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Love the game, hate the class (GWF)

krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Militia Barracks
So, I'm giving up on the GWF, it's a waste of time, money and energy to level or spend any more time playing them. After robbing every class I had of AD to buy all the best gear I could get, plus my dungeon finds, at level 38 I'm done. Too many experiences in PVP 1v1 against TRs that use no skill, no stealth, and just hold down the mouse button til their finger cramps and if I run away to try to buy time for CDs to maybe survive the fight I get ranged to death.

GWF is gimped hardcore. This class of all the classes needs some serious love. I'm kind of of the mindset at this point that the class should just be deleted and either re-planned/rebuilt from the ground up or just left for dead and replaced with a different class.

For a two handed weapon fighter they're extremely under powered and are very weak to play. I won't even go into the problem I've seen posted about their use in dungeons at end game.

Leveling... their horrid to play, you'll consume more pots, health stones then any other class and you'll most definitely need a healing companion for any solo instances. The boss fights will kill you by yourself if you don't pot at least twice during the fight.

I know this is a QQ post, but I just had to get it off my chest. The one class I really wanted to play in this game is swinging a limp wet noodle, and has the lowest survive-ability of any class in the game.

I'm not just spamming this from one perspective, I've leveled all the classes to at least level 35 so far, and GWF by far is the worst player experience I've had.

"I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
Post edited by krahct on


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    foundrymakerfoundrymaker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 253 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    A mate of mine does good with a Cleric until he heals someone then hes the 'tank' with agro
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    brutikusivbrutikusiv Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Beta.. Come back in 8 months. But I doubt even than the biggest problem $20/day for health stones cash shop requirement will be gone.. $50/day is all NW honesty wants each player to give. That would tickle them pink......
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    krahctkrahct Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A mate of mine does good with a Cleric until he heals someone then hes the 'tank' with agro

    Yeah they've got this game all screwed up:

    1) Healers pull more threat than a tank
    2) Tank companions mitigate more damage than a player tank
    3) Two handed 20 pound swinging warriors hit like their swinging brooms with daisies on the end
    4) CWs dodge more than a rogue
    5) PvP isn't really PvP, it's PvE for nodes with TRs inbetween trying to gank you for ego boosts (I know I do it on mine)
    "I never make mistakes, I once thought I did but I was wrong"
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    llfritzllllfritzll Member Posts: 215 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    krahct wrote: »
    3) Two handed 20 pound swinging warriors hit like their swinging brooms with daisies on the end

    two handed swords generally only weighed about 8 pounds.

    about the same as swinging a gallon of milk around.

    just sayin'

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    foundrymakerfoundrymaker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 253 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    brutikusiv wrote: »
    Beta.. Come back in 8 months. But I doubt even than the biggest problem $20/day for health stones cash shop requirement will be gone.. $50/day is all NW honesty wants each player to give. That would tickle them pink......

    The 'Full Release Date' is 20 June 2013 (8 days from this post) they won't have the 'Beta' excuse after that.
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    lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    krahct wrote: »
    So, I'm giving up on the GWF, it's a waste of time, money and energy to level or spend any more time playing them. After robbing every class I had of AD to buy all the best gear I could get, plus my dungeon finds, at level 38 I'm done. Too many experiences in PVP 1v1 against TRs that use no skill, no stealth, and just hold down the mouse button til their finger cramps and if I run away to try to buy time for CDs to maybe survive the fight I get ranged to death.

    GWF is gimped hardcore. This class of all the classes needs some serious love. I'm kind of of the mindset at this point that the class should just be deleted and either re-planned/rebuilt from the ground up or just left for dead and replaced with a different class.

    For a two handed weapon fighter they're extremely under powered and are very weak to play. I won't even go into the problem I've seen posted about their use in dungeons at end game.

    Leveling... their horrid to play, you'll consume more pots, health stones then any other class and you'll most definitely need a healing companion for any solo instances. The boss fights will kill you by yourself if you don't pot at least twice during the fight.

    I know this is a QQ post, but I just had to get it off my chest. The one class I really wanted to play in this game is swinging a limp wet noodle, and has the lowest survive-ability of any class in the game.

    I'm not just spamming this from one perspective, I've leveled all the classes to at least level 35 so far, and GWF by far is the worst player experience I've had.


    Umm, GWF is gimped in 2 periods, that is end game PvE and early levels up to first cleric companion, everything in between he is more then OK and can deal with anything solo. After I got cleric companion I have used maybe 20 pots all the way up to 60.
    In your case biggest problem should be located between a chair and the keyboard.

    And yes, I know what I'm talking about, I have 60 GWF as well.
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    th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    When there's an update its usually a 2 minor bug fix nothing big. Exploits are farmed hard and nothing is done about it. All PWE cares is the short term money grab.
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    squid2dsquid2d Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    In your case biggest problem should be located between a chair and the keyboard.

    And yes, I know what I'm talking about, I have 60 GWF as well.

    i have 2 lvl 60 gwfs - would that make my opinion more valid than yours ?

    The problem really isn't with the player. the class, as it stands (and to a certain extent on the test server too) is

    The countless threads on this here forum attesting to that aren't just there because people don't understand the gwf mechanic or it's place in the hierarchy, they are there because the gwf pretty much got nerfed into uselessness.
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    musashinokamimusashinokami Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Umm, GWF is gimped in 2 periods, that is end game PvE and early levels up to first cleric companion, everything in between he is more then OK and can deal with anything solo. After I got cleric companion I have used maybe 20 pots all the way up to 60.
    In your case biggest problem should be located between a chair and the keyboard.

    And yes, I know what I'm talking about, I have 60 GWF as well.

    I've got a lvl 60 GWF as well, and got quite a fair amount of kills in PvP (usually good ratios like 8-0 or 8-3) despite all people were complaining or warning about and I did not waste a lot of healing pots after having got my healing companion neither, but frankly you should stop right here your epeen.

    You're posting as if the class has no issue nor balance "matching" with other classes of any kind, as if all issues come from the players playing the class.

    You may be a good GWF but certainly you're a moron, that's for sure, because if everybody wants it to be balanced it's not for nothing and certainyl not because everybody's a monkey but you.

    What a stupid cake !
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    belladanbelladan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Erhmmm??? Consume pots? Really, really learn to play. The only time I consume pots against non-boss mobs pre lvl 30 is when I take on my then 15 or so in solo, even without a cleric pet up. That's simply because of our AoE mob management limitations. Can't stun-lock enough of the big guys to not get hit one too many times on occasion. We take a while to get back up once we start to eat dirt.

    But yes. Skip gearing up your green weapons and start looking for blue ones. If you don't do that, then you very well will be a wet noodle.
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    urborgstalkerurborgstalker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    GWF's biggest issue by far is in pvp. In pve, their damage is low but their massive range compensates for it and makes it feasible to pull hordes of enemies, then aoe most of them down in a massive bloodbath, which is great fun. Personally, I love seeing how many enemies I can pull and still survive, pushing my health to the edge just for the fun of it. Sure their single damage is weak but with 15 enemies all around you, the total damage output is huge.

    That said, in pvp they are beyond weak. Prior to lvl 60 they cannot win 1v1 unless they are highly geared and/or sporting mad skills against a weak kneed wishy washy opponent. I've played a GF and a CW both to 60 and pvp'd extensively and only once did a GWF get the better of me, and that was on my CW before she got Ray of Enfeeblement. In the lvl 60 arena I have seen an occasional highly geared GWF put up a good fight, but it's rare to see them even manage to break even on their K/D ratio. The high scoring GWF's are usually players who just sprint from tower to tower, capping what they can and running whenever someone shows up to stop them.

    For GWF's who aren't sporting plague fire/tenebrous cheese there is little hope. Against my GF it's just not even funny...I seriously feel sorry for them, because I can see the skill but they just don't have the tools. They're running all around trying to get around my shield, popping Unstoppable to escape when I mess up on a knockdown string, etc...but their damage is just way too low to actually be a threat. Even with the current bug with blocking I've still not lost to one (and no, I'm not using Tenebrous...and my armor set is just the Stalwart set, no fancy enhancements).

    Against my CW...we just play ring around the tower until they succumb. I can dodge far more than their sprinting can make up for and it's usually over after just 2 spell rotations.

    I recently decided to test them for myself and my GWF is currently lvl 39 and to be quite blunt, everyone responsible for balancing the GWF for pvp is an idiot. They failed in ways I can't begin to describe. The disparity is one of the largest I've seen in any game I've played. The GWF's single target damage is SO weak they just...suck. I've pulled the 20/0 KD stuff on both my GWF and GF but on the GWF I've gone 0/8 and other embarrassing scores. Most of the time I've had to resort to just running tower distractions and trying to score killing blows on low health enemies (vs just flat out killing multiple full hp enemies in succession).

    Seriously, anyone who can't see the GWF needs help in pvp is either willfully ignorant or too obsessed with believing they have mad skillz every time they manage to beat a GWF 1 on 1.
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    gongstargongstar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've been able to play well and even come first in plenty of games with my GWF but the problem is that was with already superior teams.
    A Good CW or TR will always beat a good GWF.
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    viciousjediviciousjedi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    From what I have experienced on my Great weapon fighter from 1-60.. it is purely about how players are not understanding how to approach utilizing the powers of this class. I can gone 20-1 in pvp at 60. I have soloed clerics. I have soloed against every other class in this game. And its definitely ones approach to facing another class and managing ones's daily usage for the right time.

    Skill really does matter.
    Old School gamer, reviewer of mmos and slayer of dragons.
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    tybrus8tybrus8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I mean A. There is a patch coming when we go live that will help. I am lvl 53 on my GWF and only problems they have are range in PvP. I have no trouble in PvE or while leveling. Pots here and there sure. Its been beaten to death but again this class is an AoE dungeon trash kill class. I must say i have tons of fun doing it.

    People want to complain every time a class does not turn out how they invision it, the cry when they are not the face roll class. D&D is and always has been about rolls in a group setting. This is NOT a PvP game. (again beat dead horse). It is a PvE game. It is a group dynamic game. 5 people in a group doing a specific job to beat a dungeon. Hence dungeon and dragons. When those who have not accepted this yet understand this maybe it will help you in your serch for your FoTM faceroll class.

    I like dungeon crawls and hanging out with guildies. My GWF is a beast vs dungeon trash. We always have the most kills. some times even number 2 in dmg done. I do not need to be epeen top dmg OMG i own you class.

    A sneaky rogue/assassin should be able to sneak up on you and slit your neck (again as D&D and fantasy books and stories go)
    A person weilding a big stick should be able to swing it into a group of people and do dmg to said group, not total dmg to one target or a rogue in light armor with a quick weapon. ( watch/read game of thrones when the plate armor knight fought with the big sword and shield fought Bronn with light armor and a short sword)

    Anyway im rambling but ya get the idea. Neverwinter is based off forgotten realms books and D&D rules. Maybe its just not a game for you? Everyone has there own perspective on a class. I am one who findes the GWF does what he is intended to do. But again its MO. Im an old gamer and a fan of dungeon runs with friends...Just sayin.
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    lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've got a lvl 60 GWF as well, and got quite a fair amount of kills in PvP (usually good ratios like 8-0 or 8-3) despite all people were complaining or warning about and I did not waste a lot of healing pots after having got my healing companion neither, but frankly you should stop right here your epeen.

    You're posting as if the class has no issue nor balance "matching" with other classes of any kind, as if all issues come from the players playing the class.

    You may be a good GWF but certainly you're a moron, that's for sure, because if everybody wants it to be balanced it's not for nothing and certainyl not because everybody's a monkey but you.

    What a stupid cake !

    Way to misunderstand my post, you're not the only one thou, stupidity on this forum seems to be contagious.
    All I've said was that leveling and doing all of the leveling content solo(obviously without dungeons) is not a problem for GWF. Since your brain decided to ignore it, I will say it again, this time try to grasp it, I've said they have issues in end game PvE and early leveling(up to the companion).

    I haven't said a word about them being balanced against other classes performance wise, they are not, its a common knowledge, but yet I see it needs to be mentioned each and every time or main GWFs get <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> bleeds instantly.

    OP is farm from max level, but also far from being fresh, if he got problems with leveling at his(38) level, then its not the class, its him. There is no such thing as pvp balance below max level, so we can ignore his rant about it and lowbie dungeons are a mess so he won't get any indicator of the class there as well.

    Sit for some time, reread my post a couple of times and comprehend it this time.
    Thank you.
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    newtype88newtype88 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Only level 38 and you quit? So many defeatist attitudes floating around. And it's just a game, ffs.
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    possum440possum440 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    krahct wrote: »
    So, I'm giving up on the GWF, it's a waste of time, money and energy to level or spend any more time playing them. After robbing every class I had of AD to buy all the best gear I could get, plus my dungeon finds, at level 38 I'm done. Too many experiences in PVP 1v1 against TRs that use no skill, no stealth, and just hold down the mouse button til their finger cramps and if I run away to try to buy time for CDs to maybe survive the fight I get ranged to death.

    GWF is gimped hardcore. This class of all the classes needs some serious love. I'm kind of of the mindset at this point that the class should just be deleted and either re-planned/rebuilt from the ground up or just left for dead and replaced with a different class.

    For a two handed weapon fighter they're extremely under powered and are very weak to play. I won't even go into the problem I've seen posted about their use in dungeons at end game.

    Leveling... their horrid to play, you'll consume more pots, health stones then any other class and you'll most definitely need a healing companion for any solo instances. The boss fights will kill you by yourself if you don't pot at least twice during the fight.

    I know this is a QQ post, but I just had to get it off my chest. The one class I really wanted to play in this game is swinging a limp wet noodle, and has the lowest survive-ability of any class in the game.

    I'm not just spamming this from one perspective, I've leveled all the classes to at least level 35 so far, and GWF by far is the worst player experience I've had.


    Then you are playing your toon wrong. I have a GWF and love it, though much weaker than the rest of the classes with less utility I still contribute and no area in this game is a threat to me, including the broken combat advantage mechanic the devs say is fixed.

    You may suck really bad up to around level 40 but things get better, and with the new patch you will get a taste of what we GWF were before the great closed beta 2 nerf of 2013.

    In pvp the only class I have problems with are Guardian fighters (the damndable forever block) but then I have a Guardian too, grin.

    Read the forums about your class and take the advice. Here is one piece from me, take the 5 point anti combat advantage buff, you will need it, trust me.

    learn to use your sprint to jet around to the backside of a player or move out of the red with it, tasty stuff. Build for unstoppable and daily point build up. Read the class forum guide, good people in there though my build is for my playstyle, you can still copy and get your cookie cutter on and have a great time, even better when that patch comes out.
    There is no worse feeling in the world than the moment during an argument you realize you are wrong.
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    veleriawhitewolfveleriawhitewolf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
    edited June 2013
    newtype88 wrote: »
    Only level 38 and you quit? So many defeatist attitudes floating around. And it's just a game, ffs.

    Yeah, you should level to 60 and then quit. Seriously I have a GWF at 60 with all endgame gear except CN weapon and off hand. I will have to get those off the auction house some day because there is no compelling reason to include our class in any group. the dungeon content does not fit our class. About the only place I feel useful is in Karrundrax because there are few places to knock off trash. even then our target limit compared to CWs who not only deal damage but add control means I usually feel like a drag on the group. Small AoE powers and sprint not dodging attacks I can easily dodge on my alts or even block with my GFs shield despite the bugs.

    I have gone to test on the new shard and it doesn't seem like enough. I can't kill adds fast enough to keep them under control. Elites laugh at our damage and even the standard mobs life long enough for additional waves to build up. Minions die in a few hits but that just doesn't seem that useful when a CW can hit everything without a target limit, add a control element to the mix and do it from range. I tested our aggro tools in hopes of sentinel being a worthwhile option but from testing with another GWF, his damage from a single at-will attaclk was more than Daring shout's aggro. The class needs a major re-haul in order to be playable.

    I don't expect to be top of the heap but being a better choice than taking a second member of any other class would be enough to make me ok with it. After 2 days trying to get a group with a 12k gearscore and experience in every T2 dungeon I was unable to actually get a group unless my guild took me along. They didn't believe how bad it was until they started a group with me in it and literally watched people join the group to quit when they saw a GWF was in the group. People are not even subtle about it. I see in party chat people telling the group leaders to "kick the GWF" when i join in a queue. The class is super fun to play as long as you don't pay attention to how fast you kill things but even my cleric kills groups faster then my GWF with less difficulty.
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    johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    GWF doesnt suck. they rock pvp and pve
    maby you just dont know how to use it, i mean it may not fit your play style.
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    paneth48paneth48 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
    edited June 2013
    I can do well in pvp with a gwf with alot of work, but at the same time, I can do better with every other class in pvp with less work and less gear. Yes, they need help.
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    pednickpednick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah ah it's a game not real life buddy, if a tv producer can make an evil character survive impossible odds then...
    llfritzll wrote: »
    two handed swords generally only weighed about 8 pounds.

    about the same as swinging a gallon of milk around.

    just sayin'

    Be a Leet D00D, can't think of something smart? Always blame the economy.
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    chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    llfritzll wrote: »
    two handed swords generally only weighed about 8 pounds.

    about the same as swinging a gallon of milk around.

    just sayin'


    As someone who actually owns a 2 handed sword... they weigh quite a bit more than 8 lbs, though not quite 20 lbs... probably 15 lbs... you should actually hold one sometimes and mine's only got a 4 foot blade, the ones in game are a 6 foot blade and probably heavier.
    @Powerblast in game
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    mutantdemocracymutantdemocracy Member Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's weird that the only way my GWF feels effective in PVE is when I'm in a large mob of low health squishies, when I'm doing Unstoppable player revives, or just debuffing the defenses of stuff so that my TR can hit harder.

    When you look at our weapon damage and power, it looks massive, which is really misleading.
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    kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Do people really think GWF are ok in PVP? I mean really I keep reading that in this thread that they are fine in PVP.

    Are these people that just want GWF to stay underpowered or are they people that actually play the class?

    I have a GWF and I play toons of 3 other classes. GWF is a free kill 1v1 against any of the other classes. In team fights it provides a distraction at best and very limited control as well as poor damage when you are actually able to hit something that isn't kiting you or dodging your slow animated encounters. It's a massive handicap to not be able to dodge things such as ice knife, hammer of fate, crescendo, lashing blade etc.

    IN pve they do great AOE damage, but unfortunately AOE damage just doesn't matter in any dungeon we have atm. I guess maybe if for some reason you were in a group that decided having a CW isn't a good idea, GWF would be relevant, the dungeon would also take like 10 times longer.
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    syfylissyfylis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And here it is, place where illusion end. In pnp people roll dice and pure luck made them strong here you have to work to be good. 90% of players chose skills and feats randomly without any idea of how will your character act on pve or pvp.

    I'm happy that some people leave game early because I will not have to waste my time on dungeons that I may not finish with them. I just feel so bad about someone leaving game without knowing that GWF have daily that makes him immune to any control powers.

    There is many GWF that are huge pain on pvp because they know what they are doing. Killing on pvp is combination of good combo, timing and focus.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LEARN TO PLAY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Prejt <<<<<<<<<<


    My work: Heroes Blacksmith - Library
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    chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kevinf08 wrote: »
    Do people really think GWF are ok in PVP? I mean really I keep reading that in this thread that they are fine in PVP.

    Are these people that just want GWF to stay underpowered or are they people that actually play the class?

    I have a GWF and I play toons of 3 other classes. GWF is a free kill 1v1 against any of the other classes. In team fights it provides a distraction at best and very limited control as well as poor damage when you are actually able to hit something that isn't kiting you or dodging your slow animated encounters. It's a massive handicap to not be able to dodge things such as ice knife, hammer of fate, crescendo, lashing blade etc.

    IN pve they do great AOE damage, but unfortunately AOE damage just doesn't matter in any dungeon we have atm. I guess maybe if for some reason you were in a group that decided having a CW isn't a good idea, GWF would be relevant, the dungeon would also take like 10 times longer.
    I main a 60 gwf. I also have 60 CW and GF. All of them top pvp charts regularly. Sorry to burst your bubble. Its a player issue. Not a class issue.
    INB4, INB4
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    kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    I main a 60 gwf. I also have 60 CW and GF. All of them top pvp charts regularly. Sorry to burst your bubble. Its a player issue. Not a class issue.

    I never ever see a GWF top pvp charts. I think most of the community would claim the same.

    Sorry that your main sucks bro.
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    johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kevinf08 wrote: »
    Do people really think GWF are ok in PVP? I mean really I keep reading that in this thread that they are fine in PVP.

    Are these people that just want GWF to stay underpowered or are they people that actually play the class?

    I have a GWF and I play toons of 3 other classes. GWF is a free kill 1v1 against any of the other classes. In team fights it provides a distraction at best and very limited control as well as poor damage when you are actually able to hit something that isn't kiting you or dodging your slow animated encounters. It's a massive handicap to not be able to dodge things such as ice knife, hammer of fate, crescendo, lashing blade etc.

    IN pve they do great AOE damage, but unfortunately AOE damage just doesn't matter in any dungeon we have atm. I guess maybe if for some reason you were in a group that decided having a CW isn't a good idea, GWF would be relevant, the dungeon would also take like 10 times longer.

    change another class. GWF doesnt fit your personality :)
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    johnygwapojohnygwapo Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kevinf08 wrote: »
    I never ever see a GWF top pvp charts. I think most of the community would claim the same.

    Sorry that your main sucks bro.

    maby you didnt know that capturing a point gives more score. most of GWF and GF sticks to 1 node, because they are the ones who can defend it.
    rogues and CW gets top, because its their objective to capture points because they are faster in terms of movement.

    in short, its not the kills that can make you top.
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    chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kevinf08 wrote: »
    I never ever see a GWF top pvp charts. I think most of the community would claim the same.

    Sorry that your main sucks bro.

    I don't know how topping the charts equates to sucking. But I'm sorry you're upset, guy.
    INB4, INB4
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