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PVP - Shocking Execution

scratch39scratch39 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion

You've heard it all before but I just have to say it. No class should be able to hit another player who is well geared > 11k GS from the front (no combat advantage) and one shot them. Course there is a number of variables that you can incorporate with the above statement. So I ask the reader to use whats termed 'Common Sense'.

Shocking Execution:
Range: 30
Description: Leap up and strike with a vicious attack that ignores your targets' defense and deals additional damage based an how much health they are missing.
Note: As this skill currently stands its Over Powered. There are huge numbers of posts about this ability. Stupid crits recorded against other players in multiple videos. Being able to almost one shot opposing players in pvp was never intended. Remember this ability only hits hard when your remaining HP's are low. In the mechanic of this ability a calculation will be made just prior to damage.

Example Calculation:
  • (HP's total / Remaining HP's) * Base Damage = overall damage.

Character on Half Life:
Assumed Base Damage: 5k
Example Calculation: (30k / 15k ) = 2 * base damage.
Overall Damage: 10k Damage

Character on Quarter Life:
Assumed Base Damage: 5k
Example Calculation: (30k / 7.5k ) = 4 * base damage.
Overall Damage: 20k Damage

Suggested Changes:

  • Change 1: Reduce the range of the ability to 10. 30 is stupid and if you don't have dodge (GF's don't) block is a terrible alternative as abilities get locked down .. dodge does not.
  • Change 2: Factor in an amount of the players defense attribute in the calculation. I'm fine with an ability doing 100k if it doesn't kill me from >50% remaining HP's. Currently the ability doesn't factor in this attribute.

What would this mean?

Range Change:
Smaller area of effect. You have to be up close and personal to use the ability. This change wont make much difference to the rogue community but might make a small difference to the players that try and dodge and fail to as the rogues hits you from 30' away.

Factor in Defense: Take Guardian Fighters for instance. Never intended as primary DPS, rather a tanking class and an ability can smash through them without a care in the world. Yeah its called an execute but please. Factor in a percentage of the defense attribute of the player. If you have 10k defense and have decided that you want to play a defensive individual fair enough. Don't expect to kill much but don't also expect to get two shotted in PVP with end game gear.

I would be interested to hear what other players thoughts are about this ability. For those players who like to jump in with both feet and provide nothing constructive to a conversation.. leave your words in your heads guys.
Post edited by scratch39 on


  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    No class should be able to hit another player who is well geared > 11k GS from the front (no combat advantage) and one shot them.

    So, you admit that the damage of the attack is literally determined by the health of the enemy, and then try to claim that it's capable of "one-shotting" someone? Can you provide any evidence of this that isn't anecdotal tales from the forums? Because boy, when I use Shocking Execution on someone with full health, I just end up sitting there like an idiot while I get face-rolled. I would love to know how this suddenly becomes an amazing one-shot ability!

    I'm also a little confused about your second point. Why should you be able to dodge an execution ability? You're already low-health and it's designed to finish you off. There should be no escape possible other than killing the rogue before he pops it. By the way, doesn't Ice Knife have like an 80' range?
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • gosugoosegosugoose Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Rogues kind of suck at end-game PvP (high-end premades at least unless you count smokebomb which is the only thing they are good for). CW's, GF, and even GWF can all smash an equally geared TR in a straight up fight. Yes you can hit a 20k Lashing,and yes you can get a 40k Shocking. But in the end, those are just highlights. Rogues have it tough, they give up damage for CC, and CC for mobility when slotting encounters. GWF's/CWs/GFs all have abilities that do both control and damage.
  • observererobserverer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why cant I insta-kill boss with 25% HP?
  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    Rogues kind of suck at end-game PvP (high-end premades at least unless you count smokebomb which is the only thing they are good for). CW's, GF, and even GWF can all smash an equally geared TR in a straight up fight. Yes you can hit a 20k Lashing,and yes you can get a 40k Shocking. But in the end, those are just highlights. Rogues have it tough, they give up damage for CC, and CC for mobility when slotting encounters. GWF's/CWs/GFs all have abilities that do both control and damage.

    This has been my experience as well. I've just been chalking it up to not being very good at PvP, but it does seem like if I don't get lucky in those first few moments of a fight, I'm screwed.
    observerer wrote: »
    Why cant I insta-kill boss with 25% HP?

    Because it scales by percent HP missing, not absolute numbers of HP missing. Even if you're getting quadruple normal damage at 25%, that's nowhere near enough to finish the job.
  • agbadehanagbadehan Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    Impossible to catch is your best friend. Also, kiting with cloud of steel is pretty neat too (dodging appropriately is also good to do). Generally I do pretty well but I play my rogue as I believe it should be played, dirty.

    Also, Lurker's assault > Shocking Execution most of the time.
  • gamerman121gamerman121 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The current state of pvp is : if you play bad your gonna get rolled. Play better. There will be times your not paying full attention and a rogue is gonna blow you up, thats your fault. Thats what rogues do. Maybe instead of trying to undo the play style of a strong class, you could could come up with ways for the other classes to be just as strong and fun to play.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    SE gets a 300% damage boost based on how much health is missing.

    The important word here is 'missing'. As in your opponent has to have some health *missing*.... so please explain how you one-shot someone who's already been shot.

    Just because there are a lot of posts whining about it doesn't make it any more OP. You could probably go out and get a coffee before I actually land one on your head, and if I do hit it, I deserved it....so did you.
  • adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    really are people still whining about SE? in lvl60 pvp there are a lot of things that are better and more unfair than that... really, enfeeblement + iceknife crit 2shots anyone in seconds and from an 80' range. why is no one whining about ray of enfeeblement anyway?

    i play TR and i rarely use SE at all pvp or pve, it's just a filler ability.
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    Rogues kind of suck at end-game PvP (high-end premades at least unless you count smokebomb which is the only thing they are good for). CW's, GF, and even GWF can all smash an equally geared TR in a straight up fight. Yes you can hit a 20k Lashing,and yes you can get a 40k Shocking. But in the end, those are just highlights. Rogues have it tough, they give up damage for CC, and CC for mobility when slotting encounters. GWF's/CWs/GFs all have abilities that do both control and damage.

    It depends on the build the TR has. A TR can easily sit in stealth spamming CoS + tenebrous procs, and takeout a CW or GWF from 100-0 if they don't have soulforged. Followup with 3x impact shot which is a CC that does damage from range.
  • eros1986eros1986 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mate, have you ever tried ray of enfeeblement + icy dagger on your head?
    80 range, and you're dead.
    anyway...pvp is strange in this game, EVERY class has the potential to 3 shot people, I have been slaughter by GF's in 3 shot.
    If you're complaining you're probably under-geared or terribly specced...or maybe both, and I am saying it with no offense or anything mate..
    now that I think about your 11k gs, if you have the talent which increase your power by 100% of the block meter and you got that GS you may have an huge gear problem, a semi well geared GS goes to 12.5k GS at least with that talent.

    anyway I would love to have the daily locked in pvp for all the classes, all of them are insanely OP, specially if you are a CW, you know they can charge the daily out of combat and then instant gib you.
  • morvek01morvek01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    There is absolutely no reason damage should be the same in pvp as it is in pve. If you think differently then you're an obvious troll or a child that just likes to see big numbers. I have one shot people for 20k+ and I don't agree with it in the least. Players do not have the same health as a mob and that should be reflected in pvp mechanics. Currently it is not. Cryptic needs to mitigate the damage by 60-80% in pvp so that strategy comes into play vs the zerg playstyle that is rampant now.
    If you can't be constructive in your criticism, go back to world-of-whiners.
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    morvek01 wrote: »
    There is absolutely no reason damage should be the same in pvp as it is in pve. If you think differently then you're an obvious troll or a child that just likes to see big numbers. I have one shot people for 20k+ and I don't agree with it in the least. Players do not have the same health as a mob and that should be reflected in pvp mechanics. Currently it is not. Cryptic needs to mitigate the damage by 60-80% in pvp so that strategy comes into play vs the zerg playstyle that is rampant now.

    I must say I disagree strongly. Hard damage is what makes this PvP exceedingly fun.

    Battery is low, so short answer. And you must be child or troll to not respect different opinions, but attack them already in advance.
  • morvek01morvek01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    xratas wrote: »
    I must say I disagree strongly. Hard damage is what makes this PvP exceedingly fun.

    Battery is low, so short answer. And you must be child or troll to not respect different opinions, but attack them already in advance.

    you must be one of "those" high end players that value the mindless 1-2 hit kill vs actually having to play your class effectively for a win. that's fun to you and a very small % of players. try thinking about the player community health at large and not just yourself.
    If you can't be constructive in your criticism, go back to world-of-whiners.
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    morvek01 wrote: »
    you must be one of "those" high end players that value the mindless 1-2 hit kill vs actually having to play your class effectively for a win. that's fun to you and a very small % of players. try thinking about the player community health at large and not just yourself.

    I've always liked games where death is swift. And I know I'm not alone in that. You are free to disagree, but it is hard to say your opinion is better or more right than mine.

    In my world there is no point in using weapons, if the result represents a drunken brawl. I want things dead when I hit them with my sword. And if someone gets to hit me first, I fully expect to die first if I stand there taking the hit.

    Only thing that reduces this a bit, is bad lag issues. It is hard to time things well, when you lag half a second behind.

    There are dozens of MMO's with boring hitpoint bleeding mechanics, please let something different live too? Think others than youreself, you already have PvP for your tastes. I think WoW would suit you well? I never tried that though, so couldn't be sure.
  • phantomtempestphantomtempest Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    morvek01 wrote: »
    you must be one of "those" high end players that value the mindless 1-2 hit kill vs actually having to play your class effectively for a win. that's fun to you and a very small % of players. try thinking about the player community health at large and not just yourself.

    I wonder then why you and the other % are still playing this game. You know, you can always go back to WoW where fights take hours when both of the side has huge amounts of Resilience.
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I wonder then why you and the other % are still playing this game. You know, you can always go back to WoW where fights take hours when both of the side has huge amounts of Resilience.

    Don't forget the healbots that save baddies all the times because they overextended. When my arena games were approaching 20+ minutes, that's when I decided to quit.
  • reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    just because someone can kill someone else does not make them OP, its called tactics and strategy i have been 1 shotted by just about every class, i just shrug it off and if i see someone play well i congratulate them i dont go ooh your playing an OP class.

    Just a side note the pvp as it is you don't really need to interact with anyone, you can see where the people are and avoid them and go for one of the other circles.

    The whole idea of domination is who has the most circles under their control, sure killing people does get you more glory but it doesn't win you the match
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Am i the only seeing the range of the abillity is a issue aswell, i mean, i can't dodge that skill on a Cleric or GWF. And pretty much all my interupts have longer animation time then this abillity except for Roar wich is a really bad skill to slot in pvp for just dealing with TR's.
    Also the latest cookie cutter spec every TR's doing with standing in Stealth and Trow Daggers, then smokebomb stack some dots and followed by Impossible to Catch, stack some dots, back into stealth throw daggers, and by then AP is full Daily if the target hasn't died from dots yet. The TR's is by far the hardest class to kill in this game, and also the one that hit the hardest. There's no sence in this. It's supose to be a melee class with low defence that can take out a caster pretty quick if the sircumstances are right. Not be able to solo 3 players from stealth. Any attack should break stealth, and that Impossible to Catch abillity needs to have TR's all actions disable when used, I'm pretty sure it's meant as a getaway skill not being used as 5 second godmode.
  • therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    Am i the only seeing the range of the abillity is a issue aswell, i mean, i can't dodge that skill on a Cleric or GWF. And pretty much all my interupts have longer animation time then this abillity except for Roar wich is a really bad skill to slot in pvp for just dealing with TR's.
    Also the latest cookie cutter spec every TR's doing with standing in Stealth and Trow Daggers, then smokebomb stack some dots and followed by Impossible to Catch, stack some dots, back into stealth throw daggers, and by then AP is full Daily if the target hasn't died from dots yet. The TR's is by far the hardest class to kill in this game, and also the one that hit the hardest. There's no sence in this. It's supose to be a melee class with low defence that can take out a caster pretty quick if the sircumstances are right. Not be able to solo 3 players from stealth. Any attack should break stealth, and that Impossible to Catch abillity needs to have TR's all actions disable when used, I'm pretty sure it's meant as a getaway skill not being used as 5 second godmode.

    This spec scares me, as a GF, there's nothing I can really do but just run, or get a lucky knockdown.
    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
  • honoraryorangehonoraryorange Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The other issue is you are incorrect about one thing: You cannot dodge this ability, it always hits. So basically it is a 100% kill shot on anybody at half health or under. You can't dodge it or block it or have a low randomized number like you can with the other big hitters. You just die.
  • terrorshardterrorshard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This spec scares me, as a GF, there's nothing I can really do but just run, or get a lucky knockdown.

    Yeah no real answer for it.
  • knyneknyne Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    Am i the only seeing the range of the abillity is a issue aswell, i mean, i can't dodge that skill on a Cleric or GWF. And pretty much all my interupts have longer animation time then this abillity except for Roar wich is a really bad skill to slot in pvp for just dealing with TR's.
    Also the latest cookie cutter spec every TR's doing with standing in Stealth and Trow Daggers, then smokebomb stack some dots and followed by Impossible to Catch, stack some dots, back into stealth throw daggers, and by then AP is full Daily if the target hasn't died from dots yet. The TR's is by far the hardest class to kill in this game, and also the one that hit the hardest. There's no sence in this. It's supose to be a melee class with low defence that can take out a caster pretty quick if the sircumstances are right. Not be able to solo 3 players from stealth. Any attack should break stealth, and that Impossible to Catch abillity needs to have TR's all actions disable when used, I'm pretty sure it's meant as a getaway skill not being used as 5 second godmode.

    lol /10chars
  • gosugoosegosugoose Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It depends on the build the TR has. A TR can easily sit in stealth spamming CoS + tenebrous procs, and takeout a CW or GWF from 100-0 if they don't have soulforged. Followup with 3x impact shot which is a CC that does damage from range.

    I am talking about the class purely as a class. Not with gimmicky builds relying on enchants.
  • lowe911lowe911 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    scratch39 wrote: »

    You've heard it all before but I just have to say it. No class should be able to hit another player who is well geared > 11k GS from the front (no combat advantage) and one shot them. Course there is a number of variables that you can incorporate with the above statement. So I ask the reader to use whats termed 'Common Sense'.

    Shocking Execution:
    Range: 30
    Description: Leap up and strike with a vicious attack that ignores your targets' defense and deals additional damage based an how much health they are missing.
    Note: As this skill currently stands its Over Powered. There are huge numbers of posts about this ability. Stupid crits recorded against other players in multiple videos. Being able to almost one shot opposing players in pvp was never intended. Remember this ability only hits hard when your remaining HP's are low. In the mechanic of this ability a calculation will be made just prior to damage.

    Example Calculation:
    • (HP's total / Remaining HP's) * Base Damage = overall damage.

    Character on Half Life:
    Assumed Base Damage: 5k
    Example Calculation: (30k / 15k ) = 2 * base damage.
    Overall Damage: 10k Damage

    Character on Quarter Life:
    Assumed Base Damage: 5k
    Example Calculation: (30k / 7.5k ) = 4 * base damage.
    Overall Damage: 20k Damage

    Suggested Changes:

    • Change 1: Reduce the range of the ability to 10. 30 is stupid and if you don't have dodge (GF's don't) block is a terrible alternative as abilities get locked down .. dodge does not.
    • Change 2: Factor in an amount of the players defense attribute in the calculation. I'm fine with an ability doing 100k if it doesn't kill me from >50% remaining HP's. Currently the ability doesn't factor in this attribute.

    What would this mean?

    Range Change:
    Smaller area of effect. You have to be up close and personal to use the ability. This change wont make much difference to the rogue community but might make a small difference to the players that try and dodge and fail to as the rogues hits you from 30' away.

    Factor in Defense: Take Guardian Fighters for instance. Never intended as primary DPS, rather a tanking class and an ability can smash through them without a care in the world. Yeah its called an execute but please. Factor in a percentage of the defense attribute of the player. If you have 10k defense and have decided that you want to play a defensive individual fair enough. Don't expect to kill much but don't also expect to get two shotted in PVP with end game gear.

    I would be interested to hear what other players thoughts are about this ability. For those players who like to jump in with both feet and provide nothing constructive to a conversation.. leave your words in your heads guys.

    I agree with his second to the last statement... I have a defensive GF and I love that character! but getting killed by that skill just like that, ignoring all the items that I picked out in order to have a good defense rate, that's just annoying, yes the skill can be blocked, but what if your guard got broken, it's a quick kill for TR's with Shocking Execution all charged up :<
  • therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    I am talking about the class purely as a class. Not with gimmicky builds relying on enchants.

    I think it's still a valid point, since at top tier, everyone stacks tenebrous and plague fire enchants. It's hardly gimmicky.
    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    I am talking about the class purely as a class. Not with gimmicky builds relying on enchants.

    Even without tenebrous procs, a TR can still take someone down with just spamming CoS from stealth, hit impossible to catch before stealth ends to be completely immune to any damage for five seconds and then get you with 3x impact shot.

    With the right enchants you'll just die quicker.

    With your comment about gimmicky builds... I guess it's ok for a CW to stack 6x greater tenebrous, hit you with ray of enfeeblement from 80 range and melt someone in seconds? Or how about a GF stacked with tenebrous and two-shotting someone with their stunlock combo?

    Almost everyone runs around with "gimmicky builds that rely on enchants", so get off your high horse please. It's only gimmicky because everyone hates a TR CoS spamming from stealth right? lol
  • damianessdamianess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 283 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I think it's still a valid point, since at top tier, everyone stacks tenebrous and plague fire enchants. It's hardly gimmicky.

    This guy understands, bravo. Thank you.
  • erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thread title should be 'PvP - Ray of Enfeeblement/ice knife'.
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The other issue is you are incorrect about one thing: You cannot dodge this ability, it always hits. So basically it is a 100% kill shot on anybody at half health or under. You can't dodge it or block it or have a low randomized number like you can with the other big hitters. You just die.

    You are mistaken. It misses, a lot. It's easily interruptible and has enough windup time for you to get a coffee before you have to move.
  • clawsandeffectclawsandeffect Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Okay, you've established that it scales by how much health you are already missing.

    Using your "assumed base damage" of 5k, I will also assume my target has 20k health when full.

    At half health, the bonus damage is enough to kill them. But, they were already half dead to begin with. That's not "one-shotting" someone. That's finishing off someone who was already half dead.

    At a quarter health, sure, you do 20k damage to them. BUT....If the base damage is 5k, and full health is 20k, then the base damage ALONE would have been enough to kill them. That extra 15k damage? Completely wasted because it is 15k more than you needed to kill your target.

    It's not overpowered. It's a power that does massive overkill to people that are already almost dead. If it did that kind of damage when your target is at full health, maybe you'd have a case for it being overpowered. But it doesn't, and you've admitted that it doesn't. Not sure why you'd argue something and then proceed to destroy your own argument attempting to prove your point, but that's exactly what you just did.
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