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[Feedback] Suggestions What to Add/Change in the Foundry.



  • krisst0fkrisst0f Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any way to have multiple quest items into a bag or chest?

    Right now, only one quest item can be retrieved from a bag/chest a player opens. I think they just forgot to add multiple objects option.
  • hanarielhanariel Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i would LOVE to see boss fights in the foundry... that would be great.
  • paputsapaputsa Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would die happy if the foundry had customizable (uploadable) textures.
  • thepalemagethepalemage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As far as I authored right now, the Foundry is VERY BASIC... Autora toolset from NWN 1/2, was far beyond Cryptic will chart in a life, If things will continue like this... "big delusion" sentence ends here...

    Now, to be purposeful, I'll start saying what I do expect from this authoring tool (I read the things in the summary, and I'll list only what I haven't seen as a request by others)

    1. As an addition to branching (#14), we really need the ability to skip entirely a Map Transition to an area the players have not gained access due to failed objective, wrong interaction, or deliberated choices, that drive them away from even discover that this map do exists in this quest.

    2. As an additional option for a Dialog step, If a Quest Item is requested to show a Response, I would like to being able to "consume" it during the course of speech... i.e.: I handed a Tankard of Good Ale to an NPC that I previously got from another interaction Dialog/Objective, then if I decide to give it away during a Dialog with an NPC, I could not count on have it in a latter Dialog with another NPC.

    3. We need the option to interact with dead Encounter's NPC, not only the one who surrender at 10%. I would like to loot their corpse and have them drop Quest Items ONLY if they are looted, preferably as a result of interaction enabling this as a result of a Dialog. For example: [Dialog step, with the NPC we saved from the encounter kidnapping/helding it captive]. "Oh, mate... You killed them all... but now, how we can know who sent them...? Let see if they have anything on them we can use to have some clue about who sent them".

    4. We need to be able to differentiate interaction with same map transition-enabled components. If You use, for example, a global map to access a custom map, it would be great if You could first interact with a passageway (a trapdoor or a door) to discover You need a key (a Quest Item of some kind), then obtain from a dialog objective or interaction/inspection a specific Quest Item, then go back to the same map-transition enabled object to use the Quest Item to get access to the Map Transition action... currently You experience an alert for a duplicate use of the same object, no matter the different purpose the two interaction you need to handle (one for inspecting, the other to gain access).

    5. NPC availability from Global Maps . Seriously... The whole Protector Enclaves reduces to a ten of useful pre-built NPC's which we can attach a dialog? There are plenty of named NPC which we can't even address a casual interaction... for example, Madame Rosene, right in front of You when You step into Driftwood Tavern (only to speak of Protector Enclaves most striking example), probably an influent person by that place, cannot be hooked to no dialog. And, the most significant of all, what about Sgt. Knox? There is really no people we can have to start a conversation into the Moonmask Inn? Really? No entertaining girl we can have a silly conversation?... Be serious... We need to be able to interact with every pre-built character You spent time to code into this game.

    Ok, it's 6.00 AM here, and I'm tired... I'm going to sleep... More suggestions will come tomorrow... now I need a good sleep.

    And, as far as I can say... stay tuned with my first production... I'll post its reference number tomorrow in the correct thread.

    Hope I've not duplicated any previous request. CYA.

    @Kandive-The PaleMage
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    2. As an additional option for a Dialog step, If a Quest Item is requested to show a Response, I would like to being able to "consume" it during the course of speech... i.e.: I handed a Tankard of Good Ale to an NPC that I previously got from another interaction Dialog/Objective, then if I decide to give it away during a Dialog with an NPC, I could not count on have it in a latter Dialog with another NPC.

    I believe this already exists - you can "consume item" in a dialog - although it might only be upon dialog completion, I'd have to double check.
    3. We need the option to interact with dead Encounter's NPC, not only the one who surrender at 10%. I would like to loot their corpse and have them drop Quest Items ONLY if they are looted, preferably as a result of interaction enabling this as a result of a Dialog. For example: [Dialog step, with the NPC we saved from the encounter kidnapping/helding it captive]. "Oh, mate... You killed them all... but now, how we can know who sent them...? Let see if they have anything on them we can use to have some clue about who sent them".

    I believe there already is an NPC stance for dead body. You could spawn it on encounter completion and allow PC to interact with it providing the quest item. Might need to do something odd like "After gathering the bodies into the corner, you search them and find..."
  • elvalianonelvalianon Member Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes that is what I ment. I figured out how it works now :) I guess I did not specify the way I needed to. It works now :)
  • jaggeropthjaggeropth Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Don't get mad at me but... I thought of a way for Cryptic to Monetize (make money from) the Foundry by selling Authoring components. These are premium components that authors can purchase and use in their campaigns/quests. For example, authors could purchase the Mimic encounter and it would appear in their toolkit or they could purchase some really cool FX. Also, in the non-foundry quests these premium foundry components could drop as rewards. These drops could either be exclusive to foundry authors (e.g. a player who has achieved a certain foundry level) or available in general to entice players who have not yet tried their hand in the foundry to give it a whirl.
    If a tree falls in a virtual forest, how big is the sound file?
    Please review my "Finger of God" campaign: NWS-DPJMGYJGV
    Quest #1: NW-DS24FX4BC - Cragsford
    Quest #2: NW-DTPUNXUAB - Mine's Mine
    Quest #3: NW-DIPZQ7CMS - Are We There Yeti?
    Quest #4: NW-DSCFDT5WS - Finger of God
  • kudro1kudro1 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am currently in the middle of making my first Foundry quest. TBH, I didn't go through all 31 pages of the thread, so my suggestions will probably be in large part similar to what has been stated here before... but still, I'd like to voice them out.

    But first, I will share some thoughts. The Foundry, in my opinion, is the highlight of the game. I remember times of NWN1, where players were given whole Aurora Toolset. What people were able to create surpassed even wildest dreams. Whole worlds were built. That was possible, because it was real tool with limitations only to what was hardcoded in the game. I know a person who actually implemented mouse-gesture recognition for spellcasting - how awesome is that? What I'm trying to tell is that people will provide better content than any game developer could ever imagine, if only they're given right tool. Currently, the way I see it, You gave us a Notepad, when we should be given Photoshop. Sure, one can do ASCII arts in notepads, with enough effort, but it's the Photoshop that enables real graphics making. Should You give us one - just wait and see masterpieces come out.

    Now, I know that it is just beta stage, many things are to be corrected, but I feel that Forge should be Your main focus, primary objective. There are all kind of people out there - some make basic foundry content - one map, plethora of mobs, if they could do it, there would be zillions of chests, with sole purpouse to farm items/money/gems. On the other hand, there are people who spend dozens of hours designing complex, vivid, stories, completly for free, just to let other players play through them... with no possibility of giving a suitable reward whatsoever. I think it heavily impacts whole Foundry concept. There is gigantic number of players who, without proper incentive, will not bother with Foundry content. When leveling and gaining wealth is better outside. The challenge here is how to make Foundry quests to be on par with other elements - PVP, built-in content, dungeons, skirmishes...

    Now, list of my suggestions, ideas (i know some are already posted, still, I will say them anyway)
    1.Scripting. Either full, or partial. We need functions, variables, all the good stuff. Most of technical aspects can be solved by implementing scripts into the foundry.
    2.Control over NPC's and mobs. There is a need to create a boss, for example. To have him have certain skills and behaviour. Phases even. Possibility of creating number of different behaviours of NPC, based on... back to scripting.
    3.Painting type area creator, instead of object placement type. Want a road through the woods - just drag cursor along the path You want it to take.
    4.Dialogs, music, splash screens - art of various types. 'Nuff said.
    5.Branching quests - yeah, back to scripting.
    6.Side quests - should be possible, should count towards the reward.
    7.Quests requirements - certain level, party size... previous quest done, item possession.
    8.OFFLINE EDITOR - allow us to work on our projects whenever we like, and share our work, with other authors.
    9.Connects with previous - allow us to post quests as a group, to share tips. Could be as a guild, or just list of players who worked on particular quest.
    10.Buttons, switches, objects - property like "usable in combat" would come in handy. (there is this idea of encounter, where a grup of players is pushed against door with several locks. Enemies overrun the party, someone has to unlock/break the locks, rest has to protect him/her. Should it work - they run to safety, should it fail - they probably die). TBH - it has scripting written all over again.
    11.Control over player/players, their health, items, gold... I know, controversial. But hey, why shouldn't they be able to use resources in quests?
    12.Speaking of which - custom professions tasks to be done while in-quests.
    13.Ability to leave quests and come back at some point later (maybe it is alraedy possible, haven't really explored that area yet)

    I haven't got to the part, when I work on esthetics, so I can't really propose anything about costumes, items, etc.

    Anyway - I really look forward to developement of Foundry. I strongly believe it will slowly, but surely changed into the tool that will propel the game in the future.
  • leightleoneleightleone Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would like to see IF/OR statements worked into the Foundry. By allowing a OR statement in the Objective tree you could make a dungeon compatible for any size group.

    An example of this would be a dialogue objective that ended with a selection that would determine the outcome of the dungeon. That way, if [3 Players] choice is select, then the third [Kill Enemies] objective hierarchy will be chosen for the rest of the dungeon with [1,2,4,5 Players] objective hierarchies becoming invalid. This would allow your dungeon to change depending on objective selections.

    So, if you wanted a solo dungeon to react differently to different classes you could do that. Also, reactions vs. different people/character levels/ etc.
  • thepalemagethepalemage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello mates, back on line...

    I'll continue my list of suggestions...

    6. Variables and scripting (as stated by others). We need the ability do deep mine info about our Player Characters, so to interact within Dialogs at a deep level of knowledge of what our PC knows, previously experienced, her/his profession level, titles, achievements... ok, you got the picture. Quests has to be bound to specific state of our PC atm they try to deal with any Objective.
    2. As an additional option for a Dialog step, If a Quest Item is requested to show a Response, I would like to being able to "consume" it during the course of speech...
    eldarth wrote: »
    I believe this already exists - you can "consume item" in a dialog - although it might only be upon dialog completion, I'd have to double check.

    Nope. Currently you can only consume an item using the Inspect Object tool.

    7. Logical Parameters and Ordering on same level Objectives
    I would like to see IF/OR statements worked into the Foundry. By allowing a OR statement in the Objective tree you could make a dungeon compatible for any size group.

    Strongly agree...

    8. Forcing Achievement of one Objective nested in another one.

    We need the ability to force closing one as achieved as an option of Dialog Steps... since we can wait a component to complete, why not have the ability to complete it by commands...
    i.e. remember the Neverdeath quest about cleansing the graveyards? Game coders killed (no drop) the undeads spawning after completion of a ritual by the NPC we were attending...

    Wait... I saw a light right now... maybe that "Complete Component" option would mean this?

    NOTE: Going to have lunch... EDIT will follow

    @Kandive-The Palemage
  • wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We were told a couple of weeks ago you had a fix for the audio issues we're experiencing in the Foundry. Many patches later, you've not really done much for the Foundry except tweak a couple of things I don't even really care about. Do you even listen to us Foundry authors? Do you care? This is getting annoying. If you can't fix something, don't tell us you already have a solution.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Member Posts: 3,085
    edited May 2013
    Would be nice to have:
    - ability to set check for gender or race in dialogues,
    - ability to set check for class in dialogues (this one now can be done with skills, but for example GWF and GF have the same skill),
    - ability to set give/consume item in every part of dialogue.
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Regarding logic, it'd be nice where objects have enable/disable or visibility if we could have OR and different types of objectives.

    You can only see the Magic Door if you have Skill:arcana OR dialog option: wizard casts arcane sight on you.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another request:
    Low-gravity, like STO Foundry has.

    There are a number of situations where it'd be nice to change gravity for specific weird effects ('underwater' zone, far realms, dreams, fun jumping puzzles, etc.)

    Low grav increases jump distance/reduces falling rate and damage. Fun.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • baelaarbaelaar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to be able to set / disable the race of my encounter monsters for the purposes of achievements. As an example, getting an achievement for killing an "ogre" that looks like a kobold because I had to finagle with the editor to get the combat style I want isn't ideal, and it's more immersion-breaking than OOC text in my opinion.

    Also, for crying out loud patch the no outdoors background music bug already.
  • gamertechaugamertechau Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I haven't seen this suggestion yet.

    Let us set the music/ambient/whatever sound to change when something happens, say after an objective is completed. For instance if I talk to an NPC in a quiet peaceful area I can set quiet background noise to match, then after I finish talking to that NPC, hundreds of enemies attack... Quiet peaceful music doesn't quite cut it then.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I haven't seen this suggestion yet.

    Let us set the music/ambient/whatever sound to change when something happens, say after an objective is completed. For instance if I talk to an NPC in a quiet peaceful area I can set quiet background noise to match, then after I finish talking to that NPC, hundreds of enemies attack... Quiet peaceful music doesn't quite cut it then.

    That's already possible. I enable sound/music/ambience upon reaching a point, or upon component (encounter) complete, etc.
  • coanunncoanunn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 368 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It would be nice to be able to create "RP" UGC that does not have a reward chest or objectives. The ability to create guild halls, player housing, even your own small town with a guild hall and all the guild members homes. It would need to be flagged as RP ONLY so that players looking for an adventure/dungeon/skirmish would be able to filter them out. This would allow the authors to also serve the community by creating "real estate" in game and renting customized homes.

    This could also be used by the authors who want to focus entirely on story telling UGC. The ability to simply flag it as RP and remove all xp/loot rewards and the final chest entirely. Allow map transitions to be 2 directional so that the player can go back and fourth between areas. Perhaps even allowing us to place a specialty chest that gives players access to their bank and the guild bank from within the UGC.

    A great example of this type of content.
    Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's not hard to create RP zones that can't be completed (like put final objective in a room you can't get to) and flag it appropriately.

    The problem is that nobody can rate it, and also it clogs up search... and is hard to find.

    Finally, it'd be nice to have RP zones with no rewards and then uncap the size of those instances. So, joining Blerk Guild Hall, you'd join any existing map first (subject to usual zone overflow instancing)
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • coanunncoanunn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 368 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    It's not hard to create RP zones that can't be completed (like put final objective in a room you can't get to) and flag it appropriately.

    The problem is that nobody can rate it, and also it clogs up search... and is hard to find.

    Finally, it'd be nice to have RP zones with no rewards and then uncap the size of those instances. So, joining Blerk Guild Hall, you'd join any existing map first (subject to usual zone overflow instancing)

    Yeah this is sort of what I was meaning by allowing us to flag it as an RP UGC rather than an adventure. Unfortunately I was in a hurry and didn't explain myself. The link I posted is to another thread in the foundry forum where a guy spent a lot of time building a sample guild hall.
    Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
  • morbicmorbic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to see at least 1 contact NPC and at least one map transition location for each of the areas in/around Protector's Enclave. There are 4 contacts in Moonstone Mask, but all the map transition locations are back across the portal into the main area. Why aren't there any in the Mask or on the Masks floating island? Maybe something altered the teleporter back down from the Mask? Why aren't there any contacts in the Sage shop? Wouldn't that be an ideal spot for an Arcane-lore based contact to start you down a quest path? Why is there a transition location called Moonstone_Mask_Sewer_Grate or something like that without even being remotely near it?
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    It's not hard to create RP zones that can't be completed (like put final objective in a room you can't get to) and flag it appropriately.

    The problem is that nobody can rate it, and also it clogs up search... and is hard to find.

    Couldn't you just place the final chest underground or in a room you can't get to, then RP zone could be "completed" just by walking in the door.
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually, it occurs to me you could make the mission an easy 'walk in the door, hit a button, complete, done.' mission, so people can comment and star, but it is never eligible...
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • jerravonjerravon Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    allaerra wrote: »
    Both. The catalog only shows a dozen +- quests in each category. There NEEDs to be a way to browse the full catalog and I believe it used to be that way until recently. Also, if you search by Author, quests do not come up unless you actually click on their name.

    Definitely this. I am finding the Foundry unusable for anything other than the current highlighted missions. A friend created his first Foundry mission, can I find it? No. Am I really expected to scroll through a big long list? Please tell me I have missed some obvious function that will take be straight to an un-reviewed mission.
  • wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jerravon wrote: »
    Definitely this. I am finding the Foundry unusable for anything other than the current highlighted missions. A friend created his first Foundry mission, can I find it? No. Am I really expected to scroll through a big long list? Please tell me I have missed some obvious function that will take be straight to an un-reviewed mission.

    Nope. You have the short-code. That's it. And they don't plan on working on it anytime soon from what I hear.
  • centaurmaidencentaurmaiden Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I suggest we add a log or quest tracker of some kind, either on the Foundry main page or character Journals.

    I have played several quests and enjoy them greatly. I plan on playing many more. I would like to keep track of them all. I am trying to remember my favorite ones to add to my subscribe tab on the Foundry page. I have several authors I already follow here in the forums for their fun quests and/or great story lines.

    It should include the title, author, and basic description as on the foundry page. It would also be great if my review would be logged somewhere on it , a link to it, or a check mark noting that I reviewed it as well as my score. However you can manage this per character would be fantastic!

    If there is something already set up that I have not been able to find please advise me. I will share it with as many people as i can. Everyone I have asked doesn't know where to find anything like I am looking for either. They all want and most have looked for a log of some kind as well.

    Thanks a great deal!
    Foundry player - maiden
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like the height scaling in Advanced mode to actually work for non-humans.

    I wanted to put some wee horses in a charming little halfling town I'm making. Nope. Slider is ignored.

    I can write around it, but it'd really be handy for a bunch of creatures.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • morbicmorbic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to do most of my 3D placing on the map page with rotation options for the whole map versus just a top-down view. Let us save the play-test mode 3D editor for fine touches and nudges since it is kinda clunky from my point of view compared to a CAD environment modelling system view.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morbic wrote: »
    I'd like to do most of my 3D placing on the map page with rotation options for the whole map versus just a top-down view. Let us save the play-test mode 3D editor for fine touches and nudges since it is kinda clunky from my point of view compared to a CAD environment modelling system view.

  • holthar1stholthar1st Member Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I'm probably wanting too much here but....I would like to be able to construct buildings, preferably fortress types and castles in outdoor maps and even on mountains and yes, even snow capped mountains (picture Bram Stokers "Dracula" movie or a "Frankenstein" movie) looming in the distance...dark, depressive, gloomy, foreboding.
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