Reddit post has a picture of this guy having 100m astral diamond logging AFTER the roll back, but it's ok guys, the roll back should of fixed this, NOT this has been going on since day one... but it's ok. It's beta.
reported 16 days ago, and this was posted a week ago, it says resolved. gotta love PWE.
Wait, maybe it's cryptics first game, it's just a mistake, wait, this happened to their previous game aswell, SAME EXACT BUG.
edit: proof that the second photo was shopped plx
If you look on the toolbar at the top of the image you can see he has cheat engine open so has more than likely just used cheat engine to change the values.
Nothing to see here folks.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
not true i had 4 of my coins still.. it was only 7 hours of roll back, not 29..
Unproven claims.
I had my 6 Ccoins after the rollback , so what's your point .
Unproven? Please go invest in a pair of glasses, you don't have to be pass the intelligence level of a HAMSTER to see that you have no idea what you're talking about. The games economy is ruined, this game is ruined, pwe ruined this game.
the thing is people already dupe billions of billions of astrals at there alts character,with the demands of astral diamonds vs real money. people are trying to save them. pass the ad one into another. i saw a guy on twitch giving away some very rare mounts and buying all the items he can and stack them up at the guild bank.
This is what pwe responded
Exploit Follow up
Hey All,
We currently are in the process of taking action against a subset of accounts that were confirmed to have utilized exploits that affected the game balance or economy.
These accounts may be banned, temporarily or permanently, depending on the severity of exploit utilization. Anyone who is affected by this will receive notification via email.
While we have taken all precautions necessary to ensure that no false positives made it into our final list of accounts to take action against, we do acknowledge that some players who were banned may wish to follow up with us. If you had an account banned and wish to escalate the issue to our support team, please create a ticket at or send an email to
Please note that forum discussions about specific accounts being banned is against our forum guidelines, thus any threads on the topic may be closed. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Thank you for your patience and support while we continue to do everything in our power to ensure that Neverwinter remains a fair and balanced game experience.
-Dezstravus and the Neverwinter Team
right now i dint recieve any email from my alts
I post from a forum about neverwinter
Yep but if you point it out the haters laugh about your "conspiracy" theories. This whole fiasco has been the worst social engineering attempt I have seen, laughable really.
I just did a screenshot of my own ticket list and I can see the same graphic effect. Try it yourself. It's because there's a variable field in this place and it has a slightly different colour from the rest of the window.
Thank you. I will be sure to blast this into the face of every child posting "lolfail" images as proof.
Let's translate....
I don't care if my false argument is prove wrong. I will still rage post walls of text and make up other proof.... If it is on the internet it must be true. I would bet my first born on something someone posts on the internet. Especially someone with Exactly 100,000,000 AD. I'm sure that is legit.
It may take a bit but it is an ongoing thing, they were very thorough with two of my workmates, perma banning both accounst and multiple mule accounts, the karma part of it was one was basically saying the same thing you are before he got the ban-hammer.
In any event it certainly isn't the first time someone made off will ill gotten gains in a MMO and it won't be the last.
It does matter: it means that what you're posting to prove your claim is false, which means your claim isn't proved. Why do I have to explain this to you?
& in this thread, you admit to exploiting the bug yourself. IMO, you have no credibility. Why should I take anything you say seriously?
Let your life proceed by its own designs
Nothing to tell
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine ...
he is the source of that lolfail picture. can someone confirm what he says ?
So you're saying your guild is full of people who purposefully exploited bugs in the game for their personal interest? Did you report these guild members to the customer service staff or PWE? Did you take any of their ill gotten loot? You do realize that if you know about people abusing the game system and did not report it that essentially makes you an accomplice to their activities. Essentially you came up on this forum to post that you are part of an exploit group so PWE can look into your forum account, find the game account and proceed from there. Smart.
What source? Just saying, that I made a picture of my own tickets and the field around the number of days is also in a different colour. I have clearly different gamma settings, so it's actually darker not lighter than the surrounding area, but it has the same size.
The exact same bug was in star trek online and the exact same thing happened, that kind of goes beyond a mess up.