So you guys are banning all these people for "exploiting". How about a little clarification as to what exatly the exploit is? How about instead of just mass banning people and not giving them a real reason, you guys inform the community of your reasoning? Learn how to manage a game please...
sounds like someones mad because they actually got caught.
Its sad. They just have no idea to manage a game and have ZERO communication with their community! This is going to cause this game to fail no doubt!
Between twitter, facebook, and this forum, I'd say this team has EXCELLENT communication. If you are exploiting, you know you are doing it, so why cry about the punishment when you get busted? You can play the innocent victim, ignorant in the knowledge that you were exploiting, but no one buys that. If banning cheaters is what ends a game for you, so be it, we are better off without you.
The exact same awful stupid mistake Arena Net made with GW2, you're killing your own game by banning people for BETA TESTING. How absolutely stupid can you be!?
And how stupid do you think we are? Do you really think we're going to believe you, with a freshly minted account and only this one post in your history?
Man up and come forward. You were caught exploiting a bug, which is a whole different story than actually beta testing, finding said bug and reporting it then moving on. But NOOOOOOOOOOO. You had to tell all your friends and bring them along for the ride.
Now that you're caught and punishment is being hoo. You want sympathy. Go to a nunnery and find it. Sympathy is not located here.
TL; DR : There's a big difference between actually beta testing and exploiting a bug.
The exact same awful stupid mistake Arena Net made with GW2, you're killing your own game by banning people for BETA TESTING. How absolutely stupid can you be!?
Lol wut!? ANet's handling of why people were banned by doing that AMA was epic! Stupid mistake my ***. Banning exploiters didn't kill GW2, their dungeon design did. Besides no sub means that game goes in waves for player base. Just like this game will as they release new content/classes.
the point is even if they got banned, they know 3 days is nothing, they still cry like babyes, which makes me get sick!
I would literally ban their accounts from even accessing the website.
Agree 100%. 3 day ban for ruining the economy? Seems like nothing. I earned my 60 and my 1-2 mil AD legit.
Profile name / Ingame handle: @FearGXxD
Shard: Mindflayer
Characters: Grim, Rune, Holy, Ruin - If the name isn't the @FearGXxD handle, it's not me!
terradraconisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
So you guys are banning all these people for "exploiting". How about a little clarification as to what exatly the exploit is? How about instead of just mass banning people and not giving them a real reason, you guys inform the community of your reasoning? Learn how to manage a game please...
And people said no one would actually get banned. heh.
Not agreeing with OP in any way, shape, or form; but is the economy really broken? IDK enough about economic, but I would think that if people are still buying, its not broken beyond repair.
Not agreeing with OP in any way, shape, or form; but is the economy really broken? IDK enough about economic, but I would think that if people are still buying, its not broken beyond repair.
No such thing as broken. But if there is a surplus of diamonds obtained by illegitimate means, then there is less desire for others to obtain them legitimately. From a market point it can break the game, but not the market itself. That will always just be in constant flux. Farming purples that's supposed to be end game gear can most certainly destroy a community. Especially for a game in its infancy.
Hey, everyone. We appreciate your enthusiasm on this matter and assure you that we take this very seriously. This is still an ongoing investigation. We will continue to look at all possible causes, solutions, and consequences as a result.
If your account was affected, please contact our Support Team,, for a more private discussion. We don't want to publicly shame anyone and ensure you, the Neverwinter community, that any actions taken are done so with the community's best interest in mind.
notoriouspyroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
Woohoo! People are getting banned for cheating! The only people complaining are those butthurt about gaining unfair advantages!
Mature, friendly, laid back international guild. Newbie friendly. Expect banter. We have TS3 and guild bank. Must want to help other guild members out and get help in return. Message me (Walgeon@notoriouspyro) for info!
If this game is still in Open Beta then there should be character wipes at the end of it.
That is so they can find and kill any bug's/exploits that are found.
Then the game should get a release and everyone will start the same.The second they said there will be no more Wipe's that tell's me the game is no longer in Beta and the game is released.
And anyone found to be exploiting should be permanently band
You realize that a good beta tester finds a bug, reports it, and doesn't do it again.
An exploiter finds a bug and does it again and again and again. The person that originally found the gf bug should have bug reported it and removed the armor until it was patched. That is good beta testing, anything else is exploiting.
It's still a beta.
gilderonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
While I am not a big fan of abusing exploits, what do you say to the GF who legitimately had the set, and who only had that set? Is it their fault that the bug existed? Should they be forced to undo all the work done to get the set, and resort to blue gear just because cryptic isn't very good at coding?
While the boss respawn exploit was most certainly an exploit, because it required specific actions to trigger, the gf set bug just, well, it just required you to wear the gear that you found. I feel like banning for the GF bug across the board could harm a lot of relatively innocent people. Not to say people who abused the hell out of it don't deserve to be punished, but I don't know that you can equate it with some of the more.. mechanical exploits directly.
Honestly i believe you are going to lose a ton of customers and now your game is going to fail...CONGRATS!!!!!
It is a good and important move to ban players who exploited and and profited from bugs. If the game loses those people, then I think this is excellent news. Games don't fail because they ban exploiters swiftly. They thrive and grow when they kick out those kind of players.
If it is only 72h, then I think this is not enough, unless they get their AD and Zen market purchases removed (if they exploited the GF glitch and the Neverdeath quest). Otherwise the message is that you can exploit and make millions of AD (that other people pay and paid for) and the worst that can happen is that you can't play for half a week.
savadiousMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I found people EXPLOITING A BUG and they are not banned !
The bug I found is EASY TO REPLICATE !
1. Press and hold SHIFT
2. Press MOVE
You character will VIBRATE IN PLACE !
This bug gains ZERO MONETARY ADVANTAGE and you can do it over and over again with no fear of being banned...
I was aware of the leveling and boss farming/loot farming bugs and I was so ANTI-EXPLOIT that I spent $400 USD in zen and simply GAVE IT AWAY IN THE AUCTION HOUSE ON WORTHLESS ITEMS !
Now my conscious is clear... I knew how to make MILLIONS OF AD and simply walked away...
Better yet... walked away and gave all my zen/AD away !
I know I will not be rewarded in this life.... But my soul will rest .... and I will be rewarded on the astral plane !
Bear in mind that the 3-day ban is the start.
It is something that can be handed around to many players who are under suspicion without overly punishing the innocent, and preventing the guilty from passing their ill-gotten gains to accomplices.
It gives PWE a time window to do more thorough investigation. I'd bet that many of the exploiters get their 72-hour ban extended or even made permanent before the duration is up.
Thanks for posting your feedback and thoughts here. Responding to exploits and keeping the game balanced is a huge priority for us.
That said, there were a few recent exploits in the game that allowed players to defeat bosses at a rate higher than intended (by re-spawning them) or without the appropriate level of challenge (by utilizing a glitch that would cause a player's damage to be way higher than it should have been).
Both of these issues have, to our knowledge, been resolved in the recent patches. However, we are still in the process of reviewing the logs and taking action against specific accounts that are deemed to have utilized the exploits to a level that we feel is worthy of temporary or permanent account closure.
Any notifications of bans will likely take place over private one-to-one correspondence between us and the individuals, however we do plan to make an announcement when we have completed the investigation and follow up actions so that everyone can be aware that our target milestone of maintaining the game's balance and economy has been met.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work this out!
OMG!!! damage stacking???? thats what killed the game Raiderz!!!
damage stackers got banned, soon, many guilds started to dissolve,..soon only new players played and got bored,... soon only high lvls existed,.. soon, new players found it hard to get a party with priest,.. soon many left,... soon it became silent.....
I found people EXPLOITING A BUG and they are not banned !
The bug I found is EASY TO REPLICATE !
1. Press and hold SHIFT
2. Press MOVE
You character will VIBRATE IN PLACE !
This bug gains ZERO MONETARY ADVANTAGE and you can do it over and over again with no fear of being banned...
I was aware of the leveling and boss farming/loot farming bugs and I was so ANTI-EXPLOIT that I spent $400 USD in zen and simply GAVE IT AWAY IN THE AUCTION HOUSE ON WORTHLESS ITEMS !
Now my conscious is clear... I knew how to make MILLIONS OF AD and simply walked away...
Better yet... walked away and gave all my zen/AD away !
I know I will not be rewarded in this life.... But my soul will rest .... and I will be rewarded on the astral plane !
This slot is for doctor house to say stuff to you, what he does best
OMG!!! damage stacking???? thats what killed the game Raiderz!!!
damage stackers got banned, soon, many guilds started to dissolve,..soon only new players played and got bored,... soon only high lvls existed,.. soon, new players found it hard to get a party with priest,.. soon many left,... soon it became silent.....
Raiderz population drop was from the lack of content.the exploiters just made more legit players quit faster,the game had become too tainted for some.
people who repeatedly exploit the same bug should be perm banned,this shows the company sticking up for legit players.unfortunately pwe has been iffy on doing this.
At least have the decency to eat your 3 days hold doing something useful instead raging on the forums knowing you're on fault.
This is from post #6 and is the first mention of a 3-Day Ban. I've read every post in this thread and many are frustrated that these exploiters are "only getting 3-Day Suspension". I don't think this is the case. Granted, there is likely a post somewhere between the OP and #6 that could have been deleted and I have not seen.
However, based on Dezstravus' comments, I'm willing the throw real money in a wager that those exploiters who really exploited have permanent bans (a.k.a. "Banned", which by definition is "permanent") and those who received temporary bans (a.k.a. "suspension", as in "temporary" as opposed to "permanent", which is a "ban") and those are the ones in the majority of disciplined accounts.
In other words, those who received suspensions likely received what they deserved based on the level of their own participation in these shenanigans. Those deserving bans were banned. I have no doubt Cryptic powers-that-be will err on the safer side, but surely those who deserve full-out bans will be banned.
Can they just create shiny new accounts? Possibly. But that's all well and good. The point being their exploiter accounts are now basically moot and no longer accessible.
If this game is still in Open Beta then there should be character wipes at the end of it.
That is so they can find and kill any bug's/exploits that are found.
Then the game should get a release and everyone will start the same.The second they said there will be no more Wipe's that tell's me the game is no longer in Beta and the game is released.
And anyone found to be exploiting should be permanently band
It isn't quite that easy. There is a decent chance that Neverwinter either A) Never ends their 'Open Beta' or the 'Open Beta' lasts more than 6 months. That seems to be the trend amongst game releases these days.
The whole idea of an open beta these days is to allow a company to make money on a game that is really not ready for release. Chances are there will be no actual release (though I truly hope Neverwinter is the exception to this rule).
sounds like someones mad because they actually got caught.
Between twitter, facebook, and this forum, I'd say this team has EXCELLENT communication. If you are exploiting, you know you are doing it, so why cry about the punishment when you get busted? You can play the innocent victim, ignorant in the knowledge that you were exploiting, but no one buys that. If banning cheaters is what ends a game for you, so be it, we are better off without you.
And how stupid do you think we are? Do you really think we're going to believe you, with a freshly minted account and only this one post in your history?
Man up and come forward. You were caught exploiting a bug, which is a whole different story than actually beta testing, finding said bug and reporting it then moving on. But NOOOOOOOOOOO. You had to tell all your friends and bring them along for the ride.
Now that you're caught and punishment is being hoo. You want sympathy. Go to a nunnery and find it. Sympathy is not located here.
TL; DR : There's a big difference between actually beta testing and exploiting a bug.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Lol wut!? ANet's handling of why people were banned by doing that AMA was epic! Stupid mistake my ***. Banning exploiters didn't kill GW2, their dungeon design did. Besides no sub means that game goes in waves for player base. Just like this game will as they release new content/classes.
Loki < The Illuminati > 60 - Control Wizard
Protocol 60 - Great Weapon Fighter
Agree 100%. 3 day ban for ruining the economy? Seems like nothing. I earned my 60 and my 1-2 mil AD legit.
Shard: Mindflayer
Characters: Grim, Rune, Holy, Ruin - If the name isn't the @FearGXxD handle, it's not me!
And people said no one would actually get banned. heh.
They always say that until they're banned. Why I always smh at those delusional posts.
No such thing as broken. But if there is a surplus of diamonds obtained by illegitimate means, then there is less desire for others to obtain them legitimately. From a market point it can break the game, but not the market itself. That will always just be in constant flux. Farming purples that's supposed to be end game gear can most certainly destroy a community. Especially for a game in its infancy.
If your account was affected, please contact our Support Team,, for a more private discussion. We don't want to publicly shame anyone and ensure you, the Neverwinter community, that any actions taken are done so with the community's best interest in mind.
Mature, friendly, laid back international guild. Newbie friendly. Expect banter. We have TS3 and guild bank. Must want to help other guild members out and get help in return. Message me (Walgeon@notoriouspyro) for info!
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Memories of Krynn ( NW-DMM8MANTM ) Save The Forgotten Realms from th[SIZE=-1]e Queen of Darkness![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
The inspiration for the Ansalon NW Foundry Project
That is so they can find and kill any bug's/exploits that are found.
Then the game should get a release and everyone will start the same.The second they said there will be no more Wipe's that tell's me the game is no longer in Beta and the game is released.
And anyone found to be exploiting should be permanently band
It's still a beta.
While the boss respawn exploit was most certainly an exploit, because it required specific actions to trigger, the gf set bug just, well, it just required you to wear the gear that you found. I feel like banning for the GF bug across the board could harm a lot of relatively innocent people. Not to say people who abused the hell out of it don't deserve to be punished, but I don't know that you can equate it with some of the more.. mechanical exploits directly.
I don't care as long as they don't make me get to level 15 again to get foundry access to my missions
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Memories of Krynn ( NW-DMM8MANTM ) Save The Forgotten Realms from th[SIZE=-1]e Queen of Darkness![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
The inspiration for the Ansalon NW Foundry Project
Perma bans were in order for exploiting.
It is a good and important move to ban players who exploited and and profited from bugs. If the game loses those people, then I think this is excellent news. Games don't fail because they ban exploiters swiftly. They thrive and grow when they kick out those kind of players.
If it is only 72h, then I think this is not enough, unless they get their AD and Zen market purchases removed (if they exploited the GF glitch and the Neverdeath quest). Otherwise the message is that you can exploit and make millions of AD (that other people pay and paid for) and the worst that can happen is that you can't play for half a week.
The bug I found is EASY TO REPLICATE !
1. Press and hold SHIFT
2. Press MOVE
You character will VIBRATE IN PLACE !
This bug gains ZERO MONETARY ADVANTAGE and you can do it over and over again with no fear of being banned...
I was aware of the leveling and boss farming/loot farming bugs and I was so ANTI-EXPLOIT that I spent $400 USD in zen and simply GAVE IT AWAY IN THE AUCTION HOUSE ON WORTHLESS ITEMS !
Now my conscious is clear... I knew how to make MILLIONS OF AD and simply walked away...
Better yet... walked away and gave all my zen/AD away !
I know I will not be rewarded in this life.... But my soul will rest .... and I will be rewarded on the astral plane !
It is something that can be handed around to many players who are under suspicion without overly punishing the innocent, and preventing the guilty from passing their ill-gotten gains to accomplices.
It gives PWE a time window to do more thorough investigation. I'd bet that many of the exploiters get their 72-hour ban extended or even made permanent before the duration is up.
OMG!!! damage stacking???? thats what killed the game Raiderz!!!
damage stackers got banned, soon, many guilds started to dissolve,..soon only new players played and got bored,... soon only high lvls existed,.. soon, new players found it hard to get a party with priest,.. soon many left,... soon it became silent.....
Because a 72 hour ban for making millions or even tens of millions of AD will really scare the exploiter.
This slot is for doctor house to say stuff to you, what he does best
Raiderz population drop was from the lack of content.the exploiters just made more legit players quit faster,the game had become too tainted for some.
people who repeatedly exploit the same bug should be perm banned,this shows the company sticking up for legit players.unfortunately pwe has been iffy on doing this.
This is from post #6 and is the first mention of a 3-Day Ban. I've read every post in this thread and many are frustrated that these exploiters are "only getting 3-Day Suspension". I don't think this is the case. Granted, there is likely a post somewhere between the OP and #6 that could have been deleted and I have not seen.
However, based on Dezstravus' comments, I'm willing the throw real money in a wager that those exploiters who really exploited have permanent bans (a.k.a. "Banned", which by definition is "permanent") and those who received temporary bans (a.k.a. "suspension", as in "temporary" as opposed to "permanent", which is a "ban") and those are the ones in the majority of disciplined accounts.
In other words, those who received suspensions likely received what they deserved based on the level of their own participation in these shenanigans. Those deserving bans were banned. I have no doubt Cryptic powers-that-be will err on the safer side, but surely those who deserve full-out bans will be banned.
Can they just create shiny new accounts? Possibly. But that's all well and good. The point being their exploiter accounts are now basically moot and no longer accessible.
It isn't quite that easy. There is a decent chance that Neverwinter either A) Never ends their 'Open Beta' or
The whole idea of an open beta these days is to allow a company to make money on a game that is really not ready for release. Chances are there will be no actual release (though I truly hope Neverwinter is the exception to this rule).
And it's also the only way to actually solve the problem. Bans do nothing.