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Stop calling it Open Beta!!!

pennstateitpennstateit Member Posts: 38
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
This is not Open Beta, this is a launched game. The lack of a wipe proves it. In beta it's about finding bugs and exploits to ensure a smooth launch and when you find as many bugs and exploits as you can you WIPE THE SERVERS. Nope, no wipes here, let's just keep the hyper-inflated AD and allow many of the exploiters to keep their tens of millions (sometimes billions) of AD while the rest of us have to deal with hyperinflation. I feel bad for the founders who are still holding on to their 2Mil AD as it's worth much much less than what it used to be valued at.

The point its, call it what it is. A launched MMO that didn't go through an open beta phase. Period.
(yes this is a rage thread feel free to call me a troll all you want)
Post edited by pennstateit on


  • kyosuke420kyosuke420 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have seen very few, if any games that actually wiped everything when it was open beta. Closed beta, almost always, open, not so much, and I've participated in a whole hell of a lot of betas (closed and open.)
  • chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree. Open Beta is a semantic adjective and no more. Once money began changing hands the term beta no longer applied.
  • rictrasrictras Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    So, are you enjoying the open beta?
    The meaning of life, is to give life meaning.
  • liquidc86liquidc86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    open beta seems good till now thank you sir xD
    nothing to see here
  • youlookfatyoulookfat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Does it matter what they call it? Once people hit 60 and are bored it will be over anyway :) I love that they have layed the ground work by saying they will merge all servers to 1 when its all stable.. OR as any other game does.. when the playerbase is small enough from people leaving:)
    Robb Stark is killed at the Frey wedding and his head is sewn onto his wolf..
    Jon Snow ends up leader of the wall and his own men kill him...
    Tyrion kills his father with a cross bow...

    Can't spoil books that have been out for years.. enjoy the show!!
  • bori4bori4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited May 2013
    I am rather enjoying the open beta myself, thank you for asking :D
    Bori - Renegade Drow - 40 Trickster Rogue - Mindflayer
    Elocin - Renegade Drow - 39 Devoted Cleric of Selune - Mindflayer

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  • sydanyosydanyo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In beta it's about finding bugs and exploits to ensure a smooth launch

    That's exactly what a beta should be about. Sadly though the vast majority of people treat beta as some kind of VIP privilege where they get to play the game before it's released. So, whether there's a wipe or not, the vast majority of people playing Neverwinter now in it's open beta phase would be playing in the exact same fashion. Not trying to find bugs. That's just reality.

    Also, if a coder/developer calls his product beta, then it's beta. Wipes and such make no difference. It's the product, and it's development stage, which defines whether it's beta or not. Case in point: Minecraft.
  • hyttehanshyttehans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 61
    edited May 2013
    This is not Open Beta, this is a launched game. The lack of a wipe proves it. In beta it's about finding bugs and exploits to ensure a smooth launch and when you find as many bugs and exploits as you can you WIPE THE SERVERS. Nope, no wipes here, let's just keep the hyper-inflated AD and allow many of the exploiters to keep their tens of millions (sometimes billions) of AD while the rest of us have to deal with hyperinflation. I feel bad for the founders who are still holding on to their 2Mil AD as it's worth much much less than what it used to be valued at.

    The point its, call it what it is. A launched MMO that didn't go through an open beta phase. Period.
    (yes this is a rage thread feel free to call me a troll all you want)

    Did i ever occur to you, that for once a game developer lets you play their game before release, so your ideas/bug reports might impact the final product, you get to be apart of that! its still your choice to participate, you can wait untill release if you want a bug free product, no one is forcing you to play the beta :) the lack of wipes made me want to put alot more hours into the beta, that i normaly would.
  • hxeehxee Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey pennstateit, are you enjoying your OPEN BETA experience?
  • therealbrainstewtherealbrainstew Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PW dictate whether a server wipe would occur after assessing the situation and impact of the issue on the server and NOT where the product is in its software release cycle.

    ps/ i am really enjoying testing the open beta
  • lyokiralyokira Member Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    But then again, I play it more like an action game than an RPG. Combat could use quite a bit of balancing of course.

    But this is less about enjoyment anyway. I still think they should tell us just what they are testing and working on, so that we know how we can help.
  • wrenaqwrenaq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yup still testing and sending in reports when I find a bug so it is still open beta.
    Many MMO's have a cash shop and are still in open beta...age of wushu,MWO to name a couple.
  • futrixfutrix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I too am enjoying my open beta experience. :)
  • kejser91kejser91 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013

    '' I dont laugh, I just smille :) ''
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why....why....does this have to be brought up. Why in the Nine Hells does anyone care so much about what the people who created the game want the game to be considered. If its called Open Beta, Soft Launch, Launch or Lolipops. Designers/Admins have stated that they will be "Launch" possibly next month. If they call it that then that i was it intended. The front page says its in Open Beta, the official wiki says its in Open Beta. Occam's Razor.

    dezstravus - Administrator - 05-16-2013
    Thank you for your patience and continued support! As a reminder, we are performing frequent maintenance during beta with the goal of fixing as many issues as possibly as quickly as we can, but plan to have maintenance less frequently as we move closer to the official launch.
  • koldmiserkoldmiser Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 131
    edited May 2013
    I for one am loving this Open Beta of NWO.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's their game, they can call it anything they want.
  • khandar21khandar21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    chai23 wrote: »
    I agree. Open Beta is a semantic adjective and no more. Once money began changing hands the term beta no longer applied.

    I paid for beta software, services and games before, and not every beta of MP games I played had a wipe.

    This whole debate is pointless, though. The only thing that matters is what the vendor/publisher labels it as. When I paid money for the founder packs, it clearly mentioned that it is a beta. The announcements say the same, as well, and it had also been stated that there would be no wipes at the end of the open beta phase. All the information has always been there and it is irrelevant whether or not you like it. Playing the game and paying for it are both optional, with the conditions clearly outlined.

    It however makes no meaningful practical difference, so why do people get so emotionally worked up over a label?
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  • bardmedicine11bardmedicine11 Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "helped us find a major bug"
    "banned the accounts"

    If it's Beta you should be rewarded for finding exploits.

    It's release, everyone knows it.
  • m3dussam3dussa Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If there WAS a wipe, I wouldn't spend so much time on my character, wouldn't see the content and wouldn't find bugs. Reasonable?
    If I knew there would be a wipe I would simply ignore the BETA and wait for the official release since I am not willing to go through all the leveling and gearing twice. What annoys you is the amount of AD floating? Well I have 144 AD atm and I'm pretty sure that once the economy balances I will be able to make w/e I need. Why do I need a wipe for?So that there won't be people richer than me? Why should I care how many AD the rest have? It's like saying that someone who starts NOW playing Wow or Aion will not make it through the game or will not earn what he needs because people played before him? Nonsense and lack of reason.
  • sydanyosydanyo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    It however makes no meaningful practical difference, so why do people get so emotionally worked up over a label?

    The youth today want everything for free, everything right now, and everything perfect. If the product has a "beta" label on it, it undermines their whining about how that something wasn't perfect, or right now (in the case of maintenance.)

    It's much easier calling it the actual finished product, and then crying about it.
  • procompsagnathusprocompsagnathus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sydanyo wrote: »
    The youth today want everything for free, everything right now, and everything perfect. If the product has a "beta" label on it, it undermines their whining about how that something wasn't perfect, or right now (in the case of maintenance.)

    It's much easier calling it the actual finished product, and then crying about it.

    That is a fact.
  • pennstateitpennstateit Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    Here is why naming matters:
    Remember the game The WarZ
    That game was launched on steam as a launched game, but clearly the game was still in a "beta state" as it had missing features and bugs/exploits galore.

    People were FUMING! Raging! Calling for the developers head on a platter. All because the game was "launched" in such a state
    Here people are giving these exploits/bugs a pass because the game is in a "Beta" state. And it's not just the AH exploit, it's also boss exploits and end game gear exploits that are causing havoc all over the place.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This is not Open Beta, this is a launched game. The lack of a wipe proves it. In beta it's about finding bugs and exploits to ensure a smooth launch and when you find as many bugs and exploits as you can you WIPE THE SERVERS. Nope, no wipes here, let's just keep the hyper-inflated AD and allow many of the exploiters to keep their tens of millions (sometimes billions) of AD while the rest of us have to deal with hyperinflation. I feel bad for the founders who are still holding on to their 2Mil AD as it's worth much much less than what it used to be valued at.

    The point its, call it what it is. A launched MMO that didn't go through an open beta phase. Period.
    (yes this is a rage thread feel free to call me a troll all you want)

    Neverwinter is in Open Beta I fail to understand why you can not accept that simple fact... /shrug
  • zanathos666zanathos666 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chai23 wrote: »
    I agree. Open Beta is a semantic adjective and no more. Once money began changing hands the term beta no longer applied.

  • suroh66suroh66 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This is an open beta, Now a days their are no wipes in open betas only cbts and alpha tests. You should probably re think your argument :)
  • renshaw1renshaw1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lltsnwn wrote: »
    Neverwinter is in Open Beta I fail to understand why you can not accept that simple fact... /shrug

    I look at all the other F2P games that have been in "Open beta" for a long time now which have also had a live cash shop the whole time. Let's face it people this game is live, and open beta is merely a label they are using to give excuses if/when things go wrong, and by the looks of things a lot of people are falling for it.
  • hyttehanshyttehans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 61
    edited May 2013
    Here is why naming matters:
    Remember the game The WarZ
    That game was launched on steam as a launched game, but clearly the game was still in a "beta state" as it had missing features and bugs/exploits galore.

    People were FUMING! Raging! Calling for the developers head on a platter. All because the game was "launched" in such a state
    Here people are giving these exploits/bugs a pass because the game is in a "Beta" state. And it's not just the AH exploit, it's also boss exploits and end game gear exploits that are causing havoc all over the place.

    One question, if you play a free game and are fulming and raging, you obvious dont like it, why allow yourself to be fulming and raging, it all comes down to this: either you have fun or you are not, i would never play a game where i dident have fun, dont take this wrong but i think you arent cut out for playing games in "beta state" there will be bugs, there will be downtime.
  • nevfenevfe Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok, so if this really is an 'open beta' what differences can we expect when it's 'launched'? The prices go up???
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