I'd like to tell you that i balanced the difficulty, now it should works perfectly.
If one day you'd like to retry my quest you are welcome
Cheers and thank you for the review, your adviced were precious.
I'm gonna check yours out in few, rixenatorz. I'll throw up a review here when I'm done!
EDIT: Just did it! Very awesome and polished. Plus I enjoyed fighting ghosts instead of orcs and bandits for once, haha! Great use of NPC chatter to really make the second map come to life too. It's little stuff like that which I really enjoy on these maps. I look forward to the next one!
I'm @Lya in-game, and the short code on my module is NW-DJGYNI7NH if you wanna try mine out!
Your quest confused me for a moment. I was like "WHY AM I PICKING UP ALL THIS RANDOM HAMSTER" from the rooms but when I realized each item gave an interesting way to bypass encounters I thought it was very neat. Something I've not seen in any other quest and would never have thought to do. Awesome idea.
The only complaint I had was the tiniest of nitpicks and that's that everything in the dialogue was in quotations. Unless something is in the OOC tag I (and I believe others, from what I've seen) assume already that it's spoken word, so the quotations seemed redunant. However, that's a super duper minor thing and I enjoyed the quest very much.
The Tale of the 3 Suns - NWS-DA9XX8WIV
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
Your quest confused me for a moment. I was like "WHY AM I PICKING UP ALL THIS RANDOM HAMSTER" from the rooms but when I realized each item gave an interesting way to bypass encounters I thought it was very neat. Something I've not seen in any other quest and would never have thought to do. Awesome idea.
The only complaint I had was the tiniest of nitpicks and that's that everything in the dialogue was in quotations. Unless something is in the OOC tag I (and I believe others, from what I've seen) assume already that it's spoken word, so the quotations seemed redunant. However, that's a super duper minor thing and I enjoyed the quest very much.
You know... I actually went back and added all those quotation marks at the same time I added the OOC tags not realizing that they were redundant but they totally are! I'll put that in my notes for V1.2
-Good writing
-Good amount of decoration
-Combat was somewhat bland
-A bit too short, you will likely run into problems reaching the 15 min average mark
This foundry has potential, and my two complaints can easily be fixed by varying the mob types, throwing in a few more difficult encounters, and adding more enemies in general.
A pretty good foundry over all.
I look forward to your review of my foundry. Shortcode is in my signature.
Chapter 1: The abandoned mines? by @Vold316
Short Code: NW-DHD2OVVYC.
Average time: 28 min.
Puzzles, traps, encounters, and more.
All Custom Maps.
Difficulty: 6 (1-10)
It is my first quest and it is on review, please be kind when reviewing. :P
If you really like it, try to counter the first review that i got 1/5, in my opinion, from a troll.
I hope you enjoy it!
"The harder the game, the better."
rixenatorzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
My quest is in my sig if you're feeling up for a 15 minute jaunt.
Woo, I was the 20th play so you're now daily eligible.
I'm currently level 50 on my cleric and a few of the encounters seemed a bit punishing. The first encounter after entering the Poor Man's house with ~5 standard-hard mobs was particularly though, I resorted to standing on the upper level and just knocking anyone off who came close. Several of the encounters just seemed a bit too tough for my level and I'd like to see them nerfed a bit.
Thanks for sharing.
delthaninMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 188Bounty Hunter
Thanks for submitting yoru quest, it was great. Often quests are plagued with dialogue errors. Your quest was well-written and the storyline was enjoyable. It was nice to not be overwhelmed by difficult stacked encounters; something I've been running into a lot lately. 5 Stars, thanks so much for sharing your quest with me.
Thank you very much! I subscribed to you after finishing the quest, so there should be another review headed your way whenever you happen to get part 2 finished up.
Almost done with my quest and will come back and post after running and reviewing yours. I must point out that I am thoroughly pleased at the fact that you do HONEST reviews in an attempt to push people to excel in better quests and stories. I see too many give me 5 stars and I'll give you 5 stars agreements in the forums.
I know everyone wants to feel good and accomplished about their quests as what started out as a simple "let me do this in a day little story" for me has turned into a two week labor of love. I am anxious for honest reviews even if it means I missed the mark - at least I can improve.
Great thread and look forward to running your quest.
I played your quest as a level 43 TR. It was a lot of fun. Now for the review
- Short and sweet
- Story: I enjoyed the story so far. Hired as a ghostbuster and discover there's more behind the cover this book
- The Library was well populated.
- Maps had simple designs
- Combat: Ambushes, enjoyed the fight at the end of the basment. Didn't see him standing there for a second lol...
- I chuckled immaturely upon 'Entering the Drunken Damsel.' Very punny.
- The initial ghosts started flowing through the doors (not sure if this is intended, because I was swarmed by about 12 ghosts and had to drink several potions) This might be because I am melee, so walking into the hallway, they somehow aggro'd through the doors.
- No campfire in the basement (not that it would make sense for there to be one... but would be nice.)
- The tavern is very empty at the start of the quest. Made me feel wanting for more, either like a trashed place or everything is dusty because no one is inn.
(also, SPOILER ALERT --- evil Arwell, had the name Wight beneath his name. Not sure if that is intended)
Speaking of which, poor Arwell... all his sister will ever know is that he was a druggy.
I have nothing but kind words to be said about your work. I agree with many who said that your campaign is very promising. I am looking forward to the next chapter, Subscribed.
Hey man, would love for you to review my first two quests - see my sig below
Will definitely give yours a try next time I'm in game!
Please play, rate, & review my very first Foundry Quest!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
gazza126Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
currently updating mine to incorportate the last area then i can start on the next quest. but it might take some time as i was making the very first dialogue in the final area i ended up basically writing in detail what was happening... so its about a 10 part dialogue with no personal options :P... so i'm having to find a workaround for that. hopefully won't be to long till i can release my completed quest though hah
Wizard's Choice Chapter 1
A wizard's quest to save himself, and his companions
rixenatorzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Mission: A mysterious drow is in hiding in Moonstone Mask and asking you to eliminate her sister - the most immediate threat to her heirarchal status. Her sister, Verzpeth is dabbling in the necromantic arts with the use of a powerful staff fueling her ambitions to become Matron of the Drovai family. She has taken up residence in the family crypt and kidnapped several townsfolk to use in experimentation. Steal the staff, defeat the sister and rescue the townsfolk.
Mission Type: Combat, Story
Difficult: Medium, some Hard encounters
Average Duration: 60 minutes
Amount of Combat: Average
Starts at: Moonstone Mask/ Protectors Enclave
Author Hints: Bring some potions to help you out. Some hard monsters.
Note: This is my first quest. I'd love feedback and suggestions.
The main problem I've had is one I had with a previous quest: When I return to Protector's Enclave teh quest is dropped from my logs and I have no way to complete it. Last time I encountered this the quest magically reappeared later on. I've logged out and back in and yoru quest reappeared, so I was able to complete it with some manuvering.
Of note is that the only other time I've encountered this is when teh quest turn in was in Protector's Enclave. While it may not make as much sense story-wise you may want to look into having your quest turn in somewhere other than a public zone, since that seems to be the problem.
In one of your dialogues with Verzpeth (after "And I should care why?" your [Nickname] tag is missing an opening bracket.
I loved teh dungeon design; I was particularly impressed with Verzpeth's room and the vine-covered door. A nice change of pace from the crypt feel of most quests.
The very first dialogue with teh drow girl in the city did not give me a good impression of your quest. Things aren't capitalized that should be, there are some grammar errors, etc. I thought to myself "Oh god I have to read through 40 minutes of this? Blargh." Had I not promised to review stuff I may have decided to play a different quest. I was pleasantly surprised that every other dialogue was much easier to read and written with more care. I honestly thought they were written by different people. You may want to revisit just that first dialogue and clean it up a bit.
Roughly half of the combat in the crypt was skippable if you hugged the wall. I'm not sure if this is intentional. Personally I liked it since it was fun trying to skirt around most packs, but if it's not intentional I thought I'd report that most packs were avoidable one way or another.
Thanks for sharing!
rixenatorzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
-Good writing
-Good amount of decoration
-Combat was somewhat bland
-A bit too short, you will likely run into problems reaching the 15 min average mark
This foundry has potential, and my two complaints can easily be fixed by varying the mob types, throwing in a few more difficult encounters, and adding more enemies in general.
A pretty good foundry over all.
I look forward to your review of my foundry. Shortcode is in my signature.
Thanks for your review of my quest.
I just finished yours and it's the first time I tipped the maximum amount. You did a great job of having lots of different sorts of environments while staying coherent and not like a bunch of stuff piled together. The story was easy to follow but engaging and the combat felt well-paced. The lighting, fog in the room with the bookshelves, etc all felt really good. I have 0 things to say negative about your quest, I loved it. Thank you for sharing.
rixenatorzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I just played both of your quests. In regards to the first one I would ahve liked more"scenery" in the area where you fight the drow; it felt like just a bunch of mobs put in a map, not like a true environment. The boss fight consisted of two of the exact same encounters back to back. It was kind of boring. I'd say either change up the mob type, or perhaps make it two slightly easier mobs at the same time.
I'd make use of the [OOC] tags instead of putting all the actions in brackets; it will make teh dialogue look cleaner.
I liked the ability to sort of choose your path in teh second quest. The second quest felt cleaner and, though I tired of fighting packs of wolves, it was still enjoyable. The only real problem I ran into with teh second quest was that after I finished it and had the little in-game review screen and such a mob began attacking me through the wall. No idea what it was or how it did so, but I could not exit the instance beacuse it was attacking me, so I had to Alt-F4 out, so I'd look into that if I were you.
Egads!! I made the mistake of moving after the reward chest, and it poofed the review panel....
So..Here it goes. I enjoyed the quest tremendously! Story was superb, though the end of it introduced apparent story elements left unresolved, probably because you're building a campaign.
The Good:
- Mob encounters TOUGH, but balanced. you have to fight smart through them. I took a 19th level GF with cleric companion through the story, some of these may prove near impossible to an above 35+ player, knowing the way cryptic scales the encounters.
- Scene was fabulous, object placement was good. I LOVED the way the ghosts crawled out of the floor to attack (and.. share the wealth. Is that a foundry feature, or did you place them on a negative 'y' access?)
- the dialog with ysolde and the animation changes was nicely done. Not too overboard to bore me, but interesting and brought it to life, for me. A little detail, that, but a very immersive one.
- The library: NICELY done for detail, immersion, etc. I liked the way i had to look for the guy a bit, but then eventually the marker kicked in and I could follow the sparklies to him.
- The Head Master's dialogue, attitude, and change (after arwel's fate) was nicely done, story wise.
- Your basement "boss" - WONDERFUL! He was a VERY TOUGH fight, but beatable, and very enjoyable. Again, you have to know your skills and apply them wisely; a plus, that.
- Populating the tavern on the 2nd entry was a nice story touch! I questioned it's empty nature, at first, until I spoke to Ysolde
The bad:
- The very FIRST corridor... Fight the mobs in the corridor and then EVERY (and I mean EVERY) ghost mob from the four surrounding rooms comes to join the party. That one was VERY TOUGH, and I lost my companion to that bunch. Beyond this corridor, however, the balance is fine. Might be a good idea to look into toning down the aggro there, a bit, or find a way to make the room mobs take notice only after their own door is opened (not sure that's even doable, mind you: I'm a foundry newbie)
- First corridor, 2nd room on left: there appears to be a ghost stuck in the floor on the far left. He never attacks and I can't target him. FYI
- I'd suggest removing the in-game warning about the 'cryptic treasure allotment' and including it in a brief portion of your quest description, personally.
Again, apologies: I messed up the review panel, so I'm not even sure my rating took :-(
but,for the record, this was a very good quest. 4/5. I'd give it five if that first corridor was fixed :-)
My own first foundry effort is in development, so no quest for you to review. not yet :-)
I'd like to tell you that i balanced the difficulty, now it should works perfectly.
If one day you'd like to retry my quest you are welcome
Cheers and thank you for the review, your adviced were precious.
An Artifact from the Depths - NW-DB5GERXA3
My 3d models
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Your quest confused me for a moment. I was like "WHY AM I PICKING UP ALL THIS RANDOM HAMSTER" from the rooms but when I realized each item gave an interesting way to bypass encounters I thought it was very neat. Something I've not seen in any other quest and would never have thought to do. Awesome idea.
The only complaint I had was the tiniest of nitpicks and that's that everything in the dialogue was in quotations. Unless something is in the OOC tag I (and I believe others, from what I've seen) assume already that it's spoken word, so the quotations seemed redunant. However, that's a super duper minor thing and I enjoyed the quest very much.
Appreciate if you could review mine. Both soloable
Author: pavvo
Short code: NW-DFEKZANXF
Name: 3 Suns Aligned
Author: @pavvo
Est. Time: 19min Solo mode. Can be duoed.
Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256451-3-Suns-Aligned-Part-1-of-the-Amulet-of-the-Suns-campaign
Short Code: NW-DU3HEVWJ7
Name: Holy Symbol of Khyber
Author: @pavvo
Est Time: 15 min solo. Can be duoed
Url: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?256431-Holy-Symbol-of-Khyber-A-short-quest
#1: 3 Suns Aligned NW-DFEKZANXF
#2: The Amulet of the Shining Sun NW-DRKKGUI26
#2 has choices that give a high amount of replayability
The Legend of Khyber - NWS-DK33EIYMY
#1: The Holy Symbol of Khyber NW-DU3HEVWJ7
#2: The Gauntlets of Khyber NW-DN0006FAZ
Heavy combat/light story
You know... I actually went back and added all those quotation marks at the same time I added the OOC tags not realizing that they were redundant but they totally are! I'll put that in my notes for V1.2
Thanks for playing!
Short code: NW-DJGYNI7NH
In this old school-style adventure, the hero(es) explore an old ruined castle while searching for a fabled magic item at the behest of a wizard.
My opinions on Damsel's Inn Distress:
-Good writing
-Good amount of decoration
-Combat was somewhat bland
-A bit too short, you will likely run into problems reaching the 15 min average mark
This foundry has potential, and my two complaints can easily be fixed by varying the mob types, throwing in a few more difficult encounters, and adding more enemies in general.
A pretty good foundry over all.
I look forward to your review of my foundry. Shortcode is in my signature.
Chapter 1: The abandoned mines? by @Vold316
Short Code: NW-DHD2OVVYC.
Average time: 28 min.
Puzzles, traps, encounters, and more.
All Custom Maps.
Difficulty: 6 (1-10)
It is my first quest and it is on review, please be kind when reviewing. :P
If you really like it, try to counter the first review that i got 1/5, in my opinion, from a troll.
I hope you enjoy it!
"The harder the game, the better."
Woo, I was the 20th play so you're now daily eligible.
I'm currently level 50 on my cleric and a few of the encounters seemed a bit punishing. The first encounter after entering the Poor Man's house with ~5 standard-hard mobs was particularly though, I resorted to standing on the upper level and just knocking anyone off who came close. Several of the encounters just seemed a bit too tough for my level and I'd like to see them nerfed a bit.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much! I subscribed to you after finishing the quest, so there should be another review headed your way whenever you happen to get part 2 finished up.
Almost done with my quest and will come back and post after running and reviewing yours. I must point out that I am thoroughly pleased at the fact that you do HONEST reviews in an attempt to push people to excel in better quests and stories. I see too many give me 5 stars and I'll give you 5 stars agreements in the forums.
I know everyone wants to feel good and accomplished about their quests as what started out as a simple "let me do this in a day little story" for me has turned into a two week labor of love. I am anxious for honest reviews even if it means I missed the mark - at least I can improve.
Great thread and look forward to running your quest.
- Short and sweet
- Story: I enjoyed the story so far. Hired as a ghostbuster and discover there's more behind the cover this book
- The Library was well populated.
- Maps had simple designs
- Combat: Ambushes, enjoyed the fight at the end of the basment. Didn't see him standing there for a second lol...
- I chuckled immaturely upon 'Entering the Drunken Damsel.' Very punny.
- The initial ghosts started flowing through the doors (not sure if this is intended, because I was swarmed by about 12 ghosts and had to drink several potions) This might be because I am melee, so walking into the hallway, they somehow aggro'd through the doors.
- No campfire in the basement (not that it would make sense for there to be one... but would be nice.)
- The tavern is very empty at the start of the quest. Made me feel wanting for more, either like a trashed place or everything is dusty because no one is inn.
(also, SPOILER ALERT --- evil Arwell, had the name Wight beneath his name. Not sure if that is intended)
Speaking of which, poor Arwell... all his sister will ever know is that he was a druggy.
I have nothing but kind words to be said about your work. I agree with many who said that your campaign is very promising. I am looking forward to the next chapter, Subscribed.
Here is my thread for my Quest:
Add me to the list
Note: There were too many smilies in my post. I got the 5 images warning. So here ya go
Will definitely give yours a try next time I'm in game!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
A wizard's quest to save himself, and his companions
The main problem I've had is one I had with a previous quest: When I return to Protector's Enclave teh quest is dropped from my logs and I have no way to complete it. Last time I encountered this the quest magically reappeared later on. I've logged out and back in and yoru quest reappeared, so I was able to complete it with some manuvering.
Of note is that the only other time I've encountered this is when teh quest turn in was in Protector's Enclave. While it may not make as much sense story-wise you may want to look into having your quest turn in somewhere other than a public zone, since that seems to be the problem.
In one of your dialogues with Verzpeth (after "And I should care why?" your [Nickname] tag is missing an opening bracket.
I loved teh dungeon design; I was particularly impressed with Verzpeth's room and the vine-covered door. A nice change of pace from the crypt feel of most quests.
The very first dialogue with teh drow girl in the city did not give me a good impression of your quest. Things aren't capitalized that should be, there are some grammar errors, etc. I thought to myself "Oh god I have to read through 40 minutes of this? Blargh." Had I not promised to review stuff I may have decided to play a different quest.
Roughly half of the combat in the crypt was skippable if you hugged the wall. I'm not sure if this is intentional. Personally I liked it since it was fun trying to skirt around most packs, but if it's not intentional I thought I'd report that most packs were avoidable one way or another.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your review of my quest.
I just finished yours and it's the first time I tipped the maximum amount.
Thanks for your review!
I just played both of your quests. In regards to the first one I would ahve liked more"scenery" in the area where you fight the drow; it felt like just a bunch of mobs put in a map, not like a true environment. The boss fight consisted of two of the exact same encounters back to back. It was kind of boring. I'd say either change up the mob type, or perhaps make it two slightly easier mobs at the same time.
I'd make use of the [OOC] tags instead of putting all the actions in brackets; it will make teh dialogue look cleaner.
I liked the ability to sort of choose your path in teh second quest. The second quest felt cleaner and, though I tired of fighting packs of wolves, it was still enjoyable. The only real problem I ran into with teh second quest was that after I finished it and had the little in-game review screen and such a mob began attacking me through the wall. No idea what it was or how it did so, but I could not exit the instance beacuse it was attacking me, so I had to Alt-F4 out, so I'd look into that if I were you.
It started with a burglary
Then it got friendly
But it ended badly
Egads!! I made the mistake of moving after the reward chest, and it poofed the review panel....
So..Here it goes. I enjoyed the quest tremendously! Story was superb, though the end of it introduced apparent story elements left unresolved, probably because you're building a campaign.
The Good:
- Mob encounters TOUGH, but balanced. you have to fight smart through them. I took a 19th level GF with cleric companion through the story, some of these may prove near impossible to an above 35+ player, knowing the way cryptic scales the encounters.
- Scene was fabulous, object placement was good. I LOVED the way the ghosts crawled out of the floor to attack (and.. share the wealth. Is that a foundry feature, or did you place them on a negative 'y' access?)
- the dialog with ysolde and the animation changes was nicely done. Not too overboard to bore me, but interesting and brought it to life, for me. A little detail, that, but a very immersive one.
- The library: NICELY done for detail, immersion, etc. I liked the way i had to look for the guy a bit, but then eventually the marker kicked in and I could follow the sparklies to him.
- The Head Master's dialogue, attitude, and change (after arwel's fate) was nicely done, story wise.
- Your basement "boss" - WONDERFUL! He was a VERY TOUGH fight, but beatable, and very enjoyable. Again, you have to know your skills and apply them wisely; a plus, that.
- Populating the tavern on the 2nd entry was a nice story touch! I questioned it's empty nature, at first, until I spoke to Ysolde
The bad:
- The very FIRST corridor... Fight the mobs in the corridor and then EVERY (and I mean EVERY) ghost mob from the four surrounding rooms comes to join the party. That one was VERY TOUGH, and I lost my companion to that bunch. Beyond this corridor, however, the balance is fine. Might be a good idea to look into toning down the aggro there, a bit, or find a way to make the room mobs take notice only after their own door is opened (not sure that's even doable, mind you: I'm a foundry newbie)
- First corridor, 2nd room on left: there appears to be a ghost stuck in the floor on the far left. He never attacks and I can't target him. FYI
- I'd suggest removing the in-game warning about the 'cryptic treasure allotment' and including it in a brief portion of your quest description, personally.
Again, apologies: I messed up the review panel, so I'm not even sure my rating took :-(
but,for the record, this was a very good quest. 4/5. I'd give it five if that first corridor was fixed :-)
My own first foundry effort is in development, so no quest for you to review. not yet :-)
Thanks for sharing this....
ceylokrinn (Caragen Kane, Dragon Server)
An Artifact from the Depths - NW-DB5GERXA3
My 3d models