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I've spent $650 in Zen and I support a Complete Wipe.



  • worzabonkworzabonk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Except having the mount or not really makes no difference to how you play. Sorry, but that's just how it is.

    And being forced to play a game where the economy is beyond broken, the exploiters get away scott free (mules have all their AD, they'll just make new accounts), and legitimate players are at a massive disadvantage over those who gained from the exploits...just so a few people can keep their pretty my little horsie? No thanks.
  • lazyboy916lazyboy916 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The ONLY people against a wipe are the exploiters. Its pretty simple.
  • drakesigardrakesigar Member Posts: 231 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    wipe it.

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  • dezrethdezreth Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sadly, they are reiterating that a full wipe is off the table.

    @omgitzslashgame I see people saying "wipe" -- do you mean like a complete, beginning-of-time wipe? I can guarantee that won't happen.
  • sirkimjongsirkimjong Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 97
    edited May 2013
    Just posted on twitter:

    I see people saying "wipe" -- do you mean like a complete, beginning-of-time wipe? I can guarantee that won't happen.
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So sad to see some people on these forums who desire or enjoy being punished for the transgressions of others.

    There will be no full wipe.. No matter how much some people will whine. So if you were planning on quitting if there was not going to be a full wipe you best pack your bags.. Nobody will miss you anyways.

    From Twitter:

    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame
    @omgitzslashgame I see people saying "wipe" -- do you mean like a complete, beginning-of-time wipe? I can guarantee that won't happen.
  • citi913citi913 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xphantasmx wrote: »
    Full wipe, lol , who is the joker, Cryptic or the fools who presume and post no matter what comes to their feeble minds?
    Wipe the game and thousands of players will leave the game , having problems , well sort them out , just don't dare play around with people's time or money , you might find yourselves with a big problem in your hands.

    WHERE BORN confusion
  • shaggy73shaggy73 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wiping an open beta game will make them lose that game enough said 50%~ of their players including me would quit the only reason A lot of people started playing seriously is the fact that we were PROMISED no wipes if i don't trust the company who runs the game I wont play the game to avoid further mistakes they will lose a lot of members which you DO NOT want to do with a game that is soon to be released this game will most likely die if its reset new people arnt going to want to play a game with a lack of players there are too many mmos to choose from let alone one as "under the radar" as this one.
  • kingquaokingquao Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame 1m
    @DjDazzled Whatever ends up happening, complete wipes are off the table, and we'll work to minimize the impact while fixing the issue.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zylaxx wrote: »
    Now that we know the Economy is completely broken due to these exploits I am in favor of a complete and total wipe. Even though I spent alot of real life $$$ I support a game that doesn't have a broken economy and lets face it, any attempt at a piece meal fix will only leave gaps and some exploiters uneffected. The only sure fire fix is a total wipe and redo.

    Besides this will have the benefit of making it easier to plan my expenditures.

    99% of the exploits existed in CBT , so I'm not really sure why they went into OBT with a LIVE working cash shop anyways .

    I can understand that the company needs money and all but ignoring such major flaws and glitches is a clear sign of incompetence the way I see it not to mention lazyness of going through all the bug reports and fixing them .

    A full wipe might just save the game in the last second , if the devs get lucky and drink form the common sense filled cups that have been given away freely on the forums by people who are actually concerned about what will happen to the game we all enjoy playing .
  • qinnuxqinnux Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so ether way:
    Wipe = zen users will be dominating, half of Free players quit and many paid players chargeback.
    No wipe = Some free players quit together with paid players (who also chargeback).

    Ether way it will be screwed and game loses plenty of population and becomes ether a economically broken mess or a complete pay to win game.
  • spookontheloosespookontheloose Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zylaxx wrote: »
    now that we know the economy is completely broken due to these exploits i am in favor of a complete and total wipe. Even though i spent alot of real life $$$ i support a game that doesn't have a broken economy and lets face it, any attempt at a piece meal fix will only leave gaps and some exploiters uneffected. The only sure fire fix is a total wipe and redo.

    Besides this will have the benefit of making it easier to plan my expenditures.

  • zerrishzerrish Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    **** you stupid people. This is a BETA, and wipes are part of it. You should all know it could happen and be prepared for it. Live with it.
  • samanthyasamanthya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    lazyboy916 wrote: »
    The ONLY people against a wipe are the exploiters. Its pretty simple.

    I don't exploit and am against a wipe.

    I've also spent over 1k on this game and am very much against a wipe. You're talking over 100k Zen they'd be returning to several peoples accounts not to mention the AD + having to find some way to even out the 5 day head start those of us paid for.
  • shaggy73shaggy73 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wiping will kill the game not wiping the game will damage it and take a while to go back to normal they messed up and we'll see how they resolve it judging on their decision will decide how well they can run this game
  • imperius85imperius85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's just a game, you've already spent countless hours of your real life wasted by sitting here and clicking a mouse and pushing buttons on a keyboard rather than doing something beneficial and im sure you all intend to do so again, either with this game or another. I vote wipe, people are going to cry about it if you dont and people are going to cry about it if you do.. just do it, people will get over it. I however do not vote to wipe the foundry quests, keep those please!!
  • qinnuxqinnux Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    that lame excuse that only exploiters are against it is wrong - rather mostly only heavy cash users are FOR it - they get all their wasted money back.

    Im against it - its nto a solution and breaks mroe then it fixes.

    And iv only played the game for 12h and got a lvl 11 character.
  • imperviumimpervium Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lazyboy916 wrote: »
    The ONLY people against a wipe are the exploiters. Its pretty simple.

    Or people like me, who spend little time on the forums, and don't know much (or want to know) what all the hubbub is about. All I want to do is continue to play and enjoy the game in peace, and not have to sacrifice days or weeks of progress because some exploiter/criminal did something they shouldn't have. And frankly, I think wipes and rollbacks represent the "last word" for these criminals, by guaranteeing that TOS-abiding folks like me are punished severely for THEIR actions.

    I don't normally respond to posts like yours, but you've definitely "won" the forum game here if you were seeking to offend someone's delicate sensibilities. When I log into the game this evening, I'll be doing it with a sense of trepidation. I wish I had never looked at the forums today because my entire sense security of progress and character belongings is pretty shaken after seeing the mob cry for a wipe--something the devs have stated will not occur.

    This is the first game I've really started to fall for after losing City of Heroes. Now I'm wondering if I'll have to kiss all my progress here goodbye. I'm really starting to wonder if this hobby is worth it.

    [SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]

    Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
    @Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
  • bighardstrongbighardstrong Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do not support a wipe. I haven't invested a lot of time in this game yet, and i haven't paid for anything.. But it's way too excessive. As one guy said, fix the game first and then wipe it, if you're gonna.
  • graymannngraymannn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    breatha wrote: »
    I would really be sad about a wipe. I got to 60 last night with my cleric, and it was a very long, hard grind.

    do you seriously call this game a grind?? kids nowadays makes me laugh.. shoulda been back there in everquest 1 getting to max lvl now thats a grind lvling here is a joke
  • doctahgdoctahg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't; want a full wipe at all. What they did doesn't affect me one bit. I could care less. The game has been in beta. How can a lousy AH setup in Beta possible be a problem for me or anyone else? Punish the losers, not the people having fun and minding their own business. Just make sure they get tracked down as best as possible.
  • krewcifykrewcify Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Live with the fact, they said no wipes. Be prepared for no wipe, live with it.
  • imperviumimpervium Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    doctahg wrote: »
    punish the losers, not the people having fun and minding their own business.

    This. ^^^^

    [SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]

    Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
    @Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
  • ronsonjonronsonjon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "I've spent $650 in Zen and I support a Complete Wipe."

    I also have spent that and bought a Founders Pack. Seriously not sure I will ever feel like anything was done fairly unless they roll back.

    They then can refund my Zen and Founders Ad's, items etc. But really what was the intent to make every Epic drop BOE and let anyone roll on the items ? That only promotes farming for sales of every item that drops.

    I say again I am lvl 60 and have a full set of descent gear and weapons from the traditional dungeon runs with normal grps. But I am willing to give it all back to see everything start fresh with a normal balance.

    If not I guess I will settle for a complete refund of all my money spent on this game.
  • maiku217maiku217 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Invested Time? Investment would mean you expect a return.... Unless you work for PW, none of your time in Neverwinter was ever an investment.

    Enjoyment, fun with friends, meet new people, adventuring through quests. Could go on and on but a game hopper wouldn't understand.
  • lordbane40lordbane40 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    I support a wipe, and I have sunk a lot of time into the game. This is Cryptic/PWE's fault as much as the exploiters but if things stand the way they are, I think more people will lose out in the long run. A full refund of all Zen purchased and starting over with my Founder's pack would be fine if I can play a game without people exploiting/cheating/ruining things this time around. Nerf Foundry and PVP XP and crack down on AFK bots after you fix the exploits.

    PS - Make leveling a little slower so people can actually enjoy doing dailies and quests without outleveling them so quickly.
  • skoalface007skoalface007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 45
    edited May 2013
    They are actually considering of a wipe now.

    Are you blind? Which part of that suggested that they are considering a wipe?
  • alexlawwalexlaww Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i don't get it why people are asking for a wipe, there will be more exploits probably, will you be asking for a wipe every month?
    just look at what happened in Diablo 3 in their last patch... a gold dupe and the game is allready on 1 year, not to talk about the experience blizzard has with wow and that still happened, this is a new game it still has many bugs and will still have them, it will take like a year or so to perfect it, don't be dumb people, think before you ask for something that doesn't even make sense
  • imperviumimpervium Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All I've done is play and enjoy and love your game. I sincerely request not to be punished for this.

    Go find the criminals and punish them. I hope that you will.

    Please do not sweep the rest of the players up in that process.

    [SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]

    Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
    @Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
  • iuliandreiiuliandrei Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 143 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    And I spent a 1000$ and am against a wipe since I dont wan't to grind through 2 level 20 professions again and lose my 60 and raid gear.

    That`s alot of money, although with 1000$ i'm pretty sure you can level 2 prof at 20 within a couple of hours and buy full T2 gear

    Also regarding the title and the kind of posts here i don't think people who spend the most money should decide how to handle this situation, although knowing PWE you never know.

    If anyone would ask me for a vote i may say full wipe but still this doesn't ensure something similar to never happen again, so you can't expect full wipes until everything is settled. They also have this "open beta" excuse, which in the PWE dictionary means "this is our game but expect **** to go haywire at any time"
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