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Read this and actually think for once



  • dyrtnapdyrtnap Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kpon1 wrote: »
    If you are a person with a mindset other than this OP. Then you most likely are a liberal. Therefore you believe inconveniences to your personal life should be changed on a global scale to make your life the way you want it at the cost of all the others. You strengthen each of your statements with, "you just going to take that?" "Don't you deserve more?" "They owe us?" "Its my money"These types of thoughts cannot be countermanded with another statement without others blindly joining behind those that use such statements. Why? It is simple. They want their own agenda and solutions and create an obvious outcome statement and follow up with. "Then do as I day." It is the type of rally you do with mobs. It is not a solution and it is not giving criticism and it does not help anyone but the instigator. Neverwinter is a fine game with some minor launch issues that occurs now that people are more familiar with MMO and common possible exploits. Back in the 90's no one would be able to exploit easily. Now that experience has been learned in previous MMO's the people who can exploit, will exploit. They look for it. Purposefully. So it happens faster and on a larger scale is all. But it will happen and it will continue to happen with all MMO's. Its not about going backwards and punishing everyone else. its juts fixing it and going forward. The game will rectify itself. If your upset about being able to buy gear cheap, then you cannot be upset about something like rising gas prices. If the exploit is gone, people benefits, but the game is still the same fun game it was before, then now you got a fun game with one less exploit. Is that not a solution? of course someone will say no I want more. But lets face it, that same person would want more anyways until they have it all and then move on. Just fix the exploits as they come. No further actions are required.

    I'm usually pretty good at being a "let everyone have their own opinions" type of guy but you make me want to punch you in the throat. I realize you used the words "most likely" but seriously you have to open up your mind a little bit past what you hear on Fox "News" and KKK_R_ Awsum.com.

    YOU ARE 100% WRONG. I agree with him yet am 100% against racist, closet same sex loving, right-wing, shortsighted, LYING, HYPOCRITICAL WANNABE pseudo-"Christians" that seem to put a black and white value to EVERYTHING. The fact of the matter is that people like you are not terribly bright so they aren't capable of the level of perception or intelligent rationale required to realize that the world is a FAR FAR bigger and more complex place than the hick town they grew up and married their uncle in.

    I didn't write the above because I think that is what you are. If you are all those things (and proud of it) I pity you. In all honesty I wrote the above to show you how offensive and inaccurate the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you talk about "liberals" is to the rest of the free world (which is a FAR FAR FAR larger % of the free world's population). Hopefully you will take a second thought next time you open your mouth about politics (especially when you don't even really know what your talking about) and not sound like a narrow minded blowhard. I doubt it though most narrow minded blowhards can't stop themselves its like its a hereditary disease of the mind.
  • omenzinomenzin Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Doesn't anyone find it ironic that OP appears to have intimate familiarity with the exploits of the games of the last 20 years. A passionate plea for No Wipe could be a "oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, I got 10 mules loaded with goods locked up in a game that's currently offline". Come on now, he actually says "The exploits make the game FUN".
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    omenzin wrote: »
    Doesn't anyone find it ironic that OP appears to have intimate familiarity with the exploits of the games of the last 20 years. A passionate plea for No Wipe could be a "oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, I got 10 mules loaded with goods locked up in a game that's currently offline". Come on now, he actually says "The exploits make the game FUN".

    Dude....I know about the exploits. If you played any mmo with any sort of intellect or read any forum where they talked about it, you would know too. They are obvious. You can't call a computer programmer a hacker if they don't hack yet know what hacking is and knows how to do it.

    You guys are doing the same thing as saying Obama wasn't born in America and is a Muslim.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I got 1 lvl 60 character. I got no mules. I don't have a lot of AD (I think 140k on me right now). I'm just irritated that I might have to go through more hours to farm my beacon of faith gear just because of your obsessive whining.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I said the challenge of playing a lower tier class is fun. Finding work arounds with your own problem solving (like zerging a boss effectively or dodging groups of monsters) is fun. I don't go out of my way to find obvious and easy ways to get lots of gear and items. That is a waste of time and makes the game boring.
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Man, where'd the guy with the Kain avatar go? At least he said interesting things. Sentences that start with "Doesn't anyone find it ironic that..." just never seem to turn out interesting. I've read a lot of them. I keep hoping to be surprised, but keep being disappointed.
  • flipsydesflipsydes Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    l1d3n wrote: »
    Didn't read...

    Why bother posting?

    OT. Was a good read def have a lot of good points!
  • raal1raal1 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have played a LOT of mmos in my life in a casual and sometimes hardcore manner. This game has very fun mechanics and is enjoyable to play. Here are some points concerning the exploits in the game in comparison to other mmo situations.

    1) The famous "this game isn't balanced and exploits are everywhere": Don't roll back, don't wipe. I don't see how you guys feel these small problems break the game, conscious, or reality of you guys. There is absolutely no reason a video game economy should freak you guys out to the point of wanting a reset for insignificant problems. Here are some other mmo situations similar to this that will sooth you mind.

    a) Everquest 1: People were exploiting raid mobs come first release. This especially happened with Cazic Thule being slow and being able to be kited by 1 necromancer. Those necromancers made a LOT of money selling the gear. What happened? SOE didn't do anything. Do you know why? Because it is a GAME MECHANIC. And you know what the appeal to the game was? That classes were UNBALANCED for that very reason. The players saw the gear was worthless and people progressing to better gear just bought the cheap Cazic Thule gear to get better gear. This was a natural balancing to the gear progression. You guys feel that everything needs to be fair and all classes need to be the same in order for the game to be fun. I'll get to that point later.

    b) Everquest 2: Potions with swashbucklers were exploited to allow them to infinitely do aoe moves and easily down dungeons. Templars were able to do anti-undead spec in Echoes of Faydwer and do more damage than a wizard. What happened? SOE fixed it, but the aftermath was tons of gear on AH being almost worthless. Time passed, more gear came out, and people MOVED ON. Again, you guys want this balanced game where everything is fair and there is no problem solving in order to beat the game. In essence, you want to play this game to not think about anything, but to just sit infront of your computer screens mindless and clicking. This takes all the fun out of video games. The exploits make the game FUN. When the exploits are fixed, you moan a little inside your mind, and MOVE ON.

    c) World of Warcraft: Tons of exploits with warlocks and rogues. Remember when it had the nickname World of Roguecraft? What happened? It got fixed, and the game WENT ON. Everyone MOVED ON. World of Warcraft became the top played MMO ever and people somehow are still satisfied about the game. Being one of the easiest MMOs ever,

    d) Ultima Online: Don't get me started. Most of you guys do not have the mind or will power to play that game. If you are a veteran, you will know about the endless times you have lost your gear and progress because of a simple mistiming of moves. Tons of exploits. The term "ganking" came from this game. Ganking happens in pvp in this game, and you guys literally CRY over it. Your aspie rage misguides you from the idea that you need to ADAPT AND EVOLVE strategies. Find ways to beat those who are beating you. Take for example 2d fighters. There exists tiers. Those tiers change because people find combinations to beat the existing winning combinations.

    e) Dark Age of Camelot: You all know that one of the factions in RvR was almost worthless. All it was was midgard vs. avalon. People still played the third realm because of the overwhelming CHALLENGE you get with the game. You guys don't want challenge. Again, you just want to click click click and expect a result for your click click clicking.

    2) AH Crash: The AH crashed because of an exploit. Get over it. All MMO and real life markets have balanced itself out over time. Time is the most powerful force on the internet. Your aspie angst makes you want to rage because everything isn't perfect ALL THE TIME. What do you EXPECT from normal people?! You want them to be GODS? A LOT of games don't have good initial releases. This game IS NOT A DISASTER. Look at Final Fantasy 14 online. That game was <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> when it came out and was WAY worse than this! Remember when Everquest 2 came out? World of Warcraft QUEING to get onto a server?! Come on guys, really, come on. These situations are learning experiences. You have fun experiencing them and looking back and saying "remember when this happened?"

    In essence, here are some metaphors if you TLDR.

    You all are 9gag.

    You are all the cancer that is killing MMOs and made them how they are today. I will never forgive that you ruined my gaming experience past Planes of Power in Everquest.

    You all are skyrim players and do not even have the mental capacity to play games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls.

    You complainers are all basement dwellers. People like me who play casually sigh with all the hard work they did over a weekend or even for their entire game experience when wipes and roll backs happen because of your "polls" and aspie rage.

    YOU GUYS are killing this game. Cryptic is doing a good job and this game is REALLY fun. Perfect World might be having some difficulties with zen charges, but I am not reporting them to the BBB and trying to **** up their world and make people lose their jobs over my "inconveniences."

    "If you don't like it then leave". I am not leaving.

    None of you guys will agree with me. I don't care. I support these guys and all you guys want to do is give them a bad day. Try getting a job for once and have a customer give you a bad day after all the hard work you did. Try having a kid and them give you a bad day because they call you a bad parent after all you did for them. Try actually having a bad day, take away your narcissism, and think "what can I do to prevent other people from feeling how I feel right now?" So far, no people past Ultima Online have been able to do this.

    Again, you all are the cancer killing MMOs. Stop it.

    Great post.
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    I said the challenge of playing a lower tier class is fun.

    You know, I deleted my level-26 CW just this morning to make a GF just to see if all the *****ing about them not being useful was justified. Only made it to level 10 or 15 before these cat shenanigans happened, so no idea yet.

    Also, cats. As one person put it, "It seems the ingame currency was suddenly changed from AD into cats. So they had to take down the servers." Probably the most hilarious thing I've read all day.
  • robilllardrobilllard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have not got to play much so im not high level. I would not care if there was a wipe. I also thought all of these people are overreacting. prices will level out and new gear will come out. I agree with the OP. ya some of these things are bad. but these things happen in every game. Im down for a wipe. Yeah it would suck at first but they would refund everything of course I would hope. and hopefully give a awesome exp % buff or something. Either that or a big roll back. Let people keep their levels. Just take away all the other exploited stuff. Let them keep their gear even but not in their invent. or AH. They will get over it in a week.
  • kurokazeptkurokazept Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Kinda agree (with op), and I have played UO and WoW so yeah... And god was WoW awful -.- There was a time where it was downright depressing to be an Arms Warrior, then it was like "NYAN CATS AWESOME" then it was just the regular epic where it should've been... How did they fix it?... Time.

    Also... What's wrong against liking Skyrim and not Dark Souls? x.x Although I did enjoy Dark Souls that was too ******* hard for me... =/ Why the lack of love? x(
  • robilllardrobilllard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kurokazept wrote: »
    Also... What's wrong against liking Skyrim and not Dark Souls? x.x Although I did enjoy Dark Souls that was too ******* hard for me... =/ Why the lack of love? x(

    nothing at all. skyrim was a great game. I did not play dark souls or the other but i did want to until i found neverwinter. Either way I heard they were all great games. even though skyrim was dumbed down alot from earlie versions which is probably what he means.
  • supergp17supergp17 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I said the challenge of playing a lower tier class is fun. Finding work arounds with your own problem solving (like zerging a boss effectively or dodging groups of monsters) is fun. I don't go out of my way to find obvious and easy ways to get lots of gear and items. That is a waste of time and makes the game boring.

    I understand the idea behind problem solving and finding clever ways to beat content, but the issue most of us are bothered by is the AH exploit. I think if this exploit came out of the blue, that would be one thing, but unfortunately closed beta testers have confirmed that its been around the whole time. In fact the same exploit has occurred in Perfect Worlds other mmos.

    I can't speak for you, but if I was aware this was happening unabated, then I wouldn't have bought any zen until it was sorted.

    Concerning your original opinion about many mmo players being to whiny and a determent, I would actually agree with this. However, in this instance I think the complaints are warranted.

    Ultimately I think we can all agree in that hopefully they can find a clever way to fix this and get the game back on track.
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    kurokazept wrote: »
    What's wrong against liking Skyrim?

    The Elder Scroll series has been progressively dumbed-down in complexity the last two games. Even Morrowind was a little dumbed down compared to Daggerfall.

    That being said, I kinda still liked Oblivion; some of the story arcs were quite good. But I'm digressing from the topic for my own personal amusement.
  • aveloxiaveloxi Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kpon1 wrote: »
    If you are a person with a mindset other than this OP. Then you most likely are a liberal. Therefore you believe inconveniences to your personal life should be changed on a global scale to make your life the way you want it at the cost of all the others. You strengthen each of your statements with, "you just going to take that?" "Don't you deserve more?" "They owe us?" "Its my money"These types of thoughts cannot be countermanded with another statement without others blindly joining behind those that use such statements. Why? It is simple. They want their own agenda and solutions and create an obvious outcome statement and follow up with. "Then do as I day." It is the type of rally you do with mobs. It is not a solution and it is not giving criticism and it does not help anyone but the instigator. Neverwinter is a fine game with some minor launch issues that occurs now that people are more familiar with MMO and common possible exploits. Back in the 90's no one would be able to exploit easily. Now that experience has been learned in previous MMO's the people who can exploit, will exploit. They look for it. Purposefully. So it happens faster and on a larger scale is all. But it will happen and it will continue to happen with all MMO's. Its not about going backwards and punishing everyone else. its juts fixing it and going forward. The game will rectify itself. If your upset about being able to buy gear cheap, then you cannot be upset about something like rising gas prices. If the exploit is gone, people benefits, but the game is still the same fun game it was before, then now you got a fun game with one less exploit. Is that not a solution? of course someone will say no I want more. But lets face it, that same person would want more anyways until they have it all and then move on. Just fix the exploits as they come. No further actions are required.

    ROFL. Sorry, but you have such a skewed view of what a "liberal" is that it's funny. I don't count myself as a modern American liberal myself, but generally I think they believe many different ideas based on equality and civil rights, eg marriage equality.

    I said a scientific study in a peer-reviewed journal, not a slanted rant based on flawed arguments that rails against aforementioned scientific studies.
    People are also flocking with agreeing with me. Read the responses and see I don't think I have a superior attitude. I share the same attitude with a lot of people. Again, read the responses.

    Arguing to popularity.
    In essence, here are some metaphors if you TLDR.

    You all are 9gag.

    You are all the cancer that is killing MMOs and made them how they are today. I will never forgive that you ruined my gaming experience past Planes of Power in Everquest.

    You all are skyrim players and do not even have the mental capacity to play games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls.

    You complainers are all basement dwellers. People like me who play casually sigh with all the hard work they did over a weekend or even for their entire game experience when wipes and roll backs happen because of your "polls" and aspie rage.

    YOU GUYS are killing this game. Cryptic is doing a good job and this game is REALLY fun. Perfect World might be having some difficulties with zen charges, but I am not reporting them to the BBB and trying to **** up their world and make people lose their jobs over my "inconveniences."

    "If you don't like it then leave". I am not leaving.

    None of you guys will agree with me. I don't care. I support these guys and all you guys want to do is give them a bad day. Try getting a job for once and have a customer give you a bad day after all the hard work you did. Try having a kid and them give you a bad day because they call you a bad parent after all you did for them. Try actually having a bad day, take away your narcissism, and think "what can I do to prevent other people from feeling how I feel right now?" So far, no people past Ultima Online have been able to do this.

    Again, you all are the cancer killing MMOs. Stop it.
    You know by treating someone nicely you get better results. By instinct, people don't listen to people who are mean to them. You all are OVERREACTING to these situations. That was my point. Read the title of my post.
    By the way, if you want to make fun of me and throw ad hominems, I have an huge ant farm irl. I guess that can show how much of a fail I am.

    Ad hominem; hypocrite.
    To be fair, both sides slinging pointless insults.
    1) The famous "this game isn't balanced and exploits are everywhere": Don't roll back, don't wipe. I don't see how you guys feel these small problems break the game, conscious, or reality of you guys. There is absolutely no reason a video game economy should freak you guys out to the point of wanting a reset for insignificant problems. Here are some other mmo situations similar to this that will sooth you mind.

    <snipped list of games with exploits/bugs>

    AH Crash: The AH crashed because of an exploit. Get over it. All MMO and real life markets have balanced itself out over time. Time is the most powerful force on the internet. Your aspie angst makes you want to rage because everything isn't perfect ALL THE TIME.
    aveloxi wrote: »
    You have obviously never heard of hyper-inflation or the Zimbabwean dollar. In fact, Zimbabwea actually did a "wipe" of their economy and currency in order to fix their runaway hyper-inflation. Not the first time, nor the last.

    Also, ad hominem stereotype fail.
    World War 2


    Hyper Inflation

    Never wiped


    Moving goalposts.

    And others. Cba to find 'em. Please do point out where I'm mistaken.

    Basically, doing a poor/lazy job of something doesn't excuse Cryptic doing a worse job of it. As was pointed out, there were multiple known issues that were reported, and ignored.

    Also, either the forums are overloaded or my laptop's connection is. I'm orf loike, though I'm figuring this to be locked by the time I bother checking forums again. They make me sad for humanity.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aveloxi wrote: »
    ROFL. Sorry, but you have such a skewed view of what a "liberal" is that it's funny. I don't count myself as a modern American liberal myself, but generally I think they believe many different ideas based on equality and civil rights, eg marriage equality.

    I said a scientific study in a peer-reviewed journal, not a slanted rant based on flawed arguments that rails against aforementioned scientific studies.

    Arguing to popularity.

    Ad hominem; hypocrite.
    To be fair, both sides slinging pointless insults.

    Moving goalposts.

    And others. Cba to find 'em. Please do point out where I'm mistaken.

    Basically, doing a poor/lazy job of something doesn't excuse Cryptic doing a worse job of it. As was pointed out, there were multiple known issues that were reported, and ignored.

    Wow....you are everything that is annoying to me in a person...not because of your relentless work to pick apart what I am talking about, but just not getting the whole picture of what I am getting at. It's because...you are that type of person.
  • krayzeeonekrayzeeone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 67
    edited May 2013
    I have played a LOT of mmos in my life in a casual and sometimes hardcore manner. This game has very fun mechanics and is enjoyable to play. Here are some points concerning the exploits in the game in comparison to other mmo situations.

    1) The famous "this game isn't balanced and exploits are everywhere": Don't roll back, don't wipe. I don't see how you guys feel these small problems break the game, conscious, or reality of you guys. There is absolutely no reason a video game economy should freak you guys out to the point of wanting a reset for insignificant problems. Here are some other mmo situations similar to this that will sooth you mind.

    a) Everquest 1: People were exploiting raid mobs come first release. This especially happened with Cazic Thule being slow and being able to be kited by 1 necromancer. Those necromancers made a LOT of money selling the gear. What happened? SOE didn't do anything. Do you know why? Because it is a GAME MECHANIC. And you know what the appeal to the game was? That classes were UNBALANCED for that very reason. The players saw the gear was worthless and people progressing to better gear just bought the cheap Cazic Thule gear to get better gear. This was a natural balancing to the gear progression. You guys feel that everything needs to be fair and all classes need to be the same in order for the game to be fun. I'll get to that point later.

    b) Everquest 2: Potions with swashbucklers were exploited to allow them to infinitely do aoe moves and easily down dungeons. Templars were able to do anti-undead spec in Echoes of Faydwer and do more damage than a wizard. What happened? SOE fixed it, but the aftermath was tons of gear on AH being almost worthless. Time passed, more gear came out, and people MOVED ON. Again, you guys want this balanced game where everything is fair and there is no problem solving in order to beat the game. In essence, you want to play this game to not think about anything, but to just sit infront of your computer screens mindless and clicking. This takes all the fun out of video games. The exploits make the game FUN. When the exploits are fixed, you moan a little inside your mind, and MOVE ON.

    c) World of Warcraft: Tons of exploits with warlocks and rogues. Remember when it had the nickname World of Roguecraft? What happened? It got fixed, and the game WENT ON. Everyone MOVED ON. World of Warcraft became the top played MMO ever and people somehow are still satisfied about the game. Being one of the easiest MMOs ever,

    d) Ultima Online: Don't get me started. Most of you guys do not have the mind or will power to play that game. If you are a veteran, you will know about the endless times you have lost your gear and progress because of a simple mistiming of moves. Tons of exploits. The term "ganking" came from this game. Ganking happens in pvp in this game, and you guys literally CRY over it. Your aspie rage misguides you from the idea that you need to ADAPT AND EVOLVE strategies. Find ways to beat those who are beating you. Take for example 2d fighters. There exists tiers. Those tiers change because people find combinations to beat the existing winning combinations.

    e) Dark Age of Camelot: You all know that one of the factions in RvR was almost worthless. All it was was midgard vs. avalon. People still played the third realm because of the overwhelming CHALLENGE you get with the game. You guys don't want challenge. Again, you just want to click click click and expect a result for your click click clicking.

    2) AH Crash: The AH crashed because of an exploit. Get over it. All MMO and real life markets have balanced itself out over time. Time is the most powerful force on the internet. Your aspie angst makes you want to rage because everything isn't perfect ALL THE TIME. What do you EXPECT from normal people?! You want them to be GODS? A LOT of games don't have good initial releases. This game IS NOT A DISASTER. Look at Final Fantasy 14 online. That game was <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> when it came out and was WAY worse than this! Remember when Everquest 2 came out? World of Warcraft QUEING to get onto a server?! Come on guys, really, come on. These situations are learning experiences. You have fun experiencing them and looking back and saying "remember when this happened?"

    In essence, here are some metaphors if you TLDR.

    You all are 9gag.

    You are all the cancer that is killing MMOs and made them how they are today. I will never forgive that you ruined my gaming experience past Planes of Power in Everquest.

    You all are skyrim players and do not even have the mental capacity to play games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls.

    You complainers are all basement dwellers. People like me who play casually sigh with all the hard work they did over a weekend or even for their entire game experience when wipes and roll backs happen because of your "polls" and aspie rage.

    YOU GUYS are killing this game. Cryptic is doing a good job and this game is REALLY fun. Perfect World might be having some difficulties with zen charges, but I am not reporting them to the BBB and trying to **** up their world and make people lose their jobs over my "inconveniences."

    "If you don't like it then leave". I am not leaving.

    None of you guys will agree with me. I don't care. I support these guys and all you guys want to do is give them a bad day. Try getting a job for once and have a customer give you a bad day after all the hard work you did. Try having a kid and them give you a bad day because they call you a bad parent after all you did for them. Try actually having a bad day, take away your narcissism, and think "what can I do to prevent other people from feeling how I feel right now?" So far, no people past Ultima Online have been able to do this.

    Again, you all are the cancer killing MMOs. Stop it.

    Well you missed the boat on those games because none of them were F2P (then) with real money changing hands, nor are any of those cheats on the same order as this one.
  • superrioisksuperrioisk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aveloxi wrote: »
    ROFL. Sorry, but you have such a skewed view of what a "liberal" is that it's funny. I don't count myself as a modern American liberal myself, but generally I think they believe many different ideas based on equality and civil rights, eg marriage equality.

    I said a scientific study in a peer-reviewed journal, not a slanted rant based on flawed arguments that rails against aforementioned scientific studies.

    Arguing to popularity.

    Ad hominem; hypocrite.
    To be fair, both sides slinging pointless insults.

    Moving goalposts.

    And others. Cba to find 'em. Please do point out where I'm mistaken.

    Basically, doing a poor/lazy job of something doesn't excuse Cryptic doing a worse job of it. As was pointed out, there were multiple known issues that were reported, and ignored.

    Also, you want to call sociology scientific? You're demanding standards that aren't real. I mean, what I read is not totally anecdotal because it has a lot of fact about the effects of feminism when it comes to men's rights. Only court cases and written experiences can justify that. Do you even think sociology can come up with something beyond cogency?

    Moving the goalpost? By responding to many different people seeing my argument in many different ways and responding to them a form of goal posting? Do you REALLY exist?
  • justinlittlejustinlittle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great post, I hope cryptic can see that some people want them to succeed.
  • soulshamansoulshaman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow and you are everything that is annoying to me in a person.
    I have read this entire thread and you make a bullocks argument full of insults to anyone who may disagree with you and when proved wrong time and time again refuse to acknowledge you are wrong or you own hypocrisy thereby invalidating any possible points you may have made that are valid.
    In order for some to see the picture of what you are getting at they would have to have similar views to your own, and to you and them anyone who disagrees with your side is (add insult here) are just wrong and just doesn't get it....
  • funkmasterrickfunkmasterrick Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    I do believe you just accused me of insulting people, good sir! I rebuke this.
  • dobies4lifedobies4life Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To the OP:
    This exploit most resembles the banker stuck in the wall in najena in original Everquest. In EQ's bug the banker would exchange platinum to gold at the proper rate. but when gold went to platinum, it gave 1:1. It created money out of thin air. You could stand there and just cycle the coins back and forth. Making 100x profit with 2 clicks.

    Game mechanics lead to certain classes being able to do things, as you stated. However the EQ example as well as our situation here are not game mechanics, they are game errors. Which should be reported and fixed.Neither got done. Which is just as insulting as sony saying" its working as intended." then they would ninja patch it out. Eq's economy never recovered from the najena banker. I dont know how much plat was created, but everything was expensive from then on.
  • godlesscoyotegodlesscoyote Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What OP said. He's right on every single count. ban the cheaters (it's what they're doing) fix the exploits (also in the works) and the inflated economy will fix it self (that's how real life even works!).

    So, why don't we leave the fixing to the professionals and relax a little guys.

    And for the record, my only toon is lvl 31, I had no idea any of the exploits were in place and I never benefited from them at all. I mostly soloed or did groups from the queue.

    Wait to rage out over things still being broken once the fixes are in place. Why not see what the people who are paid to build and maintain the game do, before you start making crazy demands.
  • drwarpeffectdrwarpeffect Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I also started online MMOs before EQ, Isles of Kesmai. The notion that this is only a minor problem and then arguing that previous MMOs were successful and survived bad problems and so people complaining about this problem are childish shows the OP is way off the mark in his final conclusion although it is true enough that previous MMOs overcame major problems. There is no excuse for this latest exploit problem. Trying to alibi PWE out because other MMOs survived bad problems is a very poor argument. Attacking people that give negative feedback over this problem is ridiculous. Luckily, the OP will have no weight in the only real venue that matters, the market. The game will either make money or it won't. Problems like the current one will hurt the game's profitability. People do complain sometimes when they shouldn't, but when a company boneheads one like this occasion, it is certainly called for to call a big mistake, "a big mistake."
  • hercul33thercul33t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 190 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Dear OP, I noticed all the games you listed had zero real world money tied into their ingame economy.

    Do you see the problems in your comparisons?
    Dr. Herc trilogy NWS-DHDPDVTMA
  • jadedlilithjadedlilith Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    Also, you want to call sociology scientific? You're demanding standards that aren't real. I mean, what I read is not totally anecdotal because it has a lot of fact about the effects of feminism when it comes to men's rights. Only court cases and written experiences can justify that. Do you even think sociology can come up with something beyond cogency?

    Moving the goalpost? By responding to many different people seeing my argument in many different ways and responding to them a form of goal posting? Do you REALLY exist?

    Effects of feminism: Women are treated equally as human beings.
  • cera001cera001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Call Obama and tell him to start printing more Zen... I feel a bailout coming.

    Sadly the exploiters have golden parachutes using Fake IP's and programs that mask hardware etc etc...

    Wipe the servers clean or feel the wrath of my mighty keyboard *cough*

    Or just refund everybody their zen who spend real money
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    secksyx wrote: »
    Quite the opposite. A wipe is the only sure fire way to keep the cash paying customer's money value intact.
    They would simply do a full wipe, then recharge all Zen back to player's accounts who paid for it.

    Except they won't: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?262972-Astral-Diamond-Exchange-and-Auction-House-Offline&p=3392052&viewfull=1#post3392052
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • mustachemavmustachemav Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    +1 to OP for attempting to bestow logic and reason

    However while i applaud the attempt i feel that it will fall mostly on deaf ears, sadly.
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  • travail01travail01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I hope the OP isn't trying to say that Blizzard never rolled back their WoW servers, because that is incorrect. Within the first 2 months of launch, Blizzard had to roll back their servers something like 4 or 5 times. They even extended subscription times to make up it.

    Sometimes, it's the right thing to do. Like when your economy has been completely destroyed by auction house exploits. And remember, they did this when there was no "cash shop" or real money being exchanged (legally) in their game. They still felt that certain bugs were important enough to warrant server rollbacks.

    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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