destroxoxoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Although I agree with you that GWF do need a buff in some respects, I am an 11.5k gs (4 set t2) well enchanted GWF and I have no trouble being on par/ 5-10% below the top dps which is usually a Trickster.
Learn about your class a bit more before branding them useless, you might be quite surprised, especially if you can play them well now and after we do eventually have some buffs come our way you'll be one of the few that chose to stick with them.
Although I agree with you that GWF do need a buff in some respects, I am an 11.5k gs (4 set t2) well enchanted GWF and I have no trouble being on par/ 5-10% below the top dps which is usually a Trickster.
Learn about your class a bit more before branding them useless, you might be quite surprised, especially if you can play them well now and after we do eventually have some buffs come our way you'll be one of the few that chose to stick with them.
The other issue with GWF is that it takes GWF significant amount of high end gear to come close to other classes that can get away with less gear but still top the GWF. I think the issue here is the utility of GWF. They provide less utility for the group, so they're over looked.
thrallgabrielMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I agree with the op's assessment. These classes need fixed before too many people leave and don't come back.
All I've been able to translate from this whole entire thread is..
"I'm trash at this game because I tried to play the GWF, GF class and didn't have the balls enough to stick with the class and figure out how it's suppose to be played"
Sad, Pathetic, Weak...Yep...that pretty much sums up all you people who think GWF, GF are useless.
You don't see the problems as a GF and a GWF because you're never included to see it unless you have a TR/CW/DC alt.
It's so much easier, and you make so much more money, that I don't see a reason to play my GWF anymore. The effort required to play my GWF at top form is easily twice as hard as it is to play my TR. I can take a nap and get top DPS by a factor of two. I'm literally two GWF in one class. Sure it's single target, but when add's are a pointless distraction in boss fights that's not a downside.
Besides, why play the GWF through the content when I can get the gear twice as fast as a rogue? I mean, you can literally just go buy it. At the store. Since you run things far faster, and with more success, you have more money and more drops.
That's just how it is. You can say it's fine as a GWF or GF, but it's probably because you don't have an alt to see how the other half lives. I'm not a terribad GWF either, I understand how the class works and I play it well. It's just harder than holding down Duelist's Fury.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
All I've been able to translate from this whole entire thread is..
"I'm trash at this game because I tried to play the GWF, GF class and didn't have the balls enough to stick with the class and figure out how it's suppose to be played"
Sad, Pathetic, Weak...Yep...that pretty much sums up all you people who think GWF, GF are useless.
Have a nice life being bad at video games.
How come every time a GWF or GF try to join a group for dungeons they are immediately kicked if they are so great then?
All I've been able to translate from this whole entire thread is..
"I'm trash at this game because I tried to play the GWF, GF class and didn't have the balls enough to stick with the class and figure out how it's suppose to be played"
Sad, Pathetic, Weak...Yep...that pretty much sums up all you people who think GWF, GF are useless.
Because the majority of the people that play this game are terrible and run double cleric. So that only leaves space for 3 other spots which will get filled by 2 CWs and a Rogue.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
If people were not so garbo at this game they would not run double cleric.
Running double cleric hurts the entire group. You could either have more control..or more dps without running double cleric...but I wouldn't imagine any of you bads would ever think of that. This is pathetic.
Running double cleric hurts the entire group. You could either have more control..or more dps without running double cleric...but I wouldn't imagine any of you bads would ever think of that. This is pathetic.
Yes, running double cleric is god mode. It turns literally every person in that circle into a better tank than your GF, while generating more threat than your GF.
My challenge to you is to prove why running a balanced group is good. A CW does similar damage to a GWF while providing more control, and two clerics provide god-mode/add tanking on their own. If you haven't done it, which I'm guessing you haven't if you're running a GF, you wouldn't know. GF and GWF are utterly unnecessary for end-game content. You slow your entire group down just by being there.
It isn't lack of skill that makes people do this, it's the fact that you can and it's easier and more effective than doing it the 'right' way. If you're a 'skilled' player it's even more effective, not worse.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
I am calling it quits today. I love the potential of the game and the combat is fun. However, there is just too much wrong with this game right now. I'll check back in a few weeks and see where it stands then. For now, enjoy the Bots in pvp.
One of the larger issues with GWF is that you need synergy between your stat allocations whereas your feat tree insists that your stat allocations must be streamlined. As such; actually going into a tree so that you can use their 21pt. system that lets them be viable ends up costing you a hell of a lot of your balance; thus self-nerfing the GWF ability sets. Building a 2-tree hybrid has a difficult synergy; whereas a 3-tree talent means that your build can't provide sufficient boost from your dailies.
Even building a defensive hybrid, you require the third tree to begin to start making use of your 20% defense to power gain. 21 point would add an additional 20% conversion right from the top; but that costs you available 15pt. gains from other trees that in some cases provide a better base damage modifier then other systems. Building said defensive build then requires the non-human traits which nullify your crit bonus gains from your tree (crit modifier from 70% to 90%, plus 1% less in crit.); which then further reduces your damage output over the 30 second range for fights.
'nuff said. And egads... I'd have to use cresendo.... =/
Regardless, it seems that there will be class balance coming soon. I can only imagine GWF and GF will get some love, even if it's just in the form of nerfing TR and healing threat generation. Either that or some adjustments to Arcane Singularity being chainable. Somethings gotta give, even if it's just a fixed queue system so that it gives you a balanced group instead of four TR and a CW. (This doesn't always happen, but it happens often enough.)
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
wolfheartazMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm obviously speaking directly to the people who were saying double Cleric is the way to go you jack@$$
double cler+double cw+1 tr, running 2 CN per evening 3-4 nights a week. Easy as duck. Why waste time bringing garbage like gf\gwf into it. I stack that ***** for 25-30k bleeds and mages have fun in god mode under double astral. Double astral is the way to go cause u rly don't need 2 tr's on boss since most dps comes from bleed and it's broken as of now for double tr. BTW 16 minutes for the dragon himself. And yea if ur not running double Cler ur a try hard... and that **** is HAMSTER brah.
Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter
double cler+double cw+1 tr, running 2 CN per evening 3-4 nights a week. Easy as duck. Why waste time bringing garbage like gf\gwf into it. I stack that ***** for 25-30k bleeds and mages have fun in god mode under double astral. Double astral is the way to go cause u rly don't need 2 tr's on boss since most dps comes from bleed and it's broken as of now for double tr. BTW 16 minutes for the dragon himself. And yea if ur not running double Cler ur a try hard... and that **** is HAMSTER brah.
So what's going to happen if they nerfed Astral shield and you can't cheap thru T2 dungeons anymore with god mod ?
So what's going to happen if they nerfed Astral shield and you can't cheap thru T2 dungeons anymore with god mod ?
Well, to be fair Rogue's still have Impossible to Catch so at least they can still tank really well if they have good AP gain and alternate Courage Breaker and Lurkers Assault. So GF will still be a non-starter, but at least it won't be stupid OP god mode for all. You'll have to kind of try though.
MoF/Thaum CWSS/Thaum CWIV/Protector GFSW/Combat HRSM/Destroyer GWFWK/Executioner TRDO/Faithful DC
All of what was said in the OP's comments is actually true. While i like the game, the class balance and the way aggro works in this game is absolutely sickening. It's one big joke... HAHAH CLERIC RUN FOR YOUR LIVES hahahaha
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited May 2013
I am afraid this thread is a bit too vitriolic for it's own good.
Thanks for the feedback but making destructive comments towards parts of the game, while a valid opinion, causes too much flame for any constructive feedback. Please try to tone things down.
Learn about your class a bit more before branding them useless, you might be quite surprised, especially if you can play them well now and after we do eventually have some buffs come our way you'll be one of the few that chose to stick with them.
The other issue with GWF is that it takes GWF significant amount of high end gear to come close to other classes that can get away with less gear but still top the GWF. I think the issue here is the utility of GWF. They provide less utility for the group, so they're over looked.
"I'm trash at this game because I tried to play the GWF, GF class and didn't have the balls enough to stick with the class and figure out how it's suppose to be played"
Sad, Pathetic, Weak...Yep...that pretty much sums up all you people who think GWF, GF are useless.
Have a nice life being bad at video games.
It's so much easier, and you make so much more money, that I don't see a reason to play my GWF anymore. The effort required to play my GWF at top form is easily twice as hard as it is to play my TR. I can take a nap and get top DPS by a factor of two. I'm literally two GWF in one class. Sure it's single target, but when add's are a pointless distraction in boss fights that's not a downside.
Besides, why play the GWF through the content when I can get the gear twice as fast as a rogue? I mean, you can literally just go buy it. At the store. Since you run things far faster, and with more success, you have more money and more drops.
That's just how it is. You can say it's fine as a GWF or GF, but it's probably because you don't have an alt to see how the other half lives. I'm not a terribad GWF either, I understand how the class works and I play it well. It's just harder than holding down Duelist's Fury.
How come every time a GWF or GF try to join a group for dungeons they are immediately kicked if they are so great then?
Shoo shoo..go away little troll.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
If people were not so garbo at this game they would not run double cleric.
Running double cleric hurts the entire group. You could either have more control..or more dps without running double cleric...but I wouldn't imagine any of you bads would ever think of that. This is pathetic.
Yes, running double cleric is god mode. It turns literally every person in that circle into a better tank than your GF, while generating more threat than your GF.
My challenge to you is to prove why running a balanced group is good. A CW does similar damage to a GWF while providing more control, and two clerics provide god-mode/add tanking on their own. If you haven't done it, which I'm guessing you haven't if you're running a GF, you wouldn't know. GF and GWF are utterly unnecessary for end-game content. You slow your entire group down just by being there.
It isn't lack of skill that makes people do this, it's the fact that you can and it's easier and more effective than doing it the 'right' way. If you're a 'skilled' player it's even more effective, not worse.
You don't want to know...
I play a Cleric. Single cleric, not this double cleric baddie HAMSTER all you guys are into.
Even building a defensive hybrid, you require the third tree to begin to start making use of your 20% defense to power gain. 21 point would add an additional 20% conversion right from the top; but that costs you available 15pt. gains from other trees that in some cases provide a better base damage modifier then other systems. Building said defensive build then requires the non-human traits which nullify your crit bonus gains from your tree (crit modifier from 70% to 90%, plus 1% less in crit.); which then further reduces your damage output over the 30 second range for fights.
'nuff said. And egads... I'd have to use cresendo.... =/
Dont mean to derail the topic..
but WHO cares what a dev calls it as an abbreviation?
the community can call it what it wants..
The reason we called it NWO (Never Winter ONline) is because the norm is a 3 character abbreviation..sheesh..that hard to get that?
A dev called it NW so we must all do it...LOL..good grief
double cler+double cw+1 tr, running 2 CN per evening 3-4 nights a week. Easy as duck. Why waste time bringing garbage like gf\gwf into it. I stack that ***** for 25-30k bleeds and mages have fun in god mode under double astral. Double astral is the way to go cause u rly don't need 2 tr's on boss since most dps comes from bleed and it's broken as of now for double tr. BTW 16 minutes for the dragon himself. And yea if ur not running double Cler ur a try hard... and that **** is HAMSTER brah.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Some moron just made a thread that us GF's can one shot, how? I have no idea, another pvp whiner that isn't skilled enough to play.
So what's going to happen if they nerfed Astral shield and you can't cheap thru T2 dungeons anymore with god mod ?
Well, to be fair Rogue's still have Impossible to Catch so at least they can still tank really well if they have good AP gain and alternate Courage Breaker and Lurkers Assault. So GF will still be a non-starter, but at least it won't be stupid OP god mode for all. You'll have to kind of try though.
I would jump back on my 12.4k GS gwf and finally have some real fun
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Thanks for the feedback but making destructive comments towards parts of the game, while a valid opinion, causes too much flame for any constructive feedback. Please try to tone things down.