This post is intended to compile the formula behind Neverwinters stats and effects for use in theorycrafting.
Last updated 2013-07-29, may not be updated from this point.Power
Power Tooltip = Power*0.04
This formula is largely irrelevant, you can convert power directly to ability damage without multiplying it by 0.04 first.
The power coefficient varies per damaging ability (see Abilities Damage) but they all scale in a linear way with one exception that I've found so far: the Control wizards Ice Storm has diminishing returns from power.
Therefore the value of power depends on the abilities you're using and how often you use them.
Critical Strike
Critical Chance Tooltip = 28.8*CriticalStike^1.2/(LevelConstant+CriticalStrike^1.2)
Critical Chance % = 0.05+StatBonus+FeatBonus+0.288*CriticalStike^1.2/(LevelConstant+CriticalStrike^1.2)
...where the level constant for level 60 is between 10185 and 10187.Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration Tooltip = 35.72*ArmorPenetration^1.88/(LevelConstant+ArmorPenetration^1.88)
Targets Mitigation % = Mitigation-StatBonus-ArmorPenetrationTooltip*(1+FeatBonus)
...where the level constant for level 60 is between 1225377 and 1225660.
Your % of Armor Penetration subtracts directly from the targets mitigation to a minimum of 0 mitigation. Abilities effects stack, are applied after Armor Penetration and can reduce the targets mitigation into negative numbers. See PvE mitigation info in post #2.
Recovery Tooltip = 36*Recovery^1.5/(LevelConstant+Recovery^1.5)
Encounter Ability Cooldown Time = InitialCooldownTime/(1+StatBonus+FeatBonus+0.36*Recovery^1.5/(LevelConstant+Recovery^1.5))
Action Point Gain % = 1+StatBonus+FeatBonus+0.36*Recovery^1.5/(LevelConstant+Recovery^1.5)
...where the level constant for level 60 is between 102309 and 102311.Defense
Defense Tooltip = 49.99*Defense/(LevelConstant+Defense)
Damage Resistance % = (0.005*(ArmorClass-10)+0.4999*Defense/(LevelConstant+Defense)*(1+FeatBonus))+AbilityBonus
...where level constant for level 60 is 1643.6.
The combined Damage Resistance from AC, Defense and abilities cap at 80% mitigation, with the exception of those abilities that always mitigate 100% of the damage.
Deflect Tooltip = 30.8*Deflect^1.4/(LevelConstant+Deflect^1.4)
Deflect Chance % = StatBonus+0.308*Deflect^1.4/(LevelConstant+Deflect^1.4)
Deflected Amount = 50% of damage remaining after Damage Resistance is applied.
...where level constant for level 60 is between 41957 and 41977.
Deflection is not affected by the 80% Damage Resistance cap mentioned above and as such can increase total mitigation to 90% on deflected attacks.
Regeneration Tooltip = 20.77*Regeneration^1.3/(LevelConstant+Regeneration^1.3)
% of Lost Health Regenerated Every 3 Seconds = 0.2077*Regeneration^1.3/(LevelConstant+Regeneration^1.3)
...where the level constant for level 60 is 12938.
Regeneration heals a % of the health you have lost, not your total health. It is also capped at 50% health lost, so you will never gain more than half the amount on the tooltip.
Life Steal
Life Steal Tooltip = 20.5*LifeSteal^1.3/(LevelConstant+LifeSteal^1.3)
% Of Damage Gained As Hit Points = 0.205*LifeSteal^1.3/(LevelConstant+LifeSteal^1.3)
...where the level constant for level 60 is between 12710 and 12713.Movement
Movement Tooltip = 31*Movement^1.4/(LevelConstant+Movement^1.4)
Run Speed % = 1 + 0.31*Movement^1.4/(LevelConstant+Movement^1.4)
...where the level constant for level 60 is between 42286 and 42340.Ability Damage
Abilities Damage Tooltip Minimum = (BaseDamage+Power*PowerCoefficient+MinWeaponDamage*WeaponCoefficient)*(1+StatBonus)*(1+FeatBonus)*(1+BonusFrom#OfPoints)
Abilities Damage Tooltip Maximum = (BaseDamage+Power*PowerCoefficient+MaxWeaponDamage*WeaponCoefficient)*(1+StatBonus)*(1+FeatBonus)*(1+BonusFrom#OfPoints)
Abilities Minimum Damage = (BaseDamage+Power*PowerCoefficient+MinWeaponDamage*WeaponCoefficient)*(1+StatBonus)*(1+FeatBonus)*(1+BonusFrom#OfPoints)*(1-TargetsMitigation)
Abilities Maximum Damage = (BaseDamage+Power*PowerCoefficient+MaxWeaponDamage*WeaponCoefficient)*(1+StatBonus)*(1+FeatBonus)*(1+BonusFrom#OfPoints)*(1-TargetsMitigation)
The BaseDamage, PowerCofficient and WeaponCoefficient varies per damaging ability, and there are some rare exceptions where the scaling in non-linear (just Ice Storm so far).
Critical Severity and Combat Advantage
Critical Severity = 0.75 + RaceBonus + FeatBonus + AbilityBonus
Critical Strike Damage = AbilitiesDamage*CriticalSeverity
Combat Advantage Damage = AbilitiesDamage*(1+0.15*(1+StatBonus))
Critical and Combat Advantage Damage = AbilitiesDamage*((1+0.15*(1+StatBonus))+CriticalSeverity)
The information above is a work in progress. You can help with this project by:
1) Posting your tooltip information if you have large amounts of Life Steal or Movement.
2) Posting your tooltip information of any stat that does not fit a formula.
3) If you're not a Control Wizard, see if you can fit a Power Coefficient and Weapon Damage Coefficient to all your abilities.
There is a combat log parsing program here:
Enemies are Level 62 in Tier 1 and level 65 in Tier 2. This does not affect their mitigation.
(Have not yet tested Castle Never)
Bosses 24% mitigation
Brutes 20% or 22% mitigation
Strikers and Leaders 16.2% or 18% mitigation
Minions 14.4% mitigation
Controllers and Ranged Strikers 12.8% or 14% mitigation
So in PvE Armor Penetration starts to soft cap at 12.8% and hard caps at 24%. Other effects that reduce the targets mitigation don't seem to have a cap, I've so far seen enemies go as low as -132% defenses (2.32 times base damage).
Some ability scores are additive to you Armor Penetration %, for Great Weapon Fighters it's Con and for Guardian Fighters it's Dex. They reduce an enemies mitigation by an additional 1% per point of Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) over 10.
Tier 2 boss, 24% mitigation. You have 15 Constitution on your Great Weapon Fighter so that reduces his mitigation to 19%.
You also have 1853 Armor Penetration? Great, that's another 19% reducing the bosses mitigation to 0.
Your enemies in PvE have mitigation ranging from 12.8% (e.g. archer trash mobs) to 24% (e.g. all bosses), so how much Armor Penetration do you need?
For every class except GWF and GF, between 1271 and 2536 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 15, between 879 and 1854 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 16, between 802 and 1747 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 17, between 724 and 1646 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 18, between 643 and 1550 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 19, between 559 and 1459 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 20, between 467 and 1371 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 21, between 364 and 1287 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 22, between 233 and 1206 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 23, between 0 and 1126 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 24, between 0 and 1048 for 12.8% to 24%
Con (GWF) or Dex (GF) of 25, between 0 and 971 for 12.8% to 24%
Additionally the Great Weapon Fighter Heroic Feat called Constitution Focus gives a 15% bonus to their Armor Penetration bonus from Constitution. e.g. 15 Con gives 5.75% Armor Penetration instead of 5%.
Block Mechanics for Guardian Fighter
Block is not reported accurately in the Combat Log which makes it difficult to test so some of the numbers above are approximate rather than exact, although they are still accurate enough to be useful.
Lord Gallen the combat designer has reported that both Shield Talent and Sheildmaster are working correctly, with the following quirks:
Since the amount of the Guard Meter removed from blocking very large attacks is a capped percentage (~18%), increasing the size of the Guard Meter does not improve the number of very large attacks you can block. They will still cap at 18% of the new total.
While Shieldmaster does work, it in not actually bound to Shield Talent. You do not need Shield Talent to gain this bonus.
Stealth Mechanics for Trickster Rogue
(Mostly stolen without permission from l0th4ri0 HERE)
If you want some raw data, Level 60 Human Wizard, 'un-specd'. Tooltip data only. (Ray of Frost tooltip is 'power bugged')
If that doesn't copy/paste well, let me know.
What method did you use to ascertain the values above? For example discovering that most of the stat percentages like Critical Strike, Armour Penetration, etc rely on Level Constants and stats raised to a power. I'm impressed.
Here's my current new numbers for your research:
*Per point calculation is just the boost (bonus) amount divided by the points.
** I'm a level 60 Trickster Rogue.
Here's a comparison of my new and old numbers for Critical Strike, Armor Penetration, Deflection, and Rengeration:
Could you elaborate on Flanking Damage? What is the StatBonus it's being multiplied by? Where does Charisma's bonus come in? I have 21 Charisma which gives +11% Combat Advantage damage. I assumed that meant I would deal an extra 11% damage during combat advantage, but if that formula is correct (assuming "StatBonus" is this bonus from Charisma) then Combat Advantage is completely worthless.
Someone would just need to test how the stat bonuses are working. If they are a flat +Bonus or if they are a % of the base value. Meaning 10% of 10 = 1 vs. 10% + 10% = 20%
If the rating does scale with your level, yeah my old data was taken while I was leveling up. I wasn't aware of that.
Yes exactly, and the more data points I get for a given stat the smaller I can make that range. I've tried working out a formula for the level constant but I can never get something that's exact. I believe the true formula may include a small increase at the start of the equation in the format:
Critical Chance Tooltip = (A + level*B)*CriticalStike^1.2/((C+level^D)+CriticalStrike^1.2)
Which makes it brutal to work out, especially when you consider......
Trial and error. Seriously it was painful finding formulas that fit. The level constant is apparent when you level up and find that your gear now gives you less benefit (only apparent sometimes because of the rounding). I figured out the basic design of the fomula from the unusual shape of the curve, stats increase in value initially before diminishing.
Y = X^A/(B+X^A).
Other than that, collecting lots of data and plugging in numbers until they worked. I tried doing the same with the level constant but it's super hard and not important enough for the effort. You don't need to min/max your level 10 GWF.
If you mean data points that don't match the fomulas I don't have any, because when I find one I fix the formula (please send me data points that don't work!). If you mean the tolerances for the constants, I haven't worked them out exactly except for the working range of level constants. Regen, Movement and Life Steal will need a tweak for high amounts if I can get that data, and the exact damage bonus of Combat Advantage is probably within 1% (15% +/- 1%).
Sorry I should have written Combat Advantage Damage there, Flanking is what the combat log calls it. Fixed!
Combat Advantage Damage = AbilitiesDamage*(1+0.15*StatBonus)
I have 21 Charisma and I'm getting maybe 1% extra DPS from that supposed 11% bonus to Combat Advantage damage. Disappointing isn't it? CA is not useless, it's about 15% more damage, but the CA boost from Charisma sucks e.g. 15% x 11% = 16.65%
For Defense I have the same equation, and that fit is so nice, one could consider it the exact formula used by the devs.
For Crit, I have had quite some issues both with my Formula and also with yours. Don't get me wrong, you can fit any equation to any data and that is not the problem. My problem is that there seem to be a cap for crit with your formula at 28.8 which is such a random value that I do not believe this formula to be the actual one used. In my regression, which uses a different equation, I get a nice value of 25%, however, some data points are missed by an error of up to 0.3%. I think some of these need to be revisited with better modelling than what we have got here.
I'm punching random numbers with your formula, and it's pretty fun. All of the formula looks similar in diminishing values except Power and Armor Penetration. Power is straight forward but Armor penetration is more enigmatic and complex then the other stats.
For starters, armor penetrations seems to become more efficient as you gain more stats due to having (1.225 million level constant) which your math and theblitzwing00's numbers indicate.
Then I read Trickshaw's post about resistance ignored and how it's suppose to multiply GF and GWF's total armor penetration.
So what he's stating is if you have "10% resistance ignored from Dex or Con" and "20% armor penetration" you end up with approximately of 22% armor penetration or "Armor Penetration+(Armor Penetration*Resistance ignored)"
So presuming both of you guys are right, and I have 6% resistance ignored for my Guardian Fighter. Does this mean I should aim for a total amount of 2070 armor penetration to reach 22% armor penetration, or did I failed middle-school level math?
OK I see what you are aiming for here, but that formula isn't actually accurate. 15% x 11% => 0.15 x 0.11 = 0.0165 => 1.65%. You're just taking 11% of 15%. What you are looking for is +11% of 15%, which should be written as 0.15 x (1 + StatBonus). This gives you 0.15 x 1.11 = 0.1665 => 16.65% that you are looking for. The formula should read:
Combat Advantage Damage = AbilitiesDamage*(1+0.15*(1+StatBonus))
I understand that, but the formula's not wrong just because it's not neat any more than it's correct because it fits the points I have. The important thing is that's working, and the best we have.
That crit formula fits all 23 points I have from level 60, and another 151 points I collected at different levels from 5 to 59. If I find a single point that doesn't fit (after narrowing the level constant), that's when I'll know my formula is wrong and find a better one.
Yes! Fixed, and thanks.
I agree with 'freehugs9' on this one, I have collated from different sources 40 data points for Crit and when I use his formula for level 60 every point faills within +/- 0.05 which is what the tooltip would round to.
It might not look pretty and rounded but it works and actually could be the exact formula that the devs use also. It may be that someone with some math knowledge came up with the basic formula for Diminishing Returns on Stats [Coefficient*StatRating^Power/(LevelConstant+StatRating^Power)] and the devs just change the 3 constants of LevelConstant, the stat coefficient [28.8 for Crit] and the power[1.2 for crit] to balance the stats as they see fit.
The movement formula still needs data as does the life steal formula for amounts over 1000 but the rest are reasonably refined.
TheBlitzWing00! I can't believe I didn't look at your numbers sooner. I've just entered them in and thanks to you, refined the level constants for crit, armor penetration, defense, deflect and life steal.
There are two numbers though that don't seem to fit, are you able to double check these two for me?
Deflect Boost
125 0.3
250 0.9
They're both way less than smaller amounts I had already recorded e.g. 116 = 0.6% and 245 = 1.5%.
Yet all your other Deflect numbers fit very neatly.
Onodrak, yes I really do want some raw data and just figured out how to get it usefully into Excel. It will take me some time to go through but thanks.
Offensively, I have heard that Armor Penetration basically has a hard cap which depends on the specific mob you are facing and as such it is good to get it up to the hard cap and then leave it alone. This leaves Power, Critical and Recovery. Could you please meld the formulas you have developed to show average damage per second as a function of Power, Critical, Recovery, Power Ability Score (changes with class I think), Crit Ability Score (Str I think), Recovery Ability Score (Cha and Int?), Feat Bonuses, Ability Base Damage, Ability Power Coefficient and Ability Weapon Coefficient?
I was planning to do this myself but you have developed such a good model I thought you may want to take it further. From there if you take the derivative of this function with respect to Power, Critical and Recovery you will respectively get the formula of rate of change of average DPS with respect to Power, Critical and Recovery. If you need help with this I am happy to do so.
With these three formula a spreadsheet or webapp can easily be made which will take the player's ability scores and stats as input and produce three numbers (per ability used) indicating how much DPS will be gained for an increase of one point of Power, Crit or Recovery. This would of course need to be in a table of the class's abilities. I am happy to help develop this as a spreadsheet. This would answer the simple (but hard to answer) question that everyone keeps asking, how much power, crit and recovery should I stack?
Similarly, for defensive skills we have defense, deflect and health. From these three terms perhaps you would find the formula which describes effective health (EH) which is basically EH = Displayed Health / (1 - Damage Resistance) / (1 - Deflect Chance * Deflect Amount). From there taking the derivative with respect to Defense, Deflect Chance and Health will give the formulas we need to directly compare these three stats effectively.
Food for thought if you have the time which unfortunately I do not. Also you have done such an excellent job I thought the credit for developing these formula should be yours. Happy to assist at any point though.
Starman, I suppose a full damage/healing/tanking calculator for every class is the ultimate goal but we've still got a way to go before it's viable. I (or someone) still need to test and determine:
1) How different damage boosting feats stack with each other.
2) How the damage bonus from Ranking up an ability stacks with the attribute damage bonus.
3) How much mitigation targets have in different Tiers of PvE and for different classes in PvP
4) Does Armor Penetration apply separately to effects that lower the targets defense? (the hypothesis is that it does but I'm yet to see good testing)
5) How PvE targets greater level interacts with your stats (e.g. is it calculating your crit rate at your level or at the targets level?)
6) Depending the answer to #5 we may need to determine to way stats scale for levels
7) The base damage plus power and weapon damage/healing coefficients for every ability
8) The cast/animation time and base cooldown before Recovery for each ability
9) The Action point gain system for each class
10) The Determination gain for Great Weapon Fighters (I think Trickshaw may have already done this)
11) The Divinity gain for Divine Clerics
12) The way block is built and diminished for Guardian Fighters
13) God knows what else I haven't thought of
(Note: Before anyone starts responding to the things on this list, I'm not interested in opinions only tests and data).
Then if we want to be really clever we'll figure out how threat works and build a database of level 60 gear.
Anyone can build a rough DPS calculator without all of this but it wont be me. I'll be busy slowly ticking things off my list so that other people can make more and more accurate calculators. That's actually my intention here, to enable other people to build better characters and hopefully share their knowledge.
If you don't mind though, I will most likely come back here when I have done so to ask your opinion and to error-check it, I hope you won't mind. Simply put, I respect your grasp of the game's mechanics that has come from observation, data-collection and model-testing. A sound approach.
Sounds good Starman, but don't get too stuck into it until after the game goes live because there's a class patch/update coming.
crt and arp is easy because we have a clear relationship between input (points) and output (dmg). But power is still a mystery...