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Patch Notes NW.1.20130416a.34-39



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    swan76swan76 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After patching i can enter and get login screen get into the loadingscreen but it just gets stuck at 100 % not entering the game, anyone else have these issues ?
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    smonkensmonken Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    swan76 wrote: »
    After patching i can enter and get login screen get into the loadingscreen but it just gets stuck at 100 % not entering the game, anyone else have these issues ?

    Yea my friend, same here! Sometimes i need 2 wait at 100 % for like 5 min -.-
    fix this please
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    mmagusbmmagusb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Mine never did load...35 minutes of waiting and I gave up. I tried reinstalling from the original download game .exe I had saved, but that wouldn't install correctly (Patch conflict?). So I downloaded from the site, it installed fine, but it has been patching 4192MB of files for about the last 20 minutes. It's not my internet, as I can do other things on the net quickly. Maybe the servers are clogged with people trying to fix what got broken during this patch.
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    elzatarraelzatarra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    smonken wrote: »
    Yea my friend, same here! Sometimes i need 2 wait at 100 % for like 5 min -.-
    fix this please
    Same Problem here, I find it hilarious that all the times I run into bugs it's right after a patch, lol.
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    lexglolexglo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I confirm I am also stuck at 100% on the loading page of PE with all four of my characters parked there. It has been stuck for 20 mins so far.
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    smonkensmonken Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please just fix this stuck in loading right now -.-
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    xblade7703xblade7703 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so did u guys go around and say "**** u" to every group in the game for these notes? wtf
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    azfaltazfalt Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After todays patching i have problems with loading my character standing in protectors enclave, i get the character loading screen but nothing happens after the loading bar has turned full, even had it standing like that for 5 min, before i decided to to shut the game off and restart, but other character i have in other areas of neverwinter loads just fine.

    Also encountered ingame from other character of mine, that ingame bug report, got an error: unable to connect to server.

    So while solving some isues, it looks to me like you have created some new ones aswell.
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    vardanoirvardanoir Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    disneffa wrote: »
    no more overflow? can u squeeze are balls any harder?

    omg did u not actually read the fix ...no overflow bag "IF" you have spaces avail in your "OTHER" bags. This means that the overflow bag will only show up if you are absolutely out of bag space for items not that they got rid of the overflow bag completely.
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    iminers242iminers242 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    azfalt wrote: »
    After todays patching i have problems with loading my character standing in protectors enclave, i get the character loading screen but nothing happens after the loading bar has turned full, even had it standing like that for 5 min, before i decided to to shut the game off and restart, but other character i have in other areas of neverwinter loads just fine.

    Also encountered ingame from other character of mine, that ingame bug report, got an error: unable to connect to server.

    So while solving some isues, it looks to me like you have created some new ones aswell.

    Im sure They are "Working" On it.:rolleyes:
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    greigongreigon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Now that archon shield got fixed and peopple who used it lost 6% dmg reduction it would be great if you'd fix the shield defence feat....
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    vardanoirvardanoir Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bghost wrote: »
    that's right u win the game through bags......wtf.
    Items no longer go into the Overflow Bag if there is room in other bags.
    this means if you main bag is full it will go to your other bags. they are not getting rid of the overflow bag. and you do know u get bags for free right....

    the bags u get for free are much smaller than the starting bags you get and just using those you won't have enough room. the two bags I gained thru quests are pretty much constantly full of R1-R4 enchants and runestones because i've only got 12-16 bank slots and have to pay real money for zen to upgrade the bank so yea I'd like the ability to craft bags or have them drop so my current bags aren't getting full halfway thru a dungeon. oh and let's not forget all the other stuff my main bag has in it ....stacks of pots seeing as I only have 3 belt slots yet can have 5 pots active on me, ID scrolls, altars, injury kits, arcane, nature, religion, thievery, dungeoneering kits (minus the one I don't need based on my current class) ...oh and let's not forget the tokens that drop that i use 40 of once every other dungeon run to get another seal of the unicorn/manticore/lion etc. These are pretty much core items I'd guess most players have in their inventory so that's not leaving much room for loot drops. Paying to have more bag space is crazy when in every MMO i've played i've been able to buy them with ingame currency (ZEN is not ingame currency) or craft them with one of my professions
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    vardanoirvardanoir Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While we are here. OMG... PLEASE make a trade channel. there are new players in 'zone' that need help and cannot get it because the sales floor is so congested no one is watching it anymore.

    good luck with that...other mmos have a "trade" channel that barely gets used if at all. So go ahead let them make one. the "zone" chat will still end up cluttered with spam from folks trying to sell/buy stuff rather than try to use the half-broken AH. And before anyone replies that the AH is broken completely, I say it's half broken because you can use it to find stuff you just have to know which stuff works and which doesn't. While I can't input a lvl requirement and I think the enchantment "type" search box is also not working, I can and have successfully used the other search options for my AH searches
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    vardanoirvardanoir Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kingculex wrote: »
    Another one crying about PVP and TR. As a trickster rouge I could cry about the cleric shield (astral shield or archon shield??) being to strong and being impossible when stacked. I could also cry about GWF dealing to much damage. Why bother when anyone who knows how to properly fight can handle it. The shocking execution requires the target to be partial injured and the action point to be full for it to work. It is designed to double or more the damage on the target. CW have a similar attack because it kills me constantly. Rouges are high dps low defense. I compensate by having regeneration and life steal as part of my gear attributes. The trickster rouge lashing blade may still be glitched and it doing damage but it is survivable. You basically need to adapt quickly to survive instead of whining. I switch out my powers depending on the team I am facing. Nerf the TR? Then Nerf the Cleric's shield! I honestly say it doesn't matter because it make the game more difficult and funner.

    I'm only replying to this for one reason ...you play with makeup? Cuz most folks I know in the game play Trickster Rogues not with Rouge, which is applied to a woman's cheeks to add color :D
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    vardanoirvardanoir Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same problem as many other people. Get to load screen, Protector's Enclave, load gets to 100% then just stays on the load screen. WTF? You will lose a lot of players if you don't concentrate on fixing the important bugs, not just the $$$ making bugs.

    Second thing: I see a lot of whining about "class balance". I've seen this on just about every MMO I've played on. In my experience, most people whining about it really just don't know how to play their chosen class, utilize it's strengths and minimize it's weaknesses. I almost always play rogue and almost always see people on forums whining rogues are too powerful. It's not that rogues are powerful, it's just that we know how to play our character. Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 different builds to get an effective one. If your fighter doesn't seem to be working, chances are it's the build you're using, not the class that is the problem.

    you are so full of bs here it's hilarious. you chose to play the most-often op class in any mmo then say that the rest of us who don't should quit whining that our class isn't broken and we just need to learn to play them. Go play a GF or GWF to 60, try to find an epic run when the DD is up, or make a cleric and see how bad the aggro is ...then come back here and say the rest of us are "whining." Also rogues are easy to play, always have been in any mmo. Come back when you've played a real class, one that needs skill to play, not one that requires you to press one button all the time.
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    zierkzierk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 19
    edited May 2013
    Still no armor texture :)
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    zierkzierk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 19
    edited May 2013
    vardanoir wrote: »
    you are so full of bs here it's hilarious. you chose to play the most-often op class in any mmo then say that the rest of us who don't should quit whining that our class isn't broken and we just need to learn to play them. Go play a GF or GWF to 60, try to find an epic run when the DD is up, or make a cleric and see how bad the aggro is ...then come back here and say the rest of us are "whining." Also rogues are easy to play, always have been in any mmo. Come back when you've played a real class, one that needs skill to play, not one that requires you to press one button all the time.

    Are you defining skill as the ability to press more then 1 button? /facerollkeyboard .... mad skillz?
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    twilikztwilikz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How can i report a really serious bug? Ppl are starting to use it and it's really gamebreaking!.
    I have proof..
    Pls answer me.
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    inspector135711inspector135711 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another week down. Great work Team Neverwinter. I may take many issues with this game and how it handles the D&D IP, but I'll never take issue with you fine ladies and gentlemen in the office.
    Thank you immensely, and here's to many many more weeks of grandeur!
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    iminers242iminers242 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another week down. Great work Team Neverwinter. I may take many issues with this game and how it handles the D&D IP, but I'll never take issue with you fine ladies and gentlemen in the office.
    Thank you immensely, and here's to many many more weeks of grandeur!

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    imacrakerimacraker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So yea.. Not sure how many people reported the dual companion summon exploit but I was one of them.. glad you patched it but I'm still able to use it with the Rock Companion..

    Also same issues with loading Enclave.. was fine this morning but after my initial log-in for the day it's a no-go for me..
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    imacrakerimacraker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    @twilixz uh hit help in game and access the bug report
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    inspector135711inspector135711 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You basically "derailed" that posters comment to re-purpose interest in your desired direction, which is completely unnecessary and a bit lazy/rude.
    Both topics are separate and important issues that need no obfuscation.
    Throw up your hands and give up if you like, but please don't expect "us" to follow you or support your logic with an attitude like this, particularly during an open beta where it is our job as "players" to candidly report on the issues at hand.
    vardanoir wrote: »
    good luck with that...other mmos have a "trade" channel that barely gets used if at all. So go ahead let them make one. the "zone" chat will still end up cluttered with spam from folks trying to sell/buy stuff rather than try to use the half-broken AH. And before anyone replies that the AH is broken completely, I say it's half broken because you can use it to find stuff you just have to know which stuff works and which doesn't. While I can't input a lvl requirement and I think the enchantment "type" search box is also not working, I can and have successfully used the other search options for my AH searches

    Annoyance meter pegged out there, sry... HULK SMASH!!!
    I've said it before, and ill say it again... This is not other games. It's not yahtzee, 40k, gw, its not aoc, swg, smite, lol, halo, monopoly, the sims, connect 4, or any other game you may have sank a million hours into.
    This is D&D and the sooner the "Johnny come lately's", the woefully distracted, recently digitally inundated tester, and the grizzled grognard realize/remember this the sooner we can get back to actual D&D.
    This system has been in development since the 70's so GTFO with the new school comparative BS postulation. You may change the dynamics of an iteration, but you shall not change the heart of DnD, which was pumping long before even D&D was officiated and to which 99% of modern fantasy games OWE a great debt of developmental gratitude.
    Ok, sheesh, back to the fun side of things...

    Spammers and traders exploitation of an as of yet maximally optimized chat system, is not a sufficient reason to justify burying this issue.
    The exploitation would not be needed if a system was in place to support the needs of the users, and moderation of the chat channels would more than cure the practices that are more or less destroying the functionality of the chat system. As it is, I wholly disable zone everywhere if I'm not interested in digging through spam(a sometimes worthwhile venture, since there are come pretty cool lurkers out there in zone ;P).
    In fact, I would personally move to, and work out there at Cryptic's offices just to ensure the functionality of a useful chat system and if the offer is presented, you can all hold me to that.
    Officially supported, text based communications are crucial to any social online game and I further request implementation of [HELP], [LFG], [TRADE], [EPIC], and [OOC] chat channel options(in that order of importance). I do note there is an RP channel(♪♫ ♫♪ ♪ and many moooorrree), though I have yet to see it in my chat module and have had it enabled since "OBT launch". I'll have to get more into it I guess, but anyway, the others should be "defaulted" into chat via GUI notices during character progression at suitable points.
    Granted, the AH has borked sorting (please Ao :eek: , pri1 fix!) and exclusion features, but zone chat is equally if not far more "broken" in comparison of usability vs designed functionality and the fix for that is super simple, will require a bit of bandwidth re-allocation, and maybe the creation of a intern position or two(which is great for people looking to get some official experience).

    As an aside, thanks for commenting to begin with. It may not have seemed like it, but I do appreciate it and all the others out there voicing their opinions here so that this iteration of D&D can be more effectively handled by the development team.

    Anniehew, I just took a bit of an "offense" since you (all be it, halfheartedly) tried to shut that poster down, it just wasn't quite right.
    I've pretty much said all I have to say on those two subjects.
    Now I'm out to level and dream of charity events for lvl 60 clerics out there burning zen stone walls to heal up so they can charitably heal others...
    IDK why I am so hung up on playing a Cleric...
    Oh wait, I know exactly why, because I am the one and only, Champion of Ao!
    Wait... What does this all have to do with the patch?
    lol, well, as a CYA I will point to my statement that this train was derailed long before I made this comment.
    "I didn't start the fire..."
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    cathgar457cathgar457 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So the loading into Protector's Enclave delay is the new queue system:)
    Wait for 10min, no press key message and pressing keys does not work but if I open up an IE session then I get the press key message.
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    epixcomixepixcomix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You forgot to add in your patch notes "Broke the loading screen for Protector's Enclave so you are now stuck at it instead of actually loading in". The patcher you folks use already sucks at loading in new zones, now its broken even more than before. Fix your critical issues already.
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    thecainthecain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They're too busy creating more content that they can charge us for, new companions for the Zen Market (and the books, which will probably cost Zen too), and too busy killing the good parts of their game so they can focus on the best way to make money. IE, shuttering EXPing in the foundry after killing 2 mobs so your forced to grind through THEIR content because they can't fix the AI/Behavior of mobs so they can't be exploited.
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    azfaltazfalt Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kingculex wrote: »
    Another one crying about PVP and TR. As a trickster rouge I could cry about the cleric shield (astral shield or archon shield??) being to strong and being impossible when stacked. I could also cry about GWF dealing to much damage. Why bother when anyone who knows how to properly fight can handle it. The shocking execution requires the target to be partial injured and the action point to be full for it to work. It is designed to double or more the damage on the target. CW have a similar attack because it kills me constantly. Rouges are high dps low defense. I compensate by having regeneration and life steal as part of my gear attributes. The trickster rouge lashing blade may still be glitched and it doing damage but it is survivable. You basically need to adapt quickly to survive instead of whining. I switch out my powers depending on the team I am facing. Nerf the TR? Then Nerf the Cleric's shield! I honestly say it doesn't matter because it make the game more difficult and funner.

    Partly agreeable, most whiners don't know how to play their class, or they havn't found a class to play that suits their playstyle.
    My experience is that balancing can never be done to fulfill everyone, there will always be someone complaining, that someone else is better suited to play the game.
    To thoes whiners who complain, just because they don't want to spend any more time learning to play the game or their shosen class, stop whining and do something else you might be better at!
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    ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I've said it before, and ill say it again... This is not other games. It's not yahtzee, 40k, gw, its not aoc, swg, smite, lol, halo, monopoly, the sims, connect 4, or any other game you may have sank a million hours into.
    This is D&D and the sooner the "Johnny come lately's", the woefully distracted, recently digitally inundated tester, and the grizzled grognard realize/remember this the sooner we can get back to actual D&D.
    This system has been in development since the 70's so GTFO with the new school comparative BS postulation. You may change the dynamics of an iteration, but you shall not change the heart of DnD, which was pumping long before even D&D was officiated and to which 99% of modern fantasy games OWE a great debt of developmental gratitude.

    Completely agree with your rant, you spent your time on the soapbox well.
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    pepepoepepepoe Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    Can we have a Pre this patch roll back please so i can fecking log in and NOT stare at the Enclave loading screen for 10 mins.

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    propingproping Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fix GF Guard.
This discussion has been closed.