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Is this a ****ing joke?

revo1utionsrevo1utions Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Temple
This class is completely useless now. Do you even do any testing before nerfing things into oblivion?
Post edited by revo1utions on


  • mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would not say useless. Maybe not really effective, but i'm afraid lot of people react like you and just flee the game.
  • revo1utionsrevo1utions Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would not say useless. Maybe not really effective, but i'm afraid lot of people react like you and just flee the game.

    Lol do you even play this class or do you just spout off bull**** based on other's opinions?
  • mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play cleric, yes. And this is not bull****, Clerics are not useless, far to be useless.
    There are not effective that's all. Far to be op, and barely decent, but certainly not useless.
    This update made the gameplay more difficult, and it's not for everyone, probably the class offering the biggest challenges in game right now.
  • warsirenwarsiren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This class is completely useless now. Do you even do any testing before nerfing things into oblivion?

    Look another "Pro" Cleric that han't bothered to do any testing before the patch.. put FF on your bar, save the CD for when AS goes away cast a divine FF.. and go about your game play as normal.
  • bardeliabardelia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Righteous paragon and mostly pvper, 3k5ish recovery, and now the shield is off cd almost 5 seconds, and I hope devs didnt expect I can heal or sustain a WC or TR burst with healing words. Played my 4 games this morning and now I'm a sad panda, trying to figure out what to do, or just park the cleric and play with my other toons, until anything else happens.

    Double bubble was idiotic, but this nerf is a bit too harsh to say the least imho. In pve you can "close" the gaps with FF, I suppose even a divine bastion, but in pvp in a mid melee you are pretty screwed out of shield.
  • revo1utionsrevo1utions Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    warsiren wrote: »
    Look another "Pro" Cleric that han't bothered to do any testing before the patch.. put FF on your bar, save the CD for when AS goes away cast a divine FF.. and go about your game play as normal.

    In PvP? Have you even tried playing?
  • revo1utionsrevo1utions Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bardelia wrote: »
    Righteous paragon and mostly pvper, 3k5ish recovery, and now the shield is off cd almost 5 seconds, and I hope devs didnt expect I can heal or sustain a WC or TR burst with healing words. Played my 4 games this morning and now I'm a sad panda, trying to figure out what to do, or just park the cleric and play with my other toons, until anything else happens.

    Double bubble was idiotic, but this nerf is a bit too harsh to say the least imho.

    Thank you someone that actually plays this game.
  • warsirenwarsiren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In PvP? Have you even tried playing?

    Yeah and you're grossly over reacting or your "new/old spec" isn't cutting it.
  • bardeliabardelia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    warsiren wrote: »
    Yeah and you're grossly over reacting or your "new/old spec" isn't cutting it.

    Far from useless, I agree; but for pvpers, at least for me, is going to be a hard time to redirect the build, tbh now I'm a bit confused and idk what to do with feats and powers. Hopefuly more experienced players will get a new formula, but now I think we're walking glory for almost any dps properly geared.
  • mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bardelia wrote: »
    Far from useless, I agree; but for pvpers, at least for me, is going to be a hard time to redirect the build, tbh now I'm a bit confused and idk what to do with feats and powers. Hopefuly more experienced players will get a new formula, but now I think we're walking glory for almost any dps properly geared.

    The thing is that i think a build PVE don't apply in PVP.
    As a DPS CRIT build would be lovely in pvp, it would suck so much in PVE, and vice versa.
    So kinda have to choose. Or to be freakin rich and got ~150k AD to change all the time :p
  • cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Im in epic mad dragon right now, healing just fine. Almost at Chartl.
  • bardeliabardelia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Played more games, and in fact 2xcleric now is even better, maybe not double shield anymore, but constant bubble is sweet in this dark moments. I had slotted shield, healing word and chains, removed chains for sun burst, and now that I have more divine, the push cc is pretty handy. I can see the light!
  • warsirenwarsiren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bardelia wrote: »
    Played more games, and in fact 2xcleric now is even better, maybe not double shield anymore, but constant bubble is sweet in this dark moments. I had slotted shield, healing word and chains, removed chains for sun burst, and now that I have more divine, the push cc is pretty handy. I can see the light!

    See I told you it just took retolling some ;)

    I'm using FF, AS, and Sunburst myself.

    AS and BoS for my At wills. I also have Power of the sun feated. It's pretty amazing, very overlooked feat for both PvE and PvP
  • mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    AS + BotS (crit) + FF (crit) so much heal ~2400 HP per tick (and thats on me so on others +40%)
  • bardeliabardelia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    warsiren wrote: »
    See I told you it just took retolling some ;)

    Well, it took more fixes and time, now GF pushing prones are even more dangerous and smoke bombs are just broken against AS. In fact a TR using smoke bomb is going to kill you 99% times, just save the cd for your shield, and he can kill you with flourish or the other autoattack alone if he is not crappy geared.
  • gtxinsanegtxinsane Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    AS + Sunburst ARE the 2 powers that won't leave your bar ever. Best heal/damage mitigation, best divinity generation (PvE). The third is going to be automatically a heal as well this patch (if you don't slot a third heal, you're effectively <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> the party over), whether healing word, forgemaster's flame, or bastion of health. This has ALWAYS been the case. In fact, instead of being a toolbox class pre-patch (can do ok AoE, heals are ok, can tank a bit), we're now relegated into one role, and one role only: Healbot.

    Is it our job to keep people alive? Sure is, but keeping people "alive" back then can be done with a plethora of things. Debuffing the boss so it goes down faster, helping with dps, helping with add clearing, all these stuff help with the survivability of the group. That 3rd encounter was basically your toolbox (Daunting/Searing light for mobs, divine glow/break the spirit for boss) because you can't afford to not have AShield or Sunburst. Now it's just spam healz yo. People will say "it's not your job to dps, or debuff, or to tank", but we're a SUPPORT class, i want to be able to support my team by different means (which we were able to pre-patch), not just "lolhealzforeveryone!"

    It won't keep me away from playing the class. But playing it now absolutely bores me to tears.
    Gabriel Angelfire - Devoted Cleric // Karguk the Impaler - Great Weapon Fighter // Zephalyne - Control Wizard
    PVP: How to make your life less miserable as a Devoted Clerics -- Still in it's Unfinished Glory
  • mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Idk why but for some reason, i got the feeling that since FF works perfectly now, they will get mad and nerf FF for the next patch.
  • cdave78cdave78 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    prophecy of doom is broken its not instantly recharging when i kill an enemy with the debuff anymore. i get the ap but not the recharge
    i used it to build ap on trash
  • llsinnisllllsinnisll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    That is pretty much how I feel. Now, all I see is people using SB / AS / (FF,HW). Nearly every cleric is suggesting to use this, like it wasn't one of the strongest healing builds pre-patch. The issue I have it how little diversity our builds have now.

    Pre-patch, I felt that the only "required" skill was AS. Stacking AS was OP. The fact that our other healing skills can't even compare is a clear indicator that they are a bit weak. Even sunburst wasn't required. In some situations, Karru for example, I found sunburst being useless. A CW / DC could control adds with Singularity -> chains -> Time -> Shield combo. Leaving the 3rd ability to debuff the boss allowing for a faster kill.

    Come this patch I'm happy to see Divine Glow get its fix. However, what good does this fix do when I pretty much HAVE to slot SB / AS / (FF,HW)? So much diversity ruined...
  • jd0ggjd0gg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    it's not possible to please everyone. the way clerics could stack before was broken. maybe it was fun to be a pseudo aoe dpser but that wasn't really the point of being a devoted cleric. if you rolled one because of the way you could stack and worry less about healing then you're not going to have a good time now that they have corrected the problem. pick a class that is more suitable to you.
    JDogg, Original Gamester
    All Out Assault
  • mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    what do you think guys about 2 DC, one focus on the heal and the other one focus on buffing debuffing. Divine Glow + break the spirit should be op, and that could mean HG & DA
  • gtxinsanegtxinsane Member Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    jd0gg wrote: »
    it's not possible to please everyone. the way clerics could stack before was broken. maybe it was fun to be a pseudo aoe dpser but that wasn't really the point of being a devoted cleric. if you rolled one because of the way you could stack and worry less about healing then you're not going to have a good time now that they have corrected the problem. pick a class that is more suitable to you.

    Stacking was broken, nobody here is saying otherwise (except for those that relied heavily on it, good riddance to them). The point of a devoted cleric was you could FILL gaps your team was lacking, whether it was crowd control, aoe, or healing. We're a LEADER class, not a healer class. Don't let the cleric tag fool you into thinking otherwise.

    AShield is the best heal and damage mitigation, Sunburst is the best AP/Divinity generator. If these 2 skills left your bar in an epic dungeon something is horribly wrong, or you know something that a lot of clerics don't. Now my 3rd encounter is locked into Forgemaster's Flame (or a heal, you know, the other TWO we have?). Back then I could slot my AoE skills if it's a mob heavy fight (a faster fight means less damage to mitigate/heal through), heal skills if it's a kite heavy fight, debuff for bosses.
    Gabriel Angelfire - Devoted Cleric // Karguk the Impaler - Great Weapon Fighter // Zephalyne - Control Wizard
    PVP: How to make your life less miserable as a Devoted Clerics -- Still in it's Unfinished Glory
  • creezyjeezycreezyjeezy Member Posts: 58
    edited June 2013
    I tried a couple rounds of PvP and an epic dungeon... it wasn't good. I am not a super great cleric but 10k+ GS, critical cleric build (not enough crit in my gear currently).

    I found it extremely hard to stay alive in PvP, I attracted a lot of attention and as soon as AS dropped I was dead pretty much each time, unless I stayed well back of the shield in which case I was drained pretty quick by ranged attacks. CW/TR/GWF and even GF all have quick combos which will take someone from full health to dead, or stunlocked/KB/KD'd well we have nothing to break stun, a KB that fails as often as it works and not really much in the way of DPS or a high alpha attack to help us out.

    tl;dr without being able to keep AS up I can't be a "tanky healer", and we lack the skills (or maybe just me) to be a DPS/healer and we can't heal enough to be healer-healers.

    The dungeon I ran was a welp due to a terrible CW, and agro problems. I seemed to draw more agro now than I did before, or maybe because I couldn't keep AS up it just seemed that way but it was bad. I died multiple times before we trolled the one CW into dropping out which hosed us... it was doomed from the start but the amount of agro I pulled was stunning, despite the fact we had a good GF with us. Outside of keeping AS up when I could, all I could do was sunburst mobs off ledges.

    I am pretty sad with how this has worked out and really need to retool my build. Sad when the only people who seem to think that these changes are even "ok" are those with a 12k+ GS.
  • creezyjeezycreezyjeezy Member Posts: 58
    edited June 2013
    And I totally agree that stacking AS was broken, and overpowered. No question there. But now... wow.
  • tworose007tworose007 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I do not know why or had a longer time delay
  • mumnochmumnoch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited June 2013
    Healing is so **** boring now. I can't slot anything other than HW(FF), AS, SB if I want to have a chance at keeping people alive. Haven't been able to successfully kill trash much less bosses unless I have the above setup. Goodbye are the days of a little bit of fun in this class. Boring as watching a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> harden.

    Thanks for ruining the class Developers. Jesus, did you take lesson's from SWG Sony?
  • baqqarabaqqara Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    I will try something here:

    Yesterday I did this Plaguesomething Dungeon Epic (i dont care much for names). First time, alone. I am a casual player, so not very good, perhaps. I have to say I was a little afraid, because almost everytime groups are disbanding, or the tank doesnt block, or due to 2 clerics/1 GF the damageoutput sucks.

    This time though I had 2 frigging good CWs at my side. I had NO adds at my *** at all! I could just heal (FF/SB/AS) and I had to do that on cooldown. But it worked. No problems, until last boss, but I figured that out too. I am glad I dont have to be brain-afk in dungeons anymore... spamming blue shield with 2 clerics and aoe-ing anything away without much control really bored the hell out of me.

    Maybe it is the same with pvp. Alot of players are plain stupid. Zerging next to the bases (so they cant flag). Or chase single targets (and leaving their bases). Run around alone and attack groups of 2, cause... CWs and DCs are easy kills, right? Yadda, yadda, you know what I mean. This is the same thing, as in dungeons: if you are just spamming damage/healing, you will not win. Simple as that. The two arenas are VERY simple. Not much to it, still, most players are "alone" out there, doing their thing. While that cannot work in dungeons, why should it in PVP?
    Also: most times I get beaten up, the other player outgears me, or he is simply a better player. I get beaten up alot, yes. But that isnt due to mechanics. Ppl think: DCs are easy targets, so they spot and kill us. Wait a little... someday another class will take that place and - as a matter of selffulfilling prohecy - be an easy kill in pvp.
    To clarify: everytime I die, i am getting focused, would be nice to survive this, yes, but why should a healer survive being focused by 3-4 guys?

    My point being: we may not be fine, but DC is still my class, I tried every other class until the late 30s... didnt thrill me as much, as the DC still does. We will get some love, just wait :)

    By the way: my GS is 9.9k, and I managed to get that through some t1 dungeons and the AH, I dont buy Zen, and I dont do much for Astral Ds. Read the Guides. Deistiks, and that new detailed one. They really help (still after the patch)!
  • bardeliabardelia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    baqqara wrote: »
    I will try something here:

    To clarify: everytime I die, i am getting focused, would be nice to survive this, yes, but why should a healer survive being focused by 3-4 guys?

    The problem is that now it's hard to survive a single guy bursting you, with double bubble you get bursted by 3 guys anyways. I don't want to be an immortal tank, but now it's pretty tricky just to have survivality.
  • pinacoladapinacolada Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    baqqara wrote: »
    I will try something here:

    Yesterday I did this Plaguesomething Dungeon Epic (i dont care much for names). First time, alone. I am a casual player, so not very good, perhaps. I have to say I was a little afraid, because almost everytime groups are disbanding, or the tank doesnt block, or due to 2 clerics/1 GF the damageoutput sucks.

    This time though I had 2 frigging good CWs at my side. I had NO adds at my *** at all! I could just heal (FF/SB/AS) and I had to do that on cooldown. But it worked. No problems, until last boss, but I figured that out too. I am glad I dont have to be brain-afk in dungeons anymore... spamming blue shield with 2 clerics and aoe-ing anything away without much control really bored the hell out of me.

    I have to agree.
    I only have gear score of 9.7k T1 4/4 and I was able to heal thorugh the epic Spider dungeon(PUG). I was very worried at first, but had a solid group, we wiped on last boss once, but pulled ourselves together and discussed what we were going to do and beat it.
    Yes AS has a log 5sec or so gab but time spells around it, and its fine. I like it i have to be more on my toes. Before was pretty much keep AS down and could do whatever. I use same rotation i did before, just time things differently. Worked for me.
  • piixiivpiixiiv Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't know what the people QQ about. Healing is fine now. It was broken. Only thing is it's so boring now. I went back to my DC with this patch.
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