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Patch Notes: NW.1.20130416.42



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    pednickpednick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When are you guys going to fix the Guardian Fighter's "Shield Defense" Feat? I've only put in about 20 tickets now... My GF's AC should be nearing 35 now instead of hovering just under 30. You know what you call a tank without Armor? You don't call them, they just DIE.

    They don't fix classes now because of the PVP whiners, which is just suppose to be a side note to this game, it's an RPG not an FPS, devs, use your brains.
    Be a Leet D00D, can't think of something smart? Always blame the economy.
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    supp1shsupp1sh Member Posts: 55
    edited May 2013
    All the balance changes will come in one fell swoop. No class is in a state where they deserve a hotfix buff.


    how about how 2/3 of the guardian's feats are confirmed broken for weeks? balance, imo, needs to be looked at asap. but the bugs that keep the things currently in place from working HAVE to be fixed asap
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    gumakk555gumakk555 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF/GF are useless and cant be played, so many exploits and bugs in dungeons, still no balance between classes, TR/CW oneshoting ppl, some skills didnt work well and much more all of this stuff reported hundered times... AH YOU HAVE TO MAKE NEW COMPANION INTO ZEN SHOP AND PUT DOUBLE ASTRALS INTO GAME.... go on you loosing players every day... ah i forgot no customer service and tech support. With respect leaving paying customer.
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    zefsgrzefsgr Member Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'll quote Neverwinter state of the game:
    Of course, fixing issues isn’t the only thing we’re doing. We’ve got a lot of new content in the works that we definitely feel will take Neverwinter to the next level. Right now, we’re putting the final touches on some new end game content: Gauntlgrym. It will be our first raid-sized, competitive PvP/PvE experience, and our current goal is to release it to OBT within a few weeks. On top of that, we’ve also got new companions, zones, mounts, mechanics, Paragon Paths, and a new class. I can’t share the details about the new class just yet, but as a hint, it’s going to be a “ranged” one. So, while our engineers, testers, and other team members are addressing maintenance, upkeep, bugs, and network issues, our content creators and artists are working on lots of new things for the game.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aladnis wrote: »
    It's funny how they can take the servers down for 2-3 hours and only patch 3-4 minimal bugs, while completely ignoring the things which are breaking the game for people who play certain classes.

    Or did you not get the reason people are unhappy in this thread?

    Cryptic takes all it's servers down for 2-3 hours on a Thursday for weekly maintenance, consider it lucky that we get patches, most weeks CO just loses the servers for 2-3 hours.
    **edit** Didn't realise patch not happened yet...

    Why not fix for all users? Those of us that have help fund this game purchasing the hero packs should be able to log in.

    Because all users weren't affected by the bug. The fix is targeted at the users who were hit by the bug.
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    aolo6aolo6 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its 11:09 and my game is still not up and running?! WTF!!!!!!!!!
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    delionivercourtdelionivercourt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 86
    edited May 2013
    aolo6 wrote: »
    Its 11:09 and my game is still not up and running?! WTF!!!!!!!!!

    Because your time zone it would be 11:30 as I am guessing your est. Where as mine will be 10:30

    However the servers are up again :)
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    varunvsvarunvs Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ya, ruin GWF even further...thanks guys
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    varunvs wrote: »
    Ya, ruin GWF even further...thanks guys

    Explain how fixing an obvious exploit is ruining the class, in fact I'd make the argument that the people who want the exploit to stay are the ones ruining the class.
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    ocampusmaximusocampusmaximus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 200 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    shadath wrote: »
    Take the infamous GWF complaint. GWF's that actually take advantage of their movement and anti-CC abilities effectively can be very devastating to everyone else. It's a matter of knowing how your class works and what advantages it has, then utilizing those advantages.

    Agree. I have a GWF and love his mobility and control shake-off. Plus we recover HP!
    shadath wrote: »
    Now, that said, I'm not sure about the Guardian Fighter agro bug, as I have not experienced this, but I do not see how GF has a problem blocking; I'm able to just fine on mine. Unless its damage amounts, and I just have not run into that situation yet.

    My wife has a GF and she works wonders in battle, I haven't seen any problem with it so far.

    I just hate Clerics in PvP. My GWF can't kill a DC in one-on-one fights. They heal damned fast, IMO.
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    drayfindrayfin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013


    The game client will no longer get stuck at the loading screen for some users.

    **edit** Didn't realise patch not happened yet...

    Why not fix for all users? Those of us that have help fund this game purchasing the hero packs should be able to log in.

    This post literally made me LOL.

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    yegadsyegads Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nadaclos wrote: »
    Really, you want to create a good game or just a P2W game dress up in a shape of F2P.

    P2W? If I'd have known I could just bribe mobs to look the other way when I'm healing dungeon runs I wouldn't have had to spend all that gold on pots
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    chiefbrexchiefbrex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shadath wrote: »
    While this is a bit harshly phrased, this does make the point fairly clear. There are also other posts further back that explained it, so anyone wanting to cry for GWF buff or TR nerf should go back and read them first, I'm not gonna sit here and quote all of them.

    But that said, the point that this all comes down to is that every class has its strong suits. Just because you don't know how to utilize that classes advantages does not mean that it is nerfed, it just means you don't know how to use its advantages.

    Take the infamous GWF complaint. GWF's that actually take advantage of their movement and anti-CC abilities effectively can be very devastating to everyone else. It's a matter of knowing how your class works and what advantages it has, then utilizing those advantages.

    The only class that's even remotely OP is the CW, because they can effectively stun lock you, then during the short while they cant keep you stunned they can still stunt your movement long enough to dodge like mad during CD then stun lock you again, yet they still get fairly decent damage. I wouldn't mind the heavy CC since they are the only class that can fully lock you like that, except for the fact they still get enough damage to be a threat, on top of that, which means one CW can basically become a "one man army" if played right. No matter how their enemies play. I agree, you have to gang up on them or they never die. (unless they don't know their class and fail to spam their CC's)

    (Which, by the way, is where the GWF comes in; a GWF can fight them, the problem is that in spite of your sprint and anti CC abilities, they can still kite like mad because of their stamina. Fix the stamina of the CW and that ends right there.)

    Now, that said, I'm not sure about the Guardian Fighter agro bug, as I have not experienced this, but I do not see how GF has a problem blocking; I'm able to just fine on mine. Unless its damage amounts, and I just have not run into that situation yet.

    On the other hand. DC agro bug is definitely a massive problem, as far as PVE goes, but in pvp I have seen some do fairly well. I think the main problem there is that people still need to get used to how different cleric is from your usual healer class in other mmo's. You cant sit there and go full support. You are "contributing" just as much in your own way, of course your not going to quickly kill people, if you could, you'd be extremely OP purely because of your heals stacked on top of that.

    Of course, I also disagree with the quoted post on one note. Rogue stealth isn't useless, its a matter of using it right. I have never been targetted effectively while in stealth, but I did notice that on my GF I could see them at med. range, although none of my other characters can. So the simple solution is to not close in on them at all until you are ready to deliver your attack. Or use it to take over control points, since the only pvp available is more about an objective than raw damage, why not do the objective? Rogue's are just fine as they are. They don't need a buff; but they sure don't need a nerf either.

    The bottom line is this; unless something is genuinely broken, (like the DC agro for instance,) they really should avoid making quick changes to class balance, as that only leads to making critical mistakes that break the game in other ways. Taking their time to be sure how it needs balanced is a necessary step. Look what's happened in other mmo's when developers *DID* listen to people and nerf/buff classes because of complaints. They wound up with new imbalances that effectively ruined the game.

    Lets take a step back and chill here. Sorry for the wall of text but this issue has been highly irritating me. They cant release a patch note that people don't whine about this. I find that only two of those complaints are even remotely legit.

    I'm glad to see that there's someone with some sense on these forums. If there's one constant among all MMOs, it's that Rogues get a lot of hate. In some cases it is warranted. With WoW, the Rogues are still OP, because they can stun lock any class, by simply using their poisons, along with stun abilities. And yet, you get 1 trinket in WoW that lets you remove this movement-impairment once every 3 mins. But in NW, I feel the TR is actually pretty well designed. It's the only class that can dual wield, from what I've been able to see so far, and with their preference for Dexterity over Strength, it's understandable that Rogues would deal more damage. And as someone said earlier, one would think that people would be happy to clear dungeons faster because the Rogue is essentially carrying the DPS. And frankly, I don't think that issues with PvP balance, should affect PvE. That's the one thing I hate with Blizzard. Changes they make to PvP, affect the PvE aspect of the game as well. And all because people who primarily play for the PvP aspect of MMOs, cry foul when the classes are even remotely balanced in PvP.

    Therefore, I support the suggestion to have PvP gear that is useful and more advantageous in PvP. That way, any nerfs or buffs for a class can be handled by the devs modifying the gear appropriately, without tampering with abilities that are as useful in PvE as they are in PvP, if not more so.

    And I also agree that people need to learn to play their classes, instead of demanding the nerf bat every time they hit a road block in a game.
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    techcenterztechcenterz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zefsgr wrote: »
    You are gonna see what this game becomes after class balance. If it's done correctly, well I am up for it, but even ArenaNet screwed up on this matter with GW2 and made a lot of people quit the game. All you will see when class balance changes occur is more and more crying and more changes each time.

    It's pathetic seing most mmo's fail because they mess up with class balance when they have no idea how to make things work.

    Other things should be fixed first, like major game issues/features or maybe the skills that don't work on some classes/races. Class balance wouldn't fix everything if the skills remain bugged would it.

    Lastly, there is only a small arena for pvp in this game and only a little competition on it(no standings/ratings etc). Class balance can wait, to me it should come after the major issues getting fixed and after they add more content.

    im not worried about class balance i just want the feats to work and at some point if its needed then work on a balancing act
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    sm177ysm177y Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2013
    I love this game, I've gotten more out of it than any game in a LONG time. I don't plan on quitting, but c'mon.

    These patches are rather embarrassing...
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    skatengusskatengus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    after the patch the game crashes whille loading!!!
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    killerellakillerella Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xennius wrote: »
    I'd like to know when the hit points of ALL the companions in the ZEN store got nerfed? I notice that they all seem to have 1800 hp now as opposed to around 2500+ a few days ago.

    Its actually a Zen Store error in listing the specs that shows them all the same (hp + specs). If you can find the companion type you are interested in listed in the AH, you can get the "true" specs there.
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    varguisvarguis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    after patch when i alt tab out from fullscreen the game auto changes to windowed mode there was no problem before.
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    tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Eleven pages of comments, and no one knows what the "double Gems" thing is?
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    nicbec63nicbec63 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tfangel wrote: »
    Eleven pages of comments, and no one knows what the "double Gems" thing is?

    A few people have asked already. A few more have speculated. Probably no official word until the week prior.
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    karolankarolan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the loading screen is stuck after the new patch
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    karolankarolan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    after the patch is stuck the loading screen
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    zefsgrzefsgr Member Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
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    hav0clolhav0clol Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zefsgr wrote: »
    Can you separate these small patches and also introduce some that will have bigger changelogs that will be implemented after player suggestions?

    For example you could call the small ones "Hotfix NW.1.20130416.42" and then introduce general patches that will include changes other than fixes. Having two dev teams for that would be great. Also, when are we going to get a big patch with all these great suggestions users are posting all around the forums?
    dezstravus wrote: »

    • The game client will no longer get stuck at the loading screen for some users.

    Spot ITT the person who didn't have this issue.
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    pnellesenpnellesen Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So i can't live without my cleric and potions anymore?:P

    So now I understand how I was able to "heal" the tank when all I did for the entire boss fight was run, dodge, chug a pot every time I was off cooldown, and toss a Sunburst or FF every now and then when I had a spare second where I didn't have 5 AOEs and 10 mobs surrounding me :p

    So when is the patch to fix or reduce the idiotic Cleric aggro coming guys?
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    akira81sanakira81san Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    •Great Weapon Fighters can no longer become invulnerable due to cancelling specific powers.

    I am curious why this is being cancelled? Was there any exploit or whatever????
    IMO GWF's arent in any way overpowered?! For me its the class hardest to get in a team and now this power gets cancelled makes my chosen class even worse..

    I hope I am able to change my powers then for free?
    Because I specifically chosen the power to become 5 seconds invulnerable...
    If that power (or powers like stated above) is gone I like to respec this of course...

    Lets see if or whats the impact (when account service is back up and able to login..)
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    drillsgt69drillsgt69 Banned Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    Thank god. I've been reporting the GWF exploit for a few weeks now.

    Always live, never die huehuehue

    It's funny that you report, report, report bugs about other classes but you abused the fu.ck out of the GF set bonus exploit.

    You're a fuc.king scrub.
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    imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wewt double AD event makes me so happy , double AD event that continues after the event has supposedly expired makes me even happier , lets hope it's the latter again yo
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    porkchop48porkchop48 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So are the Servers up or not? I try to log in and get an account error that tells me that the servers are down. Green Light though??
This discussion has been closed.