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Guardian Fighter's Guard ability not working properly.

azahronazahron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
(Copied this from my other thread. Where you can see I'm not the only one suffering from this bug.)

For some reason my Guardian often takes the stance, but he doesn't actually go "into" Guard mode, he puts his shield up but he keeps taking damage as normal until I release SHIFT and press it again - then if I'm lucky he'll start blocking properly.
This happens with a full Guard meter, so it's not an issue of it being down - at first I thought it was some sneaky Drow ability, but everything is getting past the Guard as if it's not there (except for the animation).
Post edited by azahron on


  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bump, we need some acknowledgement. Last patch completely broke guard ability.
  • sagrotansagrotan Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noticed the same it allmost feels like a ping issue you need to be in guard mode way before the hit animation actually finishes to guard against the atacks

    also the char often turns away from the target if you atack under guard mode
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bump this is so broken and annoying :(
  • datdanktankdatdanktank Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here's another thread in the class forums about this issue. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?285582-GuardianFighter-Block-button-problems
  • meitranmeitran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    This bug is destroying the character class. Need to get it fixed asap! - bump
  • propingproping Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I play from Australia and the bug has made it very difficult to use the Guard skill effectively. My ping is a stable 300-310ms to your game servers in Boston (I play via a proxy in Dallas). The observations of the other posters on delay or skill just not working as intended are also mine. Having to spam shift hoping one of those presses takes, is very depressing and has broken the class making it more susceptible to being prone or disabled in other ways.

    Please consider implementing some other 'less lazy' solution than the one you chose. Server side for a PvP game blows. If you are going to really make it server side, please consider changing the game protocol from TCP to UDP.
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well they've acknowledged on twitter that they've seen our reports and are looking into it. So at least we know we've been heard.
  • ngeongeo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Now that explains a lot... I noticed some weird behaviour but I didnt think that this was the problem, but you are right. Needs a fix.
  • meitranmeitran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    From their twitter:

    "We've seen a couple reports of that and are still looking into the issue. Thanks for the heads-up!"
  • eldurrp1eldurrp1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I posted this in the other thread, but in the interest of troubleshooting, I thought I'd share it here as well:

    I find that holding down shift to guard doesn't seem to register immediately after using an encounter, or if you drop guard and put it back up again without doing anything else in between.

    The best work around that I've found is to immediately Cleave after you use an encounter, followed by a quick shift to go into guard mode. (or if you exit guard mode by letting up on shift, make sure you Cleave before going into guard mode again)

    If you don't do this, it'll sometimes look like you are in Guard, but you'll still get hit.

    I hope they fix this soon so that we get back the responsive blocks that we're used to.
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eldurrp1 wrote: »
    I posted this in the other thread, but in the interest of troubleshooting, I thought I'd share it here as well:

    I find that holding down shift to guard doesn't seem to register immediately after using an encounter, or if you drop guard and put it back up again without doing anything else in between.

    The best work around that I've found is to immediately Cleave after you use an encounter, followed by a quick shift to go into guard mode. (or if you exit guard mode by letting up on shift, make sure you Cleave before going into guard mode again)

    If you don't do this, it'll sometimes look like you are in Guard, but you'll still get hit.

    I hope they fix this soon so that we get back the responsive blocks that we're used to.

    On top of that, I find it's not working if I use it after threatening rush.. I'm so use to using TR and immediately blocking in dungeons its <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me over hard atm, the trick for it working that particular time is just to wait a bit before blocking (or using cleave).

    The worst though is not being able to drop guard, then put it back up again (in pvp).
  • propingproping Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guard is broken. I've had a really good experience until now with the game. Please revert your lazy fix, and instead look at doing something that does not have the impact this untested, bad quality fix implemented.

    It makes the game unplayable as I am unable to defend myself anymore.
  • snapybsnapyb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013

    agreed you really suffer in pvp even with this minor work around it dosnt help in pvp :/ within that 1 cleave u end up getting chocked or dazed and that's gg when facing 2 or more ppl b4 this lazy fix of theirs i used to b able to hold 3-4 ppl for a little while most of the time until ppl came to assist now lol i can barely hold 2 moment i drop guard to attack that's gg

    and as for their twitter reply dont expect a fix for at least a week or 2 if they even deem it needs a fix.. even though this is class breaking its like telling a rouge u cant stealth.. and makes guardians a 1handed gwf lol
  • novronnovron Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Weapon enchantment effects like plaguefire are not being applied on guard attacks like aggravating strike and shield bash.
  • blapples86blapples86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    I love my GF in pvp (though I play it in pve as well for the better gear and it is just as bad in some circumstances) and this issue with blocking ruins me regularly. It isn't too noticeable 1v1 usually if I outmatch the person in skill or gear or both, but in 1v1 vs challenging opponents and when I am outnumbered it ruins me. Basically, block tends to fail me when the combat is most hectic and I need to use it most.
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blapples86 wrote: »

    I love my GF in pvp (though I play it in pve as well for the better gear and it is just as bad in some circumstances) and this issue with blocking ruins me regularly. It isn't too noticeable 1v1 usually if I outmatch the person in skill or gear or both, but in 1v1 vs challenging opponents and when I am outnumbered it ruins me. Basically, block tends to fail me when the combat is most hectic and I need to use it most.

    Yeah it's horrible with 1vx in pvp... It's destroying me in T2 dungeons as well.. Since I use threatening rush to set marks, I can't block afterwards so I'm getting destroyed by everything I just pulled aggro on, not to mention cannot re-guard after using encounters..
  • meitranmeitran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
  • redwaterxredwaterx Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 130 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    bump/ having the same issue, annoying as hell.
  • datdanktankdatdanktank Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Broken Still :mad: This is a rather debilitating bug and needs to be addressed ASAP.
  • mefario1970mefario1970 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    makes PVPing a bit difficult with this bug. Think you r blocking, instead you get choked or dazzled. Not fun.
  • tarlockentarlocken Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This needs to be fixed ASAP. Class balance wise, my guardian fighter may not have been completely up to par, but at least the mechanics functioned. Now its unplayable, broken. I've heard GWF are also having similar issues.

    I know the client side hacks were an issue, but fixing a problem witnessed by a small population of players by making things worse for an even larger population is not a solution. Did they even do the most cursory of testing before rolling this out?
  • propingproping Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bump for obvious reasons.
  • sweetjersweetjer Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    Cross-post from barracks for the bump:
    this needs an immediate fix. more immediate than exploits, which were patched posthaste. instead of being an occasional inconvenience if you're playing PVP and run into an exploiter, this breaks the game for all Guardian Fighters. Where is the official response? All we've heard is "we've heard a couple people say this we're looking into it." What's there to investigate? Server side blocking is broken, end of story. I'm ruffled by this, and GF isn't even my main toon. I can't imagine how bummed you T2's must be.
  • meitranmeitran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    bumpeti bump
  • karischkarisch Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zzzzzdank wrote: »
    On top of that, I find it's not working if I use it after threatening rush.. I'm so use to using TR and immediately blocking in dungeons its <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me over hard atm, the trick for it working that particular time is just to wait a bit before blocking (or using cleave).

    The worst though is not being able to drop guard, then put it back up again (in pvp).

    This is what my OH is finding, that basically his reflexes of putting the guard on are too quick for the game to cope with, and basically he has to leave a slight pause in between encounter skills/threatening rush etc before he can successfully block. Unfortunately the enemy is not compliant with the pause :p
    Sarcastic Malevolence
    Recruitment is CLOSED!!
  • fireslayerjkfireslayerjk Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bumping and adding my name to this list. Just started the game this weekend coming from a lot of other MMO's always a tank or healer. Wanted to build a tank to help out and it feels impossible to level this character with block broken the way it is. Played control wizard instead for a few hours and think im gonna have to switch this this is fixed. Another tank lost due to no fix
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bump :/ pls fix
  • sweetjersweetjer Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    Thought you guys might want to see this (from poster labeled Cryptic Studios team member): Originally Posted by panderus --
    Theres actually a short cooldown and activate time on block and other Shift powers. Its better to keep block up than let it down if you are going to need it again so quickly.

    They are also all predicted client side, so if theres a bit of latency and you get hit when trying to dodge/block something late it will rubberband you back, but most times it just lets block and roll feel smoother, which is critical for these sorts of abilities to feel and look better in more cases.
    ::end quote::
    located here:

    So I guess they're claiming working-as-intended now. Weak. GF riot in protector's enclave?
  • mortattimortatti Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh great. So this is supposed to be a nerf to GF then. Well, I didnt realise the intention was to completely screw the class. Yesterday I went into a dungeon, dashed to a boss and clicked shift to tank the adds for my party. Oh wait, block didnt work, because as intended apparently, I took full damage from all mobs and died instantly. Isnt that precious?

    Then get raised after the embarrassment to realize that during random times my guard just drops with me still holding shift, just because I moved around a bit and to get it back up I have to break my finger and my keyboard spamming shift so I dont die instantly because Im taunting all the ****ing mobs as a GF should do.

    I guess its time to make another character until the break something else INTENTIONALLY. Thank you so much.
  • datdanktankdatdanktank Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    :mad: grrrrrr
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