coanunn, I just finished playing your quest. As I said in the brief review in game, I found it interesting and fun to play.
There isn't a real plot (as I seem to have understood you said) but the many objects to interact with can help to create an immersive atmosphere. I loved the redesign of the environment. I wouldn't recognize some of the rooms if I had not already seen them in the foundry. The encounters were a little easier, but it certainly depends on the fact that I played with a thief lvl 15. In the coming days I will make an attempt with my main character at 50 and I will tell you as I found them.
One last thing : I personally would do so that the officiant of the rite appears only a little before to enter the room.
I wandered through the dungeon before unlocking the last objective and I found him in front of me without understanding who he was.
Outside, some large branches next to a tree are horizontal though the ground is angled.
The wheelbarrow outside the refuse disposal is floating in the air.
When I get the itch the entire first map will be remade because of this and a few ground effects that are doing the same thing. They can not be edited as I used a "detailed" map and those were pre-placed details. Suffice it to say I won't make that mistake in the future, all deco will be done by me personally from now on.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I like to put Knowledge: Arcana or Skill: Thievery in front of dialogues that require those. Doesn't mean you have to, but it's nice for the player, to be able to say, "I'm going to play this with my Rogue next so I can get this thing."
Too avoid taking the character OOC for the warning about the barracks room, you might consider adding this warning to the dialogue with Victoria instead.
I can not believe I didn't think of adding those tags to the interactions! As to adding the OOC warning about the "kitchen" to Victoria it simply doesn't work for her to know about a part of the dungeon she hasn't been in nor would know that they are all gathered there at this time. That is why it currently is in the form of hearing the ruckus. Likely I will end up putting in a difficulty slider and pairing that room down some for the easy and standard difficulties.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Pavvo - Ok so I gave this one an honest "good ol' college try" and I stopped a bit short due to the stacked encounters. I just got burned out on how hard you made every fight. Great for more than one person but this was super hard to do solo at below the lvl 30 difficulty ramp. I'm afraid to see it with all the special abilities turned on.
It looks solid, and fun and well put together but the stacked encounters are a huge issue. If you know anyone with a lvl 60 you should let them test this for you.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
bgmasterbgMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You are right after ranncore mate, just been a busy week with appointments slowing me down.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
lostchartaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 29Arc User
edited May 2013
Doing yours now.
Mine are in my sig.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
That was really good. I liked the detail in all the goblin quarters and the torture chamber. Really, five stars.
Small points...
* There are some floating sticks between the first spawn and the cave
* It's pretty easy tpo reach the cave before finding the wolf tracks, which makes it kind of strange to then look for shelter.
* Some floating skulls near the 1st bonfire
* Banner floating off the wall in corridoor just afterwards
* Pile of scrolls slightly floating off table in next room after
* In torture chanber one blood projecter streaks up the wall.
* Some books in arcane library on table slightly floating
* Some bookcasses clip into the band that's half way up the wall
* More banners floating off wall in room next to library
But those are small points.
Actually, if you're going to do one of mine could you do the second one (the Linkwell Vault)? No one's played it yet and it would be good to get some initial feedback. The description should bring you up to speed on what happened in the first one.
NW-DIRYOWUKYNW-DPXB42EEH The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
If people would i would appreciate some looks and reviews on these quest specially reviews on ways to improve the quest in any way ty much guys
NW-DCGD2ZXOC - group or very very hard solo NW-DD73HF8R7 - solo NW-DGHJ3R2CO - solo
i am slowly working on ways to toss in more story while progressing through the map none of it required mind ya but all of it somewhat usefull in some way.
Posting a full review in your thread. Very fun adventure!
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
The Catacombs of Artorias
Short code: NW-DJ48BOX5G
Starts at: Protector's Enclave
Average Duration: 15-20 minutes
Amount of Combat: A good amount (several hard encounters)
Meant for Solo play
Version: 1.0
Initial Release
A merchant and his helper were travelling from Neverdeath Graveyards to Protector's Enclave but the road was closed due to recent attacks of Gargoyles. The merchant really had to deliver the goods she was carrying as fast as possible if she wanted to get paid. They decided to go through The Catacombs of Artorias. There were strange rumors about people hearing and seeing things when going there and that's where her helper disappeared. The merchant wants you to find her. Do you have what it takes to complete this challenge ?
More about Artorias is explained in the quest.
Inspired from Dark Souls.
BG, please understand that nothing I say is meant to be mean spirited. This thing needs work. You don't seem to have done any custom decoration at all and it stands out as such. It really looks like you did the "right click->populate" and called it good. From there the theme is just completely missing, you never hit a stride and drive the player forward feeling like anything uniform, from having a myriad of encounters that feel almost randomly picked to having no decor and even different tilesets for the dungeon it just feels "forced". Along with this you used the spiral stair room but never have the player use the stairs, the girl at the end is very much a let down as you don't even get an "oh my hero" for this very simple "damsel in distress" style.
I definitely have to say the worst part was the placement of fights, having to fight an ogre inside a jail cell, with no room to dodge was just extremely poor. Having spiders, goblins, mind devourers, undead, demons, elementals, werewolves, wererats, etc all in one dungeon just felt like you randomly threw monsters in to make the player fight them and stretch the time. I can definitely see what you wanted this to be, it just falls short in nearly every category. Not so bad as to be broken in anyway or a "failure to launch" but more that you end up being "just average" because of the mountain of places you fall short.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
It sounds like we have similar design aspirations, so let's do a trade! I'm at work at the moment, but I'll check your's out either tonight or tomorrow. Based on your list, I don't expect you to get to mine until at least then!
my quest is in sign. Tomorrow i'll surely play yours
Very fun and engaging. Nice balance of lore and combat/puzzle challenges. I have to admit I felt like the combat in the burning house was stacked, which made it far too difficult. From that point forward the difficulty definitely seemed to go down. The only other thing holding this back from a solid 5 would be decoration. The hallways are all completely bare, and a few of the rooms feel like you simply did the right click->populate decoration.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Going to give your quest a run Coanunn.... My first go at a quest is yet to be reviewed, be warned mine is time consuming....
Foundry Name: "The Search for the Epic Blade" (@Sulfurblade)
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
NW-DGCLYXZW5 (The story for this quest assumes you finished my previous campaign)
Kam, you know I'm a fan, just a couple notes on this. The lizardman chieftain when he congratulates you on doing all the tasks doesn't despawn even though the new one spawns, gives you a double figure. The black scales encounters, at least one of the ones attacking the ritual show up as kobolds as does one of the patrols near the shrine. Inside the "pit" the spiders get hung up on the pillars an awful lot. Really feels too cluttered for the combat to flow. The second time you are in the swamp the water texture is too low, you can see it in deep spots as little "squares" of water but otherwise you see no water at all making those squares look completely out of place. A few of the flame elementals at the end are static, not sure if they are supposed to wander or patrol.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
If people would i would appreciate some looks and reviews on these quest specially reviews on ways to improve the quest in any way ty much guys
NW-DCGD2ZXOC - group or very very hard solo NW-DD73HF8R7 - solo NW-DGHJ3R2CO - solo
i am slowly working on ways to toss in more story while progressing through the map none of it required mind ya but all of it somewhat usefull in some way.
Az, did you want me to re-run your solo one? I really don't have a group I can bring atm to test, sorry mate.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Your Quest was Excellent! I liked how you used floating interaction points to bring the GM to life as if you were playing a table top DD adventure.... Excellent dialogue and story telling....
The difficulty felt easy though because of that when you reached the end the boss fights felt like they were boss fights so kudos there.
It was however linear, I prefer a non linear but for a dungeon delve thats hard to do...
And maybe the only real flaw is the dialogue options you get to choose from are not really a choice, you typically put an obvious realistic choice with a completely non realistic choice so in a way it often felt like there was only one real choice in the dialogue...
I give you a 4 out of 5 as I really dont give 5's unless its practically perfect or so amazing that i am amazed beyond amazement...
So good job!
Foundry Name: "The Search for the Epic Blade" (@Sulfurblade)
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
The difficulty felt easy though because of that when you reached the end the boss fights felt like they were boss fights so kudos there.
And maybe the only real flaw is the dialogue options you get to choose from are not really a choice, you typically put an obvious realistic choice with a completely non realistic choice so in a way it often felt like there was only one real choice in the dialogue...
Thank you for the review! All feedback helps me make a better run. That said let me ask quickly what level were you when you ran it (as that is a huge part of calibrating difficulty)? As to the dialog I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the options given. They were in all fairness things that I received as lines from players while playing that face to face. It may seem unrealistic to you or maybe even me but if player has said it to me in a session in response it rates pretty high on my list of possible things to give in preset dialog.
I don't know when I'll get to yours, but you are certainly on the list. I should be running them the rest of the night as well as all day tomorrow.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I have my quest listed in the signature. Just post your information on my post so I can record it.
Posting review to your thread.
That is it for me for tonight. I'll get back at it tomorrow to get a few more knocked out.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
It was loads of fun. You've done an excellent job on the map design and your attention to detail pays off. What I really liked is that you incorporated the different skills to give the different classes a little variety and definitely increasing the chances that someone plays this quest again with a different character and different friends.
I don't have any real criticisms as I felt this quest was very well done on all levels. I didn't see any typos, but the one thing you could work on is having Victoria disappear in the middle of her paragraph.
Other than that, and invisible walls needed outside the den, great job. 5/5.
-First room, there’s a floating purse/coin pouch that’s hovering near the fire
-You get the objective “Clear guard captain lhumed...etcetc” before you open the door. The door says, “I wonder what’s on the other side…” Well my objective just told me Same sort of thing with Flem and the Prison guards objective
-There was an intractable invisible that said something about “being out of place” in the repository room. Was hoping for something more to find in the room but it was empty. Was that just a feeling?
-Very first door AFTER you pull the switch revealing the hallway… after you open the doors there’s a floating unlit torch stick next to the door (might just be room bug)
-Treasure chest is “controled” spelling typo.. and I just got through your entire quest without finding any! Woomp woomp wooooomp
-Overall great job man, 5 stars
xhanjiraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited May 2013
I would appreciate feedback on mine.
Descent Into Madness Act I
Suggested Players 2 but most likely can be soloed
Estimated time 20-30 minutes
I would review new foundary quests and maps and have tried. But trying to load up the selection of foundary missions to review in game just makes my whole client lock up and slow down immensely. They really need a method to filter out maps to review. I mean it is cataclysmic, I nearly crash when I go to that tab.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
I would review new foundary quests and maps and have tried. But trying to load up the selection of foundary missions to review in game just makes my whole client lock up and slow down immensely. They really need a method to filter out maps to review. I mean it is cataclysmic, I nearly crash when I go to that tab.
If you use the BEST tab and enter the code (e.g. NW-DAK2BFO2X), you can find any quest that needs reviews.
The way you're "supposed" to do it crashes for pretty much everyone.
- Nice details in tavern
- Motivation for wanting to find count, especially after setup, a bit thin.
- First sewer encounter quite tough (39 cleric) but won using 3 small heal potions
- Nice interior detail in the sewer
- Campfire placed in useful location
- Fight with 3 battle wights quite...challenging.
- Encounters a bit repetitive after a while
- Confusing mission "Defeat the Rebels". Which rebels, they have not yet been introduced to the story.
4.7/5 stars rounded up to 5/5. Nice job!
My first quest is in dire need of reviews... I would appreciate it if you could have a look. NW-DAK2BFO2X
Holy HAMSTER, this is exactly what every Foundry should be like in my opinion! The intro is fantastic. The details are wonderful. I love the little "DM reading to you" glowy clickables. I couldn't use the lumber because I wasn't a fighter, but then I got a Hear Noise check because I was a thief! So many delightful things to interact with in general. Some skill checks, some flavor, but all interesting. I don't know why anyone would say this module has no story when it's so full of built-in lore. Not all story has to be walls of NPC-spoken text!
Extra things that made me very happy were all the random monsters having names and the little secret areas you could find with different classes. Good job!
Holy HAMSTER, this is exactly what every Foundry should be like in my opinion! The intro is fantastic. The details are wonderful. I love the little "DM reading to you" glowy clickables. I couldn't use the lumber because I wasn't a fighter, but then I got a Hear Noise check because I was a thief! So many delightful things to interact with in general. Some skill checks, some flavor, but all interesting. I don't know why anyone would say this module has no story when it's so full of built-in lore. Not all story has to be walls of NPC-spoken text!
Extra things that made me very happy were all the random monsters having names and the little secret areas you could find with different classes. Good job!
Very flattered, thank you.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
There isn't a real plot (as I seem to have understood you said) but the many objects to interact with can help to create an immersive atmosphere. I loved the redesign of the environment. I wouldn't recognize some of the rooms if I had not already seen them in the foundry. The encounters were a little easier, but it certainly depends on the fact that I played with a thief lvl 15. In the coming days I will make an attempt with my main character at 50 and I will tell you as I found them.
One last thing : I personally would do so that the officiant of the rite appears only a little before to enter the room.
I wandered through the dungeon before unlocking the last objective and I found him in front of me without understanding who he was.
If it's done on purpose, pretend to don't hear me
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
When I get the itch the entire first map will be remade because of this and a few ground effects that are doing the same thing. They can not be edited as I used a "detailed" map and those were pre-placed details. Suffice it to say I won't make that mistake in the future, all deco will be done by me personally from now on.
I can not believe I didn't think of adding those tags to the interactions! As to adding the OOC warning about the "kitchen" to Victoria it simply doesn't work for her to know about a part of the dungeon she hasn't been in nor would know that they are all gathered there at this time. That is why it currently is in the form of hearing the ruckus. Likely I will end up putting in a difficulty slider and pairing that room down some for the easy and standard difficulties.
It looks solid, and fun and well put together but the stacked encounters are a huge issue. If you know anyone with a lvl 60 you should let them test this for you.
You are right after ranncore mate, just been a busy week with appointments slowing me down.
Mine are in my sig.
If you could review in the linked thread that would be great.
That was really good. I liked the detail in all the goblin quarters and the torture chamber. Really, five stars.
Small points...
* There are some floating sticks between the first spawn and the cave
* It's pretty easy tpo reach the cave before finding the wolf tracks, which makes it kind of strange to then look for shelter.
* Some floating skulls near the 1st bonfire
* Banner floating off the wall in corridoor just afterwards
* Pile of scrolls slightly floating off table in next room after
* In torture chanber one blood projecter streaks up the wall.
* Some books in arcane library on table slightly floating
* Some bookcasses clip into the band that's half way up the wall
* More banners floating off wall in room next to library
But those are small points.
Actually, if you're going to do one of mine could you do the second one (the Linkwell Vault)? No one's played it yet and it would be good to get some initial feedback. The description should bring you up to speed on what happened in the first one.
The Linkwell CryptThe Linkwell Vault
solo campaign, balanced
review thread
Oh ok, I will wait
NW-DCGD2ZXOC - group or very very hard solo NW-DD73HF8R7 - solo NW-DGHJ3R2CO - solo
i am slowly working on ways to toss in more story while progressing through the map none of it required mind ya but all of it somewhat usefull in some way.
Posting a full review in your thread. Very fun adventure!
BG, please understand that nothing I say is meant to be mean spirited. This thing needs work. You don't seem to have done any custom decoration at all and it stands out as such. It really looks like you did the "right click->populate" and called it good. From there the theme is just completely missing, you never hit a stride and drive the player forward feeling like anything uniform, from having a myriad of encounters that feel almost randomly picked to having no decor and even different tilesets for the dungeon it just feels "forced". Along with this you used the spiral stair room but never have the player use the stairs, the girl at the end is very much a let down as you don't even get an "oh my hero" for this very simple "damsel in distress" style.
I definitely have to say the worst part was the placement of fights, having to fight an ogre inside a jail cell, with no room to dodge was just extremely poor. Having spiders, goblins, mind devourers, undead, demons, elementals, werewolves, wererats, etc all in one dungeon just felt like you randomly threw monsters in to make the player fight them and stretch the time. I can definitely see what you wanted this to be, it just falls short in nearly every category. Not so bad as to be broken in anyway or a "failure to launch" but more that you end up being "just average" because of the mountain of places you fall short.
Short code: NW-DJGYNI7NH
In this old school-style adventure, the hero(es) explore an old ruined castle while searching for a fabled magic item at the behest of a wizard.
Very fun and engaging. Nice balance of lore and combat/puzzle challenges. I have to admit I felt like the combat in the burning house was stacked, which made it far too difficult. From that point forward the difficulty definitely seemed to go down. The only other thing holding this back from a solid 5 would be decoration. The hallways are all completely bare, and a few of the rooms feel like you simply did the right click->populate decoration.
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DHN3BHYOT
Kam, you know I'm a fan, just a couple notes on this. The lizardman chieftain when he congratulates you on doing all the tasks doesn't despawn even though the new one spawns, gives you a double figure. The black scales encounters, at least one of the ones attacking the ritual show up as kobolds as does one of the patrols near the shrine. Inside the "pit" the spiders get hung up on the pillars an awful lot. Really feels too cluttered for the combat to flow. The second time you are in the swamp the water texture is too low, you can see it in deep spots as little "squares" of water but otherwise you see no water at all making those squares look completely out of place. A few of the flame elementals at the end are static, not sure if they are supposed to wander or patrol.
Az, did you want me to re-run your solo one? I really don't have a group I can bring atm to test, sorry mate.
Your Quest was Excellent! I liked how you used floating interaction points to bring the GM to life as if you were playing a table top DD adventure.... Excellent dialogue and story telling....
The difficulty felt easy though because of that when you reached the end the boss fights felt like they were boss fights so kudos there.
It was however linear, I prefer a non linear but for a dungeon delve thats hard to do...
And maybe the only real flaw is the dialogue options you get to choose from are not really a choice, you typically put an obvious realistic choice with a completely non realistic choice so in a way it often felt like there was only one real choice in the dialogue...
I give you a 4 out of 5 as I really dont give 5's unless its practically perfect or so amazing that i am amazed beyond amazement...
So good job!
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DHN3BHYOT
Thank you for the review! All feedback helps me make a better run. That said let me ask quickly what level were you when you ran it (as that is a huge part of calibrating difficulty)? As to the dialog I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the options given. They were in all fairness things that I received as lines from players while playing that face to face. It may seem unrealistic to you or maybe even me but if player has said it to me in a session in response it rates pretty high on my list of possible things to give in preset dialog.
I don't know when I'll get to yours, but you are certainly on the list. I should be running them the rest of the night as well as all day tomorrow.
I will review yours asap.
"The harder the game, the better."
Posting review to your thread.
That is it for me for tonight. I'll get back at it tomorrow to get a few more knocked out.
I don't have any real criticisms as I felt this quest was very well done on all levels. I didn't see any typos, but the one thing you could work on is having Victoria disappear in the middle of her paragraph.
Other than that, and invisible walls needed outside the den, great job. 5/5.
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
-First room, there’s a floating purse/coin pouch that’s hovering near the fire
-You get the objective “Clear guard captain lhumed...etcetc” before you open the door. The door says, “I wonder what’s on the other side…” Well my objective just told me
-There was an intractable invisible that said something about “being out of place” in the repository room. Was hoping for something more to find in the room but it was empty. Was that just a feeling?
-Very first door AFTER you pull the switch revealing the hallway… after you open the doors there’s a floating unlit torch stick next to the door (might just be room bug)
-Treasure chest is “controled” spelling typo.. and I just got through your entire quest without finding any! Woomp woomp wooooomp
-Overall great job man, 5 stars
Descent Into Madness Act I
Suggested Players 2 but most likely can be soloed
Estimated time 20-30 minutes
If you use the BEST tab and enter the code (e.g. NW-DAK2BFO2X), you can find any quest that needs reviews.
The way you're "supposed" to do it crashes for pretty much everyone.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
NAME: Don't "Count" on it
LENGTH: 20 minutes
Quest Title: Don't "Count" on it - Ch. 1
Short Code: NW-DQ3H4MXKG
Duration: 15-20 minutes
I'll be glad to trade reviews. So far I have reviewed 5 quests and only got one review for mine. Let me know if it is a deal.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I very much enjoyed the quest!
Here are my notes:
- Nice details in tavern
- Motivation for wanting to find count, especially after setup, a bit thin.
- First sewer encounter quite tough (39 cleric) but won using 3 small heal potions
- Nice interior detail in the sewer
- Campfire placed in useful location
- Fight with 3 battle wights quite...challenging.
- Encounters a bit repetitive after a while
- Confusing mission "Defeat the Rebels". Which rebels, they have not yet been introduced to the story.
4.7/5 stars rounded up to 5/5. Nice job!
My first quest is in dire need of reviews... I would appreciate it if you could have a look. NW-DAK2BFO2X
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Extra things that made me very happy were all the random monsters having names and the little secret areas you could find with different classes. Good job!
Short code: NW-DJGYNI7NH
In this old school-style adventure, the hero(es) explore an old ruined castle while searching for a fabled magic item at the behest of a wizard.
Very flattered, thank you.