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Patch Notes: NW.1.20130416.42



  • bakedpotardobakedpotardo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So since this protectors enclave "fix" my game randomly freezes and crashes when using the bank, auction house, inventory, queue etc, sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't, but it mostly does :P So annoying, worse than the issue the patch was meant to fix imo.

    btw I've had no issue with the game since the beta weekends up until the protectors enclave loading problem, now this :l
  • purpleorbespurpleorbes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 186 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Speaking of TR's, When are you guys going to fix the Swashbuckling Captains Armor???? The Armor looks like your wearing a brown paper bag. It shouldn't be to hard to fix and wouldn't take long at all. So far its the most expensive armor in the game and it looks like a cross between a paper bag and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
  • psychicslugpsychicslug Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Let me say I have played the GWF, TR, and the CW and do not see any thing wrong with these classes as a matter of fact I like the GWP more than the other two. And I never used the power to make my self invulnerable as for CW not being hit well if they're doing there job right they don't get hit and TR the same just once in awhile as they are a melee class. I have a brother who plays a DC and a GF and he has ran into issues with agro for the DC but the GF issue is his own fault due to taking on more than he should. I think as of now the classes are great except for the agro issue and hope they fix it soon, can not wait for the infernal warlock, ranger and druid. as for the monk and other classes hope they follow, think some are just going to be paths like the paladin and bow ranger, but not sure.
  • vampiregoatvampiregoat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    how about the fact that GWF hits like a little girl with a doll? all other classes hit close to a freight train
  • valhalanavalhalana Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So, you have not and will not really fix anything in this game? GWF bug and finally fixed the loading screen problem (tyvm) -- What about the other exploits? I have had ticket's in for the past week on exploits that people are doing and sent it through the chain properly as demonstrated in the General Forums Section and still nothing has been done about any of them.

    100% Enchant Exploit
    GF Exploit
    TR Exploit
    CN Exploit
    Frozen Heart Exploit

    None have even been addressed... yet you have the time to offer more rewards for people playing the game when it's so unbelievably unplayable. You can't get a group with a GF in it because you will be banned if he uses exploits w/out your knowledge, TR's exploit is ez to see, 2 main hand weapons wielded. CN exploit is ez and can just drop group once u see that's what the group is doing. But literally you can't do a **** thing in this game besides craft. Can't do dungeon runs in pug's of fear of an exploit that will get you banned in "open beta', can't do pvp because TR's are demolishing everything and everyone with the Perfect Plaguefire and Perfect Vorpal exploits on each of their weapons (main hand and offhand). literally at lvl 60 what else is there to do?

    Guess you'll give us new content in a week or so just for these people using exploits to abuse and make even more money off exploits because Cryptic obviously doesn't give 2 squirts of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about the game. (did i sum it up pretty good?).

    Is it so hard to fix what's broken? ffs...
  • blazing992blazing992 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    valhalana wrote: »
    So, you have not and will not really fix anything in this game? GWF bug and finally fixed the loading screen problem (tyvm) -- What about the other exploits? I have had ticket's in for the past week on exploits that people are doing and sent it through the chain properly as demonstrated in the General Forums Section and still nothing has been done about any of them.

    100% Enchant Exploit
    GF Exploit
    TR Exploit
    CN Exploit
    Frozen Heart Exploit

    None have even been addressed... yet you have the time to offer more rewards for people playing the game when it's so unbelievably unplayable. You can't get a group with a GF in it because you will be banned if he uses exploits w/out your knowledge, TR's exploit is ez to see, 2 main hand weapons wielded. CN exploit is ez and can just drop group once u see that's what the group is doing. But literally you can't do a **** thing in this game besides craft. Can't do dungeon runs in pug's of fear of an exploit that will get you banned in "open beta', can't do pvp because TR's are demolishing everything and everyone with the Perfect Plaguefire and Perfect Vorpal exploits on each of their weapons (main hand and offhand). literally at lvl 60 what else is there to do?

    Guess you'll give us new content in a week or so just for these people using exploits to abuse and make even more money off exploits because Cryptic obviously doesn't give 2 squirts of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about the game. (did i sum it up pretty good?).

    Is it so hard to fix what's broken? ffs...

    you know why they don't fix you bug reports? because the don't care, your and other players reports are just not important. so why keep whining for anything better if nothing better is comming? just deal with it and other players deal to.
    "Nerf paper. Scissors are just fine. Thanks." - Rock
  • codenamezeuscodenamezeus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I presume the upcoming patch today will fix the exploit.
  • bedwyerbedwyer Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LMAO..... Bro TR are way op. Perhaps you are not playing yours right. They have interrupts that make it so you cannot do anything for a few second which means you are dead. They have a one hit kill button that hits up to 29000 hp that I have seen. They can hide and throw daggers from at distance at you, and no you cannot target them. In less you run into them but hey wait this dagger throwing **** takes half or more of your life then they hit you with a back stab "Your dead" I have watched a rogue take on three of my team mates and kill us all and almost a fourth. He would just use this hide and ranged dagger throwing **** that allows him to remain hidden and would just hide the hole time well doing huge amounts of damage.

    You can slow them down as a CW if you freeze the ground and stack Chill on them, hit them with an at will Frost Ray and keep them locked up...work in some AoE with those and hit with Tab Ray of Enfeeblement, of course you better look out for the GF and GWF who are gonna clobber you while you are so busy against the TR...
  • angelxeyeangelxeye Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1
    edited June 2013
    i'd really like to see some more class fixes, would love my tank to actually be worth playing and not just a waste of space in the group. hardly anyone does runs without 2 clerics so the game is getting pretty boring because everyone just cheeses and doesn't know how to do a dungeon without that setup.

    Ya people just leave and there is very little in game more frustrating than waiting for a skirmish/dng and when you finally get in everyone bails b/c not enough healers. BUT who wants to start a healer with agro issue still happening?
  • thefoodninjathefoodninja Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Food for thought. If we dont pull agro our companions will get mobbed.
  • artofcontrolartofcontrol Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    x3mta3x wrote: »
    Exactly! I love how everyone cries that the Rogue is op, when we are NOT even close. You want to know who is OP'd in PvP? CW, GWF, and GF, all of them are capable of "stun locking" you. DC is also OP'd(compared to Rogue) with the push back, DoTs, etc..

    What advantage do Rogues get? Stealth? LOL what a joke, you can TARGET us THROUGH stealth and we are MORE than half dead BEFORE we get to you, and when we do get to you we are stun locked. Rogues are the ONLY class that can NOT immobilize their target, lame. Yeah we get one AoE silence, BUT you can WALK RIGHT OUT of it, LOL, lame again.

    Yeah we are sooo op, ROFL what a joke. The people that complain that Rogues are OP'd are people that can't PvP well, period.

    I have level 60 rogue, you can immobilize and silence the target at the same time, you need 2 encounters though.
  • shuishui Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    nuromal wrote: »
    you think rogue needs a nerf have you even played rogue against a cw. Cw is ten times more op then rogue as all they do is stunlock and kill you try getting close to a cw as a rogue and its insta death only way you survive is if every one piles the cw

    Lol, nuromal, I play a CW and I can honestly say, teleport, stuns, freezes, to name a few, have saved my bacon in PvP arena. In PvE those same skills have allowed my party to do more DDS if the skills are used in the proper formation and at the correct timing. A good CW can keep a boss stunned, frozen, or otherwise occupied while the tanks and other DDS take him out with less damage taken by the party. I love my CW !!!

    One the flip side of the coin, I deplore trying to solo with a cleric. The glitch in companions makes soloing a cleric difficult due to the aggro issues. Yes there are a lot of bugs that need to be fixed but I would prefer seeing these small ones completed as opposed to none at all. At least we know they are working on them, and like someone else said, no two teams of programmers work on the same type of bugs and bigger bugs take time to locate and fix. YOU try sifting through 10 mil+ programming characters typed out in a program like MS Word, one by one to locate that single one character that is out of place. Anyone who has ever written any sort of (rolls eyes) HTML or JavaScript knows just how tedious finding the errors really is, and if there is more than ONE?? Heavens, give the people patience and time to get these things fixed. It helps that players report the bugs, because they will not know they exist if no one reports it.

    Have some patience and compassion for these people who ARE working on this stuff just so you can sit at your computer and play a game. THEY WORK SO YOU CAN PLAY
  • shuishui Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    LMAO..... Bro TR are way op. Perhaps you are not playing yours right. They have interrupts that make it so you cannot do anything for a few second which means you are dead. They have a one hit kill button that hits up to 29000 hp that I have seen. They can hide and throw daggers from at distance at you, and no you cannot target them. In less you run into them but hey wait this dagger throwing **** takes half or more of your life then they hit you with a back stab "Your dead" I have watched a rogue take on three of my team mates and kill us all and almost a fourth. He would just use this hide and ranged dagger throwing **** that allows him to remain hidden and would just hide the hole time well doing huge amounts of damage.

    I have a question here for you - do you not look at the ground?

    Even while in stealth the TR throws a slight shadow that can be seen even in the PvP Arena where the ground and surroundings are in gray colors, this is how my CW knows where they are so she can use her chill skills that WILL force the TR out of stealth, so the rest of the party members can get that silly little invisible rogue off my butt... because you can be dang sure in PvP that rogue is going to take out the CW as soon as he or she can - because of that little fact. If you know what the heck your doing with your character and the skills you have, and are actually paying attention, you CAN see a TR in stealth, IF you know wtf your looking for!! ** next time i am in the Arena with a TR in stealth I will screen shot the lil bugger so you can see what I am talking about here **

    the TR is definately NOT op ffs! If you know what your doing with your character and the skills you have, you can take out that little trickster, you can knock them out of stealth, you can stun them, you can freeze them, you can knock them back out of range so that the Cleric or Wizzy can deal with their happy lil butts. I sit here and read through the forums and look at so many complaints by other classes whining about the TR. I'd love to know where these people learned to play DnD or MMo's and NOT learned this stuff??

    I am NOT a know it all, but I do pay attention to my surroundings, and this includes looking at the ground.. that is how I noticed that slightly darker shadow under the TR, and if there is a wall behind the TR... then the shadow is an out of place sort of mark on the wall, sort of like a shadow within a shadow. I can understand how it gets missed, by those who are not paying attention. lmao try it sometime during PvP and you'll see what I am talking about. unless of course you don't believe in shadows or in graphics. lol

    Seriously though, the TR is not as over powered as you think he is, you just have to know how to deal with them. I have one that I play with and she has been taken out by both the CW and the Cleric, even during stealth when in the arena.

    Here is the screen shot of what a TR in stealth looks like inside an instance when viewed by a CW of the same level as the TR. [IMG][URL=”http://s62.photobucket.com/user/etherion1/media/Drow/MMO Shots/c6ffbd7c-c213-4d35-b5ed-fc7a5ec6618c_zps90a8e59d.jpg.html?sort=4&amp;o=0[/URL][/IMG]
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