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oxiactionoxiaction Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hello my friends!

First off: This is no whine thread - I just want some informations which determite if I stay or not. Also english is not my mature language - so be nice pls :)

Can someone please put out some information about new Content Patches in this game? Because me ( and my Guild Members ) have seen everything 50x and we really dont know what to do atm except twinking. The result is, that many people have quit NW because its just boring grinding CN 6x each day...

And the foundry doesnt fill the gap because - to be honest - the most missions in there are just HAMSTER. The loot is HAMSTER. Are there bossfights? Havent seen anything yet. Can u upload your own Maya / 3DsMax Modells? Own textures? Own bossfights scripts? Its just reused objects in there. No real "user-content".

We also want some serious boss-fights with complex mechanics - maybe hardmodes for progress Guilds like us who want to raid 10h/day. Not only tons of adds which need to be CCed.

Well, and now we are asking ourself: Is it worth waiting? How long ( aprox. ) will it take? Or should we just proceed to the next game? Me - as the Guild Leader - quitting this game, would result in quitting most of the Guild Members.

Some Information would be really great as we all LOVE this game, and want to stay - but we ( and I think many others ) need a little carrot in front of our mouth :D

Greetings, Alexika

PS: When speaking for myself, I think the most thing what I miss, is just a challenge. A target. I need something to do :D And even things like: "The best ingame weapon ( even better then CN ) for 4000 drake seals" - I would be totally fine with such targets. Or best ingame Weapon for 100k honor ( for the PvP folks ). I just need something to-do :) A long term target which I can not archive in one day - like almost everything else in this game. I hope u know what I mean and thanks for listening.
Post edited by oxiaction on


  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree that this can be an issue for some people. I hope they have something in the works to correct it.
  • oxiactionoxiaction Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    skalt112 wrote: »
    I agree that this can be an issue for some people. I hope they have something in the works to correct it.

    Thanks for your support! :)

    Another idea I just had, is releasing some kind of "milestone-list" with an approximate timeline. This would be also great for people who are now quitting the game, as they would know when to visit it again and would saves many players.

    Greetings, Alexika
  • some1inatreesome1inatree Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, in terms of new content. Gauntlgrym and the so-called "Module 1" are the next major content updates. No actual release schedule yet thoguh.
  • oxiactionoxiaction Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    Well, in terms of new content. Gauntlgrym and the so-called "Module 1" are the next major content updates. No actual release schedule yet thoguh.

    A timeline for this would be epic! Maybe someone from Cryptic can giv us some answers? But it seems like the mods arent commenting anything in forums atm...
  • xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oxiaction wrote: »
    A timeline for this would be epic! Maybe someone from Cryptic can giv us some answers? But it seems like the mods arent commenting anything in forums atm...

    the state of the game post that was made like a week ago said that gauntlegrym would be out in a few weeks. there is no info beyond that for a time frame.

  • nullwolf1nullwolf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Regarding the Foundry.
    We can't put in bosses at this time. The best we can do is Elites. We can take say and Elite hexer and toss a costume on them to appear as something else. The Foundry is another work in progress, but there are several EXCELLENT foundry quests out there if you look. Some people are working on putting old AD&D modules into the foundry. One author is recreating Castle Ravenloft (and his screen shots are AWESOME). COLOR="#008000"]Chapter 1: Journey to Barovia[/COLOR] - [COLOR="#FF8C00"]NW-DMHM6HXH5[/COLOR
    (He also has a Foundry quest designed for a full party of 5.) And there are plenty more, you just have to sift through the hack-n-slash grindfests etc...

    As for loot, we can't put chests in, and since there are no real bosses, no boss-level drops.
    We're hoping after they patch exploits / bugs and release Module 1, that they'll add more options to the Foundry, but they have to be careful, since there will be people that create useless loot fests etc... if they have the chance.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    I agreed, D&D world is vast, even compare it to every MMO known know, well, it is old. rather than like some people that say the game got easy Exp., I prefer to say the content is not enough. Imagine if we can go to other city like Amn, Waterdeep, or even Baldur's Gate, which like neverwinter have game for the city itself. yea, I know, the game name after one of the city of Forgotten Realms, Neverwinter, but it doesn't mean it have to stop there right?.

    for classes, I always wonder why in this game the class almost work as non-focus all-rounder. GF/GWF is a swordman, yea, only one wielding big sword while the other can bring a shield but still not true defender or hard-hitter, I know it is not a berserker or barbarian but still, half damage and half speed?, no wonder some player pissed-off by the fighter class. other classes too, half mass control and half glass-canon, half-healer and half-dps (with so many DoT I still question the name of Cleric, its more like War Priest). Rogue? at least not half, but still a quarter of something. I'm not saying all-rounder is bad, but it "poisoning" the R-faction in the game.

    perhaps my comment more like a whining, and I'm sorry for that. I'm still playing, don't worry, I see good potential in it, especially different model on action battle style, no mana and no "normal attack". hope its not end up like one of the game I love to, called Soulmaster, a great potential game too but lack in development, ended "death" couple years back. well, thats from me.
  • cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    The foundry was suppose to fill the gap but they have limited it to much for anyone the actually make a full adventure for people to play through since to many people want to exploit it even though they have to be approved before published.
  • oxiactionoxiaction Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    Even if the foundry would be powerfull enough to enable boss fights or stuff like this, I would still expect Cryptic to produce and release new content - which isnt happening atm. They cant take the foundry as a excuse for not producing late-game content. This wont work! So my wish is, to let us know when new QUALITY content is released. I dont doubt that there are some people releasing quality foundries, but its still too limited and hard to find out whats good and what not. And Its just more common to say to the guildies "hey lets raid the hardest instance" then "hey lets look for a foundry with lots of - maybe good - texts and stories which we actually arent really interested in, as we just want to do hardcore pve and bossfights with proper loot". I still have faith in Cryptic - but we need informations.

    Thanks to all for the contribution though ;)

  • pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oxiaction wrote: »
    Hello my friends!

    First off: This is no whine thread - I just want some informations which determite if I stay or not. Also english is not my mature language - so be nice pls :)

    Can someone please put out some information about new Content Patches in this game? Because me ( and my Guild Members ) have seen everything 50x and we really dont know what to do atm except twinking. The result is, that many people have quit NW because its just boring grinding CN 6x each day...

    And the foundry doesnt fill the gap because - to be honest - the most missions in there are just HAMSTER. The loot is HAMSTER. Are there bossfights? Havent seen anything yet. Can u upload your own Maya / 3DsMax Modells? Own textures? Own bossfights scripts? Its just reused objects in there. No real "user-content".

    We also want some serious boss-fights with complex mechanics - maybe hardmodes for progress Guilds like us who want to raid 10h/day. Not only tons of adds which need to be CCed.

    Well, and now we are asking ourself: Is it worth waiting? How long ( aprox. ) will it take? Or should we just proceed to the next game? Me - as the Guild Leader - quitting this game, would result in quitting most of the Guild Members.

    Some Information would be really great as we all LOVE this game, and want to stay - but we ( and I think many others ) need a little carrot in front of our mouth :D

    Greetings, Alexika

    PS: When speaking for myself, I think the most thing what I miss, is just a challenge. A target. I need something to do :D And even things like: "The best ingame weapon ( even better then CN ) for 4000 drake seals" - I would be totally fine with such targets. Or best ingame Weapon for 100k honor ( for the PvP folks ). I just need something to-do :) A long term target which I can not archive in one day - like almost everything else in this game. I hope u know what I mean and thanks for listening.
    Sorry man but if you played the game like an adventure and not a race, you would still be playing the original content.
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
  • oxiactionoxiaction Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    pzzdachu wrote: »
    Sorry man but if you played the game like an adventure and not a race, you would still be playing the original content.

    You are right. I had a lot of fun in a short amount of time and I am thankfull for this game and every minute I spent with it. But now I want nothing more, than a piece of information for the future plans they have and the aprox. release timings. I m not complaining in any way about the current state. I hope you can understand what I mean and I think I am not the only one with this situation.

  • pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I understand, but the game has not even been fully released and you are one of many who have "finished" the in game content already. It should be some time for an expansion to hit the servers if the DEVs know whats good for them. Rushing things has allowed all the exploits we have been seeing.
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
  • highropeshighropes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 103
    edited May 2013
    They no doubt plan on adding new stuff, more classes, content, more modes for PvP, raids, etc..

    The only question is when and IF they manage to do it in a fashion that would not require them to spend next year fixing all new exploits. Remember, this is BETA, regardless the cash shop, the game itself is in beta phase. They need to fix lots of things before adding new content (to avoid what I stated obviously).

    So yeah, I can feel you. I think we just rushed things very hard. The "hardcore" community tends to always be few steps ahead of developers and it is VERY demanding. I suggest you take a break? If you are doing 6x CN per day, chances are you are going to burn out yourself pretty fast. I mean, in ANY game, this is the solid killer to just get everything out of the game as soon as possible. Then you just stare at your monitor like "umm, what now?".. :-)

    See D3, they added 100 paragon levels, because people completly destroyed their content within few days. Neverwinter might need something like this to keep such "hardcore" players interested.
  • oxiactionoxiaction Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    highropes wrote: »
    ...chances are you are going to burn out yourself pretty fast. I mean, in ANY game, this is the solid killer to just get everything out of the game as soon as possible. Then you just stare at your monitor like "umm, what now?".. :-)

    Ye atm its like this:
    You log in, go to the AH - check if u can do some good deals. Afterwards u are thinking about doing an instance or someone of the guildies is asking and you say to yourself "dude... honestly I dont wanna do this instance - done it tons of times and its getting boring". Then excusing to the guildy with a [insert random reason] - loggin off or idling in Protectors Enclave - unless its Dungeon Delves which givs me a little bit more motivation to play instaces :D

    Problem is, I like this game so much - the mechanics, the graphics - everything and ofc my guild. And I want to play it - but I cant see the instances anymore.


  • highropeshighropes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 103
    edited May 2013
    oxiaction wrote: »
    Ye atm its like this:
    You log in, go to the AH - check if u can do some good deals. Afterwards u are thinking about doing an instance or someone of the guildies is asking and you say to yourself "dude... honestly I dont wanna do this instance - done it tons of times and its getting boring". Then excusing with a [insert random reason] - loggin off or idling in Protectors Enclave :D

    Problem is, I like this game so much - the mechanics, the graphics - everything. And I want to play it - but I cant see the instances anymore.



    Try leveling new character?

    Or you can set yourself your own goals.. Like, collect all T2 set items so that you can make profit when changes kick in and certain stuff goes up in price?

    You can try to make weaker groups on purpose to help other people gear up faster and make it more challanging for you at the same time maybe?

    You can do giveaways (yes I play beautiful female DC, she made me play generous lol), that can be VERY satisfying as long as you dedicate some time to it and dont just flat out throw stuff around for other people to pick up.
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