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Patch Notes NW.1.20130416a.34-39



  • cathgar457cathgar457 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    razelski wrote: »
    I have the same problem, loading was ok before patch and after I need to wait a while to join Protector's Enclave. Loading just stops on 100%, music is still on, hints are changing but nothing else happens

    Same taking forever since patch.
  • timmentimmen Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same here. wont load.
  • skylia120410skylia120410 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    cool about the companion bug had it happen to me yesterday and logged out to fix the problem and then reported it so it was cool to see it in the patch notes. it was the first time it had happened to me nice to see it was resolved though
    Character handle:@skylia120410
    GWF GUIDE SITE: Still being worked on not 60 yet
    Divine Misfits (one of the Guild Leaders)(Guild Site Manager)
  • pinchyskriipinchyskrii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nothing important then.
  • trekkie0673trekkie0673 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3x Client.exe - Error and 5-6x stack in the loading-screen to Prodectors Enclave in 20 Minutes ... nice Patch -.-
  • urlagurlag Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    hey just fixed my loadscreen error
    switched option from windowed-fullscreen ---> fullscreen
    no problems now
  • utaniautania Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2013
    You guys can't seem to get the gateway UI right, the gateway layout looks worse after patch on chrome 1366X 768 resolution

    Lots of truncation and overlap on the professions page
  • utaniautania Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2013
    utania wrote: »
    You guys can't seem to get the gateway UI right, the gateway layout looks worse after patch on chrome 1366X 768 resolution

    Lots of truncation and overlap on the professions page

    wierd after changing the windows size it all seems to fit now, very strange
  • maxibestmaxibest Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 34
    edited May 2013
    Healer agro is fine - think in pvp who do you go for first the healer or the tank ?? come on guys dont be so stupid its a common sense mechanic and its brilliant - deal with it , its AI thats not <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> its designed to be a challenge and will make you keep aware of keeping your healer alive. its not like its hard to get the threat back. get smarter and utilize the tools/team members better - a cleric than can heal and kite is a tank basically, dont qq - get better

    the AI appears to be smarter than the population of this game - protect your healer. pretty freakin simple.


    I guess you dont play Cleric.
  • joukuoj32joukuoj32 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hmm so feats are broken(ok more things are broken or need some change) and we get better gateway.
    If on Gateway fix working 1 man/woman/whatever im ok with it, but if you have 2 or more ppl on it why you dont move them to some work which is more important.

    Yes i dont see gateway more important right now then broken feats and so on.
  • dustehtmdustehtm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rapticor wrote: »
    How many healers are going to keep playing healers if they always die seconds after their first heal? More than likely they'll just get frustrated and quit. Before you know it you have a healer shortage. This is one situation where gameplay is more important than realism.

    I honestly do not have that problem, I admit I get alot of agro but as of now I have always solo healed all the way up to castle the only problematic dungeon is Ice but once you got the kiting down its not so bad. The problem does need to be fixed but its not really that game breaking currently. I would however like to see the dev's stop making so many changes to exploits, tricks and skipping of mobs. You need to ask yourself why are players trying to do this? Because of the classes have so many broken feats, spells and most of all the terrible threat in this game. I know they are much bigger fixes but if you did address them first or at least started to more people wouldn't need to try get around the game and just play it properly. I just think its silly healers are tanking and tanks are going DPS and then tanks are always getting dropped or booted out because they cant tank nor DPS as well as a rogue. Its got that bad my team have ended up making alts so instead of tank, healer rogue and two wizards we have a rogue, two healers and two wizards.

    I will support the game through the changes, I hate to rant as well I would just like to see the dev's make the changes that everyone is crying out for or at least try to. As a player I do find it hard to heal, debuff the boss, move out of AOE, tank the mobs and talk on team speak but heh I manage and no one dies often xD Makes us better players right!

  • rionnagrionnag Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    razelski wrote: »
    I have the same problem, loading was ok before patch and after I need to wait a while to join Protector's Enclave. Loading just stops on 100%, music is still on, hints are changing but nothing else happens

    Same situation here. I tried the suggestion of changing to Full Screen, but did not see an improvement.
  • sonovaghostsonovaghost Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have never had any lag in this game until now, this morning it's brutal.
  • blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know you have to fix alot of things, but WHEN will you adress class balance and dungeon tunning?
    Every patch i hope to see something that makes my GF kind of relevant..... but nothing, and i dont really want to reroll another class....
    Now you guys even broke guard mechanic....
    Keep up the good work, but plz redifine your prioritys...it doesnt matter how many "gateway", "zen Store" and "foundry" bugs you fix, if people are getting tired of poor class balance and 2 broken classes (GWF and GF).... please we really need a class balance and class fix patch.... and please(again) more adds on a boss doesnt make it more fun.... some of the adds on this bosses are ridiculous....
  • llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    they dont care about you, they fix exploits and other stuff to maximize their $$$ profit, you think they care about balance and broken stuff? all they care about is blocking you from exploiting.

    highest priority:
    1. AH
    2. dungeon exploits
    3. the rest.
  • rfarjrfarj Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Account Guard input fields and navigation buttons now display correctly in IE8.

    Corrected the navigation button in IE8 but now in my Firefox i have to use tab to get in to the change page arrows in professions
  • rayzoldrayzold Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm greatful for the hard work you are putting on this game, still I do not believe a bank with 16 slots and a "Items no longer go into the Overflow Bag if there is room in other bags." change is really beneficial to a player's experience. From time to time I do feel you are pushing us a bit too much.

    Nevertheless, thanks for working hard for this game.
  • kestralskaurkestralskaur Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same problem as many other people. Get to load screen, Protector's Enclave, load gets to 100% then just stays on the load screen. WTF? You will lose a lot of players if you don't concentrate on fixing the important bugs, not just the $$$ making bugs.

    Second thing: I see a lot of whining about "class balance". I've seen this on just about every MMO I've played on. In my experience, most people whining about it really just don't know how to play their chosen class, utilize it's strengths and minimize it's weaknesses. I almost always play rogue and almost always see people on forums whining rogues are too powerful. It's not that rogues are powerful, it's just that we know how to play our character. Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 different builds to get an effective one. If your fighter doesn't seem to be working, chances are it's the build you're using, not the class that is the problem.
    Figure it out for yourself or obey without question.
  • solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Pvp could really use some balancing. TR do way to much damage. They got a one hit kill button which is not right. You cannot dodge it move away from it at all. You got GFs shield bashing you from a long ways away which cannot be dodged if you are close. I mean they can pretty much keep you on the ground tell you are dead. WHich does not take them long. I have seen them out dps dps classes which makes no sense. Oh and please fix the dailies! Cryptic you guys have put out a awsome game and I thank you. But now we need some serious balancing. PerfectWorld you suck! Had to make this awsome game a pay to win.

    I was getting killed by CW in about one rotation of their encounters/specials, but now GF are doing the same thing. 3 shots sprinkled in between the stun/knockdowns and 27k hp was gone, less then 5 keystrokes.

    PVP really needs some balancing. As it is now, I just do the 3 matches for the AD and move on because I can't stomach it. I'd really like to spend more time doing it once some thought is put into balancing the classes. As it is, you're pvp-ing vs. classes tuned for PVE and they are wrecking classes not designed for mass-cc or mass-single target dps. Fix it or many people won't even do it for the AD reward for very long.
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Stamina and several other values where changed to server side from client side, where is this in the patch notes?

    Like come on, what's the reasoning for not clarifying this? it's also caused a bug btw which is further causing folks to feel the best thing to do is delete their GF.
  • trystessatrystessa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Protector's Enclave (PE) bug...
    1. on first load after patch, takes 5-10 mins to load screen like other people have mentioned
    2. once in PE, moved to another map, and back, everything loads fine ie: normal wait times to load up PE
    3. While in PE, tried "Move to Instance" of another party member, disconnected me from game.
    4. signed back in, same character in PE... same 5-10 min wait as #1 above.. this isn't a one time thing.

    This is a pretty serious problem as i'm assuming the majority of the players log in/off from PE.
  • sirsirosirsiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trystessa wrote: »
    Protector's Enclave (PE) bug...
    1. on first load after patch, takes 5-10 mins to load screen like other people have mentioned
    2. once in PE, moved to another map, and back, everything loads fine ie: normal wait times to load up PE
    3. While in PE, tried "Move to Instance" of another party member, disconnected me from game.
    4. signed back in, same character in PE... same 5-10 min wait as #1 above.. this isn't a one time thing.

    This is a pretty serious problem as i'm assuming the majority of the players log in/off from PE.

    same thing loading PE takes forever at 100% loaded, and doesnt seem to take me anywhere, please fix it
  • sirsirosirsiro Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    20 minutes now and it still stuck at 100%...
  • bloodletter24bloodletter24 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Accident4prone, stun lock? You do now that rogues can pretty much roll out of entanglement or ice strike? They also hit for 26k to 28k with one button. CW needs to do a few things to hit for 18k. I can do a few full rotations and hardly hurt a GF. Who then knocks you down and rips through a CW like paper. If played right a CW has very little chance against a GF Not only that GF can out dps a CW and TRs do it with ease.
  • mmagusbmmagusb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While I do appreciate your efforts to improve thimgs, unfortunately this patch made it so the game will not launch. I get an error message titled GameClient.exe: Missing. It says: Unable to find game data files. I this problem persists, reinstalling the application may fix the situation. :-/


    During reinstaling I now get a note that says: Unable to register with Game Explorer.

    I use Google Chrome, but this has never been an issue. let's see if it loads now...

    **UPDATE 2**

    25 minutes, still loading PE, though now I do have a "Server Not Responding" counter to watch...1200s and counting... 0_o
  • demampdemamp Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zurkhon wrote: »
    Thanks for the patch notes. :cool:

    Why in the world would you thank them for patch notes? o.O
  • covencoven Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    demamp wrote: »
    Why in the world would you thank them for patch notes? o.O

    Cause it's nice as players to know what the state of the game is and what is being done to the game as well as being made aware of any improvements being made. Why not say thanks for patch notes?
  • nezroy123nezroy123 Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    coven wrote: »
    Cause it's nice as players to know what the state of the game is and what is being done to the game as well as being made aware of any improvements being made. Why not say thanks for patch notes?

    Because generally speaking you aren't obligated to thank someone for doing the job you are paying them to do. Even if you are Canadian.
    Quests: Fate of the Bonnie Kate (NW-DE6K6H63Q)
  • reddracoflamereddracoflame Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    healer agro is fine - think in pvp who do you go for first the healer or the tank ?? Come on guys dont be so stupid its a common sense mechanic and its brilliant - deal with it , its ai thats not <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> its designed to be a challenge and will make you keep aware of keeping your healer alive. Its not like its hard to get the threat back. Get smarter and utilize the tools/team members better - a cleric than can heal and kite is a tank basically, dont qq - get better

    the ai appears to be smarter than the population of this game - protect your healer. Pretty freakin simple.

    thank you lol finaly
  • ricktacularricktacular Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nezroy123 wrote: »
    Because generally speaking you aren't obligated to thank someone for doing the job you are paying them to do. Even if you are Canadian.

    But it's still polite, and makes you not sound like a ******. You don't say thank you to your waitress, for example?
This discussion has been closed.