm t2 dungeons in order to make money while they are not raiding. I mean, there is NOTHING to farm in this game besides gear. In other games where loot was BOP you could farm so many other things that you needed. Here its just loot.

    If this change is made, this game will die. And to think, two days ago i was looking forward to leveling a new character and playing this game for along time. Now I might quit the game in 4 days...sigh.
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    boudebaboudeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For a rare time, i disagree with Cryptic about this big change.

    First. For casual players who can't spend much time in the game (like me) it's gonna take forever to complete a character fully gear with end-game loot. at maybe 1-2 hours per day if you do only dungeon(2-3 run) and that if you only do that it would take around 2-3 week if your lucky.

    Second. Those who like to play a lot in the auction house will just get bored since they will not be able to play much except selling enchantment, pots and some others little stuff. then they will gonna leave because for them they're nothing else to do.

    Three. Some people don't have the money to buy zen so they grind to sell loot in the ah to be able to buy stuff in the zen store, then will leave because the game will become a bit more pay to win for them.

    But i can understand why PWE and Cryptic does that. It specially because of number 3, they're loosing money because people can easily buy stuff in the zen store by grinding but is it the best solution they found?
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    voltus5voltus5 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yup its all about money for Cryptic and sadly the cash grabbers will Kill what could be the Next WoW.
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    yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I remember when I first leveled up there were some people with real cool-looking gear. I was actually a little awed at all that purple gear and I think that's the way it should be. Epic gear needs epic effort.

    But I still think this plan of theirs is horrible, because epic gear is a necessity and not just 'extremely nice to have'. It would force people to just keep on grinding dungeon after dungeon to be able to remain competitive, not just to get a few nice perks. It would kill the casual gamer who likes more than one alt, it will benefit the people who made use of exploits to get massive bankaccounts and have tons of gear already stashed away someplace and it will ruin the trading that's been going on.

    If jewelry and such were BoP it would be fine, those are the perky things. But NOT the fundamentals.

    Also, I can think of no reason to have this on the preview-server. There's no way that would give any information on how this would affect the game because it's impact will be on the long run, not short-term.

    Just 2 cents though, admittedly a bit irritated.
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    iwrestlebearziwrestlebearz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Cryptic needs to realize that changes like these simply aren't good for the game.

    People are simply not going to run dungeons anymore if they can't benefit from them - CN included. Unless a guildie or friend needs gear, there will be absolutely zero incentive to run a dungeon you already have loot from.

    I, for example, already have full BiS gear on my TR. There are only a few more guildies who actually need specific pieces from CN and they're all likely to get them before the patch. Unless a friend or new guildie needs gear, why would I ever step foot in CN again? Where is the incentive? I've already ran it near a hundred times for gear and for fun - that isn't going to last.

    Loot tables are also terrible as is. I'm sorry, but Neverwinter just doesn't have enough varied content to justify having to run hundreds of times to complete a T2 set. It also makes the Auction House's use strictly for enchants and zen market items.

    If players think loot tables are messed up now, realize that there are currently 5 classes. Cryptic intends to add more classes every several months. This type of loot system is going to be a complete nightmare with 8+ classes.

    Overall just a very poor decision for the long-term health of the game.
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    mavalonmavalon Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2013
    dinohedron wrote: »
    Hey everyone,
    I just wanted to take a quick second to thank you for taking the time to write up your thoughts on the subject. There are a lot of good points and observations all around and that kind of feedback is invaluable to us. I wanted to make sure that you all knew we were absolutely listening. Keep checking things out and letting us know what you think!


    So roughly 95% of the playerbase is against this.
    Now we get to see if they really listen to their players.
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    idunazidunaz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 53
    edited June 2013
    Huge mistake. Do you see your playerbase complaining about t2 gear being BoE? No. The complaint was need vs greed when the item wasnt for your class. You already addressed that. There is no need to take it one step further like this. The way it is currently set up allows for both casual and hardcore players to get end game gear.
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    necrovechkinnecrovechkin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    After sleeping on it, and seeing the more "specific" details, I'm going to have to quit along with my friends who have already done so. Shame I regularily spent a good amount of cash on zen in this game. Playing the economy and selling that drop for a Chunk was much more fun than the current dungeons at the moment. Way to kill the game.. I will from now on be much more leary to recommend anything related to PWE.
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    jorderon1jorderon1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    BoE dungeon loot is a good thing. If this change is implemented people who don't need loot from dungeons simply won't go to them, and the game will stagnate on this level. There won't be any more efficient runs on dungeons which wind up benefiting the entire playerbase from the top. This change would have each player or group fighting on his own in dungeon progression for the most part. Where now each player benefits from every time a dungeon is cleared, because there is that much more loot out there to help everyone out. The prices of t2 gear will come down as more and more people do it, and this is good for everyone. This change would remove this thriving market from the game, and it will hurt the players.

    This change is bad for every player, period.

    (edit) I would also point out that if you grandfather in the old boe loot you will create a huge scalping market for those at the top, which will hurt those just starting out. There is already massive speculation occurring, and there will be a sizable chunk of BoE loot being amassed en mass in preparation for the loot drought. Since you basically gave up the goose on this tidbit of market insight, we will hold onto this loot for the highest possible price and retain our absurd economic advantage in this game until the next phase of content. This would arguably be worse for the playerbase as a whole than retroactively changing all boe loot to bop.

    Bottom line, this change is terrible in every respect, and your chosen implementation will be worse than the apparent "problem" you are trying to fix.
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    healariuzhealariuz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A good idea devs. Now you cant (as i did on one of my toons) buy full set of epix for 20k AD and 17 gold. I got around 9200 GS with 0 effort at all, and could do the end END game dungeon 1 houre after i ding 60.

    I feel atm its to "easy" (you know what i mean) to obtain these end game items.

    Also. if its BoP, then you cant just buy everything with real money. That would mean less money for Cryptic, but more fun for me. I welcome this change.
    If you do this, ppl will have to spend alot less time on the AH and alot more time in dungeons.

    Tho i have to wonder... why would cryptic make this game NOT Pay to win? If they start with BoP they will make less money... and it would get less P2W, as Real money = AD = Items

    Regarding the issue that it will not effect oure current items.
    This is ok. As new content will come out, with alot better gear, its not that important that the "low epix" are not BoP. So you can still buy the bad epix, but the realy good epix will be BoP.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healariuz wrote: »
    A good idea devs. Now you cant (as i did on one of my toons) buy full set of epix for 20k AD and 17 gold. I got around 9200 GS with 0 effort at all, and could do the end END game dungeon 1 houre after i ding 60.

    I feel atm its to "easy" (you know what i mean) to obtain these end game items.

    So you basically want them to change the game, effecting EVERYONE else. Because you made the choice to take the easy option. And now you feel bad because you did so?

    You could of run dungeons, you didn't.
    You don't have the best gear, T2 is much more valuable and would of taken more of an investment in time or AD to earn.
    The rest of the game shouldn't have to adjust to your standards of what is appropriately easy or hard. Especially when you had a choice, choose not to use it, and then want that same choice taken away from others.
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    healariuzhealariuz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "And now you feel bad because you did so?" - Not at all !
    This is a ALT ch (a toon as i put it). Ofc i did everything on my main. I have been running dungeons for ages. And gettign AD so i could get the gear that didnt drop VIA the AH.
    What im saying is that i want this change and it WILL effect me as mutch as the next guy. Enyone could get full epix easy in this game as it is. If your guild mates run CN many times a day. the guild bank is allways full of loot that ppl didnt want/need.

    Its funny how you some how made this about me. And not the change itself :=)
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Something I'm not sure a lot of the proponents of BoP loot understand:

    Geared people will largely stop queuing for dungeons so...
    Solo queuing for t2/CN will be MUCH MUCH harder.
    Gearing up to stand a chance of winning Gauntlgrym vs well geared teams will be MUCH MUCH harder.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    healariuzhealariuz Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Then get in a guild... Do you think its bad that ppl dont want to Q with randome ppl with low gear?
    Gauntlgrym will be harder for the ppl you meet that have good gear.. ofc it will.. they have better gear then you...they put alot of work into getting that gear:/
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    ceryndrionceryndrion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Used to be the same in STO, run hundreds if not thousands of STF's in the vain hope that the item you wanted would drop for you, but it never did..

    Then came season 7, a change to the reputation system, and then, you had to grind through 5 tiers of quests, to get enough experience, to unlock the quest that would give you the ability to 'purchase' the item that your heart desired.. still took over a month to do..
    I reject your reality and I substitute my own!


    My opinions are my own, and do not represent those of Perfect World Entertainment, or Cryptic Studios
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    chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited June 2013
    The current end game is a joke.. you can get a full Tier 2 set for less than 100K AD spent. Cryptic wants to fix this and people are QQing ?
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    vindiconvindicon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The current end game is a joke.. you can get a full Tier 2 set for less than 100K AD spent. Cryptic wants to fix this and people are QQing ?

    People are "QQing" because this so-called "fix" ruins much, much more than it "fixes".

    What this game needs is an overhaul of the loot tables, so that epic gear is actually rare and trash mobs are not such utter trash. But instead, they decided to go with the amputation treatment...
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    cihuacoatlcihuacoatl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is a horrible idea. I have done 100s of runs and have yet to get 1 piece of gear (main piece) that I would consider an upgrade. NOT ONE...

    Dungeon drops are horrible and 99% of the time all bosses drop the same bad loot making the only good drop come from DD chests. In addition these Chests are 99% <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. The last 15 runs I have gotten T1 jewelry form a T2 chest, yes then stupid 133 rings BOP. Utter <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>... I am using 142/154 rings and I get 133s 15x in a row. Before this I saw nothing but <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> T1 drops.

    I hardly even bother even run T2s anymore because drops are so horrible. Now you throw salt into to the wound with a BP system. Forcing me to run broken bug infested dungeons 1000s of times in hopes of getting an upgrade. Which 80% of the time you need an exploit to even do... or 1 of 2 things happen your group kicks you because you don't exploit or you fail to kill the boss because the mechanics on the boss fights are just baddly designed.

    If this patch does in I am not sure if i will stay with this game.
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    zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    blindsyn1 wrote: »
    Not all purple gear will be BoP...

    you guys just want to get full geared without playing the game and then you come to the forums complaining that you have nothing to do....right?
    Im sad to see that the kind of people that are playing this game is one of the worst of all MMos i have played... too many whiners and self entitled kids that are forgetting that they are playing a FREE to PLAY game...

    No I want to gear fully geared BY PLAYING THE GAME. Not get NOTHING because of RANDOM bad LUCK.

    Why all the jealousy of those who DO p2w anyways?? Grow up.

    I earned all my gear by hundreds of runs of t1's and t2's... No I did not get anything I needed to drop, I sold my drops and bought my gear. It took a lot of effort. I'm still not jealous of those with less time who just bought it..
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    trelorigostrelorigos Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Guys you either cant think or just havent played a lot this game. Even if the impose this change people with cash can still buy the following:

    -non-set BoE good items (which will become the new "hot" AH items)
    -proffesion items (gemmed pants and shirts)
    - OLD BoE items (lol i don't even understand why they will allow this)
    -Enchantments (huge bonuses)
    -res scrolls (easier to grind)
    - MOUNTS (yes the mounts give a huge competitive advantage to PvP and now with Gauntlgrym mounts will break the PVE)

    so i dont get it why you all rage thet they should BoP epics when someone that pays still can buy anything from the list above and be better GEARED (not skilled) than you.

    The only thing this change is gonna do is destroy the economy
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The current end game is a joke.. you can get a full Tier 2 set for less than 100K AD spent. Cryptic wants to fix this and people are QQing ?

    They aren't fixing anything. Endgame isn't going to be any more exciting or fun. Just less rewarding.

    If "making it so you make less money with the gear you earn" is the solution to "fixing" endgame, then the endgame is bad. If people have "full tier 2" is really all endgame is to you, then it's bad.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I used to play AoC, I know, pity me.

    It has a similar loot system. I got in with a moderately casual guild, and got invited to my first T1 raid, while still a few levels under cap. Now mind you, you didn't need to be max level to do T1 raids there. But the gear can only be worn at max level. I made sure to ask before hand if that excluded me from any rolls. This being a mixed raid with folks from outside the guild also present I wanted to be sure on the rules. I was given the go ahead to roll away. Despite there being two other players playing the same class as mine in the raid, both from other guilds.

    My first raid mind you. We popped the first chest and presto, two items for my class. Rather then divide the loot between the three of us. Raid boss keep it easy and just had all 3 of us roll out on both items at once. I won both items, on my first raid. Found out one of the other players was one item short of a full set, and I just took that item. I couldn't even trade it to him later. And it was still going to be another 3 levels before I could even use them. Yea me!

    But you know, gear was BoP, I obviously earned it more then they did. This is, after all, the system that everyone seems to be advocating. At least in AoC you earned consolation tokens that allowed folks to buy gear they needed after enough runs. The poor guy who lost out on the boots, to me. Was at least was able to purchase them later. We wont even have that option, as this system is currently presented.
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Has anyone ever said anything positive about this change?

    Cryptic, you see the feedback on this thread right?
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Has anyone ever said anything positive about this change?

    Cryptic, you see the feedback on this thread right?

    Plenty of people are responding to it positively. I'm not entirely sure why, but they are certainly here.

    As an aside, Reddit apparently has some of the prices you get from selling gear to Vendor and it's much, much, much lower than you would have made on AH. Naturally.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    devlinnedevlinne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    Plenty of people are responding to it positively. I'm not entirely sure why, but they are certainly here.

    As an aside, Reddit apparently has some of the prices you get from selling gear to Vendor and it's much, much, much lower than you would have made on AH. Naturally.

    Plenty? Look through the thread...less than 20 think it's good...and about less than 10 keep posting, Hope the devs REALLY look and see the "feedback" and think.
    PITY,REGRET, AND MERCY are just EXCUSES for the strong not to kill the weak!
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    lejdglejdg Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2013
    I love it. Makes grinding actually make sense... however, everybody has the best items in slot already... so... i hope a new tier of awesomess will be released as well, otherwise it only makes lategame more interesting for new players
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    Plenty of people are responding to it positively. I'm not entirely sure why, but they are certainly here.

    As an aside, Reddit apparently has some of the prices you get from selling gear to Vendor and it's much, much, much lower than you would have made on AH. Naturally.

    "Plenty"? You might want to change that to a more accurate adjective. "Some", as ambiguous as it might be, will be a more suiting word if you really want to fluff it up.
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    lasheslashes Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    devlinne wrote: »
    Plenty? Look through the thread...less than 20 think it's good...and about less than 10 keep posting, Hope the devs REALLY look and see the "feedback" and think.

    Generally speaking outrage over an impending unwanted change dominates complacency over an impending favorable change. The reason you are reading a greater voice from those who do not like it, is because they are angered over the impending change. Flip the scenario, and you would be getting a greater representation from the opposing player base. It's elementary psychology.
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    devlinnedevlinne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lashes wrote: »
    Generally speaking outrage over an impending unwanted change dominates complacency over an impending favorable change. The reason you are reading a greater voice from those who do not like it, is because they are angered over the impending change. Flip the scenario, and you would be getting a greater representation from the opposing player base. It's elementary psychology.

    Sorry, i'm not a psychologist, i'm a commercial diver.
    All i understand...is that i only came to this forums, when i need info, or bored. Check the previous rants on previous topics...u won't see my name there.
    THIS is just too important to let slide.

    I wish you guys could see WHATS coming. I wish you had played perfect World international...then at least your voice would join with ours...and the devs would have a total shut out...
    Why does it have to HAPPEN first before ppl realise.......:(
    PITY,REGRET, AND MERCY are just EXCUSES for the strong not to kill the weak!
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    fenixxxxfenixxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is a very bad idea and I hope Cryptic reconsiders.
This discussion has been closed.