Well I few days ago I bought a rare companion called Jagged Dancing Blade for glory points. I found out it's bugged - it does not attack anyone, just standing and doing nothing. I tried moving to every map to check it, tried dissmissing it and summoning it back and nothing worked at all. Looks like it's a nice and happy blade that observes how I kill monsters.
Thank you.
Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot.
blazing992Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
my dancing blade work just fine, but even at level 22 and filled with epic items the dmg he deal is completely ridiculous.
"Nerf paper. Scissors are just fine. Thanks." - Rock
damarinasaiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
Please keep bumping this thread so Cryptic staff might notice it thank you.
Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot.
chrispybrownMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I think in general it would be nice to have some companion commands like aggressive, defensive and passive. Often times my cleric will run in to melee with the big boss only to be hosed by his AOE. This usually happens when I have no hit points
Just got a jagged blade and no game here too... blade atacks only if attacked to, and damage output is just pathetic. My guardian fighter companion outputs more damage (both are same level) FFS!!!
Fix please.... Scr3w the AH and the useless content like spider companions and dye packs and get down on fixing the darn game!
brutikusivMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited May 2013
Mine is bugged also, It's like rooted in place where ever it just so happens to stop when combat starts. If a monster gets close it'll occasionally attack once or twice but that's it. Needs it's movement and agro mapped directly from the man at arms as IMO he stays pretty busy for an AI companion.
brutikusivMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
I think in general it would be nice to have some companion commands like aggressive, defensive and passive. Often times my cleric will run in to melee with the big boss only to be hosed by his AOE. This usually happens when I have no hit points
Aww. I dream of the day a mmo gives companions the complexity of dragon age's companions. Even add to it a little and that'd be the PERFECT companion . Come on PERFECT World, hop to it !
If they gave commands to everyone they every class would be a pet class. I'm sure they are saving 1 class that could summon multiple companions and have a bar setup so they can 'direct the actions of their companions'. but that's speculation.
best way to check for bugs like this. zone into the Trade of Blades (I think it's trade, could be something else) where the Target Dummies are and do 1 attack. Your companion will start to attack afterwards (or not if it's bugged). this is also great to check for their damage.
Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.
brutikusivMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited May 2013
rofl how about go anywhere in the world as most of us have and attack a mob than sit for 3mins while your companion "apparently thinking it's his day to play an invisible banjo" sits there and does nothing ? Same thing no :????? .... /sigh
Still bugged... does not move to attack (only move once in a while when in combat)... i payed a lot of astral diamonds (at least a lot for my small diamonds purse)... so i wanna use it. :mad:
damarinasaiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited June 2013
Bumping thread again.
Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot.
damarinasaiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited June 2013
Hello Cryptic staff!
Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot.
this is a very very very old bug. i reported on this over a month ago, and at that time, it was already a well known and old issue already. i suggested they remove the jagged dancing blade from the vendor, so people dont purchase a bugged companion. i have submitted 3 tickets on the issue with, get this.........ZERO response. nada, nothing......ZERO. if it is not effecting thier money, they dont care, that is a proven fact. im sure they will get to it eventually, but giving the jagged dancing blade AI that works doesnt sound like a difficult task.
ladyengineerMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited June 2013
I was hoping with the launch this would be fixed, but if anything it is worse than ever. He follows 15 steps behind, and stays there. If I move towards him, he sits out the fight. He ends the fight with full health (unless the mobs use AOE), so doesn't even siphon off damage. They really need to fix this.
Yep, same for me - it just sits there and does nothing.. really disappointing.
Tho u need to do it often when companion go to idle state.
2nd bug i noticed is that skin change don`t work at all.
waste of Astral-diamonds :-(
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"Nerf paper. Scissors are just fine. Thanks." - Rock
Fix please.... Scr3w the AH and the useless content like spider companions and dye packs and get down on fixing the darn game!
Aww. I dream of the day a mmo gives companions the complexity of dragon age's companions. Even add to it a little and that'd be the PERFECT companion
best way to check for bugs like this. zone into the Trade of Blades (I think it's trade, could be something else) where the Target Dummies are and do 1 attack. Your companion will start to attack afterwards (or not if it's bugged). this is also great to check for their damage.
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Thank you. Finally a reply